Love in the Midst of Mistaken Identities

Chapter 310: Actually she is still young

"Well," her voice was dull, and her hand was still holding Gao Yi's clothes. She didn't want to let go. Such rare warmth made her remember.

"Tell me, did I faint outside the operation?"

Xia Ruoxin was silent for a long time, and finally admitted it.

"Sorry, I really can't control myself,"

"It looks like I guessed right again," Gao Yi laughed.

"Well, don't care, if you can really stick to it now, then it's not you," Gao Yi didn't mean to blame, but this woman is sometimes too cute, even more than her daughter. Cute and honest, it makes people want to laugh.

When Xia Ruoxin heard Gao Yi's chest vibration and his smile, he could not help but relax. However, he was laughing and making fun of her. She frowned, only to find that the man seemed to be I like to make fun of her.

And now their posture is just as ambiguous as it is ambiguous,

"Well, you are hungry, I'll get you some food and a little rain," she found an excuse for herself, and secretly wiped off the tears on her face, only to find out The clothes on Gao Yi's chest had been wet to her a lot.

The obvious large piece was tearful, but it always made people feel it was drooling.

It is said that women are made of water, and it looks like it really is now. Gao Yi looked down at his chest and smiled a little. He didn't disapprove, he didn't disapprove at all, because he gave the woman the right to cry. Isn't that also good?

Xia Ruoxin ran out with a little embarrassment. If she didn't go out, she didn't know how to face the man.

The smile on Gao Yi ’s lips seemed to be more publicized. It really was a lovely woman, and of course there was a lovely daughter. He turned his head, and the child on the other bed was still asleep, and the child was long. The long eyelashes rested on a small face. Under the light, the child's fair skin was almost transparent.

"Little guy, it's great that you're okay. You see, the uncle promised you, the uncle has already done it, so you have to promise the uncle must get better quickly, because your mother is already too hard. You have to be good, you have to be good. "

The adult's resistance to pits is much better than that of children. After a few days, Gao Yi was able to get out of bed and walk around, but Xiaoyudian still had to lie down and give injections, and she didn't feel lonely or anything. She had a doll. That's enough. Now she has another uncle to accompany her. She doesn't know how happy she is.

However, at this time, she was awkward with Xia Ruoxin. She stopped her small face, her lips beeping, "Mom, do n’t drink that in the rain, and grow up in the rain, do n’t drink milk. Don't drink milk, "her little head shook like a wavy drum.

Xia Ruoxin shook the bottle in her hand a little helplessly. These are the most nutritious ones. If she doesn't drink this, what should she drink? She can't always feed her with the method of feeding porridge?

What's wrong, Gao Yi walked in from the outside. He was holding two bowls in his hands, which were two newly bought egg soups. He set the bowl aside, walked over, and bent down to look at the raindrops.

"Slight rain, you're not good," he said softly, and Slight Rain only lowered his head, right to the little finger, "But Slight Rain, don't want to drink milk, Slight Rain grew up, not a baby Now. "

Gao Yi stretched out his hand, held Xiaoyudian in his arms, and took the bottle from Xia Ruoxin's hand. He let Xiaoyudian sit on his lap, and then shook the bottle in his hand.

"Small rain, you need to know that some older children use baby bottles, and you are only three years old. In our hearts, you haven't grown up, you are still young," he said. A little rain and a small nose, but very satisfied with her look at this time, her little face finally has some blood, it seems to have some fleshy recently, I believe that soon, it will be his favorite again Apple face.

"Come, drink," he put the bottle in Xiaoyudian's hands, and rubbed her little bald head again. "You are a child, and no one will laugh at you," it seems to have learned about Xiaoyu's snacks long ago. What she's thinking, Gao Yi's way of persuading her is always special.

"After you finish drinking, your uncle bought egg soup for you. It tastes good. After a while, after drinking milk, my uncle will give you that, okay?"

When Xiaoyu heard the egg soup drink, she nodded her head from time to time, and the two little hands drank with the feeding bottle. Her eyes still looked at the two bowls on the table from time to time, and she did the same as her mother. like.

"Ruo Xin, bring a bowl of egg soup," Gao Yi raised her head and said to Xia Ruoxin, who had been in a daze, that her daughter, now listening to Gao Yi, was even better than her mother.

Gao Yi laughed at this dull woman. She wouldn't think her daughter had been taken away by him.

"Oh, what did you just say?" Xia Ruoxin pulled her clothes a little bit embarrassed. She didn't mean it, she just thought too much about things.

Gao Yi put his hand on his forehead. "If you want, I mean bring a bowl of egg soup," he now has a little guy in his arms, unable to move.

"Okay," Xia Ruoxin quickly walked over, holding the egg soup in both hands, and exclaimed, it was really hot.

She scalded the egg in front of Gao Yi, thinking he was going to drink it.

But Gao Yi pushed the bowl in front of her.

"Okay, you drink, you haven't eaten for a long time, eat more, so that your body will be good, otherwise, when the raindrops get fat, you will not hold her." And Xiaoyudian heard himself She just raised her face and continued to drink milk. She drank the milk in the bottle. Now she can only drink her own milk and cannot speak, otherwise she will not be good.

"I ..." Xia Ruoxin's fingers were extremely hot, and she gently sucked her nose. No one had ever cared about her like this, was she hungry, was she cold, was she tired. It was only him, and she suddenly felt her eyes wet, and she quickly lowered her head, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, hurry up, there is a bowl of drizzle there." Gao Yi's gentle face was a smile, and between his head he patted the drizzle again.

"Hurry up, or the egg soup will be cold for a while. See if you can't listen to your mother next time. If you don't listen, just drink milk and no egg soup."

Drizzle drank the milk and nodded her head constantly. In order to drink less milk and drink more, she would listen to her mother in the future.

Xia Ruoxin raised the bowl and put it on his lips. The bowl had a very delicious flavor. It looked really delicious.