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Chapter 246: [246] Zhang Muzhi

  Chapter 246 [246] Zhang Muzhi, who understands the world

Since the late serialization of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and the sales volume of Han Chuang Literature News surpassed the gold list for the first time, the two have been chasing after each other for a while, but soon, with the debut of Guo Xiang, the mystery of the death of the dragon girl and other wonderful With the continuous presentation of content, Han Chuang gradually opened up his advantage. After that, only when "Sculpture of God" ended and "Yi Tian" was not released, after the first day's sales were brilliant, the next few days fell rapidly, because all We already know that there is no new book news.

  Since the serialization of "Yi Tian", the sales volume of each issue of Hanchuang Zhengzhuan has steadily suppressed the gold list, and there is a trend of gradually rising, and as the plot gradually unfolds, everyone soon finds that something is wrong.

   As the protagonist, Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu's love relationship is also determined too soon, right?

It is true that the two of them have gone through a lot of twists and turns, especially when they both drifted to the North Pole with Xie Xun, which makes people have to admire Zhang Daxia's imagination. It exists!" The emotion, after the emotion was over, I found that there seemed to be something wrong...

After Zhang Wuji was born, some people began to suspect that this kid was the real protagonist, but due to inertia, most people are still used to taking Zhang Cuishan as the protagonist, and it is not the case that there was no "father" as the protagonist before. Who stipulated that only single dogs can be the protagonist? The main character?

The debate about who is the protagonist appeared in the first round. After Zhang Cuishan appeared on the stage, the debate was settled. After Zhang Wuji was born, there was a certain amount of discussion, but the "father party" was still in the majority, so that Zhang Cuishan simply wiped his neck. At that time, many people felt a little confused.

  The protagonist is definitely not the protagonist’s, but at least you wrote six or seven chapters with the perspective and treatment of the protagonist, and you just died like this? Or suicide?

  When Chu Yu saw this, she was stunned for a while, and after reading it several times, she finally confirmed that Zhang Cuishan really died like this!

  She was a little crazy, and wanted to go to Zhang Yang to "question". Because during the discussion about the protagonist during this period, she clearly expressed her support for Zhang Muzhi's writing of a "dad-type protagonist", bringing a child and using the child to advance the plot. For example, Zhang Wuji was arrested on the way back to Wudang Mountain It's a very good idea, but it's a pity that I didn't see the scene where Zhang Cuishan and others showed their prestige... Originally, I was still waiting for the follow-up, but in this week's update, my appointed protagonist died.

  Chu Yu finally resisted the urge to go directly to Zhang Yang, and sent a message to Lin Yiran to complain: "Have you watched "Yitian"?"

  Lin still replied after a while: "I'm watching it."

  Chu Yu: "Zhang Cuishan died like this? Is Zhang Wuji the real protagonist?"

  Lin Yiran: "It looks like it should be."

  Chu Yu: "I'm about to vomit blood, I want to see Daddy, Zhang Cuishan is the protagonist."

  Lin Yiran: "Let's talk after reading."

Lin still didn't have that much reaction to Zhang Cuishan's suicide, because she had been worrying about Yu Daiyan's affairs since Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu confirmed their relationship. Sooner or later it will explode.

  In fact, when she knew about Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday, she guessed that something might happen, but Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu both committed suicide, which was beyond her expectation.

  When Chu Yu sent the news, she was "reflecting". She always felt that although the suicide of Zhang Cuishan and his wife was "reasonable and well-founded", she still felt something was wrong.

  Is there only one ending of suicide?

  With Zhang Cuishan's character, it is not incomprehensible to make such a choice, but it seems that this is not only Zhang Cuishan's problem, Yu Daiyan and Yin Susu's handling methods are also inappropriate...

   "Have you finished reading so soon?"

  Su Hui had nothing to do in the morning, came up from the first floor, saw her daughter sitting on the sofa in a daze, and asked casually, then saw her expression seemed a little puzzled, walked over and sat down on the sofa.

Hearing Lin Yiran tell the story, Su Hui said with a smile: "The biggest responsibility for this matter lies with Zhang Cuishan himself. Suicide is the most cowardly choice, but it was not Yu Daiyan who directly caused Zhang Cuishan to commit suicide. He has been paralyzed for so many years. , the anger is understandable, the problem lies with Yin Susu."

  Lin still blinked. She also felt the same way, but she didn't think clearly. She just felt that Yin Susu's handling method was inappropriate, and she didn't think clearly about how to deal with it for a while.

  Su Hui took the newspaper from her daughter, stroked her long black and smooth hair, and asked with a smile, "Think about it, if it was Huang Rong, how would she handle this matter under the same circumstances?"

Lin was still stunned, and tried hard to think about it. Although she is smart and likes these martial arts novels written by Zhang Yang, in the end, she still thinks that these are just novels, not to the point of really analyzing these characters as real ones. I can't think of it for a while.

Su Hui said: "First of all, she shouldn't take chances. After ten years in Binghuo Island, she has been hiding such a big matter from Zhang Cuishan. If she had been in Binghuo Island, she would have found a chance to tell Zhang Cuishan. If the truth is revealed, since the two of them have almost no chance of returning to the Central Plains and they already have a son, how likely is it that Zhang Cuishan will kill Yin Susu on the spot to avenge Yu Daiyan?"

"If Zhang Cuishan had known about this matter earlier and decided to go back to the Central Plains, he would have discussed it. The matter has already happened, and it is nothing more than accepting punishment. Zhang Wuji is so old, will Yu Daiyan let Zhang Cuishan and his wife pay for their lives? Together, trust and communication are equally important, and Yin Susu failed to do both.”

"Taking a step back, even if she came to Wudang Mountain and was recognized on Zhang Sanfeng's birthday, Yin Susu's choice was one of the worst. The Wudang Seven Heroes didn't say anything. She herself Instead, he drew his sword and handed it to Zhang Cuishan, and said, "I hope you will kill me, so that you can honor the righteousness of the Seven Heroes of Wudang", which directly drove Zhang Cuishan to a dead end. The problem that could have been solved in many ways was directly turned into a second Choose one, I'm sorry for my wife, I can't do it, I'm sorry for my brother if I don't kill... At this time, besides suicide, does he have other options? "

  Su Hui smiled when he said this, "I have to say that Zhang Yang is not very old, and he really has a good grasp of the character of the characters. This is the world's insight and knowledge."

  Lin still lifted his chin proudly, and asked again: "Then what should Yin Susu do better?"

  Su Hui smiled and said: "Remember in "Shooting the Condors", Huang Rong and Guo Jing found out that Master Guo Jing had been killed on Peach Blossom Island, and after a estrangement occurred, how did Huang Rong deal with it?"

  Lin still thought about it, but didn't think of the specific content for a while, Su Hui had already smiled and said: "During the Yanyu Tower, Guo Jing wanted to kill Huang Yaoshi, and Huang Rong wanted to protect his father. What did she do at this time?"

  Lin Yiran said: "Looking for Hong Qigong?"

  Su Hui said with a smile: "Also in "The Condor of the Gods", Guo Fu cut off Yang Guo's arm. How did Huang Rong deal with it?"

  Lin still thought about it, "Let Guo Fu go back to Peach Blossom Island and find Ke Zhen'e!"

Su Hui nodded, and said: "Yes, when this kind of thing happens, how can the peers deal with it? Of course, the elders are the ones who can speak. If Yin Susu went directly to Zhang Sanfeng and asked him to preside over the handling, Zhang Cuishan would commit suicide ?”

  Lin still thought about it for a while, if Zhang Sanfeng is really asking for justice, Zhang Wuji is already so big, no matter what Zhang Sanfeng decides, it is impossible for Yin Susu to pay for his life, the ending will definitely not be like this.

Besides, there were still many guests at that time, so why did they have to wait until the birthday banquet was over before dealing with the family affairs? After the birthday banquet, Zhang Wuji was probably rescued. Yin Susu hugged Zhang Wuji and knelt and cried in front of Zhang Sanfeng and Yu Daiyan, not to mention other things People, Yu Daiyan himself can't ask Yin Susu to be severely punished...

Thinking of this, she secretly made a decision in her heart that when she had any unresolvable conflicts with Zhang Yang in the future, she must also think about seeking justice from his parents... Thinking of this made her even more determined to reconcile with his parents. My sister's idea of ​​establishing a good relationship... This is my strong backup in the future!

But Zhang Yang wrote "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" last year, so he must have known this truth for a long time... Humph, I haven't graduated from high school yet, so I thought about it so much. I didn't think about it when I read it. I really have a lot of thoughts. In comparison, I am still too naive and stupid... Otherwise, I would not have been chased by him so easily... It seems that I didn't chase much...

After chatting with my mother for a while, Lin still continued to look down and saw that after Zhang Sanfeng rescued Zhang Wuji, Yin Susu also committed suicide. I read it twice, and saw what Yin Susu said to her son before she died, "When you grow up, beware of women deceiving you, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive you", I couldn't help wrinkling my nose again, thinking to myself I never lied to you...

   There is no modesty about the fact that I am "good-looking".

Then I looked down and saw that Zhang Wuji had been hit by the "Xuanming God's Palm" and his life was at stake. Even Zhang Sanfeng couldn't save him, so he could only go to Shaolin Temple for help, hoping to save Zhang Wuji after learning "Nine Suns Divine Art", but unfortunately he was rejected by Shaolin Temple In my heart, I was somewhat dissatisfied with this so-called Shaolin Temple of Taishan Beidou in Wulin, and then I felt that writing like this is true. No matter what great skills and theories of sects or families have always been cherished by the broom, so many good things have been lost...

Then I thought: "Zhang Sanfeng is not the protagonist, Guo Xiang is not the protagonist, Yu Daiyan is not the protagonist, Zhang Cuishan is not the protagonist, Zhang Wuji is always the protagonist, right? It is impossible to write Zhang Wuji to death, so how can he survive? Learn "Nine Suns Magic Art"? Shaolin refuses, there is Emei, and it was created by Guo Xiang, it would be better for Emei to save Zhang Wuji..."

Thinking about it this way, she looks forward to the content of the next episode even more, but she is used to such expectations, and it is a good thing to have expectations, then pack up and go to teacher Gu Yutang's house to learn calligraphy, and don't ask him about it on the way, just say When he wrote about Yin Susu and Huang Rong's similar situations, he dealt with them very differently, and relayed his mother's praise.

Zhang Yang was on his way to Huashi at this time. He was a little dumbfounded when Lin Yiran finished speaking. I think, so as not to reveal my secrets when I talk back...

  (end of this chapter)