Low Key Star

Chapter 228: [228] Teacher Fang's son

  Chapter 228 [228] Mr. Fang's son

In terms of downloads alone, the song "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" is undoubtedly at the bottom of all publicity songs, but in terms of popularity, due to the existence of TV dramas, it may be compared to "Sunny Day" and "Double Songs". There is still a gap between the popular songs such as "Jiangun", "Dongfeng Break", "A Thousand Miles Away" and "You at the Same Table", which have been resounding all over the streets and alleys. However, even among his songs, they are relatively high.

More importantly, due to the patriotic feelings of the song and the TV series itself, people who pay attention to and love this song, in addition to Zhang Yang’s fans, most of the passers-by are middle-aged and elderly people, and even many people who don’t like pop songs. Some people with special identities and positions.

   This greatly expanded Zhang Yang's popularity.

For Zhang Yang, such a result is not good, but he also understands that combining the national conditions in this world, this kind of thing is in line with common sense, so he is no longer greedy. As a member who once hated the fan circle culture, he is very clear. The importance of popularity and the difficulty of accumulation, this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

  With the passage of time, these and the classic works that have been proven once by time will show their due heat and radiance sooner or later.

  So when Gao Yongnian Liang Yanfu said that the soaring ratings of "Huo Zongxia" were related to "The Great Wall Never Falls", he was somewhat surprised, and then he learned what happened from Liang Yanfu.

  The source lies in an article titled "Looking at the Necessity of National Humiliation Education from Huo Zongxia".

This is an article published by Gao Yongnian, a professor of the Department of Grammar of Jiangnan University, on the Internet a few years ago. It became a hot search, and then the ranking rose all the way, and this morning it came to the eleventh of the hot search list, almost among the top ten

  —At least at this time, the real-time hot search list of Weibo in this world is still relatively small. Being able to come to such a position with such keywords during such a nationally celebrated Spring Festival period shows the high degree of attention.

   Along with "TV series "Huo Zongxia"" and "Professor Jiang University calls for national humiliation education", it also became a trending search, coupled with the tension of the plot, it jointly promoted the ratings of the "Huo Zongxia" TV series tonight.

   Zhang Yang then found the article on Weibo:

  Jiangnan TV recently broadcast a drama called "Huo Zongxia". I heard that there will be a movie of the same name to be released in a few days. When I learned about this incident, I was very happy, because finally a director and company have set their sights on this period of history. In the evening, I deliberately watched it in front of the TV. The filming of the drama was very good, and the opening song was well written. The song was called "The Great Wall Will Never Fall".

  Perhaps because of the Spring Festival, I observed for a few days and found that this drama did not arouse the discussion and influence I imagined, and many people even questioned the lyrics of "The Great Wall Never Falls".

  My daughter is also a fan of Zhang Yang. She loves to listen to Zhang Yang's songs, but her evaluation of this song is much worse than Zhang Yang's other popular songs.

   This song is sung by Feng Shaoang and Zhang Yang, who is also a lyricist. Many audiences of a certain age should be familiar with Feng Shao'an, and the name Zhang Yang is even more famous. Many people praised him for his good singing and good poetry. I never listen to popular songs, but I agree with the well-written poems, "Thousands of blows are still strong, let the wind from east to west", "Luohong is not a ruthless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers" all It is a good sentence that can be passed down to future generations.

   Even so, I still have no way to imagine that the lyrics of "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" came from the hands of a young man who is not yet twenty years old. It’s not that the writing is not good, nor is it that Zhang Yang can’t write such good lyrics. I’ve read Zhang Yang’s other lyrics and they are very good. It's not like a twenty-year-old can express it.

  Many, no, most of the young people today are completely unfamiliar with that period of history. I learned from my friends that Zhang Yang is a student of the History Department of Huaxing University, which may explain one or two of them.

I say this, not to exaggerate, this talented young man does not need me to say more words of praise, I just want to express in this way that the history expressed in the lyrics of "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" is true What has existed, and the contrast with the history that many people know, may exceed many people's imagination. It is one of the most tragic and shameful stages of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

When our textbooks talk about this period of history, they always focus on how China revitalized and how it broke out of its cocoon and became a butterfly, but few people said what kind of pain it was that awakened the lion that had been sleeping for a hundred years, so that many young people felt that China Today's prosperity is as it should have been since ancient times.


   This is the result of the blood of countless ancestors and the pain of countless people. We have also been backward, humiliated, and beaten to the door by others, and we can only be swallowed by knocked out teeth. When I say this, I definitely do not think or hope that China will still have that kind of time, but if we want to continue to prosper, we need the continuous efforts of our generations. Remembering history and shame will help us work harder.


This article is more than 2,000 words in length. It tells about Huo Zongxia's encounters in the play, or some historical events expressed by the director and screenwriter through other characters, such as unequal treaties, invasion, and suffering of the people, including real history. In the end, he even pointed out that the authorities should not "cover up their faults" and should tell this hidden real history in textbooks.

Of course, probably like many of the people above who want to use Zhang Yang as a banner, the professor also said at the end: "I hope more stars and idols like Zhang Yang who have great influence among young people will stand up. , I also hope that more and more young people, like Zhang Yang, love and promote traditional Chinese culture, and a correct understanding of history is an essential part of understanding and promoting traditional culture.”

After Zhang Yang read it, he felt that although this Professor Gao was a bit on the line, he was still quite cool... Such a university professor who seems to like to be on the line, should rarely praise a young man like this, and he is also a star. ?

  He subconsciously wanted to forward it, but then felt that such a forwarding seemed a bit self-promotional, so he hesitated, gave up the idea of ​​forwarding it, and clicked a thumbs up.

  He forwarded the link of the article to Lin Yiran, and soon received a reply: "I read it earlier."

   Zhang Yang: "You didn't tell me after reading it?"

  Lin Yiran: "What's there to say [白眼]"

  Zhang Yang: "Although it's not uncommon to praise my articles, but there are deep and connotative compliments, you can still tell me about them, I don't despise them."

  Lin Yiran: "[White Eyes]"

  Lin Yiran: "Are the ratings high tonight?"

   Zhang Yang: "The highest is 1.45, and the average of the two episodes is 1.28"

  Lin Yiran: "Wow, so tall?"

  Lin Yiran: "Won't that make a lot of money?"

   Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and replied: "It's hard to say, it depends on whether the ratings can be stabilized in the future, but how to say, this time the investment is definitely profitable, and there will be replay rights in the future."

  Lin Yiran: "How much money can I make?"

   Zhang Yang: "If the ratings are better, it should be able to get your pocket money."

  Lin Yiran: "[White Eyes]"

  Lin Yiran: "Sister Yu'er has come to Qingcheng, I will accompany them to play tomorrow."

   Zhang Yang: "Come on, come on, are you going to pay New Year's greetings tomorrow?"

  Lin Yiran: "It's evening."

  Grandpa and grandma are still relatively healthy, but most of the elderly people go to bed early. If it weren’t for the fact that the daughter’s family just arrived today, the two elderly people would have fallen asleep after watching "Huo Zongxia", or before finishing it.

  After reading it, Zhang Yang's family went back upstairs. Grandpa and grandma started tidying up years ago, so although no one lives there all year round, except for the old ones, it is not messy.

Zhang Yang got up early in the morning, and his parents hadn't woken up yet, so he went to the second floor to chat with his grandmother, watched her fry pork with vinegar, cook rice noodles, and prepare the family's breakfast. He didn't forget to take a photo and send it to Lin Yiran .

  After breakfast, Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue prepared gifts to go to New Year's greetings. As usual, Zhang Yang and Zhang Wei didn't go, so they stayed at home with their grandparents.

  Grandpa used to have an older brother, but he died young and had no descendants. Grandma had two younger sisters, two older brothers, and now only one younger sister is still alive. This is where Zhang Shouyi, Fang Qianxue, and Fang Qianyuan's couple have lunch today.

  But before going to this little aunt's house, Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue had to visit another house, which was a junior high school teacher of Fang Qianxue.

When Fang Qianxue was in junior high school, she was on her way to school in the morning—it was winter, and the school’s morning reading class was relatively early, so she basically smeared her going to school. On the way, she ran into Jiedao, just as her Chinese teacher passed by and rescued her, but she was stabbed and stayed in the hospital for half a year.

  Fang Qianxue always remembers the kindness of others. Every year when she comes back, she will bring gifts to pay New Year's greetings. Since she got married, as the number of people who need to visit has gradually decreased, she has been going to pay New Year's greetings every year on the fourth day of the new year for the past few years.

  The road was not far away, but only one street away. Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue walked there as usual, carrying gifts to the teacher's house named Gao Zheng. After knocking on the door, the old man's second son Gao Yongnian opened the door.

It was 30 years ago that Fang Qianxue was in junior high school. The old man is over 60 this year and has already retired at home. He has two sons. The eldest son Gao Yongxu works in Licheng and is a civil servant. He is not here today; the second son Gao Yongnian He taught at the famous Jiangnan University. He seemed to have been promoted last year and was named a professor.

Since then, Fang Qianxue has come to visit every year. Before marriage, her parents accompanied her, and after marriage, she was accompanied by Zhang Shouyi. Over the years, even if it was only once a year, Fang Qianxue has become familiar with each other. No accident, he smiled and let him into the house.

  Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue came in with presents, and first said hello to the old man who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. Gao Yongnian's wife also came out of the room, greeted with a smile, and called his daughter to come out to say hello.

Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue have met Gao Yongnian's daughter a few times, and in their impression she is a pretty well-behaved girl, but she is a little shy and doesn't talk much—in fact, the impression Zhang Wei left on people with similar relationships is the same, not necessarily How well-behaved and shy it is, it's just how it behaves in front of unfamiliar outsiders.

This girl is slightly older than Zhang Yang. Her name is Gao Ying. She is tall and graceful. She is very beautiful. She is studying at the Capital University. After being called out by her mother, she greeted Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue, but her eyes seemed a little puzzled. , and then seemed to want to go back to the room, but was stopped by her mother's eyes, so she had to sit and listen to the elders chatting, and looked at Fang Qianxue and Zhang Shouyi from time to time, as if thinking about something.

Zhang Shouyi, Fang Qianxue, and Gao Yongnian are all teachers. Although college is different from junior high school, it is not difficult for teachers to find common topics. In addition, there is an old man who is a retired teacher. The topics can be imagined, so it is no wonder that Gao Yongnian Ying is unwilling to listen.

After exchanging pleasantries, they chatted with each other about family issues, and then the topic gradually spread. Gao Yongnian talked about some of the current situation, so he mentioned the TV series "Huo Zongxia" that is being broadcast, and said that it is rare to see "The Great Wall Never Falls" with such connotations. The lyrics are so deep that many people feel that such lyrics are distorted. By the way, they sighed about the ills of education and talked about the meaning and importance of national humiliation education...

   When he said this, he glanced at Gao Ying, but saw that the daughter seemed to think of something, her face was stunned, and then she looked at Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue with some excitement.

Gao Yongnian was a little strange, but he didn't take it to heart, and continued to express his emotions. Now that he talked about this song, he naturally praised the original author a few words, saying that he thought he was a flamboyant young man with some talent to pursue fame and fortune. , I didn't expect to have such a thought.

Every time Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue came back to visit, Zhang Yang's brother and sister did not accompany him, and Gao Yongnian casually said that he had some prejudices against Zhang Yang in the past, obviously not knowing that Zhang Yang's parents were right in front of him. It's not easy to follow the exaggeration, so Zhang Shouyi took over the topic of national humiliation education, and went on to gossip about the disadvantages of education.

Gao Yongnian was quite emotional about this, but this matter was brought out by "Huo Zongxia", and Zhang Yang became a positive role model in Gao Yongnian's heart. Naturally, there were praises and comparisons, saying, "Such a star, such a talented person, such a If you have more young people, you can get better and better", it seems that Zhang Yang has become a figure who shoulders the rise and fall of China.

He boasted a few words, Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue just didn't answer the words, if they boasted too much, it would be hard to acquiesce, otherwise Gao Yongnian would find out in the future, it would be embarrassing at that time, after the couple looked at each other, Zhang Shouyi gave a dry cough, and said helplessly and awkwardly: "How old is he, how can he be worthy of this..."

Not to mention Gao Yongnian, even the old man who had known Fang Qianxue's family never associated the young talented star whom he praised when chatting with his son yesterday with his students. Naturally, Gao Yongnian's wife was more I don't understand, but Zhang Shouyi responded inexplicably to Zhang Shouyi's words, and there was a bit of incongruity between them. There was a short silence, and they looked at each other, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhang Shouyi didn't know how to tell the truth. Fang Qianxue was about to speak when Gao Ying, who had been silent all this time, pursed her lips to keep herself from laughing, and then said softly, "Dad, that Zhang Yang you mentioned...is The son of Teacher Fang and Teacher Zhang..."

  (end of this chapter)