Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1876: Jiangsu is famous for its troubles

He first talked about his income status in recent years, his career plans and life plans for the past three, five, and eight years, including how much money he gave to his family every year, and how much the little fat girl’s monthly living expenses were. He told them all, and even his No one in the Jiang family knew so carefully.

In Jiangsu's language and planning, there is a little fat girl in everything. "Uncle, I had no money before, so I had to let Yaya live with me in Shuilan Community to endure hardships. After so many years, I have really gotten used to living there, but I still want to take Yaya out to buy a villa. Do you think it is better to buy a single-family house? Is it better to have a house or a manor-style scattered villa?"

How could Ningdong Shopping Mall Fox, who has been a fox for decades, fail to hear Jiangsu's temptation, which he explained so clearly, just to make him feel at ease and leave his daughter to him.

You also mentioned buying a house, what are you doing? Marriage room? If he really gave advice, it would be acquiescing to the important matter between the two of them.

"You are still young, and there are many variables in the future. If you have money, keep it for now. Let's talk about the house later." Although his baby has not suffered much in these years of following Jiangsu, he is indeed happier than before.

This kid from Jiangsu did not disappoint everyone. He was rushing forward, and the eyes of a group of people behind him were looking at him. The scrutiny of his father-in-law, the expectations of his family, the prying eyes of rivals... He has also experienced the storm, but his daughter is still young, so why do she decide on a lifelong event so quickly?

If after two years, his baby gets tired of it and breaks up with Jiangsu, that is also possible.

Jiangsu seems to have seen through the future father-in-law's thoughts, which means he is not satisfied with him.

The father-in-law looked at his son-in-law, but no one was satisfied with him.

"Uncle, don't buy that house yet. I will keep the specifications and standards I just mentioned and give Ning'er the best within my capabilities."

Although Director Ning did not like the material conditions Jiangsu provided for his daughter, he would not throw cold water on the younger generation.

Dingwei Technology is famous for making money, and its market valuation is already among the top five most profitable companies in the field of network security.

If a rising star whose founder is only in his twenties can achieve this achievement, he will be number one in the East sooner or later! As a result, Jiangsu virtually became the son-in-law of Chenglong in the eyes of everyone.

Many people have started the business of ‘stealing sons-in-law’.

There were also people who inquired about Jiangsu’s background and explored his personality when socializing with him. Many old entrepreneurs fell in love with him and wanted to introduce him to their daughters.

Like the number one scholar in ancient times, the ministers in the court tried to win over this dazzling new star. The most effective thing was-marriage!

When a newcomer enters the court, he also needs an old minister to be his backer, to help him sort out his relationships and support him.

And Jiangsu is the ‘newcomer’ that is being competed for by many ‘veterans’.


"I may have to refute the good intentions of the seniors. It's true that I have a housekeeper at home." Jiangsu always made it public about having a girlfriend as soon as possible.

"Married?" Some people didn't give up.

Some people even invited their daughters who have not yet graduated to get to know each other, and even asked their daughters to go to Jiangsu companies as interns for internships. “Nowadays, college students do not have to have internship experience before they can graduate. In my company, I If my daughter doesn’t want to go, why not go to Dingwei Technology?”

Jiangsu: "Of course you can. My company is full of IT guys. My housekeeper has told me several times to recruit some girls to give the company some different colors. Let my niece go there. It just so happens that my wife goes to my company. Can she still do it?" There is a little girl to chat with and keep company.”

Everyone: "..."

"Boss Jiang, here is the housekeeper on the left and the daughter-in-law on the right. Are they both married?"

There are still people who don’t give up.

Jiangsu: "Soon."

"You haven't decided yet?" Someone asked again to get to the bottom of it.

Jiangsu stood up and personally poured wine for several partners, "Hey, what else have you decided? Dingwei Technology is my betrothal gift to her, and she can get the certificate right at dawn."

It was a pity that everyone gave up the idea.

There is some regret, but Jiangsu will turn this regret into the appreciation of him by a group of elders, "When we had nothing, this cute little girl accompanied me to endure hardships. I can't abandon my wife and do that when I have some capital. Chen Shimei. Isn’t this how your seniors set an example for our descendants?" No matter what happens outside, the one who gets his wife will always be the one.

With praise and praise, Jiangsu made the group of people speechless and agreed.

Even though many people and their first wives have been doing their own thing for a long time, they don't divorce, maybe because of their children, or maybe because of the company's equity distribution. In short, there are some who indulge in alcohol and meat, while there are others who are dedicated to being responsible for their families. Jiangsu has already chosen who he wants to be.

His family education and rules since he was young have already determined this.

But he couldn't bear it, there were always people around him who would annoy him. After several times, Jiangsu got very restless when he returned to the car.

"What do you think of me? You said I have a wife and a wife, but you still have to let your daughter be a mistress?"

"Shh, Xiao Su, please hold it tight, they haven't gone far yet." Fatty quickly urged.

Jiangsu glanced at the cars leaving outside. For a moment, he couldn't wait to go back and asked Xiaopangya for a certificate. He changed his avatar to a marriage certificate to see who would bother him.

But if he wants to do it, Dong Ning will definitely not do it.

"Dong Xin was very satisfied with you at the dinner table today. I guess if you marry his daughter, his company will give it to you."

"Nonsense. Isn't that just a door-to-door son-in-law? If I really want to be a door-to-door son-in-law, why should I treat him as one of his family members? I can be a member of Yaya's family." The irritable Jiangsu looked at Ning'er's missed call and said, "Reply Come home."

Fat Brother drove and the two returned to Shuilan Community.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiangsu saw Ning'er casually pricking a small hairy pimple on the back of her head. Every time Ning'er says: "Brother Xiao Su, this is a meatball head."

Jiangsu glanced at it and said, "It doesn't look like a meatball. Isn't it just a pimple?"

Ning'er looked at the two babies, "Baby Guagua, do you think my sister's hair style is a bun?"

The two little guys who went to play with Sister Ning'er and Big Brother raised their heads and said, "Sister, it's a big pimple." The tiger replied in a childlike voice.

Long Bao nodded.

Ning'er: "..." They are all straight men!

In the early morning, when Jiangsu saw Ning'er tying up her hair again, he would say, "I'm tying up your hair again."

Ning'er: "..."

She has changed her hairstyle. Recently, she only wears a hairstyle like this after taking a shower.

"Brother Xiao Su, are you drinking again?" Ning'er ran over to her boyfriend with a puffy face.

Jiangsu closed the door and put on his slippers at the entrance. "Wait for me downstairs after get off work tomorrow. Let's go to the mall."


"You'll know when you go."

The next day, when she arrived at the counter of the luxury store in the shopping mall, Ning'er looked at the diamond rings all over the counter. She blinked in shock, then looked at Jiangsu, feeling extremely moved. Is Brother Xiao Su going to propose to her?