Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 1021: Power of the world! ! Reverse imaginatio


The world is gone.

Among the things that Lei Mingkai felt, this was indeed the case.

Heaven and **** broken!

Lei Mingkai used to control the lore of the legendary miracle giant, but when it was his turn to face it, he was so powerless.

The overloaded ALDNOAH furnaces push the output of the Warp Shield to its limit.

Lei Mingkai believed that such a powerful subspace shield was enough to resist most attacks in the world.


But when facing Heaven and Hell Break, the subspace shield was defeated after all.

The terrifying energy erupted from the collision between the ultimate subspace shield and the Heaven and Hell Breaker used by the Dark Brave King destroyed the independent space opened up by the Dark Brave King in an instant.

The energy impact released at the moment the independent space was destroyed immediately annihilated all the troops recruited by the final council near the ultra-ancient floating fortress.

This is a storm of destruction beyond the cognition of the human fleet.

Fortunately, when this destructive storm was about to sweep the human fleet into it, the Throne of Dominion and its GHOST, the Special 3rd Battalion responded immediately.

Scenes of light shields, under the full power of the Throne of Domination and the Special 3rd Battalion, are constantly unfolding and stacking in front of the human fleet. With the energy limit they can burst out, they try their best to interweave a huge and tough line in front of the human fleet. wall of light shields.

Facing the terrifying impact that destroyed most of the enemies in an instant, the captains of the human fleet yelled orders one after another frantically, trying to evacuate the battleships under their command to the Throne of Command and the Special 3rd Brigade in time. Among the expanded light shield walls.

Among them, the fleet of Yajin Duwei's side is the main one.

On the other hand, the empire's space fleet fully deployed its own radiation shields, and under the coordination of Sharon Epp, adopted a method similar to that of the special 3rd brigade.

However, the size and energy of the Imperial Fleet, which has a huge gap with the GHOST of the Special 3rd Battalion, with the help of Sharon Epp, completed the joint deployment of the light shield in the blink of an eye.

And in the next second when the light shield wall was fully deployed, the terrifying impact that devoured most of the final council army finally hit the light shield wall deployed by the human fleet.



At this moment, no one can know what the situation outside is like.

They only knew that even though they were behind the light shield wall, they could feel how terrifying the terrifying impact was.

Among them, the multiple ZAFT fleets that were able to enter the wall of the light shield with only the last distance difference felt the deepest.

Just in the blink of an eye, the steel battleship that should be able to protect human beings to navigate freely in the boundless universe is as fragile as the bubbles floating on the water, breaking at the touch of a finger.

The human beings in those steel battleships just turned their heads, blinked, or had a premonition that death was approaching, and instinctively got up to avoid it, and fell into endless death.

"Team Jack, be silent."

"Arius team, be silent..."

Due to the location, among the Meier team, which is located on the edge of the light shield wall, but is just protected by the light shield wall, Yin Zake clenched his teeth tightly, staring at the dazzling white light on the screen with almost red eyes, and Constantly refreshed information - from the list of various ZAFT fleets and their members killed in an instant.



Suddenly, Yin Zac slammed the table hard.

Among the bridge, no one dared to speak to dissuade Yin Zake.

Because the status quo they have witnessed is so terrifying, so beyond their cognition.

This is not a war between humans at all!

This is simply a war between gods!

It was just the aftermath of the battle, which was able to annihilate the overwhelming enemy, and involved multiple ZAFT fleets that could not take refuge in the future.


what is happening? !

Yin Zac felt short of breath for a while!

Even when facing Genesis back then...

"This is the power of the Last Council! Yinzak, if this scares you, you can evacuate to the ruling throne. Queen Euphemia doesn't mind her allies hiding behind the ruling throne of."

At this time, Aslan's voice came, and Yin Zac suddenly felt a flame rising from his heart.


What are you **** talking about? !

We still have an unsettled account with that old fox of Durandal!

Until then, I will never die!

! "

"Then, I'll wait for you outside!"

To Yin Zac's surprise, Aslan and the signal of infinite justice were just ahead, behind the wall of light shield.

He and Infinite Justice only need to advance a little bit before they can break away from the light shield wall and face the terrifying impact head-on!

"The bastard!

So reckless? !


Amidst Yin Zake's scolding, Aslan disconnected the communication and turned to look at the other side of the screen.

"Erica. How many backs are there in the Final Council? Judging from the information you know."

On the other side of the screen, Eric frowned.

As a former member of the Final Council, she does know a lot of information about the Final Council.

But these information appeared in the ultra-ancient floating fortress, and from the moment the final council launched the fusion of thousands of worlds, it turned into meaningless waste paper.

At this time, Ailike realized that she, the former member of the final council, had not really touched the core of the final council.

what she saw,

what she touched,

It's just the information that the final speaker showed her and gave her contact.

Recalling the many information in her mind, Eliko finally sighed helplessly.

"I have confessed everything I know. The fusion of thousands of worlds is not a secret that I can know."

Having said that, Eric smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Perhaps, because of this, a rebel congressman like me will not be hated by the final parliament and the final speaker."

In fact, it is.

Aslan was silent for a moment.

"Is there anything we can do to help Kai win?"

"Probably, only the world will know."



The Dark King of Braves let go of his hands, and quietly looked at the steel giant in front of him who had lost all response and was floating in space like dead silence.

It is dead.

He, too, died.

This is a new power controlled by the Holy Lion Knight!

This is enough to give the holy lion knight a new life!

Under this power, even if it is the main body, even if it is the source, even Lei Mingkai who once caused the miracle giant to descend is nothing but an ant.


Just use this power to annihilate this ants!

Holy Lion Knight raised his right hand.

The Dark King of Braves raised his right hand.

Countless lightning bolts burst from it, from the right hand of the Dark King of the Brave.

In the blink of an eye, the holy lion knight bombarded down.

without any speech,

And without any hesitation,

What the Holy Lion Knight has is the idea of ​​destroying the enemy in front of him!

Other than that, think nothing of it!



Suddenly, there was a scream in the boundless void.

The heart-wrenching sting made the Holy Lion Knight stop moving like an electric shock.

The flashing steel right fist landed on the chest of Eternal Freedom and above the cockpit by a tiny bit.

At this moment, the Dark Brave King only needs to swing his right hand with all his strength, and he will be able to blast the cockpit of eternal freedom into a huge hole.


He can't do it.

Holy Lion Knight can no longer do it.

The severe pain continuously invaded the Holy Lion Knight's body, forcing him to leave the side of eternal freedom.

"Yes, who is it!


The Holy Lion Knight stared red-eyed above Eternal Freedom.


A misty and illusory figure is falling on the cockpit of eternal freedom.



He raised his head and looked at the Dark King of Braves.

In an instant, Holy Lion Knight felt a burst of heartache.

Instinctively, the Dark King of the Brave also retreated a certain distance under this burst of heart.

The Knight of the Holy Lion doesn't know who she is.

But in the satellite fortress Messiah, someone has already recognized her real body.

"It turned out to be her?!"

Looking at the illusory figure of the shoulder-length short-haired woman standing on the cockpit of eternal freedom, Lelouch couldn't help but gasped.

"Mr. K. It seems that you know the real body of that figure."

Beside, came a voice full of curiosity.

Lelouch nodded slowly.

"What if I say she is a god?"

The voice froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Really? It seems that the Goddess of Destiny is still kind to me. At such an important moment, I can still witness the majesty of the gods with my own eyes."

"Is it majestic?"

Lelouch's expression was hidden under the mask, but his heart was already churning endlessly.

"She appeared. So, does it mean that Yuffie has made a choice?"

The ethereal and illusory figure raised his finger and pointed at the Dark King of Braves.

This is not an attack.

But it is more terrifying than an attack!

The pain spreading all over his body made the Holy Lion Knight realize a fact.

That ethereal and illusory figure was the culprit that caused him such pain.

"I, I saw you!

! "

In the agony, countless memories emerged from the fragments of the world controlled by the Holy Lion Knight.

Among them, it was the scene where Lei Mingkai met that ethereal and illusory figure.

"Since it's a dead god, don't stand here and hinder me!

! "

The anger rose, and the pain felt by the holy lion knight was diluted by three points, and the dark brave king acted again.

Streams of flames spewed out from the connection between the limbs and the body of the Dark Brave King, covering the Dark Brave King with a layer of fiery flame equipment.

Amidst the scorching flames, a high-speed rotating stream of light soared into the sky from behind the Dark King of the Brave, and then wrapped around the right wrist of the King of the Black Brave.





The streamer rotates clockwise at high speed,

The right hand rotates counterclockwise at high speed,

The two continued to accelerate, and then accelerated again, until at a certain moment, at the moment when they had enough destructive power to kill the enemy, the Dark King of Braves threw out this blow with all his strength!

"BrokenMagnum/Smash Flying Punch!


Wherever the Shattering Flying Fist passed, one after another void cracks were torn apart.

The countless wreckages floating around were swallowed up just a little bit closer to these void cracks.

With such a powerful destructive power, it is not difficult to believe that no one can face such a terrible blow.


Just at the very moment, a black shadow suddenly swept out from the void, and bumped into the Shattering Flying Fist abruptly.

Although the black shadow was destroyed by the aftermath of the Shattering Flying Fist in the blink of an eye, its remaining power deflected the Shattering Flying Fist slightly.

"who is it!


Being disturbed by others again and again, no matter how good-tempered the Knight of the Holy Lion is, it will be difficult to hold back the raging anger in his heart.

When the Shattering Flying Fist passed over Eternal Freedom, a black shadow appeared from the void, restraining the Eternal Freedom that was blown away by the aftermath of the Shattering Flying Fist.

flying cloak,

And a steel giant with a skull logo on his forehead.

"Pirate Gundam?!


Tong Kong, the holy lion knight with Lei Mingkai's memory, shrank back, obviously recognizing the real body of the shadow.

And things that surprised him came one after another.

On the pitch-black and broken battlefield, two streaks of golden or red streaks of light rushed forward, launching a tacitly coordinated surprise attack on the Dark King of the Brave.

"ProtectShade/Defense Barrier!


With the blessing of power provided by the final council, the ProtectShade/defense barrier used by the Dark King of the Brave is no longer limited to the left hand, but can be used anywhere and anytime throughout the body.

But when the ProtectShade/defensive barrier was fighting against the incoming attack, in the flickering flames, the Knight of the Holy Lion could clearly see the appearance of the attacker.


"Flame Demon Sword?!




One blow failed, and Lancelot, who appeared in front of the Dark King of the Brave, retreated decisively with the Flame Demon Sword, and quickly returned to Eternal Freedom, protecting him behind him.

The Holy Lion Knight's face trembled.

For some reason, a sense of uneasiness emerged from the depths of his heart.

Appearing in front of the eyes, the machine that blocked the attack of the Black King of the Brave,

The machine that attacked the Dark King of Braves,

All of them were mechas that Lei Mingkai had piloted.

pirate gundam,


flame sword,

And that eternal freedom that has fallen into dead silence.

Intuitively speaking, Holy Lion Knight can be sure that there is no life in these bodies.


that is,

These organisms are self-propelled, self-acting.


How can it be? !

The Holy Lion Knight gritted his teeth and clenched his hands.

The Dark King of Braves then clasped his hands tightly and assumed an attacking stance again.

No matter how unexpected the situation in front of him was, the holy lion knight had only one goal, and that was to kill Lei Mingkai!




In order to kill Lei Mingkai in the form of the miraculous giant that Lei Mingkai once summoned!

"I, no!


Suddenly, a stern shout exploded from the void, shaking the holy lion knight's mind unsteadily, and he was in a daze for a while.

And in this trance, only a female voice was heard shouting.

"In the name of the world..."


It's not just one female voice, but several female voices shouting in unison.

"In the name of the world..."

"My guardian knight, wake up!


Rule over all the thrones,

and of the sons of Danu,

Five dazzling rays of light rose.

And in this bright and dazzling light, Euphemia's right hand is extremely bright.

It is the power called CODE that is responding to Euphemia's heart at this moment, and following Euphemia's order, responding to the existence that shares the same mood as Euphemia.

Since Euphemia owned the CODE, the power that has rarely been used by it is fully displayed at this moment.

in order,

It is to help Lei Mingkai to defeat the enemy!

"You, not him! Even though you have the same miracle giant, you are still not him! The sad mirror image person!


Surrounded by many machines, the ethereal figure slowly rises.

The power transmitted from the ruling throne, from the son of Danu, constantly filled her body.

This is a long-lost feeling!

This is the power that a collective of world consciousness should have!

But right now, all of this is for one purpose.



A trace of panic emerged from the face of the Holy Lion Knight, and the Dark King of Braves once again tried to cast Heaven and Hell Break.

But one step slower!

A snow-white iron lion appeared behind the ethereal and illusory figure without warning, and swallowed it with lightning speed.



The uneasiness in the Holy Lion Knight's heart was like a volcanic eruption, impacting his thinking.


The surging energy suddenly stopped. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

At this moment, a miracle was born!

Just like the miraculous giant descending that the holy lion knight witnessed from his memory.

In the roar of the pure white steel lion, the silent eternal self-use and the surrounding companions turned into shooting stars, clustering around the pure white steel lion.

At the same time, Euphemia, who raised his right hand high and allowed the brilliance of CODE to explode to the extreme, and Lux, Teresa, Vierian, and Ethiram, who had the same brilliance on their foreheads, shouted together:

"With the power of the world!

The final fusion!



"Wake up! My guardian knight!


"The King of Braves, praised by courage, come down!
