Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1492: Kasha is the strictest

Jiangsu leaned against the door, and said, "Wearing such high heels, are you acting on stilts?"

Jiang Momo turned around, "The road to Yuanjia is narrow."

The clerk thought that the two were enemies, and wanted to protect the eldest lady and young mistress.

Unexpectedly, the eldest lady and young grandmother of his family waved at the man, "Nephew, crawl in and check for aunt, which pair of high heels look good."

Ning'er and Jiangsu went in, and Ning'er was watching carefully. Jiangsu was sitting on the sofa and said, "It's better to poke two sticks under the slippers, and you can still walk on stilts."

Miss Jiang said while she was smug: "Why didn't I slap you in the face while wearing slippers, and poked your mouth with a stick?"

Ning'er held her boyfriend back to prevent him from saying, "Brother Xiao Su, you can't beat Auntie, don't use your weakness to collide with Auntie's strength."

"Did you hear that?" Jiang Momo finally matched another outfit, took a photo and sent it to Su Linyan, "Brother Su, does it look good?"


Within a few minutes, Team Su received a text message deduction notice.

He smiled dotingly, Xiaomo is hard to raise.

After walking out of the mall, Jiang Momo wanted to visit other brand stores, and the couple went directly to the children's area upstairs. Jiangsu looked at the small schoolbag, holding a blue one, "I will also buy one for Xiaolongbao, who will go to kindergarten in the second half of this year."

Ning'er took a white one for her younger brother, "Brother Xiao Su, my younger brother is obsessed with cleanliness now~"

"Our younger brother."

"Oh, my brother."


Ning'er laughed, "Ah Shu pays attention to hygiene now. My father has a beard and kisses him, but he insists on my father shaving his beard. Kissing him with the smell of alcohol is not good, tigers are not like that~"

The little tiger is hoping that after his father drinks, he wants to kiss him and have a few sips~

Ning'er went to the stationery store again, picked out a few boxes of brushes, and put them in two schoolbags. Jiangsu went to checkout.

Two days ago, I was crying with my second uncle to go to my brother’s school to play. After a few days, my little schoolbag was bought back by my elder brother, and Xiao Qinglong happily carried the little schoolbag. Like my brother, I am very happy to have a schoolbag.

Ning'er also gave the three children small pendants bought at the small jewelry store, a tiger, a dragon, and a book, which were hung up for the children after sending them back. They are their representative objects.

"What will you buy, little round girl?" Jiangsu asked.

This is hard for Ning'er, "Brother Xiao Su, I haven't seen Xiao Yuanyuan for a long time."


"Nangong Zi, what did you feed Yuanyuan today?"

"I didn't feed anything." Patriarch Nangong didn't think about it either.

The little round girl cried with snot and tears and pitifully let her mother hug her.

An Kexia hugged her daughter and rubbed the child's stomach in the hospital.

Nangong Zi sat down, starting from the first sip of milk powder his daughter drank in the morning, he stroked it carefully, and said, "She ate watermelon."

An Kexia: "..."

After a while, the doctors and nurses came over and wanted to give Yuanyuan an injection, but their hands were too fleshy to get in. On the head, the whole family was terrified, fearing that the child's head would be damaged, and finally the needle stuck in Yuanyuan's little foot.

The cry of the hurting child echoed back to the hospital. An Kexia saw too many **** scenes. She only dared to hug her daughter's needle injection, but didn't dare to look at it.

Nangong Zi also felt distressed, it took such care to raise a child, so he fed a little in the morning. It was because his daughter was so greedy that he couldn't help it.

He held his daughter's foot and finally inserted the needle. He was not willing to leave his daughter's foot for fear that she would kick it with the other foot. "Girl, come to dad to give you a hug. Dad didn't take good care of you in the morning. He fed you watermelon, so you vomited and had diarrhea after eating it."

I couldn't stop drinking medicine, so I had to get a drip.

An Kexia looked at her self-blaming husband, the daughter was his heart, and he didn't mean it. She received a call in the team and hurried over. "Stop coaxing her, eat yourself badly, and grow your memory."

Yuanyuan, the weeping villain, stopped crying, and the aunt passed by.

The cry was louder again.

An Kechun held his niece in his arms, without leaving her distressed eyes.

An Kexia; "Sister, she is pretending to cry now, she stopped crying just now."

"That means Yuanyuan is in pain again right now."

When meeting the baby of the whole family, even people like An Kechun began to have no principles. Even, only Xiao Yuanyuan can ask An Kechun to ask for leave and go down the mountain.

"Yuanyuan doesn't cry, auntie hugs her, where does it hurt? Auntie gives you whirring."

The more An Kechun talked to Xiao Yuanyuan in a loving tone, the more aggrieved she became, her mouth was covered, her eyes were pink, and she held up her small hand to let her aunt blow it.

An Kexia found out that her own mother was the most serious in the whole family.

The team leader of the first group left, and the team leader of the second group also received a call from Haoyuan Technology, and he hung up. "A team leader is here with us, and the annual salary can already get 40w."

I don't know how the leader of the second group was chosen. Jiangsu and Fat Brother silently observed him for a few days, and found that he never had any plans to leave the job and change jobs.

The two looked at each other, pretending not to know, and everything remained the same.

The news of Lao Du came, and he sent a location and photo of the auto repair shop, "Mr. You is working as a car repairman there."

Looking at the work photo, a man in his thirties, with a bloated figure, has seen a lot of vicissitudes, and is wearing the work clothes of an auto repair shop. Lao Du said: "I never imagined how Mr. You, who was so high-spirited back then, would be reduced to this point."

The fat brother glanced, "Xiao Su, is he fatter than me?"

Now Fat Brother's weight has stabilized, and his body is full of muscles. He even buys fitness equipment for fitness. When he sees other people's body fatter, he habitually compares it with himself.

Jiangsu: "I just don't know, is there anyone else you are good at?"

"Hey, what you said, Fat Brother, I am also a member of the generation, okay. I used to earn hundreds of thousands a year without leaving the house. Who do you look down on?"

The dead fat house back then met Jiangsu, and the whole person has transformed to the present.

For this, Brother Fat is most grateful to this little brother.

Jiangsu got up, and now that Xiang Shuang was not in the company, it was indeed a little less convenient. She has a strong personality and is lenient, but there is no doubt that her work ability is outstanding and trustworthy.

Every time he and Fat Brother go out to do something, the company will be handed over to Xiang Shuang so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Today, the two-man company is temporarily handed over to the team leader of the second team.

"Don't worry boss, I'll take care of it."

Jiangsu nodded, and drove to the car repair shop dozens of miles away with Fat Brother.

As soon as you entered, someone came out to greet you, "Boss, should you fix the car or wash it?"

Jiangsu greeted the person with a glance, "Wash the car, and check the car again."

"Boss, when will you pick up the car?" the clerk asked again.

Jiangsu looked into the store, and finally found the man holding the finger wrench among the crowd. "Oh, what time do you get off work?"

"Huh?" The clerk was dumbfounded.