Love in the Midst of Mistaken Identities

Chapter 7: cruel

Chu Lu just sneered, who was that cruel person.

He sneered, and you said that your purity was costly. It can really be faked.

He possessed her body and also took her heart at the same time.

She clutched the quilt under her tightly, biting a few bitter scars on her lips.

Chu Li sneered again, and now the pain was the real beginning. Did she hurt him again, did Yi Xuan hurt, Yi Xuan was the bride he settled down, and she killed her. Yi Xuan who killed him.

Xia Ruoxin stretched out his hand, trying to catch something, except that kind of pain, heart, body, soul.

It hurts, she really hurts.

Chu Lu is deaf, but just keeps laughing, cold smile, like a demon, this is the price of your wife, I will let you remember, how do I occupy your body , I want to make you never forget, and always remember, such a pain.

You don't deserve my love, so you, you don't deserve me to treat you in the same way. "

Xia Ruoxin just bit her back tightly, she shook her head from time to time, her pale face like snow, her eyes were staring at the man's ruthless eyes, and straight into her soul.

"I want you to die," he continued to watch in her ears, and she just raised her eyes to see the wedding photo on the wall.

Yixuan, is this what you want?

She clenched her hand tightly, begging for the man who was torturing her.

And scattered on this newlyweds bed is only the man's ruthlessness, and her pure body and mind.

Her first night was not happy, only pain, heartbreaking pain.

It wasn't until Chu Li pulled out of himself mercilessly that he was wearing his pants, just staring coldly at the woman who had fainted, and he would not feel bad for such a woman.

After just going out, he closed his eyes and closed the door forcefully, but he did not dare to look at the body that had been severely raged by him.

Xia Ruoxin just shrank her body, and the blood on the bed proved that she had just taken away her body cruelly.

"Little brother ..." She opened her eyes, the man with empty eyes looking at the photo.

"Why don't you recognize me? Why, don't believe me, I didn't harm Xia Yixuan. Why don't you believe me, don't believe me?"

She reached out her hand, trying to catch something, and finally just put the back of her hand under her lips and bit her tightly.