Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1580: disappear

All the comrades in arms heard about Bai Chen being beaten by the group, and they ran over happily and asked him, "Old Lu, did your son-in-law take leave? I heard that he was beaten yesterday? How was the beating?"

A group of old leaders wanted to know who did it, it really made them angry, and finally someone took care of Xiaobai.

The army chief was protecting his own calf, "Someone came from Xiaobai's family and asked me for leave. He was not beaten, and he was playing with his brothers. He was still wandering in the team this morning."

Everyone lost.

At noon, Bai Chen was lying on the sofa, screaming in pain.

The little tiger squatted over and asked in a 'whispering voice', "Godfather, are you pretending to be in pain? Bao has been beaten by his father, and Bao knows that the pain will stop after a while." It's the second day, why is godfather still screaming, it's worse than Bao pretending. He will pretend at night and let his parents hold his sweetheart and kiss him for a while.

Bai Chen immediately stopped screaming in pain, and quickly turned sideways, "'s not my son, which side are you from?"

The little tiger scratched his little head, "Bao only has one head."

Bai Chen clicked his tongue, how could this kid be smart and stupid at the same time.

He couldn't pretend anymore, his 'son' had been exposed, and those men probably saw through it at a glance.

Bai Chen supported himself on the sofa.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Nangong Zi understood what his brother meant, and went over to hand his daughter into Bai Chen's arms.

The little round girl has had enough sleep and is fully cooked, she is no longer clingy to her mother.

"Girl, call Dad and listen."


Bai Chenmei died, hugging her goddaughter.

In the next second, the little round girl pointed at Lu Ying with a round belly, "Yes~"

"No, no, your godmother belongs to your godfather, so I can't give it to you."

Lu Ying smiled and said, "Yuanniu has taken a fancy to the cup in my hand."

Lu Ying went over, she teased Yuan Niu, gave her the water glass, she took it with both hands. When Lu Ying took it back again, the little round girl became anxious, her little face was red, "Wow~ Dad~" She looked at her father tearfully.

Patriarch Nangong: "...see what's the use of dad, your mother is by your side today, dad won't work anymore."

"Father, father" he looked at Yan Zhenyu again tearfully.

Yan Zhenyu swept the tip of her nose, "Godfather will buy it for you later."

The little tiger can't stand it anymore, this stupid girl, all her strengths are now on that little face.

His little childish voice pointed and said: "Yuan'er, listen to brother. Don't look for our godfather Yan, you have to find our godfather Bai." The little tiger still held Bai Chen's sleeve with his small hand and said: "The tough godmother is this godfather's wife, and Bai godfather is in charge of everything."

If you are looking for someone to grab a cup, you have to find the right person, this stupid sister.

The little stupid round girl raised her head, looking cutely at her godfather who was holding him, the juicy girl, and wanted her godfather to **** it for her.

Bai Chen glanced at his godson who dug a hole for him, and said to Xiaoyuanniu, "...No, girl, what your brother said is half right, Yingying is indeed Godfather Bai's daughter-in-law. But Godfather Bai doesn't care as much as your brother said.

How much your father is afraid of your mother, how much your godfather is afraid of your godmother. The good tradition of our "family" is that men are afraid of their wives. You have to be more arrogant in the future, you know. "

After Bai Chen finished speaking, the godmother and mother in the room laughed.

Lu Ying even took the initiative to hand over the cup with the little strawberries to his goddaughter, "Niuniu, here, let your godfather hug and feed you."

Little Yuan girl hurriedly raised her hands, here she comes, a beautiful cup is here.

In the next second, stop blocking with your biological mother!

An Kexia cut it off in the middle, "Don't, she took it away for you today. This is glass, be careful if she falls on the ground."

Seeing that he was about to get it, he was stopped by his mother again.

Yuan Niu couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

The little tiger is depressed, and his sister is not as good as Long Bao, but his dragon is sensible.

"Yuan'er, don't cry, brother will take you for a walk."

Xiao Yuan'er stopped crying.

Then I agreed to go for a walk with my brother, and finally wandered around in the restaurant...there was no sign of anyone.

At noon, the five brothers had a rare gathering. The restaurant that Bai Chen booked last night was already past noon.

In the private room, a group of people were talking and laughing.

Zhen Xi asked Lu Sheng, "Why don't you speak?"

Lu Sheng said bluntly: "I can't get in, you can't understand the chat, they are talking about children and family."

Zhen Xi lowered her eyes, and glanced at Lu Sheng's flat stomach, and the next second, Lu Sheng said, "Don't even think about it!"

"What's on my mind, come on, let me hear it." Master Xi pressed down on the table with one arm, and took Lu Sheng's arm with the other hand, pulling her.

Zhen Xi turned sideways, one of his legs just blocked Lu Sheng's side, if she wanted to go out, she had to step over Master Xi's leg.

Lu Sheng pursed his lips, but she didn't say anything.

Zhen Xi also teased her to be addicted, and pulled her, "Lu Er, tell me, what was I thinking just now. Huh?"

Lu Sheng didn't say anything.

The three sisters-in-law at the side leaned closer and whispered, not knowing that the disappearing two children gave them another big stimulus.

"Hush, listen to what they are saying"

With a big belly, Lu Ying leaned back slightly, "This...isn't that embarrassing?"

An Kexia looked at Xiao Nuan, a high-achieving law student, "Is eavesdropping illegal?"

A certain Xiao Nuan shook her head, and then asked Police Officer An, "Will I be arrested for listening to other people's dating?"

Officer An also shook his head, and then the two sisters-in-law looked at the other sister-in-law together.

Aunt Lu: "...from a moral point of view, it is easy to be condemned."

Gu Xiaonuan: "Yingying, let your Xiaobai grow your face for you."

The three women chattered, saying they were going to eavesdrop on the gossip between Master Xi and A Lu, but it turned out that Lu Sheng was listening to the three women.

Zhen Xi bullied Lu Sheng twice under the table, and he also stopped. The dog jumps over the wall when it is in a hurry, and Ah Lu bites people when he is in a hurry.

"Wait a minute, why do I feel like something is wrong." Gu Xiaonuan was depressed, as if she had forgotten something.

An Kexia also bowed her head in silence, and five seconds later, both mothers said at the same time, "Your cub/Yuan girl!"

The man who was chatting also looked at the woman. Jiang Chenyu was stunned for less than a second, and immediately looked at the door. The door of the private room was opened at some time. He got up instantly, "How long has Jiang Tianzhi been out with Yuanyuan?"

Lu Sheng glanced at the time, "12 minutes."

Immediately, everyone in the room got up and went out together to look for the two kids.

Five minutes later, the more they couldn't find it, the more flustered everyone became. Eight minutes later, I was scared unconsciously.

He went outside the restaurant, "See two children? One boy and one girl, the boys are so tall." Jiang Chenyu compared his son's height on himself.

The waiter shook his head, "I didn't notice, did the child not find it?"

Bai Chen found the manager of the hotel, knocked on the table, "Turn on the surveillance, our children can't be found."

"Sorry sir, we don't monitor private individuals here, we need the presence of the police to..."

Before she finished speaking, An Kexia threw out her ID, "I'm here, adjust the monitoring."