Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1493: family style

A car drove away, and then drove into the car in Jiangsu.

When the vehicle was raised, the man took the device and started to check again. The loose parts were tightened, and the inspection was very detailed.

Jiangsu walked over and looked at the pair of black hands, "It's a pity these hands, the hands that should be flying in the online world, are now dealing with the board."

The man was stimulated by Jiangsu's words. He looked back at the young man, "Boss, there are problems with this car when you usually drive it. I will focus on checking there."

Jiangsu looked at him and asked, "The five-year deadline has passed, why doesn't Mr. You return to his old job?"

Mr. You put away the wrench and looked at Jiangsu, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Fat Brother was chatting with his colleagues in the auto repair shop in the back, asking about Mr. You.

"You said Master You, the old man in our store, the boss is his brother-in-law, he can do things quickly."

Fat Brother closed his eyes deeply, and then asked talkatively: "Then how is your skill, Master You?"

"Anyway, I have been working for five or six years. I have only been in the store for three years. I must trust the technology."

"Oh~ This master used to study auto repair?"

The clerk at the cashier shook his head, "Of course not. When I first came, Master You's skills were not good enough. He was always shouted at by the store manager and even repaired his car. But boss, don't worry, now our Master You's skills are in our shop. It's one of the best."

Fat Brother smiled kindly, and patted the table, "I definitely believe it. Do you make money in this business?"

Fat Brother was inquiring about his income again, and Jiangsu aimed at Mr. You.

"The aggrieved back then, just endured like this?" When Jiangsu asked, Mr. You's hands were already clenched tightly. When he checked the car, he was using force.

Jiangsu could see that he was very, very unwilling.

"Boss, the car has been checked and there is nothing wrong with it."

Jiangsu nodded, "Go to the side and wash it."

After washing the car and paying the bill, both of them left.

Mr. You sat on a stool beside him after repairing the car, silent and his thoughts scattered.

After a while, another car drove in, but he didn't notice it. It was the clerk who called him: "Master You, another car came."

Master You came back to his senses, got up, and went to check.

Jiangsu's car didn't drive far, and stopped on the side of the country road, "Brother Fat, what did you find out?"

"Get off work at 8 o'clock in the evening, the salary is not fixed mainly depends on the commission, the monthly salary is 8,000, the shop is owned by his brother-in-law, and he came to work through the relationship of acquaintances, he must be blocked."

Jiangsu leaned his arm against the window, put his index finger under his nose and thought deeply, "I have been in contact with it, and I am sure that he still wants to enter the Internet industry in his heart. He was aggrieved when he left, and he must be angry now."

"Xiao Su, he is so unkempt now, can it work?"

Jiangsu: "People are not judged by their appearance. I have lived a vicissitudes of life for five or six years, and I am not much better than him."

Fat Brother: "Then I'll listen to you, anyway, you didn't miss your decision."

Jiangsu looked at Fat Brother, "Arrested at night?"

Fat Brother: "What's wrong with Ning'er?"

Leaning on the chair, Jiangsu said leisurely, "You don't know that, Yaya has returned to her mother's house."

Fat Brother: "I haven't married you yet, so I'm going back to my mother's house."

Jiangsu said: "Brother Fat, why don't you find someone else to experience how I feel. My daughter-in-law is by my side every day, she's very stuck, she doesn't care, and she even nags me.

You say she likes to care so much, I still want to hear it. But I've heard it for a long time, and when she goes back to her mother's house once in a while, I feel as happy as if I'm on vacation. "

"Then do you want Ning'er to take care of you or not?"

"Seeing that you don't understand again, hurry up and find a partner."

The two men had nothing to do in the afternoon, so they were lying in the car, enjoying the spring breeze, neither arrogant nor impatient, chatting in a cool and comfortable manner.

The leaves on both sides of the road are green, the color of spring, full of vitality everywhere. It is not as deep as summer, not as ripe as autumn, and not as bleak as winter. It belongs to the gentle, non-aggressive comfort of spring.

"Introduce me to a daughter-in-law." Fat Brother said.

Jiangsu: "I think Xiang Shuang is pretty good."

"But get over it, this woman has a strong personality, she lives by the sea, and with her, she has to care about the color of my pants. I don't like this one, and I don't like that one. I want to be a strong career woman, and I have to demand everything. Everyone is like her as a strong person in career, and there is no second type of person allowed to appear in the world. If this kind of person is found as a girlfriend, I will make myself suffer?"

Jiangsu Langlang laughed, "I think so too, but he has a good quality."

"Essence, if you've ever been married, you can't just look at the essence. Besides," the fat brother glanced at Jiangsu and said, "Xiang Shuang has a crush on you."

"Hey!" Jiangsu opened his eyes, "Don't say that again, I have a family, and she is a single woman, what you said is causing trouble for us all."

"No, Xiao Su, if I had your family background, I wouldn't start a business, and I would be a playboy. I'm too confident, and I'll give the old director of Haoyuan Technology two ears when I go up, no Do a good job."

Jiangsu: "My family has a rule that men are not allowed to flirt. If they flirt, my grandfather, father, and uncle can take turns beating me into a wheelchair, but it's not yet the turn of my female family members.

Whoring, gambling, and playing around, as long as it's the same, my uncle can lock me in a small dark room. So I used to dare to buy some luxury cars when I had money, but I still couldn’t buy the most expensive ones. My uncle was afraid that I would look crooked. "

"No wonder we didn't know your family at first."

The two chatted in the car until 7:30, and it was dark.

There were no cars around, so Jiangsu started the car and went to the auto repair shop during the day.

Within a few minutes of arriving, the store closed.

When Mr. You finally locked the door, the car drove past. He thought someone was coming to repair the car again, so he turned around to ask about the car, but when he saw the two people in the car, he turned around and pretended not to see them.

Jiangsu got off the car, walked to him, and helped him close the iron gate together. "Mr. You, I am Jiangsu, the founder of Dingwei Technology."

Mr. You seemed to have an impression of this company, he glanced at Jiangsu unexpectedly, "It has nothing to do with me."

"The one related to you should be Haoyuan Technology."

Seeing him lock the door, Jiangsu said: "Haoyuan Technology is targeting my company with the same means as back then."

Mr. You went to the electric bicycle shop beside him, and wanted to ride home.

Jiangsu followed him and said, "The monthly salary is 20,000 yuan, follow me."

Mr. You started the car, he looked up at Jiangsu, and the two looked at each other. "Do you know what's going on with me?"

"Old Du, your subordinate back then, I, Brother Du, told me." Jiangsu pointed to his car: "Get in the car and talk?"

Speaking of acquaintances, Mr. You also thought of that subordinate.

He hesitated for two minutes, but still shook his head, "I haven't touched a computer for many years, you go back."

Fat brother also got out of the car and shouted: "If you are capable, you plan to work here as a repairman for the rest of your life? Didn't you say that you hate relationship households the most, what is it here? If you are really capable, if you have a temper, follow us back to Dingwei Technology to Haoyuan Technology sucks, that's man."

Jiangsu gave Fat Brother a thumbs up in his heart. "Half an hour, don't take you too long."

Mr. You looked at Jiangsu and then at Brother Fat. He turned off the engine and sat in Jiangsu's car...