Low Key Star

Chapter 245: 【245】The most suitable candidate

  Chapter 245【245】The most suitable candidate

Due to the injury, Zhang Yang was extra careful when he went out the next day. He was reminded by Yuan Tong that Zhang Hongkang, who had been followed by reporters during this time, learned a lot from the pain. In order to become a qualified star driver, he learned a lot of "anti-stalking" tricks from Yuan Tong. .

  These reporters have long-term tracking experience, but after all, they have not received professional training. Zhang Hongkang soon found a car following him, and said, "The Xingmang car behind should be the reporter."

   Zhang Yang has gradually gotten used to this kind of stalking. Although it is still a bit annoying, there is no other way. He will send material to the other party for any actions. Anyway, he is going to class, as long as he does not get photographed "being beaten".

  After entering the campus, Zhang Hongkang quickly parked the car by virtue of the terrain and the first-mover advantage. Zhang Yang, wearing a scarf and sunglasses, went upstairs quickly to avoid being photographed by the reporters behind.

  He has never covered up in school before, but he is a star after all, and no one thinks it is too strange to wear sunglasses this time. In class, when a classmate asked about it, Zhang Yang responded casually by saying that he didn't sleep well, and fooled it.

  In order to avoid being discovered, it is not good to eat in the cafeteria at noon. Fortunately, there is enough lunch break time, so there is no need to worry about rushing back and forth. During the meal, I received a message from the student union, rehearsing at seven in the evening.

Zhang Yang had already "written" "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant", but few people could understand the score, so he had to record a demo in the company for reference. He actually prefers to listen to the Cantonese version, but for the convenience of other students, I still chose to sing in Mandarin.

After dinner together in the evening, Zhang Yang accompanied Lin Yiran to her house again, and took Haha back. He is now eight or nine months old, and he is no longer the little one he was before, and he is no longer as clumsy as he was when he was a child. It will hit its head on the ground when jumping up and down, but this does not mean that it is very agile, it is more like falling out of experience. It knows how to find a chair or stool to cushion it when jumping off a table. If you don’t have one, you will be careful. Then carefully build up momentum and jump down again. As for whether it is a stagger or another head drop, it mostly depends on the performance on the spot.

As he grows older, Haha seems to be like a human being, his curiosity has weakened a lot, and he has lost interest in bells, **** of thread, paper, and the toys Lin Yiran bought. Most of the time, I just find a place to lie down.

Lin is still worried that if it continues like this, it will soon grow into a chubby cat. Although it is cute, it will probably induce many diseases. Keeping it at home in the capital will allow the new environment to stimulate its curiosity and make it more attractive. The idea of ​​exercising, but it's a pity that it has gotten used to it now, and still lies on its stomach every day, so it has to be brought back to Zhang Yang.

The effect was not good, or too short-lasting. Haha, it took me less than ten minutes to return to Zhang Yang’s place. After walking around twice, I seemed to remember that this was the place where I grew up. I was relieved and skillfully climbed to the climbing frame On the bed, lay down again, squinted his eyes, and prepared to sleep for a while.

Lin Yiran picked it up, and the little guy who was no longer small gave a "meow" twice, blinked his eyes wide, saw the beautiful hostess teasing him, reluctantly waved his paws to deal with it a few times, and soon He didn't even bother to deal with it, and couldn't find peace on the climbing frame, so he got under the dining table, was harassed again, and ran under Zhang Yang's bed, nesting in a corner.

   "Haha? Haha? Haha! Come out! Do you hear me?"

   "You can't always lie on your stomach like this every day, sleep after eating, and eat after waking up. If you continue like this, you will soon become fat like a pig. At that time, I won't like you anymore, do you know?"

   "Haha? Haha? Haha! Come out!"

Lin still lay on the bedside with her **** pouted, and coaxed her for a long time, but it didn't work, so she started filming and started to settle accounts with Zhang Yang, blaming him for not closing the door. He held her in his arms and began to reason with her. His mouth was so dry that he couldn't help but want to scold Luoshen again... When can I get out!

   Tired and crooked for a while, when he came back to his senses, it was already past eight o'clock, Lin Yiran quickly jumped out of his arms, ran to the living room and turned on the TV to watch the premiere of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Zhang Yang almost forgot about this, and followed her, sat down next to her on the sofa, and couldn't help reaching out to hold her in his arms, Lin Yiran stretched out his hand to pinch him lightly, and leaned into his arms obediently, Watching the TV, it has already broadcasted Qiu Chuji's appearance.

  The costumes and image look pretty good, including the environment in the village, the acting skills of the characters, and the lines.

Guo Xiaotian and Yang Tiexin are both farmers, so there is nothing shabby compared to the characters, but it has been revealed since Wanyan Honglie's appearance, including the fighting scene after the Song soldiers surrounded him, weapons, horses, and group performances. There is a strong smell of "the crew has no money".

But generally speaking, Zhang Yang is quite satisfied with the plot of "Snowstorm". Even with the shackles of martial arts dramas in this world, the score should be above seven points. According to his standards, this is already Very high score.

  Although the production team has no money, it is still relatively conscientious at present, not a bit better than those big productions in the previous life who took a lot of money and asked for traffic filters to cut out pictures.

  Lin is still not picky in this way. Watching Zhang Yang's novel being made into a TV series, she felt very novel and happy. The crew is relatively tight, and she can see it.

If Zhang Yang is satisfied with the drama, then the ending song and the opening song made Zhang Yang feel a little depressed. I don’t know if the crew didn’t want to spend time on this aspect, or because everyone used foreign songs to write lyrics and got used to it. Both the song and the ending song have a taste of clear soup and little water, or even the taste of leftover water. The opening song is very boring, but the lyrics are good, and the ending song lyrics, Zhang Yang feels that he can write well with his real level better.

Lin was still being urged to go home. After watching her get in the car, Zhang Yang went back upstairs and browsed the news about the TV series "Legend of the Condor Heroes" on the Internet. Seeing that most people rated it pretty good, he felt a little relieved. expected value, I should be able to shoot better.

   After all, there are money and hooks.

Similarly, there are many people who feel that the opening and ending songs are not good. Zhang Yang saw related discussions, so he decided to go anonymously and curse a few words, and when someone said, "Why don't you invite Zhang Yang to write a song", he gave another point. I liked it, thought about it, worried that Lin Yiran would see it, so I canceled it, waited for two days to see, if she didn't like it, I would do it myself.

"did you see it yet?"

Li Changge has also been paying attention to the evaluation and ratings of the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". After Wan made the phone call, he quickly called Zhang Yang again to discuss his feelings.

Similar to Zhang Yang's feeling, after watching this version of "Shooting the Condor" and the feedback on the Internet, Li Changge also felt that his confidence increased greatly, and then he got the ratings of the first broadcast tonight, which was as high as 0.85, which gave Zhang Yang, Li Changge, etc. People have increased their confidence and strength, and even forgot the frustration of not being able to find a suitable Xiaolong woman.

But setbacks can be forgotten, problems still have to be faced and resolved after all, Li Changge and Gao Wan made people search for suitable candidates in major art colleges for days, but such a role of "not eating fireworks" wants to quickly How can it be so easy to find the right candidate?

From the perspective of Zhang Yang's "comers", Zhang Yu and Tong Xiaoke are actually relatively good candidates. According to Li Changge's evaluation at the time, if Zhang Yu plays the role, he can perform from the perspective of "cold as ice". This is Li Ruotong's version, and Tong Xiaoke It is a bit like Liu Yifei's version, with a slightly different temperament. It can be said that it is the most suitable candidate that can be found at present.

  However, they were all rejected by Li Changge.

Zhang Yang felt a little admiration for this. The reason why he vetoed it was because of the paranoia of being the "original author" in this world. He had also read many versions, knew their advantages and disadvantages, and wanted to keep improving. It is really rare for a director who has been honed in the industry for many years to maintain such persistence.

Changing places, he felt that he must have agreed to use Tong Xiaoke a long time ago, so why bother, even if he finally found a suitable candidate, he would at most improve from seven points to eight points or even 7.5 points. In other words, for a fictional character like Xiaolongnv, whoever you choose will be able to find out the shortcomings. There is no need to pay such a price, and the payment is not directly proportional to the benefit.

   It is precisely because he knows that persistence is rare that he feels the value of Li Changge's persistence all the more.

Of course, what Zhang Yang didn't know was that after Li Changge and Gao Wan had searched in various art colleges and still couldn't find the Xiaolong girl they had in mind, they had actually given up and continued to work hard, purely to give him a chance. People see, the implication is: You see, we have worked so hard, but we still can't find a suitable one. If you want to persuade Lin Yiran to act, are you still ashamed to refuse?

However, one day after another, Li Changge and Gao Wan were very tired even if they pretended to work hard. Seeing that the protagonists of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" were all written to death, Zhang Yang hadn't offered to say "Actually, I have a The meaning of "the most suitable candidate" finally got a little restless. After the two of them discussed in the evening, Li Changge directly asked Zhang Yang to meet him the next day. I have a perfect candidate..."

  (end of this chapter)