Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 1007: 0 world fusion! ! The flames of war igni

Remulina originally thought that when she faced Atheilam, she would sternly reprimand him for being irresponsible, but she dared to leave the Weiser Empire behind and played the trick of disappearing.

But in fact, when she faced the person whom she had never met but heard countless times from the people around her——Aesiram Weisser-Eliosya, her words were still stuck in her throat , I haven't taken that last step for a long time.

The other party looked around with a friendly smile on his face, and after frankly accepting the etiquette from the Viser nobles including Kurankan, he finally set his sights on Remulina.

"I'm Atheilam-Weiser-Eriosia. Are you Remulina-Weiser-Enwesser?"

The blond princess wearing the uniform of the imperial clerk was noble and friendly. Although she did not take advantage of her status to seize the dominance, just a few words prevented Remulina from feeling rebellious.


After all, standing in front of him is the only heir to the Weiser Empire.

If it weren't for those accidents, I'm afraid that my illegitimate child is still living in the shadows.

Remulina pursed her lips, and finally lowered her head slightly.

"My Remulina Weiser-Enwesser. It's the first time we meet. Your Majesty the Emperor."

In just two sentences, the two daughters left behind the Weiser Empire's royal family's succession rights and the throne.

Kurankan and the others standing behind Remulina looked at each other subconsciously.

Originally, they thought that this meeting might trigger a battle for the succession qualification of the Weiser Empire.

But in the end, such a peaceful situation ushered in.

"My lords, please follow me! Now, Her Majesty the Empress of the Britannian Empire has summoned all my lords, and I hope to ask you some questions."

Edellizo, who had grown into a slim young girl, took a step forward and conveyed the order from the queen of the Britannian Empire to Kurankan and the others.

Even though Edellizo had grown up, Kurankan and the others recognized the personal maid who followed Aesiram.

It's just that they have just merged with the space fleet sent by the Britannian Empire, and they haven't completely cleared their minds from the status quo. Naturally, they can't understand the significance of the Empress of the Britannian Empire to the Weiser Empire.

"Count Kurankan. Please follow Edellizo to meet Her Majesty the Queen!"

Esther Elam smiled softly, explaining to Kurankan and others how under her leadership, the Weser Empire regained this piece of land under the protection and help of the Britannia Empire. New world and so on.

Although the words were brief, Kurankan and the others already understood the meaning of Esther Elam.

"Yes! Your Majesty..."

Kuran Kahn opened his mouth, subconsciously addressing Esther Elam as His Majesty for a moment.

"It doesn't have to be. Although the Weiser Empire still bears the name of the empire, in my opinion, the name of the empire is already a burden to Weiser."

After a pause, Aesiram smiled.

"If you make it difficult for you to address me, you can call me the clerk. The clerk of the Queen of the Britannian Empire."

Hearing this, Kurankan and the others looked at each other.

In the end, Qiqi saluted.

"Yes! Clerk Alyosia."

With the answer from Aesiram, Kulankan and others who finally got their doubts followed Edellizo's footsteps and went to meet the imperial queen.

But right now, the two women who got to be alone have a chance to have a good conversation.

"Go over there, okay?"

Aesiram walked to the back of Remulina's electric wheelchair in a natural manner, and raised his hand to hold the handle of the electric wheelchair.

"Well, that's fine too!"

Along the way, the two women did not talk too much.

It seems that Aesiram deliberately left some time for thinking to let Remulina sort out the many changes she encountered.

In fact, it is.

Even if Aesiram didn't set aside time on purpose, Remulina would still find some excuses to sort out the many doubts in front of her.

A few hours ago, with the help of Lei Mingkai and others, after successfully launching the self-destruction program of the first generation aldnoah of the Weser Empire on the surface of Mars, Yanglu City finally successfully broke through the enemy's obstruction and the gravity of Mars, and entered out of outer space.

But the mutation happened at that moment.

The sea of ​​flames sweeping across Mars broke out from the core area of ​​the Weser Empire, where the first Aldnoah was.

In just half an hour, half of the sparks were devoured, and then, a gigantic building group that was as large as a spark, which Lei Mingkai called an ultra-ancient floating fortress, emerged from the sea of ​​flames fueled by sparks.

That is, the enemy.

When Remulina and the others were shocked and stunned, Lei Mingkai took the lead in defining the terrifying buildings in front of him as enemies.

Before Remulina and the others could react, the Longtooth Lion Type Zero guarding the deck of Yanglu City unexpectedly shattered and turned into fragments, which caught people off guard and there was no time to do anything.

Prompted by instinct, when Remulina ordered her subordinates to try to call the Toothed Lion Zero through radio or other means, a voice that caught Yanglu City by surprise responded to them.

And this voice came from behind Remulina, who was pushing the wheelchair for Remulina at the moment, the first princess of the Weiser Empire, Esther Elam Weisser Eliosia.

Remulina, who managed to sort out some of her thoughts from among the many thoughts, raised her head and found a huge floor-to-ceiling glass in front of her.

And on the other side of the glass are the Mars that is being swallowed by the sea of ​​flames, and the ultra-ancient floating fortress that is slowly driving out of the sea of ​​flames.

"Have you figured it out?"

Pushed by Esther Elam, the wheelchair finally stopped at the side of the viewing platform.

Remulina sighed silently and shook her head.

"How can you figure it out?"

Remulina raised her hand, pointed to the burning sparks, then turned her head, pointed to Atheilam and said.

"Mars, or you, what's going on? And Mr. Lei Mingkai, has it disappeared?"

All these questions were expected by Aesiram.

"Mars, I'm afraid it has been regarded as burning by the final council, and with the help of the energy it exploded, a crack was torn in this world. This is probably a big battle that concerns the life and death of the world!"

Aesiram picked out some important things, trying to make Remulina understand what was happening in front of her as much as possible.

As for her own question, Aesiram didn't know how to explain it.

From Lei Mingkai who regained consciousness after his spirit returned to his body, he learned that the Aesiram who was known to Remulina in front of him had disappeared.

So, in the eyes of Remulina and Kurankan, is this Aesiram Weiser-Alyosia who can use this loophole to pretend to be the Aesiram of this world? Woolen cloth?

the answer is negative.

After hearing the news from Lei Mingkai who had woken up, Aesiram decided to draw a line with this world, the missing Aesiram.

"I am not the Aesiram-Weiser-Alyosia you know."

Aesiram took two steps forward, turned around and faced Remulina, looking at each other.

"In fact, the Remulina Weiser-Enweser I knew is already dead. He died right in front of me, and walked into the underworld together with my best friend who has been with me since I was a child."

Remulina's eyes widened slightly.

She couldn't imagine that the Esther Elam in front of her would admit so frankly that she was not her, and that the Esther Elam who Kurankan and others were familiar with was even more surprised that the other party said about " The truth about the death of Remulina.

With a lot of thoughts, Remulina showed a wry smile.

"It seems that this world is really beyond my comprehension. If that's the case, then the people of the Weiser Empire will still be with the Queen, right?"

Esther Elam nodded.

"Yes. They live in this orbital fortress."

Aesiram pointed upwards.

"Here is the symbol of the imperial power of the Britannian Empire - the ruling throne. At the same time, it is also the command center of the space fleet this time."

Remulina exhaled slowly.

"Then, what about Master Lei Mingkai?"

"He? Your Royal Highness, I'm afraid I'm a little busy now!"

Busy? ?

I am afraid that the word busy can no longer be used to describe Lei Mingkai's current situation.

Even if Lei Mingkai has just recovered from that inexplicable situation and has regained control of his body, he still has to face the debilitating situation.

From the moment Mars burned and the ultra-ancient floating fortress appeared, this world, which had undergone a complex change, ushered in a second, larger-scale and more complicated upheaval.

Thousand Realms?

Lei Mingkai opened the analysis report in front of him, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly.

Perhaps, it is no longer possible to use Thousand Realms to describe the abnormality that erupted after the spark burned.

Lei Mingkai closed the file, turned his head, and looked out the window.

On top of the flaming Mars, except for the ultra-ancient floating fortress whose scale and size are comparable to Mars, there are pictures that are constantly changing, appearing and disappearing.

That is different from the records of the Britannian Empire,

It is different from the pictures of the world, civilization, and form recorded in the archives of many ecological civilizations shared by the Space-Time Administration to the Britannian Empire.

It can be said unceremoniously that the picture that appeared under this starry sky is probably the ultimate goal of the ultra-ancient floating fortress, and even the final council hidden behind it.

Staring at the ever-changing images and the blazing sparks, Lei Mingkai suddenly remembered the prophecy revealed to him by the prophet in that strange space.

At that time, what Lei Mingkai saw was very similar to the burning sparks and the ultra-ancient floating fortress in front of him.

Even though there are some differences in some details, Lei Mingkai can basically judge that the abnormal situation in front of him is the moment when the prophet's prophecy becomes a reality.

"The Final Council finally showed up!"

Lei Mingkai pondered for a moment, but could only come up with one, only one answer.

That's war!

"His Royal Highness! The analysis report from Princess Shanamia has come out!"

Veretta knocked on the door of the office with a serious expression, and brought a report that represented how harsh the status quo was.

Lei Mingkai nodded, reached out to take the report, and began to read it.

At the beginning, it started with the abnormal data of space mutation detected by the Throne of Domination a few hours ago.

As the reading progressed, Lei Mingkai's face gradually became serious.

"What's the situation on the other side of the earth?"

Lei Mingkai raised his head and looked at Veletta.

"Not very optimistic. Judging from the known information, since the space mutation was detected by the Throne of Dominion, there have been earthquakes, extreme weather and other extreme disasters on the earth. Although His Majesty has ordered to do his best to rescue the son of the empire However, judging from the forecast results obtained by the technical team led by Princess Shanamia, the frequent occurrence of extreme disasters this time is not caused by the earth itself."

Veretta told the information she knew one by one.

"In this way, the current situation is probably a repeat of the last change!"

After flipping through the file, Lei Mingkai closed it.

The only explanation that can be drawn is UU Reading www. uukanshu. com is this complex world that has gone through a fusion, and it has once again attracted a larger world fusion.

As for the merged world, it is very likely that it is the pictures floating above Mars.

If each picture represents a world, then the total number of these pictures is over a thousand.

The scars caused by the disaster caused by the last world fusion have not yet healed.

Now, the final parliament is coming to do this again...

Lei Mingkai sneered a few times.

This is not world fusion.

Instead, destroy the world!

The number is so huge, the worlds that are so huge that they are almost terrifying are all crowded together, playing the so-called fusion trick, the only result that can be obtained may be only one.

A most unacceptable result.

That is, the civilizations, countries, human beings, and creatures living in this world will all perish in the upheaval caused by this terrifying scale of world fusion.

Thinking about it this way, are the lunatics in the final council planning to become the creation gods and manipulate everything in the merged world? !

"Your Highness. According to the results obtained by Princess Shanamia and others. Now, the earth may be facing the risk of more than one space overlapping. And this risk will continue to increase as time goes by."

A message has just been sent to Veletta's personal communicator. Veletta saw it and immediately reported it to Lei Mingkai.

The arrival of this information also proved Lei Mingkai's speculation just now.

"Proceed with the order! The entire fleet is in a first-level combat state!"

without any hesitation,

without any worries,

The only way to prevent the horrific disaster brought about by the fusion of thousands of worlds is to solve the mastermind behind all of this.