Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1532: can't hide it

Gu Nuannuan's goal today is not the man in front of her, she will try her best not to conflict with him. Once she knew that the man in front of her had something to do with Xiao Su, then her fists would no longer distinguish between people.

Manager Liang's supreme face was humiliated today. Sitting in the car, he kept hammering on the steering wheel angrily. "You'd better not fall into my hands, or else, I'll kill you two."

In the hospital, the farce was over, Gu Nuannuan looked at Jiang Momo: "Why did you provoke him just now?"

Jiang Momo: "You don't want to know where he is from. I provoked him and wanted to ask who it was, but he didn't say anything."

Gu Nuannuan turned her head and looked at the man in the hospital gown standing at the door of the ward, "I want to know who the man was just now, but I'm afraid there is no way?"

After finishing speaking, Gu Nuannuan looked back and raised her eyebrows at the sisters.

Jiang Momo caught the meaning of the sisters at a glance, she also turned her head and walked into Boss Pan, "Is it Boss Pan?"

The man in the infusion nodded, "Who are you?"

"your friend'."

As they spoke, the two sisters pushed Mr. Pan into the room, and Mrs. Pan into the room.

The door is closed and locked.

Jiang Group.

The little tiger played on his father's coffee table, jumped on his father's sofa, ran barefoot on the floor, ran over and grabbed his father's leg, "Dad, let Bao see."

"Go out and play by yourself."

The little tiger stood beside Jiang Chenyu and complained, "Dad is impatient, he plays with Baby Egg everywhere, Dad knows how to work."

"I don't work to earn money, where did you get toys, clothes, and delicious food?"

The little tiger pursed his lips, he really had no way to refute, "Then dad works hard and earns a lot of money for your babies."

After speaking, he ran away.

Jiang Chenyu was really bored seeing his son follow him to the company again. He should be yelling in the office, he has already yelled over and over again, "I miss Xiao Nuan, call Xiao Nuan and ask her when she will come home, Dad will pick her up."


The little tiger used his phone watch to call his mother.

hospital ward.

"Don't move, I told you not to move, I've never pricked someone else, there's nothing I can do if I gouged out your flesh." Gu Nuannuan pulled the pillow out from the back of Mr. Pan's hand, and when he pulled it out, Also saw blood coming out.

Mr. Pan gritted his teeth, his face flushed from holding back, enduring the pain.

Then Gu Nuannuan took the pulled out needle and stabbed Mr. Pan's hand randomly.

"Ahhh!" Boss Pan's painful face was all black.

"Hey, look, I told you not to move around, it's swollen again." Gu Nuannuan was still studying hard.

Mr. Pan's face was blue and red, and Mrs. Pan was sitting behind, so she shouldn't have asked for help. There was a fruit knife behind her threatening her.

Jiang Momo didn't bring a knife when she went out. Fortunately, the hospital had a fruit knife, so it was easy.

"Nuan'er, can you do it? No, let me do it."

Mr. Pan was already scared of being beaten by Gu Nuannuan. He wanted to resist a woman. At this time, I heard Gu Xiaonuan say slowly: "I'm the person next to Jiang Chenyu, you'd better be quiet. Mr. Jiang is trying to find a way to catch your braids and punish you recently, so you slammed your head on his gun. Then you are really impatient."

Boss Pan begged for mercy in pain, "I beg Boss Jiang to let me go, it's not easy for me to start my business all the way to this point. Now I've been sent to the hospital by Boss Jiang, and I don't know what made Boss Jiang unhappy. Please The beauty told me."

Gu Nuannuan looked at the needle, "Mr. Pan also knows that starting a business is not easy. He is afraid of being bullied by Jiang Chenyu's power, so how can Mr. Pan use his own power to bully others?"

Mr. Pan paused, "Yes, Ding, Ding is... ah."

"Shut up!" Gu Nuannuan snapped.

President Pan gritted his teeth, not daring to make a sound in pain.

Seeing Mrs. Pan, she didn't dare to move at all. The knife beside her was sharp, "Be quiet, don't move around, don't worry, we sisters don't plan to kill him right now."

"Who was that man just now?" Gu Nuannuan asked.

Boss Pan broke out in cold sweat from the pain, "My, my wife's, cousin."

"Who cares about your poor relative, what is his name and what does he do?" Jiang Momo asked impatiently.

Mr. Pan didn't dare to hide anything, "Haoyuan Technology's senior technical officer, Liang Meipeng."

Gu Nuannuan sat down, "From now on, you cooperate well, and I won't tie you. What did Liang Meipeng ask you to do?"

Mr. Pan told the whole story.

After hearing this, the two sisters looked at each other, both a little puzzled, "Why are you targeting the boss of Dingwei Technology?"

Mr. Pan shook his head, "I don't know, Haoyuan Technology often does this. We have been friends for many years, and every time I help them, their company's system will be lower than the market price for me to use." This is two good things. The thing is to go to the whole young man, and he will naturally not refuse.

Gu Nuannuan frowned, it seems that I can only ask here today.

At this time, her cell phone rang, and Gu Nuannuan took it out to check the incoming call 'Baby Egg', and she hung up.

Jiang Group, the little tiger was lying on the sofa, looking up depressed, "Dad, where are you hanging up for Bao?"

Jiang Chenyu: "Did you die?" He remembered his little wife's temper last night, "Call your aunt."

The little tiger hurriedly called his aunt again.

Now, Jiang Momo's phone rang, "My baby nephew."

Then, the little tiger looked at his phone watch and sat up, "Dad, my aunt has hung up too."

Jiang Chenyu had no intention of working.

He took out his phone and started calling.

In the hospital, the two sisters clapped their hands and went out together.

"We really don't care enough about our eldest nephew." Jiang Momo said.

Gu Nuannuan: "Haoyuan Technology, I leave it to you."

"no problem."

When they got downstairs, Gu Xiaonuan's cell phone rang again.

Pick it up and take a look, "Oops, my husband! Just now I hung up on Xiao Nizi, he must have sued his father."

When the phone was about to hang up, it was connected, "Hello, husband, what are you doing~"

With this flattering tone, Jiang Chenyu said, "Where have you been?"

"Going for a walk outside."

The little tiger squeezed past, and the little boy's voice shouted, "Where, you are biased, you don't answer the call from Baby Egg, you answer Dad's call."

Jiang Chenyu asked with a sullen face: "Have you gone to the hospital yet?"

Gu Xiaonuan blinked guiltily and stammered, "No, no."

Mr. Jiang's face darkened, "Gu Xiaonuan, what did you do to Pan Hui?"

Gu Nuannuan looked at her sisters, "It's over."

"What's wrong?"

"I can't hide it."

At eight o'clock in the evening, it was still dark, but everyone who got off work and school went home.

Same place, same look, same action. Gu Nuannuan and Jiang Momo stood by the wall, neither of them said a word, Jiang Chenyu stood behind the two of them, sternly, "You two want to rebel, don't you?"

The little tiger was sitting on the sofa, holding his tiger water glass, drinking leisurely, his big eyes flickering, looking at the growing aunt and mother with relish.

Xiao Longbao sat beside his brother, holding his water glass, opened his mouth, "Ah~"

Feed the little tiger.