Love Rival Romance System

Chapter 16: Come back home

After school on Friday, the last class was over, and the students were excited to pack up their bags and go to the school gate.

At this time, only one high school and two high school students can go home. In the third grade, they will prepare for the college entrance examination, and they will have classes on weekends. There are only two days off in one month.

Some students expressed their feelings: "It will be our turn next year. It is really miserable."

Another classmate is arguing: "What are you afraid of? It’s not good to sneak out in the high school and high school. If you are courageous, you will have a holiday every day~"

Everyone laughed and laughed and went downstairs.

Most of the students in this high school are in the town. They are not far from home. They choose to go to school by bicycle, which is convenient and chic. A group of good relationships formed a relaxed and free team. The uniforms of the school uniforms moved with the wind. From time to time, they laughed with people around them. They became a conspicuous landscape on the road, full of youth, full of vigor and vitality. Let the people who saw it can't help but feel the emotion. Once, I was so happy and laughed.

From the school gate, Jiang Yang stepped on the foot and swayed in the wind. After a while, Huang Shao accelerated to catch up. He smiled and said: "Small Yang Yang, this dress is washed by Xu Ge to you? To be honest, you two What happened between the two? How can he help you wash your clothes?"

The eyes are filled with the light of gossip, and the curiosity is extremely strong.

But Jiang Yang heard this, the reaction was very cold, and he smirked twice: "I want to know?"

Huang Shao nodded hard.

Jiang Yang: "It's very simple. You let me play, I will tell you."

When Huang Shaoyi listened to it, he smashed and narrowed his neck. "Ish brother got you again?"

Moreover, this word is used very well, and it is said completely without thinking. It can be seen that the bad relationship between them has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Jiang Yang’s mood is not smooth, no need to think, nine times ten times because of Qin Xu, and Qin Xu, and vice versa.

Jiang Yang was cold and didn't answer.

What Huang Shao wanted to say, I don’t know when Xiao Yuxin, who was catching up, moved his hand and controlled the front wheel and hit him, silently holding his words. Huang Shao, Ran, but Xiao Yuxin gave Jiang Yang an understanding of his eyes.

Jiang Yang: "..." So, what do you understand?

After Xiao Yuxin accidentally bumped into the scene last night, Jiang Yang found that his eyes had a very terrible change, understanding, appeasement, encouragement, and sympathy.

Jiang Yang even became even more annoyed when he explained why he didn't know where to start.

After Xiao Yuxin, who was on a different road, they rode bicycles, bypassed the street and crossed the intersection. Huang Shaowen went to the aroma and squinted his eyes. He took the lead and stepped on it faster. He stopped at the roadside stall and turned back and waved at him. "There are octopus **** here, can you eat or not?"

Jiang Yang's face was a little slow, he didn't say anything, but he rode the car and stopped. He asked the boss for a box of octopus balls.

The boss responded quickly, his hands and feet quickly turned over the meatballs on the stove, and the movements were skillful. The sign was like a shadow in his hand. The fried meatballs were poked one by one, neatly arranged in the carton, and the photos were poured in order. Sauce, salad dressing, seaweed powder, bonito flower. Freshly baked octopus **** are golden fragrant, and the skin is tender and tender, and the students with empty stomachs are moving their index fingers.

The boss did a good job, put two bamboo sticks intimately, and smiled and handed a box of meatballs. They had already paid for the QR code. After Jiang Yang took over a box, of course, like others, he leaned back on the bicycle and ate it on the side. Cold, but a bamboo stick was coming over, and he grabbed his meatballs with great brilliance.

When Jiang Yang turned his head, he was on the face of Huang Shaoxiao's smiling face. There was no guilty conscience in the bag. Some words were speechless: "You are not without yourself. Is it more fragrant in other people's bowls?"

Huang Shao stretched out his thumb. "Bingo! Do you want to try my?"

In the face of the carton that was enthusiasm, Jiang Yangbai glanced at it and poked one away.

Huang Shao mourned: "That is my biggest one, I want to stay behind to eat!"

Jiang Yang is unscrupulous: "I am so lucky. All of them are made by a mold, and your eyes are incredible."

Huang Shao Bitter: "There are a lot of sauces on the seaweed~"

Jiang Yang: "Compensate you?"

Huang Shao’s eyes lit up and nodded hard.

When the bamboo sticks were extended, Jiang Yang was able to hide in a flexible way, stuffing the last ball into his mouth, letting Huang Shao look at it, shaking the empty box in his hand, silent, but his expression was quite provocative.

Huang Shao: "..." Wang cried out!

Happily finished the octopus **** and rode forward for a while. They went to the convenience store and bought two cans of chilled cola, standing at the door and pulling the ring to drink.

A bicycle flashed across the road, red-gold, unusually swaying, and slammed into their eyes. Huang Shao was originally feeling how handsome and expensive the bicycle was, but when he looked at it, he found that the owner of the car was very familiar - "Xu Ge!"

Qin Xu, who had already arrived across the road, seemed to have heard his name. He suddenly braked and stepped on the ground with one foot. He looked back and quickly, his eyes were fixed in their position.

Jiang Yang looked, his face did not have a superfluous expression, just like the flowers and plants on the roadside, he did not say hello.

I thought that Qin Xu should be the same, and he would leave by bicycle. But he didn't.

When the teenager stepped on the bicycle and looked back at this side, his eyes were bright, he did not hesitate to raise his hand and waved, his lips smiled, his mouth closed, and he said something. The warm orange sunset, a faint warm light behind him, made his always cold eyebrows soft, like caramel melted in the sun, the smile was dazzling and dazzling.

Jiang Yang looked, his heart suddenly jumped, and there was a strong and strange emotion, like falling into the hot spring water, bubbling, and being trapped in a forced space, swelled in the chest. Very uncomfortable.

These complicated emotions were finally frowned by him into an uncontrollable irritability. Clapping the hands of Coke, violently, the metal sound, the distortion, the black liquid was forced to splash out and drip on the ground. , keep on bubbling.

Huang Shaoxi saw Qin Xu smile brightly, seeing ghosts, looking around, trying to find the figure of the school's flower phoenix tree, but nothing glimpsed, shocked and spit - impossible, school flowers are not, how the iceberg Xu brother suddenly Laughed? Who is he laughing at?

I haven't figured out the reason. Huang Shao first saw Jiang Yan pinching the cans, and his face was impatient. He was always volcanic. Huang Shao suddenly became a group, quiet as a chicken.

What is Jiang Yang suddenly angry? Who is provoked by him?

Just thinking about it, Huang Shao immediately thought of Qin Xu’s cozy smile. Oh, they are both in the same fire. Jiang Yang certainly didn’t like to appreciate his smile. On the contrary, if you are well, it’s a blue sky.

Huang Shao, who thinks the truth, carefully opened his mouth: "Calm down, small, and cola are sprinkled, so wasteful."

Jiang Yang looked down and looked down. He turned his face and walked back to the convenience store. He threw the twisted cans into the trash can, then bought a paper towel and wiped the cola on his hands. From beginning to end, he didn't say a word, but the momentum of the whole body made the young female clerk not dare to scream at all. He was afraid that he suddenly became worried, but he did not expect that, next second, he went outside and squatted down the floor. They were wiped clean, and then they left by bike.

The author has something to say: Jiang Yang is a little fried, it is an exclusive skill, only Qin Xu can make him care so much~