Low Key Star

Chapter 244: [244] Let the bullets fly

  Chapter 244 [244] Let the bullets fly

In terms of physical condition, there is not much difference between Zhang Yang and Ge Long, but with Ge Long's background, it is probably difficult to encounter such a fight. After he is sensible, he understands the weakness of physical strike ability under this social law, and Zhang Yang Until high school, there were physical conflicts with people.

So at the beginning of beating each other, Zhang Yang relied on his rich experience to take advantage of a lot, but as Ge Long adapted, the two beat each other regardless, and his so-called experience was quickly leveled, basically it was you Hit yours, I hit mine.

I don't know how long I've been punched, but my face, shoulders, chest, abdomen, and thighs are all burning pain, and my strength and fighting spirit are obviously continuously declining. Occasionally, I will be revived because of being punched by myself, but soon It faded again.

I don't know who stopped first, the two wrestled together lay side by side on the ring, gasping for breath, Zhang Yang blinked vigorously after being punched in the eyes, felt that his eyelids were a bit tight, probably swollen, turned his head to look Ge Long's face was worse than his own, so he gave up the idea of ​​punching him again, and tried to calm his breath and asked, "Would you still... hit him?"

  Ge Long turned his head to look at him, tried to get up and sat there, looking at Zhang Yang from a high position, probably also observing who was worse, "Forget it, forgive...you just hit it once, and fight again next time."

Zhang Yang let out a "haha", closed his eyes and lay there gasping for breath, when he heard someone coming up to the ring, probably the well-dressed doctor who wanted to give Ge Long medicine, Ge Long also lay down and said: "Forget it, first Give him medicine, people rely on their faces for food."

Zhang Yang didn't bother to say anything. He lay there and let the doctor apply medicine to him, breathing in the pain with a "hissing". When Ge Long heard the sound, he immediately regained his energy. He sat up and looked at Zhang Yang's distorted face in pain, feeling extremely Degas.

The two of them had no intention of showing mercy when they fought, and the injuries on their bodies were fine, the main reason being that their eyes were a little swollen. For Zhang Yang, this was undoubtedly not a trivial matter. big news.

  For Ge Long, being beaten is by no means a trivial matter. Although he doesn't rely on his face for food, in his opinion, his "face" is ten or a hundred times more important than publicity.

   Zhang Yang took the medicine, sat up and watched Ge Long start to "hiss" inhale, and felt that he didn't feel much pain anymore.

   After watching the pleasing Ge Long take the medicine, he was about to leave when Ge Long stopped him: "Change a place and talk?"

   Zhang Yang pointed to his left hand holding an ice pack to apply to his left eye with his right hand, and without speaking, Ge Long curled his lips and said, "Don't worry, I don't make money from entertainment news."

There is a bar on the second floor of the boxing gym, but Ge Long obviously didn't think of using it in advance, and no one went to work, so it was said that a doctor who was a hobby bartender acted as a bartender temporarily. I like to drink, so I ordered a glass of ice water.

   After his ice water was served, Ge Long's wine was not served for a long time, which shows that the doctor is really not very skilled.

After waiting for a while, the doctor brought the wine, turned around and left, silently glanced at the two people who were sitting with ice packs applied, Ge Long leaned on the chair, and said calmly: "Frankly speaking, I'm not afraid of Lin Canghai, but I'm not afraid of Lin Canghai either. It is necessary to make enemies like this, not to mention that the little princess is still there, so taking advantage of the fact that I have just finished the fight today, and I have vented my anger, it is better to speak clearly... The last thing was exposed like this, and there may be opportunities to cooperate in the future .”

   Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Okay."

Seeing that he responded, Ge Long looked better, and applied ice packs to his eyes, "You are lucky, and you caught up with the good times. The year before last, that person who just gained confidence in theory, road, and system, clearly The slogan of "cultural self-confidence" was put forward to improve national cohesion. The most important thing is cultural self-confidence. Therefore, in the past two years, we have paid special attention to the cultural industry, and we must strengthen cultural output and output... Otherwise, if you think you are singing Chinese style, there will be so many follower? "

Zhang Yang really didn't care about this. For him, the fire of Chinese style elements is already recognized as a fact. From another perspective, with the revival of traditional culture, no matter whether he is there or not, there will always be someone who will do this. For example, Wang Qingyuan and Lin Suyuan have already been making Chinese-style songs. His appearance just promoted this concept to more people and further made China popular in advance.

"Martial arts, Chinese style, you have caught up with it, and there is also the signboard of Huaxing University, and it should cooperate with you in the future. If you have anything to help, or have a chance to cooperate, you can also ask For example, I will make martial arts dramas or martial arts movies in the future.”

  Ge Long looked at Zhang Yang with a very casual expression and tone, "I don't care about money, I just want to do something, but I don't know what to do."

  Zhang Yang pondered for a while, stared at him and asked, "Since you don't care, can I ask why you...well, choose to cooperate with me instead of suppressing me?"

He considered more appropriate words, "You also said just now that you are not afraid of the Lin family, not to mention that Lin Yiran and I are in a relationship, and her parents have to stand by me desperately before reaching the point. With your character, you are not afraid Like such a generous person?"

Ge Long stared at Zhang Yang for two seconds, then laughed, "I just said, there's no need... I didn't like you at first, mainly because of my aunt, I don't know how much you know about your uncle's past, If you knew what he had done, or if you were in my position, you would not have any affection for his nephew. However, my aunt talked to me twice a while ago..."

  Ge Long hesitated, "I didn't have a mother since I was a child, and my father messed around outside, and never dared to bring that woman home. I was brought up by my aunt...Since she persuades me, I will always listen."

  He hesitated, then sighed softly, "So, there is no need... Besides, you are Zhang Wei's brother after all..."

Seeing Zhang Yang's surprised expression, Ge Long smiled slightly, his eyes were red and the corners of his mouth were blue, it was very unsightly, probably a little painful, he took a breath and said: "My aunt is still unmarried, just that one daughter, and... I have a cousin , a cousin who dislikes me, and I dislike them too... Calculated in this way, my cousin who has never met is the closest to me."

Zhang Yang frowned, Ge Long probably guessed what he was thinking, and said: "You think too much, among our big family, I have the best impression of Zhang Wei, even my aunt I might not have a good impression of her, who gave her the surname Zhang... But I can't say for sure, after all, my aunt is the only daughter... Anyway, people like my grandfather, my father, and my uncle must not have a good impression of her, and I can't wait... Well, in short, Zhang Wei will never have anything to do with the Ge family, you can rest assured about that."

   Zhang Yang said: "Of course Zhang Wei won't have anything to do with the Ge family."

  Ge Long nodded, reaching a consensus on this issue, and asked again: "When are you going to shoot "Yitian"? You sold "Shooting the Condor", are you going to shoot it yourself?"

  Zhang Yang didn't expect that he really planned to cooperate with him, but he realized in a flash that what Ge Long valued should be to cooperate with CTV through this project. After thinking about it, he said: "I will definitely shoot, but I should take it easy."

   Ge Long nodded, and asked again: "What about the movie?"

Zhang Yang thought about it. Among the martial arts movies that he could remember in his previous life, none of them wanted to make them himself. I don’t think any of them are of great significance. Jin Yong’s martial arts series adaptations can only capture a fragment. Now that he is planning to shoot martial arts series of TV series, there is no need to make martial arts movies anymore.

  Martial arts movies are naturally a very important part of discourse movies, but after martial arts become popular, other people will naturally make them, and he doesn't need to do these things himself.

  However, if Ge Long offered his favor, if he didn't accept it, he would be easily offended. Wouldn't this fight be for nothing?

Holding the idea that enemies should be solved rather than knotted, Zhang Yang quickly thought of a movie that he liked very much. Another story.

  “I really have a movie I want to make, but it’s not martial arts.”

  Ge Long glanced at him in surprise, "What movie?"

   "Do you have resources for movies at home?"

   "No, but it can be acquired if necessary."

   "Uh...not necessary."

Zhang Yang thought about it quickly in his mind. He has actually done some understanding of the film industry. More importantly, Dunhuang has theaters under its direct control, so it can cooperate with Dunhuang. In terms of funds, he still has spare money. , plus Ge Long, it shouldn't be a big problem, and you can find professionals for everything else...

   "How much money can you afford?"

  Ge Long applied ice packs to his eyes, and said angrily, "You have to tell me what to shoot, right? Just ask for money?"

  Zhang Yang thought for a while, and felt that he still had to play it safe, and said, "I'll write the script first, and then I'll contact you later. Anyway, this matter can't be rushed, right?"

   Ge Long looked at him suspiciously: "Can you still write scripts?"

Zhang Yang wanted to shrug his shoulders, but just as soon as he moved, his entire upper body hurt, and he grinned for a while. Ge Long gloated a little, and didn't laugh twice, and he also grinned, taking a breath. The two glanced at each other, and quickly worked hard. Endure it so as not to lose face.

   "I can just write the story, how to shoot is the director's business."

  Ge Long thought about it, and thought it made sense. He still believed in Zhang Yang's ability to write stories, but after thinking about it, he asked again: "You didn't deliberately trick me, did you? Did you invest in this movie yourself?"

   "Do I need to work hard if I don't vote?"

  Ge Long felt relieved, nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll wait for your news."

Back at the residence, Lin was still waiting here. Seeing that his eyes were swollen and tears were about to flow from his heartache, Zhang Yang hurriedly comforted him, exaggerating how badly he had beaten Ge Long, and was willing to pay for it in order to beg for mercy. Investing is just to save myself from punching him twice ^

  In order to prove it, he also took Yuan Tongwan's abuse of health as an example, saying "the coach wins completely, and the students of course win", completely ignoring Zhang Hongkang.

Lin still made an appointment with the family doctor, and she was waiting here. She was a female doctor in her thirties, with a gentle personality and a soft-spoken voice. They are all skin traumas, not serious, the biggest impact is that the eyes are swollen, and I will definitely not be able to show up in the next few days.

Zhang Hongkang and Yuan Tong followed the doctor to get the medicine. In order to divert Lin Yiran's attention, Zhang Yang talked about making a movie. "Nonsense".

  But after hesitating for a while, she didn't dissuade her, and asked, "Do you really have a movie you want to make? I haven't even heard of it from you."

   ""Let the Bullets Fly", a story of bandits and bullies, is very good to watch... Uh, it should be very good to shoot."

  (end of this chapter)