Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1827: Unmarried but having many children

At this moment, Mr. Jiang was already being watched. He looked back and looked at his son who was smiling cutely with his small mouth. Mr. Jiang began to take a deep breath.

"Dad, our big warm treasure has no fossils~" Sure enough, he spoke.

Jiang Chenyu: "Look for me without you."

Xiaojun pouted his little mouth, frowned, and went to pester his father.

Because there was no space in his arms, Mr. Xi saw that his godson was not being held alone. At this moment, he wished he could have more hands.

Nangong Zi wanted to hug his godson, but the little tiger shook his head, turned around and reached out to his father.

Although his son gave him a headache, Jiang Chenyu did not disappoint his son's expectations. He immediately picked up his precious egg and said, "Dad, Zai Zai has never seen a fossil. Dad, let Bao see it."

Jiang Chenyu glanced at his son and ignored him. He told the other people, "Go back quickly, Lao Yan will be here soon. Make room on the tarmac."

Returning to the living room and putting the children down, Zhen Xi chased Bai Chen and Nangong Zi in the living room. "You two beasts."

Not long after, Yan Zhenyu also arrived.

"Daddy Yan~"


The two children happily ran over to find Yan Zhenyu.

Yan Zhenyu bent down and took a pair of children into his arms.

The two younger ones in Lu Ying's family are strangers to Yan Zhenyu.

When they were picked up by Godfather Yan, the two children who had given birth tensed up and looked at the man in front of them. Then they looked back at their mother sitting there and their father who was just chatting. They didn't look at them.

Xiao Dabai blinked and looked at Yan Zhenyu.

Yan Zhenyu hugged the young couple, sat on the sofa, and asked with a smile: "You don't even recognize me?"

Little Dabai's little eyes turned to his father who was not looking at him again. Colonel Bai continued to hold his wife's hand and chat, without caring about the children. Both brother and sister's little mouths were curled up, as if they were about to cry.

The little tiger went over and taught his two younger brothers and sisters, "Chaochao, Mumu, this is our father Yan."

The two little guys were more familiar with their elder brother who they had known for two days than with their godfather.

The little tiger knelt on the sofa and was very close to Godfather Yan. In the end, the two children cried loudly, and then her parents looked at her and her brother.

Bai Chen went over and hugged the two of them as usual.

Looking at his aggrieved son and crying daughter, Bai Chen coaxed the baby and said, "Why are you so timid? That man is also your godfather, not a stranger. If you don't cry, he's in dad's arms."

He couldn't coax the two of them at once. Jiang Chenyu stood up and picked up a little Dabai. He held him in his arms and coaxed him comfortably.

Yan Zhenyu's arms were empty, and then she clapped her hands to Little Yuanyuan, who ran over and was hugged by her godfather in a little red skirt.

Yan Zhenyu was unmarried but had many sons and daughters.

It is rare for a group of people to finally get together.

In the evening, a group of people gathered for a meal in the backyard of Yenan Villa.

Because in the summer evening, the sky is filled with rosy clouds and thousands of miles of orange, which is a rare afterglow scenery.

Gu Xiaonuan ran back and asked everyone in the family to go out and look at the scenery outside, "Look, there is a sunset today, it is beautiful. There are also flaming clouds~"

When the little tiger heard this, he ran to the back door of the living room and went to the backyard to watch the sunset in the west. For the first time, the halo was so strong that it made the little tiger's white and tender face turn red.

His pupils are like the cleanest glass mirrors in the world, and the scenery in front of him is reflected in his innocent and clear eyes. He said, "Dad, come and see, Father Sun is home."

Jiang Chenyu stood up with a smile, and a group of people went to look at the bed.

Even if you have climbed towering mountains, seen the majestic sea, admired the beautiful scenery, and traveled through thousand-year-old attractions... you will still be amazed and stopped by the occasional romance in your life.

Of course, what I like is not just the twilight scenery in the sky;

What I like is people who stand by my side and accompany each other.

When the soul has a home, it is never alone.

However, children simply like it. They don’t understand and feel so much. They just know that today’s sunset is very beautiful, and it makes their little faces turn red.

Of course, I am also happy that my father said that I will eat out tonight.

A regular dinner party in the living room is far inferior to a group of people sitting outdoors, enjoying the sunset, eating, drinking and chatting.

When Mr. Jiang's two greedy cats heard that they were going to eat in the courtyard that night, the novel experience made them run to the kitchen and hand out seven or eight menus each.

Chef: "...Madam, Master, please speak slowly, I didn't write it down."

"Okay, let's talk and you write."

Gu Nuannuan started: "Ten grilled lamb chops, a handful of beef skewers, a handful of grilled ribs, grilled oysters,"

"Madam, you can't eat this." Mrs. Jiang's chef stopped her.

Gu Xiaonuan pursed her lips, "Grilled squid,"

"Madam, you can't eat this either."

With a sullen expression on his face, the young master asked, "Mom can't eat it, but my son can do it~Uncle, I want grilled squid too~"

Gu Nuannuan came here with a series of hugs, "Cola chicken wings, braised pig's trotters, lemon chicken feet, wolf teeth potatoes, roast chicken, roast duck, roast goose,"

"Mom, you have finished eating all the little animals." The little tiger took his mother's hand and said.

Gu Xiaonuan asked: "Then do you want to eat?"

The little tiger looked back at the chef, "Uncle, the tiger wants to grill fish."

After Mrs. Jiang finished announcing the menu, the young master also started.

Jiang Chenyu glanced at the backs of the two foodies in his family. A faint smile appeared on his face, and he went over to make arrangements.

Ms. Zhen Xi pulled her back, in a good mood, urging Lao Yan to quickly find a partner, "Why don't you let me, Lu'er, introduce you to someone?"

Lu Sheng: "..." Does she seem to have a lot of female friends?

Nangong Zi also held the ruined daughter in his arms. He had just washed the little girl's feet and walked away with her in his arms. "I can't give you a blind date corner. How about you go and join in?"

Bai Chen was the most generous, "Brother Yan, don't worry, if you are alone for the rest of your life, my son will give you to take care of you in your old age."

Yan Zhenyu was already familiar with Xiao Dabai and Xiao Erbai. He held the baby, and the baby didn't cry or fuss. He fed him milk powder and even drank it with his little mouth. After drinking, he looked at Yan Zhenyu and blinked with his big eyes.

Several women also went out to help decorate the place outside. When the tablecloth was put on the table, Gu Nuannuan invited, "Yingying, don't leave your house tonight either."

Lu Ying: "I can't take care of the child."

Lu Sheng volunteered, "I can help you."

An Kexia: "Did you see that Alu has spoken, please stay with your family. Yuanniu sleeps until dawn now, and Imam can hold her in his arms. I can also help you take care of the child."

Gu Nuannuan: "Actually, if you don't tell me, I never think that I am a pregnant woman. I can also take care of her."

Lu Ying smiled and said, "Then I'll discuss it with Bai Chen later."

"It's still necessary to discuss it. It's not you who makes the decision in your family."

Lu Ying: "At least try to ask for his opinion. Of course, his opinion is not important. I just want him to have a sense of participation."