Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 1023: Only Courage (7,000 characters)


DIVIDINGDRIVER / partition screwdriver.

Lei Mingkai did not expect that this special weapon developed to isolate the battlefield and prevent civilians from being accidentally injured by the aftermath of the King of Brave's battle with the enemy would be used by the King of Brave in such a way at this moment.

The special weapon that was supposed to cut space was like a sharp sword at this moment. It was brandished by the dark brave king and launched a fierce attack on Lei Mingkai and the brave king.

Every blow left behind pale white trails in the void.

This made Lei Mingkai pay attention.

Once hit, I'm afraid it will be attacked by the pale flames attached to it, which will cause the King of Braves to appear abnormal, and even reduce the combat power.

The King of the Brave opened his left hand, and the defensive barriers were constantly activated, blocking all the onslaughts of the King of the Dark Brave.

All of a sudden, the dark brave king who triggered the pale flames and held the DIVIDING DRIVER was unable to gain an advantage in a short time.

It's just that it just turned the disadvantaged situation back to the evenly divided situation.

"Kai! Be careful! There is something wrong with the flame. I faintly feel a strange breath."

After noticing the strangeness of the pale flame, Type Zero immediately issued a warning.

But it was a step too late.

I saw a trace of pale flame jumping on the left hand of the Brave King.

Even if the defensive barrier is activated at this moment, it can't stop the pale flame from extending towards the left hand of the King of Braves.

Under Lei Mingkai's prompt decision, the Brave King waved his right palm and slapped his left hand violently.

Under the fierce force, the left hand of the King of Braves shattered, leaving only the skeleton torn apart by the cracks.

And the pale flame that tried to spread along the left hand was also scattered towards the surroundings while the armor of the left hand was broken.

Before Type Zero heaved a sigh of relief, it actually felt that something was wrong with Lei Mingkai's spirit.

"Very decisive! But, you still underestimated the power of this flame born of despair."

The chest of the King of the Brave was pitch black, and the voice of the dark holy lion taunted.


Zero Type was stunned, and was about to try to wake up Lei Mingkai, but was interrupted by the Dark Brave King who was chasing after him.

Although without Lei Mingkai as a partner, Zero Type can still control the King of the Brave, but in terms of the level of power utilization, Long Tooth Lion Zero Type cannot match Lei Mingkai.

In the end, the King of Braves was able to come, not only relying on C's world consciousness aggregate, but also relying on Lei Mingkai's own deep memory of the King of Braves.


You really have a good plan!


Although Zero Type cannot fully use the power of the King of Braves, he will not admit defeat, and is willing to be defeated by the King of Braves in darkness.

"Kai! You bastard, wake me up!"

The pale flames were burning fiercely, continuously oppressing the power of the Long-toothed Lion Zero, and even pushing Lei Mingkai's spirit into a certain abyss.



the flames are rising,

The flames are attacking,

the flames are devouring,

The flames are roaring,

Lei Mingkai stood in the void, staring at the sea of ​​pale flames.


A picture suddenly appeared, enveloping Lei Mingkai in it.

When Lei Mingkai realized it, he found himself standing in a room filled with unknown instruments and culture tanks.


At this time, the sound of the automatic door opening came from behind, Lei Mingkai turned around to look, and his childish hole shrank accordingly.

Gilbert Durandal, and the strange man who walked into this room with him.

"Your Excellency, Speaker. Your plan is very good. But the biggest flaw, I'm afraid, is that the genes you provided don't seem to perfectly fit the requirements of the plan."

The strange man looked around and said to Durandal.

Lei Mingkai noticed that the strange man didn't seem to realize that he was standing in front of them.

In other words, Lei Mingkai is almost certain that he is in some kind of illusion.

The power of that pale flame is so strange? !

The last memory of the battle is the moment when he drove the King of Braves and shot off the pale flame on his left hand.

"MR.D, this is already the best gene we can have."

What Durandal called the strange man immediately drew Lei Mingkai's attention.

"MR.D? Is that the final member of the final council that Elle Co said is in charge of most of the top technologies in the final council?"

Lei Mingkai immediately understood the meaning of Durandal and Qiqi, who is called MR.D, appearing in this room.

When the lights suddenly turned on, illuminating the dim culture tanks behind Lei Mingkai, a terrifying scene appeared in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes.

Perhaps, this was the weirdest and most frightening scene that Lei Mingkai had ever seen in his life.

In each of the culture tanks, there are old, young, or young figures floating.

And these figures all have one thing in common.

That is, their appearance is very similar to Lei Mingkai.

Even, the faces of those young figures can almost be said to be the faces of Lei Mingkai himself.

Everything came to light at this moment.

"Clone?! My clone?"

With so many clones, Lei Mingkai realized what this scene represented.

The Birth of the Holy Lion Knight.

Lei Mingkai was a little surprised at first that the Holy Lion Knight was his own clone.

He never thought that such an encounter with a cloned person would fall on top of his head.



There was a sound of mechanism opening, and a sound of liquid discharge.

Lei Mingkai didn't turn his head back to check what happened.

He already knew who the person who walked out of the cultivation tank was.

strong body,

long limbs,

And that handsome face,

It was the moment when Lei Mingkai's clone, the Knight of the Holy Lion, was born.

"Well, it seems to be okay. Then, we can proceed to the next stage of planning. Your Excellency, this place will be handed over to you,"

MR.D took a closer look at the faintly conscious Holy Lion Knight, then turned and left the room.

When his figure completely disappeared from the door, several followers with clothes stepped into this room, and under Durandal's watchful eye, they quickly changed clothes for the holy lion knight.

"Take him away! From today on, he will be our hero, Holy Lion Knight."

After watching his entourage, Durandal and others leave, Lei Mingkai raised his hand and slammed it at the cultivation jar next to him.

no surprise,

Lei Mingkai's fist pierced through the cultivation tank without seeming to cause any damage.

Yes, just the ripples caused by the fist piercing through the culture tank.

"Is it really an illusion?"

Lei Mingkai retracted his fists, looked around, then raised his feet and walked towards the door.

No matter what the other party thinks, Lei Mingkai believes that as long as he takes action, the black hand hidden behind the scenes must spend more energy to create the illusion of the scene in front of him.

"Tap, tap..."

Lei Mingkai stepped out of the door.

His eyes suddenly lit up, forcing Lei Mingkai to narrow his eyes.

When he got used to the bright light in front of him, he found himself in a military base in Zaft from a room full of unknown instruments and culture tanks.

Looking at the surrounding layout and building layout, it seems to be a port in April City.

There was a lot of voices ahead.

Lei Mingkai lifted his footsteps and walked over.

He didn't go far, and he saw a group of figures that surrounded the road.

Lei Mingkai stopped, looked left and right, randomly picked a place where he could see the inside of the crowd, and climbed up all the way.

As expected, it was the Holy Lion Knight who was surrounded by the crowd.

The Knight of the Holy Lion that Lei Mingkai sees at this moment is just a pilot wearing a red suit representing ZAFT's elite.

The same is true for the girl standing beside her.

But from the words and phrases from the crowd, Lei Mingkai restored a rough outline.

Holy Lion Knight performed well in the defense of April City some time ago, and will soon be promoted by ZAFT's headquarters to become one of ZAFT's many captains.

The more Lei Mingkai read it, the more he felt that this was an inspirational story.

As long as the fact that the holy lion knight is his own clone is ignored.

Lei Mingkai jumped off and walked towards the crowd.


As his footsteps fell, the scene in front of him began to change again.

Seeing this, Lei Mingkai stopped and sighed silently.

If the Holy Lion Knight tried to break Lei Mingkai's spirit and will in this way, he would be underestimating Lei Mingkai.

The crowd disappeared, replaced by a haggard looking woman carrying food, passed through the crowd with different expressions, and disappeared in the aisle.

Seeing this, Lei Mingkai frowned.

The surrounding atmosphere seems to be very heavy.

It seems to be facing some kind of difficult choice.

Lei Mingkai looked at the wall that had turned into steel at this moment, and from the words he heard around him, he already knew that what he was seeing now was what happened in Minerva.

It seems that it was still the time after the Holy Lion Knight was defeated by himself and his identity was exposed by Higel.

Is this calling for injustice?

Still complaining?

Lei Mingkai raised his footsteps again.

The scenery in front of him shook for a while, and it turned into a room filled with countless cultivation tanks.

In front of these cultivation tanks, a man and a girl in white were confronting each other.

"Mr. D."

Lei Mingkai recognized the man's identity at a glance.

And that woman was the girl that Lei Mingkai had seen walking through the crowd cautiously.

"Doctor. Can Master Shengshi really gain the power to regain strength?"

The girl in white looked at the man in front of her cautiously but full of expectation.

She didn't know what kind of terrifying existence was behind the man in front of her.

But she knew that the man in front of her could cheer up the Holy Lion Knight.

"Hey! Of course. To cheer him up, your help is naturally indispensable."

MR.D pointed to the depths of the countless culture tanks.

"Go there. You will be able to feel the existence of that power!

At the same time, you will feel his presence. From now on, you will be inseparable from each other. "

MR.D smiled triumphantly.

"In the final analysis, your existence is for each other. From the beginning, your birth was already doomed. So, go!"

In the voice of MR.D, the girl in white did not hesitate or resist at all, turned around silently, and walked towards the depths of those culture tanks—that special place.

"With the existence of two experimental subjects, I believe my experiment will surely usher in success."

"Are you right? Knight, Lei Mingkai!"

The triumphant MR.D suddenly turned around and stared at Lei Mingkai closely.

Lei Mingkai, who was not supposed to be seen, was discovered!

Moreover, it was discovered by MR.D who was in the illusion!

Lei Mingkai distanced himself calmly.

"I have long admired your name! MR.D."

"Hahaha! Don't be so nervous! I'm not a combatant! I don't have any combat ability."

MR.D laughed, and then explained to himself.

"I was able to discover your existence. It's just that I left some behind-the-scenes on the experimental subject!"

"I didn't expect that guy to use these backhands to drag you in. Forget it. Presumably he wants to use these backhands to let you feel the despair he felt."

"Since that's the case, I won't hinder you. Farewell! Your Excellency the Knight who is valued by MR.K."

Without leaving any time for Lei Mingkai to question, MR.D's figure paused, and then lost its previous agile posture, and became like a puppet acting according to the original program during loop playback.


Lei Mingkai considered this word carefully.

But, for some reason, along the way, Lei Mingkai never felt the despair that MR.D said.

Thinking of this, Lei Mingkai realized that he didn't seem to see through the Holy Lion Knight.

Even if the two sides have played against each other several times.

Moreover, the relationship between the two parties is even more of a weird relationship between the main body and the clone.

The footsteps were raised again, and the surrounding scenery began to change immediately.

However, this time, all the surrounding scenery faded away, leaving only the boundless darkness and Lei Mingkai standing in it.

"Is the trick finally over?"

Lei Mingkai said loudly.

"Indeed. This is just a trick. I don't expect to be able to defeat you with this! Imperial knight, Lei Mingkai."

The Holy Lion Knight called him, causing Lei Mingkai's eyes to change.

"Since that's the case, why dragged me into this illusion again? Could it be that you thought that if you lost my control, the King of Braves would be easily defeated by you?"

"No. I don't have such an idea. It's just that I want to tell others about my experience."

"So, are you satisfied now?"

"Thank you for your understanding! Dear Knight King!"

The Holy Lion Knight took a step back and saluted Lei Mingkai.

"To express my gratitude, please allow me to fight His Royal Highness the Knight King with the strongest strength so far!"




Zero's anxious roar woke Lei Mingkai awake.

"I can hear it!"

Lei Mingkai covered his forehead, trying to recover as soon as possible from the weakness he had just escaped from the illusion.

"Hey! Kai, that guy is attacking...Huh?!"

The zero-style screamed and shouted, but found that the dark brave king did not take advantage of the time when Lei Mingkai just woke up to launch a fierce attack.

"I'm going to do my best! Type Zero!"



! That's how it should be done!

! "

Type Zero hasn't figured out the situation yet, but it doesn't prevent it from cooperating with Lei Mingkai to use all its strength to defeat the opponent!

The murderous aura erupted completely at this moment!

Both parties know that the other party will not hold back, and there is no need to hold back!

The momentum keeps rising,

The strength is constantly gathering,

Lei Mingkai,

holy lion knight,

Don't focus on dialogue.

to say,

to answer,

It has already been said in that illusion.


Lei Mingkai stared at the Dark King of Braves.

He felt it.

The strength gathered by the King of the Dark Brave at this moment, the aura he gathers, and the... despair he bears!

The battle is about to start!

This is no longer a temptation!

Instead, he rushed to kill the opponent with a fatal blow!

The two figures with the name of King of the Brave disappeared in a flash, and disappeared in place.

By the time it reappeared, it was already hundreds of thousands of miles away from its original location.

In the battle between the kings of bravery, every time a fist is swung, it is a terrifying scene where the universe is emptied.



Pieces of emptied space continued to spread in the battle between the two.

Regardless of the BETA that swarmed from the fusion of thousands of worlds, or the other enemies of JAM, they were all reduced to worthless cannon fodder under the fighting between the King of Braves.

The human fleet, which had already prepared for evacuation in advance, resolutely detoured to a farther space under the leadership of the ruling throne, far away from the aftermath of the battle between the kings of bravery, and at the same time took advantage of the trend. Readjust the strength of the fleet and prepare to give the final council a heavy blow!



Both the King of Braves and the King of Braves who used "DrillKnee/Steel Drill Kick" at the same time got the result of the knee drill crashing and shattering.

However, neither Lei Mingkai nor the Holy Lion Knight had time to worry about the broken knee drill.

In their eyes, each other has long been left.

Other than that, nothing else!

The distance did not increase, and when the fragments of the knee drill were scattered, the two sides flew up their whip legs and kicked each other fiercely.


Huge forces collided crazily between the two, constantly impacting the whip legs kicked by both sides.

The tearing and fighting between the two forces continued to destroy the body of the King of Braves.

King of Braves,

dark warrior king,

The armor and weapons on their bodies were gradually occupied by cracks and torn apart.

From the battle to the present, pieces have seemed inconspicuous at first, but now they are visible to the naked eye, and even fall from severely damaged parts, with pieces the size of a palm spreading all over the surrounding area.

The appearance of these fragments proved the cruelty of the fight, but in the next moment, it was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two steel giants known as the King of Braves!


! "

The partition screwdriver used by the Dark King of Braves was the first to be the victim of this fight, and was smashed to pieces by Lei Mingkai's King of Braves with a punch.

The body is full of scars,

Physical strength seems to be exhausted a lot,

Lei Mingkai,

holy lion knight,

They all gradually took a breath.

the screen in front of you,

warning in the ear,

It's the norm in combat.



it's not finished yet!

At a certain moment, the two sides who were still fighting at close quarters retreated at the same time in a tacit understanding, and spread their hands together.


Lei Mingkai,

holy lion knight,

The same words resounded in their hearts.

In the dark and boundless void, a green storm suddenly set off.

This will be the end of this fight!

An unknown spell was chanted by the two.

Accompanied by the sound of the chant, the terrifying and terrifying power was drawn by the vortex-like existence, and gathered in the hands of two steel giants named the King of Braves.

Space is distorted at this moment.

Time is being slowed down at this moment.

King of Braves,

dark warrior king,

Like a small boat in the raging sea, it is impacted by the undercurrent of power surging in this space.

However, Lei Mingkai had nothing to fear.

Because of such a scene, how could Lei Mingkai and the King of Braves be terrified!

Because the King of Braves is the embodiment of courage!

Only courage is immortal, and such sights are nothing but trifles!



The hands of the King of Braves!

Dark hands of the King of Braves!

Handshake together at the same time!

Lei Mingkai's gaze,

The gaze of the Knight of the Holy Lion,

Lift up at the same time and lock the opponent!





Both Lei Mingkai and the Holy Lion Knight felt that their existence was being burned by something.

In this burning, power is continuously emerging.

Therefore, they used the name of this blow to scream and roar completely.

"Heaven and **** broken!


[Heaven and **** broken!

! 】

The roars of the two were like the bells that tore through the night, ushering in the bright brilliance in this dark and boundless void.

And amidst the brilliance, the two steel giants known as the King of Braves rushed towards each other without reservation!

Every step they took, the darkness was torn apart.

Every time they take a step forward, the space is distorted and shattered.


The lore they used hit each other, hitting the moment of the same lore.

It's a tsunami!

It's a landslide!

It's a hurricane!

At the moment when the two Heaven and Hell Breakers collided, both Lei Mingkai and the Holy Lion Knight felt the great destruction that was transmitted from the steel body called the King of Braves by the terrifying force like a tsunami, landslide, and hurricane. force.

The skin is tearing!

Blood vessels are bursting!

The bones are howling!

The incomparable pain was raging on Lei Mingkai.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Lei Mingkai's mouth.

This is the fragility of flesh and blood in the face of the destructive power that can be called the power of gods!


Lei Mingkai suddenly laughed out loud!



holy lion!

! Is this the best your King of Braves can do? "

The Holy Lion Knight, who was also bleeding all over his face and covered in scars, stared at the King of Braves with red eyes.


This, this is my best!



"This is my despair!

! The despair of being a clone!

! Ah ah ah ah ah!

! "

The dark King of the Brave actually took half a step forward, and an explosive force erupted, forcefully pushing the King of the Brave's lore over.



Cracks burst.

Along the part of the two strokes of Heaven and Hell, it continued to extend, tearing the King of Brave's fists and arms.

Seeingly, it was about to spread to the body of the King of Braves.

At that time, it is not difficult to imagine that this will be the defeat of the King of Braves and even Lei Mingkai!

Facing such a defeat, Lei Mingkai roared angrily.

"O Holy Lion!

! It turns out that if you can really get something from my memory, then, you, you should know!


"The power of the King of Braves does not come from despair!

! "

The King of Braves, suppressed by the power of despair erupted by the Dark King of the Braves, unexpectedly sprouted a stronger force than that, and pushed back the attack of the King of the Black Braves with an incomparably arrogant posture.


Holy Lion Knight's expression froze.

Being valued by MR.D, the power of despair he pursues is actually...

"See clearly!

Holy Lion!


The muscles of Lei Mingkai's whole body tensed up, even though this movement would make his whole body drenched in blood.

But Lei Mingkai took action without hesitation.

"The true power of the King of Braves!

! "

A beam of light suddenly appeared.

As if a supernova exploded, declaring its existence to the boundless universe, a beam of light spanning several astronomical units traversed the void, attracting everyone on the battlefield to watch the outcome of the battle.

The coercion that suppressed everything in the world was firmly on the Dark King of the Brave, and on the Knight of the Holy Lion, making him unable to move at all.


Will it be his end?

The holy lion knight's eyes moved, bursting out with an extremely firm light.


He is not willing to end here!

Pale flames erupted loudly, engulfing the Dark King of Bravery in an instant like a raging fire.

This will be the Holy Lion Knight, and it will be a completely explosive blow from the Dark King of Braves!

[Despair-heaven and **** broken!

! 】

Under the beam of light, a pale flame storm rose into the sky.

Just like a human being facing a mythical titan, he unleashes his strongest blow!


Is this your despair? holy lion!


The pale flame was full of power, but it was still unable to push forward even the slightest bit, let alone affect Lei Mingkai, causing Lei Mingkai to fall into the same illusion as before.

"However, you really didn't get anything from my memory."

"Because, if you can really understand the meaning of "King of the Brave" from my memory, you will know that you will win in the end..."

Facing the pale flames of despair, the King of Braves took a firm step.

And this step is the beginning of the defeat of the Dark King of Braves and Holy Lion Knights!

"Only courage!


"Other than that, UU Reading has nothing else!


The pale flames scattered in response!

The Dark King of Braves shattered!

Among the wreckage scattered all over the sky, the figure of Holy Lion Knight is so clear, so lonely, so helpless.

The holy lion knight stared at the heaven and **** breaking straight towards him.

This is his end.

At the same time, it is also their ending.

Behind the Holy Lion Knight, Wei Na's figure appeared again, holding the Holy Lion Knight in her arms.

"Yes! Only those with courage can win the final victory!"

"You won! Lei Mingkai!"

The beam of light that spanned the void crashed down, directly bombarding the gate of the ultra-ancient floating fortress.

The road leading to the location of the Last Council has been opened!