Love in the Midst of Mistaken Identities

Chapter 957: She misses mom

However, one month has passed, and one month has passed. He still did not find his daughter and did not return home.

Lying on a bed made of hard boards, the first one had a bed and a quilt. By now, he can rest as he pleases, even if he sleeps on the floor.

The village was very quiet. When it was dark, every family would close the door and no longer go out. From time to time, the wind would blow out from the window. He could not help but rolled over, and also shrank his body.

At this time, no one knew that, in such a cold night, a little child ran out of the corner. It was a little girl, her face was small, her eyes were large, and her body was very She is thin, and her wide sleeves can be blown almost by the wind, and the little arms are blue and purple.

She bit her own mouth, sucked her nose, and ran to the trash bin not far away, looking for something to eat in there, until she searched for a long time, and found half a **** that others had lost. It was running back, shrinking himself to the corner, and then eating hard.

There was a lot of footsteps behind her, many people, and the steps on the ground were also fast, and she even shrank her small body, her little black face, only a pair of bright eyes, but at this time it was Very poor.

"Have you found it?" A desperate woman asked the man next to her.

"No," the man didn't sound very good, and the woman listened, and yelled. "The dead girl, it's better not to let me find her, or she will be killed."

And the little girl shrunk by the wall concealed her little body more and more, and still clutched half of the **** in her hand.

"What if I can't find it?" The man was anxious and unwilling, "It was so easy to get such a good seed. Seeing that she could go on stage to perform, but she ran away?"

"What else can I do? Find it," the woman bitten her teeth, "I haven't earned a penny for such a year, and dare to run for me?"

"It's not you," the man scolded the woman, "OK, what do you do to hit her, and she can run without hitting her?"

"You didn't hit it, either," the daughter shouted back in disappointment. "What are you still doing here? Find it fast, or you can't find it, you don't want to eat tomorrow," the man murmured. A few words, but no one understood what he said.

After a while, the wind became stronger, and the little girl biting the pier strongly must have bitten her little mouth. She hugged her small body tightly until both people went away until they could not hear them. Voice, she still hides here, afraid to move.

Suddenly, the world began to rain, and the rain fell from time to time on her little body. Soon after, her hair was wet, and her thin, poor clothes were wet, and those rains were on her wounds. It hurts.

The little girl did not dare to cry, but just cried poorly.

Until it was darker again, the little child stood up and ran towards the door. She bent down and crawled out of a small hole. A pair of little feet kept running forward, banging She fell on the ground, but soon got up again, and the rain seemed to be getting worse, but she still didn't dare to stop, she was afraid they would find her, and then endlessly hit curse.

She was afraid of being beaten.

She is in pain.

She misses mother.