Low Key Star

Chapter 38: [038] Don't say it's unpredictable

  Chapter 38 [038] Don’t say it’s unpredictable

  When Zhou Fan came over with a guitar, Zhang Yang was dictating in the study. He greeted Fang Qianxue and Zhang Shouyi, then ignored Zhang Wei, came to the study, and said in surprise, "Hey, when did you buy the computer?"

   "I just bought it a few days ago."

   Zhang Yang kept typing, and asked casually, "How about your driver's license?"

   "Tomorrow Division Two."

  Zhou Fan leaned over to him, "What are you doing?"

"writing a novel."


  Zhou Fan's eyes almost popped out, "What can you write, the one thousand and one nights of Lin Yiran's secret love?"

   "Get out, I haven't seen her three years ago."

Zhou Fan leaned over and read what was typed on the screen: "Everyone watched the two fight with smiles. But Huang Rong's upper body was still not moving, her long skirt was hanging down, but her body seemed to be floating on the water... Are you really serious?" Writing novels? What is this, martial arts?"

   "Well, the name is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". It is serialized in the Han Chuang Literature Journal. You can buy a copy every week to support it."

"real or fake?"

   Zhou Fan looked skeptical about life, "When did it happen? I'm still your brother, don't you know a word?"

   "You know now."

   "Do you have any at home? Let me see."

   "Ask my dad."

Zhou Fan got up immediately, and put the guitar on the computer table again, "I brought you a gift, I warn you, I got it from my dad's and a friend's store, and it's more than 2,000 yuan with a 50% discount. It's so easy to save some pocket money Money, I didn’t have time to pick up girls, it’s all on you, why don’t you make a noise for me.”

   "Don't worry, I will write a song for you later."

   "Blow it and you will."

  Zhou Fan came out of the study, and Zhang Shouyi found out these few issues of Han Chuang Literary Journal that he treasured. Zhou Fan did not forget to check again, and asked, "Uncle, is it really written by Zhang Yang?"

  Zhang Shouyi said "Hey!", "Your aunt and I didn't believe it at first, his grandpa even tested him, saying that he is a hero and a hero, so right..."

Zhou Fan took those issues of newspapers and didn’t go back to his study. He just sat on the sofa in the living room and read them. He loved martial arts since he was a child, but most of them were watching TV series. He really didn’t read many novels. What can I write, but when I saw the opening paragraph "Qiantang River's vast river water...", I couldn't help saying "I rely on it", and raised my head and asked Zhang Wei next to me: "When did Zhang Yang have this writing style?"

  Zhang Wei rolled his eyes and said, "My brother is not you."

Zhou Fan pursed his lips, continued to read, and read the first two episodes in one breath. After hearing Zhang Shouyi urging Zhang Wei to get the cake, he realized the passage of time. He also heard that Zhang Wei wanted to get the cake by himself, so he decisively took the third episode. The newspaper I hid in the toilet to read.

   Zhang Yang finished dictating the ninth chapter, half of the dishes were set on the dining room table in the living room, Zhang Wei had already brought back the cake, and was collecting clothes on the balcony, but Zhou Fan was not seen.

  He yelled twice before he heard Zhou Fan responding in the bathroom, and after a while, he saw the guy holding the newspaper in one hand and holding on to the door of the bathroom with the other, standing there in a strange posture.

  He asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

  Zhou Fan had a constipated expression on his face, and said in pain: "Squatting for too long, my legs are numb... How did you write this novel? Where did you write it? Why didn't I see Huang Rong appear?"

   Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "The latest serialization is only the fourth."

  Zhou Fan moved to the sand square step by step, not forgetting to ask: "How long have you written?"

   "Don't worry about how many times I wrote it, let's say it first, no one is allowed to say this. Of course, your father is definitely not in the scope of secrecy, but it's best not to let uncle say it."

  Zhou Fan took a look, saw that Zhang Wei had put away his clothes and returned to the room, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you show off to Lin Yiran?"

  Zhang Yang snorted, "What's there to show off about such an insignificant matter?"

   "It's useless for you to show off to me."

  Zhou Fan snorted, "Since the last time I failed to help you, I have decided not to get involved with the two of you again..."

   This matter was really brought up once and Zhang Yang wanted to beat him up once. Zhou Fan also knew he was wrong, so he went back to the sofa and continued watching "Shooting the Condors".

Zhang Yang went back to his study and picked up the guitar that Zhou Fan had given him. It was the first time in his two lives that he touched a guitar. He didn’t know anything about the brand’s material, so he thought it was a bit ugly to be brown on one side and yellow on the other. good.

He already has a certain knowledge of music theory, but he has no confidence in his talent, but after dialing a few times, he found that he can clearly distinguish each note, and even fumbled and adjusted it, and even adjusted the note to the right level. Pretty accurate—at least he sounded accurate.

  He couldn't help asking Luoshen: "Could it be that I'm really a musical genius who was delayed by writing?"


   Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, "What did you say?"

   Luoshen no longer responded.

Zhang Yang is used to being hated by her, and always feels that the word "um" has another mystery, but after thinking about it for a long time, he can't figure out any tricks. This word can only be used in three ways: period, question mark and ellipsis. She just obviously used a period. What can it mean?

   "The "hmm" you just said meant affirmative, right? "


   "...can you change the way of affirmation, why do I always feel weird?"



  This seems even weirder...

  Fang Qianxue quickly called him to eat, and the five of them sat around the table. When Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue mentioned that Zhang Yang had turned eighteen, they felt a little bit emotional!

Zhang Shouyi was not good at expressing himself, so he asked his wife to say that Fang Qianxue looked at his son and said, "From today onwards, you are an adult, and you should have your own ideas and plans. You can write novels or learn music, but don't worry about it." affect learning."

Zhang Yang nodded yes, Fang Qianxue hesitated for a moment, and said: "If there is a girl you like, if you really like it, don't hesitate. Sometimes it will be a lifetime of regret if you miss it, but remember one thing, chasing girls is fine. But first, you have to have a backbone, and you can’t force it on emotional matters, let alone ask for it; second, don’t affect other people’s study and life, that’s too selfish.”

   Zhang Yang was a little moved, nodded and said: "I see, mom, don't worry."

  Fang Qianxue said: "That is to say, you really like a girl?"

   Zhang Yang: "..."

   "Is it the girl who gave you the gift this afternoon?"

   Zhang Yang: "..."


The silver-gray commercial vehicle with Tuanlong logo stopped outside the gate of the courtyard. Su Hui opened the door and the driver drove the car away. Enter the living room on the first floor that has not closed the door.

  Lin Canghai sat on the sofa next to the tea table, holding a newspaper in his hand, reading it so engrossed that he didn't notice his wife came home.

  Su Hui hung up the bag, recognized at a glance that her husband was holding the Han Chuang Literature Newspaper, and said with a smile: "Secretary Lin has a lot of work to do every day, and he can't even go home. How about time to read novels?"

  Lin Canghai looked up at his daughter-in-law, patted beside him, and said with a smile, "It was recommended by Mr. Wang, which is quite interesting. Hey... Where did this Zhang Muzhi come from? The layout is unusual."

  Su Hui didn't answer, and asked, "Where's Yiyi?"

   "Upstairs playing the piano."

  Lin Canghai put down the newspaper, lowered his voice and asked, "When I came back, she was about to go out and said she was going to deliver a contract to a classmate, but she still had a gift bag in her hand...Did I tell you who I saw?"

  Su Hui sat down on the sofa, "You won't ask yourself?"

  Lin Canghai said helplessly: "You're still angry with me, you didn't dare to recruit her... It looks like you know it?"

Su Hui smiled and said: "Just her tablemate, chatting with your precious girl before the holiday, saying that poetry can also be used as a show, so I selected a group of people to compete in poetry accumulation and understanding, quite creative. When watching TV some time ago, Yiyi I mentioned it to me casually, and I also mentioned it casually when I was chatting with Momo, but she told a friend, you should have an impression, Shen Feng."

  Lin Canghai thought for a while and said, "The office director of China Satellite TV?"

   "It's just her, but she has been promoted to the sub-stage."

  Aunt Kong, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard the movement, leaned over and took a look, saw that they were chatting, and went into the kitchen to cook without disturbing them.

  Su Hui continued: "She thought the idea was good, and she came up with 10,000 yuan to buy this idea, but your daughter refused to agree, saying that no one can shoot it without people's permission."

  Lin Canghai laughed and said: "Program creativity belongs to the category of ideas, but not in the category of intellectual property protection."

   "But your daughter doesn't agree."

  Su Hui sighed, and said: "Shen Feng can't be serious with her, so to speak, the price tripled, and she finally agreed to help ask that boy's opinion."

  When she said this, she laughed again, "I asked her to ask two days ago, but she kept procrastinating. I'm still surprised. Hearing you say that, I should wait until today to give someone a gift."

  Lin Canghai carefully looked at the stairs, but he didn't see any movement, so he lowered his voice and asked, "You won't fall in love early?"

  Su Hui thought for a while, then shook his head, "Probably not. Some time ago, on her birthday, that boy confessed to her, but she refused."

  Lin Canghai looked at his wife suspiciously: "Did she tell you?"

  Su Hui said: "I mentioned it."

Lin Canghai immediately leaned back, with an expression of wanting to draw a line with his wife, "Are you peeking at her diary again? If she finds out again this time, I won't take the blame...don't say no Advance too!"

  (end of this chapter)