Low Key Star

Chapter 153: [153] Shameless

  Chapter 153 [153] Shameless

  In the following period, for Zhang Yang, the preparation of the new album has basically come to an end, not that he doesn’t need to take care of it anymore—in fact, even with the complete and detailed song score and album production, Zhang Yang has always been “overstepping his authority”.

For example, he refuses to tune, and tries his best to sing every part accurately. If he can't sing correctly, he will sing it again. Whatever he sings in the end, he will be what he is. He will never be like other singers. .

This is not Zhang Yang's insistence. He studied Jay Chou in music, but he did not have the confidence and requirements of Zhou. What a deliberate propaganda, just mention it in passing during the interview

  —It’s best after becoming famous. This is the most difficult time to continue to expand the fan base. It is used to attract those groups whose original musical attributes do not match him, and pull them into his own attributes.

  In addition to the music itself, Zhang Yang's other behaviors, such as digital album pricing, such as fan management-in these two aspects, Zhang Yang's philosophy has a great conflict with the company.

In a sense, it is using the company's income to "buy people's hearts", not even counting promotions, because those who enjoy the discount are those who have already purchased the super version of the song. If they don't The willingness to buy an album will hardly buy an entire album just because of a few bucks.

  There is only loss, no gain.

In terms of fan management, Zhang Yang firmly believes that "fan behavior, idols pay the bill", and at the same time intends to maintain his positive energy image. After all, due to the addition of famous schools in Qingcheng No. 2 Middle School and Huaxing University, he is regarded by many people, especially parents. Naturally, he is a good boy, and the song "Listen to Mom" ​​has won the favor of countless parents.

Zhang Yang never wants to affect the atmosphere of the fan group because of individual fans, so official guidance is very important. He specifically talked with Tang Qing and Zhang Yanfang who are in charge of this matter. If there are people who affect the atmosphere of the fan group, such as extreme emotions, Negative remarks should be persuaded, should be controlled, should be eliminated, and there is no need to be afraid of offending people.

  ... For all these things, if it was someone else, most likely they would have ended up in a situation similar to Fang Chang's.

  However, Zhang Yang has the appreciation and support of Wang Qingyuan and Lin Suyuan, and the company's interests can be suppressed. In terms of music, his persistence may be the better choice.

However, people are not sages, Zhang Yang's talent has won He Yanping's respect, and he is very cooperative in all aspects, but his good music director, in the production of Zhang Yang's album, has gradually become a "deputy" instead, which is somewhat uncomfortable of.

On the other hand, the debate on "the great man of chivalry" is still going on. As the debate on Zhang Yang's praise and criticism—more precisely, "whether Zhang Muzhi has been praised too much" has expanded, many people have begun to slowly I saw one thing clearly.

  The so-called "Whether the great chivalrous man was created by Zhang Muzhi" or "Whether Zhang Muzhi is too famous" is, in the final analysis, a battle between the Jinbang, the chivalrous, and the cold window.

The first two, one is the top of the three major literary newspapers today, and the other is the base camp of martial arts novels. As a rising star, Han Chuang seemed to be difficult to get ahead, but with Zhang Muzhi and the new martial arts, he broke the balance of the three pillars in one fell swoop. On the gold list.

   This is unacceptable and unacceptable to Jinbang and Xiake!

   What is more strange is that although Zhang Muzhi was in the limelight before, no matter whether he was a gold medalist or a knight-errant, his attitude was relatively mild.

  Zhang Yang has some vague guesses about this, the reason is nothing more than the fact that both of these two families still wanted to win him over, but now, most of them have given up.

  Since they can't be friends, the clear hostile position is naturally a competition for interests. There is nothing to say about this.

  The only question is whether Jinbang or the knight knows his identity.

   Shangguan Qiyu being able to know his true identity means that more people already know that Zhang Yang is Zhang Muzhi, but it is expected that even if Jinbang or the knight knows, they just want to hide it and will never take the initiative to expose it.

  Zhang Muzhi and Zhang Yang are independent writers and singers, and they are already extremely dazzling in their respective fields. If they are combined, the effect will not be as simple as one plus one.

  However, in this world, everything has advantages and disadvantages, especially in Vanity Fair, Zhang Yang thinks that he acts relatively restrained and low-key, but Zhang Muzhi's success and Zhang Yang's success have already touched the interests of many people.

   This means that he already has many invisible enemies in the dark!

The next two albums are undoubtedly the key. Once it fails, it may shatter the aura brought by the success of "Yin Chao", and if it succeeds, his popularity and status will be stable-followed by more enemy.

  Of course, there will definitely be friends. There are seagulls behind him, and Luoshen, a plug-in that has no effect on its own. You need to be cautious and serious, but you don’t have to be timid.

  Teacher's Day on the 10th and Mid-Autumn Festival on the 11th.

  Military training was not interrupted because of this, so at noon on the 11th, Zhang Yang took Lin Yiran to have a good meal in the cafeteria, not only ordered food, but also asked Yan Xixi to buy mooncakes.

  In the evening class activities, the counselors and instructors were all on the list, but the instructors were strict and left after showing their faces. Chen Shi was there from the beginning to the end, and even participated in the game and sang a song—extremely out of tune!

  Of course, not everyone has Zhang Yang's hearing ability, so after Chen Shi sang, the students still applauded enthusiastically, and Zhang Yang had no choice but to applaud hard.

  Chen Shi teased that there was a talented musician in the class. When he was asked to comment, Zhang Yang praised a lot of good things against his will. At the end, he joked that Teacher Chen didn’t dislike it, and he would definitely ask her to sing and record an album when he had the opportunity

——This is not flattery, but awareness of current affairs. After all, if you want to ask for leave in the future, you need Chen Shi's nod. Zhang Yang doesn't want to give up his career, but he doesn't want to be punished or persuaded by Huaxing University. This golden signboard is effective for fans and the general public It is effective for neutral groups, and it is even more effective for parents and elders.

There were also activities in Lin Yiran's class. The two of them walked around the school after the event was over, and then Zhang Yang sent Lin Yiran home, and Lin Yiran went to see Haha again. He didn't have a driver's license yet, so either Yuan Tong or Zhang Hongkang was driving.

I called my family and elders, my parents, the old man, my grandparents, and even my patients Li Wenxi and Zhang Yang. Although I don't know the exact identity of this old man, but his granddaughter and Yang Yuting are cousins, the future mother-in-law He also said that Yang Yuting's identity is not simple - then obviously, old man Li's thigh is still worth hugging.

Naturally, Zhang Yang won't be too obvious about his flattery. He played in the name, one is blessing, and the other is to listen to the feedback from readers of the old man's age. So old man Li talked about the great man from the "Shooting the Condor" TV series, and from the great man The quarrels in the newspapers, from the quarrel to the literati, from the literati to the prospect of China's development...

   Zhang Yang, who wanted to chat with Lin Yiran after hanging up the phone, regretted making this call very much.

  Before going to bed, Zhang Yang was chatting with Lin Yiran, and unexpectedly received a message from "Chu Chu": "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

   Zhang Yang replied: "Let's have fun together!"

  Chu Chu: "Thank you for recommending "Shooting the Condors". It's pretty good. I'm still watching "The Condors."

   Zhang Yang: "Oh, comrade, I also think it looks good. The author is too powerful, so watch it well. I will chat with my girlfriend and I won't bother you."

  Chu Chu: "Then you chat, I'll send you a message, you don't need to reply, I'm just bored, find someone to talk to."

  Chu Chu: "How old are you, do you already have a girlfriend?"

  Chu Chu: "Is that the girl you confessed to last year? Did she accept you, or did you find another love?"

  Chu Chu: "What's it like to fall in love?"


  After chatting with Lin Yiran, Zhang Yang read through the message from Chu Chu, and when he didn't reply, he turned off his phone and went to sleep.

  Sleep drowsily, but felt that there seemed to be someone beside me. I reached out and touched it. The skin was delicate and smooth, tender and tender. After a while, I vaguely had the idea of ​​"who is this".

  In his consciousness, he already vaguely realized that this was a dream, so he became more and more entangled in who it was, Lin Yiran or Yang Yuting?

  He then tried hard to identify who it was, but in the darkness, he couldn't see the face clearly. Later, he probably got used to the darkness, and when he got very close, he saw a vaguely beautiful silhouette

  —Very beautiful, very beautiful, but a little strange, I don’t know him, but somehow I have an answer: Luoshen!

   Zhang Yang sat up in the dark with a cry of surprise, covered in cold sweat. After a while, he was sure that it was really a dream, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

But anyway, it’s a dream, and you don’t need to be responsible, let alone cause consequences. It’s just a bit of a psychological shadow, and Zhang Yang didn’t take it seriously. He silently thought about Lin Yiran, and planned to continue dreaming. Changing the person to Lin Yiran, it’s more looking forward to it. , also felt.

   But tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, Zhang Yang lay bored and looked at his phone, and unexpectedly there was another new message, which was still from Chu Chu:

"I just had a dream. I dreamed that you were in love with that girl. I couldn't see her face. I didn't know what you and her looked like. I just thought it was the two of you—when you are free, or what do you think When the answer is better, remember to get back to me, I really want to know how it feels to be in love."

   Zhang Yang looked at the news and suddenly felt distressed.

   This has nothing to do with whether her name is Yang Yuting, or whether she looks like that Yang Yuting, but it's about remembering what Lin Yiran said.

  She won't live to be twenty years old.

  So I probably won’t be in a relationship, right?

  For her, disappearing quietly alone may be the final destination—twenty years of prosperity and wealth, or an ordinary and mediocre life, which one is happier?

For Zhang Yang's dark and selfish thoughts, it would be better for Yang Yuting in this world to pass away like this. Even if he already understood that she was another person, he would not be willing to look at her—at least eighty-nine percent She looks alike, and married another man.

  In the original world, did Yang Yuting have a similar shadow in this world, separated from herself, did she have any unavoidable difficulties and considerations?

   This idea flashed in his mind, and Zhang Yang quickly put it aside, picked up his phone, and sent Lin Yiran a message: "I just dreamed about you."

  As soon as the news was sent out, a familiar crisp and sweet voice sounded in my mind: "Shameless!"

   Chapter 2 of No. 4! Deficiency does not increase (^^)



  (end of this chapter)