Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant

v1 Chapter 181: Take the child away

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Maybe she should wake up a little later, then she wouldn't listen to all of their conversations so well.

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Xuan Yuan stretched his hands and pressed on the bed ~ support, struggling slightly, staring coldly at the tall, indifferent back in front.

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  The moment she heard the pregnancy news from Cui Yinv's mouth, she was happy, shocked, stunned, and chaotic. For a moment, she realized that emotions could be so complicated. But in the beginning it was joy before all other emotions.

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  she and her child were born in her body. She loves that man, and now she has that man's child. Own, and his, together.

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The excitement and joy that was so simple that it was not doped with any impurities.

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However, it was clear that his response was so different from hers.

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  Finally, Long Feili turned around, Xuan Yuan lowered his eyes, did not want to see the emotions in his eyes, a little shy, and some hate.

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  She could feel the indifference of him, only heard him ask Dr. Cui, the tone was terrible.

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"I asked you, did you watch Nianxi drink the medicine with his own eyes that day? He has limited patience. Don't let me ask him a third time!"

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  This sentence, without warning, mercilessly slammed on Xuan Yuan.

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已经 已经 She already said, but he did not believe her! He thought that she was like every woman in this harem, trying every means to conceive his son-in-law.

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  But she knew, let alone true love, as long as it was not the woman the emperor liked, even if she had a child?

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  If it weren't for pressing her hands tightly on the bed ~, she would have been unable to sit still. A headache hit, and his stomach tightened for a while. Xuan Yuan stretched his hands to cover his stomach, his hands and feet were cold.

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  Doctor Cui shivered and hoeed her head: "The emperor forgive sins, no wonder the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law did drink all the medicine, the problem was with the slave-woman. At that time, the mother-in-law was injured. Medicinal materials, but after all, it is a medicine to stop pregnancy. The slaves are afraid of damaging the mother's body and the dose is lighter, but in general, such a dose is sufficient ... "

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  Doctor Cui's unwillingness has made today's results.

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Xuan Yuan smiled bitterly, then whispered softly: "Emperor, have you heard? This blame is not on Dr. Cui, this sin lies in Xuan Yuan, in the belly of Xuan Yuan, your seed is so stubborn, and the medicine will not kill it."

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  She finished, raised her eyes and looked coldly towards Long Fei away. Opposite the woman's pale and stubborn face, a pair of apricot eyes were shining brightly, and Long Fei was shocked.

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"I just ask you one thing, don't you want this kid, do you?"

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  He saw her eyes narrowed, condensing to her belly, her thin little hands pressed tightly on her belly.

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  Something filled the chest, he couldn't even look away from her. Squinting his eyes fiercely, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes."

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"Hmm." In fact, I knew his answer early in the morning, and his atrium was still a fierce pump. Xuan chuckled, squeezed his stomach, and whispered, "Long Fei Li, I want it, but I know whether I want to Up. "

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"Well, don't do it, don't do it." She had a sour nose, tears fell straight from her eyes and murmured, "Don't be the best, don't be the best."

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  With it, how could she be willing to leave him, where can she escape?

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  Rolling golden dragon totem, Long Fei's hands in his sleeves have been clenched tightly, so she did not hold her tightly in her arms. He never hesitated to do things. No matter how difficult the situation was, he quickly figured out what to do next.

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对 但 But he couldn't be determined.

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  Reason told him that he could not have this child. According to his arrangement, it would not be long before the family collapsed. It would be a serious problem to dispose of her and kill or not kill him.

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  Never before has a woman been like her, making him so upset and angry.

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  But he didn't even tell him what he was counting.

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He made a decision long ago.

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  With the new year, the queen queen, the prince, and all the foreign enemies who put Xiliang as a fat bait, this bet is the great good of Xiliang. Lost is his life and the world.

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若 若 If she wins, she will make Xinyi a concubine and make her child Chu Chu.

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The hands and hands in the sleeves were so tightly clasped that the eyes lighted her face.

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Suddenly, when she saw that she was getting up from the bed and wearing shoes to the ground, she had taught her two nieces in a wet shirt to put on a single garment, and her placket was not fastened, revealing a thin collarbone.

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  She could get up, holding up the doctor Cui on the ground, and chuckled softly: "Go and help me to cook the medicine. This dose can't be lowered."

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  Doctor Cui was shocked when she heard what she said, "Mother ..."

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  The emperor had finished talking, she still saw tears in the corner of Xuan Yuan's eyes, and she felt as if she was standing still.

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Xuan Yuan let go of her, leaned to the bed, and said dumbly, "Go, I won't tell anyone about this."

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She looked at the ground and said lowly, "Long Fei Li, I only ask you one thing. Nian Xuanyuan has never had a child, and Doctor Cui didn't know about it."

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  The medical doctor Cui's heart was very hot, she did not understand why the emperor did not want this child, but the matter of the dragon was big or small, she knew that Xuan Yuan was afraid that the emperor had already tried to kill herself and begged the emperor to spare her life ~

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  She hesitated, and looked at the emperor again, Long Fei was indifferent, and did not stop, a pair of eyes only stared at Xuan Xuan.

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She gritted her teeth and ran out.

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The room was dead for a moment. The man's silence and coldness ... Xuan Yuan smiled coldly, and her heart was like this scary quiet room, all died instantly.

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Thank you for reading. Dear friends, the third one is finished, and the fourth one is later.

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