Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 1027: last barrier

Footsteps sounded slowly.

In this unmanned satellite fortress, the reverberation continued.

In the silent silence, a pair of dead eyes slowly opened, looking in the direction of the footsteps.

"I didn't expect it was really you."

The owner of those dead eyes spoke.

His voice was very blunt, as if it was made by the collision of stones.

"Originally, I just thought that Lei was just hallucinating because of too much pressure."

"But I never expected that it was really you."

There was a glimmer of life in the dead eyes.

A trace of light represents excitement.

"Lao-lu-Kruze. A person who is already dead will stand in front of me again at this moment."

"My best friend!"

"Are you here to welcome me to Huangquan?"

The sigh gradually echoed with the sound of footsteps.

It's like accompaniment to the footsteps coming, reminding the owner here.


has come.

"Stop being sentimental!"

The person who came stopped, raised his head, and looked at the huge statue in front of him.

This is a huge statue composed of a man, a woman, and a child.

The man is at the top of the statue.

He opened his arms, opening up a piece of sky for the mother and child below.

The woman held the child gently in her arms.

"Does my appearance scare you now, Kruse?"

The man at the top of the statue said slowly.

"Durandall. Long time no see! You have become a lot more affectionate!"

The visitor smiled lightly, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"What do you think you haven't seen with a man who crawled in hell? Is it an ugly human heart? Or a hideous monster? Or a human being who can turn into a monster without hesitation for just one thing?"

With that said, the visitor paused.

His eyes became more and more playful.

"Oh. I forgot. Right now, in front of me, there is just such a person who is willing to become a monster. No. He has already become a monster. Together with his beloved woman and that woman's son, he has become the person in front of me. Ugly monster."

The sarcastic words made the man silent for a moment.

Then, he laughed at himself.

"As expected of Lao-Lu-Kruse. Sarcasm, I have never been your opponent."

"Oh? You are indeed not the Gilbert Durandal I knew."

The visitor stopped in front of the statue.

He raised his head and looked at the statue.

"Satisfied, Gilbert Durandal."

The withered man fell silent again.

"Satisfied. Kruse."


Come and ask again.

"Your wish came true, Gilbert Durandal."


This time, the answer came so quickly.

"Now, I'm connected to the woman I love and the outcome I'm after."

"My life is probably complete at this moment."

Hearing this, the visitor laughed.

"Probably? Probably!"

Amidst the louder laughter, the statue in front of him seemed to tremble.

As if reacting to the maniacal laughter of the visitor, it kept vibrating.

The rumbling and trembling sound was so ear-piercing.

It's like protesting against the ridicule of someone who came.

"Oh? Looks like I made a slip of the tongue."

The person who came raised his eyebrows, and immediately saluted and apologized neatly.

The attitude changed so quickly that even the statue didn't have time to stop trembling.

"Durandal. I admit that you are indeed consummated now."

Silence fell again.

In the end, Durandal couldn't help but ask.

"Ray, you..."

Someone decisively interrupted Durandal's words.

"Lei's future is up to him to choose."

"What's more, I was only able to appear here because of a coincidence. You, and Ray, are not the Gilbert Durandal, Ray Za Barre, whom I know and know well. you."

"Compared to the Lau-Lu-Kruse in your memory, the me standing here now is just a familiar stranger to you."

"Just a passer-by!"

It's not like a Lau-Lo-Kruse statement.

This surprised Durandal.

"Hehe. That's the end of the short visit. Now, you have a new guest. Durandal."

The human fleet led by the ruling throne finally broke through the gate of the ultra-ancient floating fortress and rushed into the interior of the ultra-ancient floating fortress.

The moment the human fleet broke into the fortress, everyone discovered that the interior space of the ultra-ancient floating fortress was much wider than when they observed it from the outside.

The satellite fortress of Biakin-Duwei is twice as large as the Throne of Dominion. In this vast space, the movement is not restricted by this, and the mobility is still as easy and free as it was outside.

"Is this the real body of the ultra-ancient floating fortress?"

Before everyone could sigh, Eric's voice appeared on the channel.

"Everyone, the internal space of the ultra-ancient floating fortress was created under the influence of space folding and other technologies. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the collision of warships due to the limited space."

"In addition, this is also the last line of defense close to the final council. The next battle may become more difficult. Because, the enemies we have to face may not only be beta and jam. In addition to the two, there are also famous It is Dorem's super weapon."

"Look! They have appeared."

Looking around, countless betas and jams swarmed in front of the ruling throne.

And in the tumbling "sea of ​​insects", huge super weapons like clay figures made by artists slowly flew out, blocking the assault route of the human fleet.

"Then, what kind of monster is that?"

Aslan was also shocked by the huge clay figure.

"Aslan, Yin Zac, you all take your subordinates and withdraw to the protective circle of the fleet."

Finally, Lei Mingkai's voice appeared on the communication channel of Aslan and Yin Zake.

"Kay? You bastard, how dare you jump out and command?!"

Yin Zake shouted suddenly.

"The wounded should lie down and rest for me!"


Lei Mingkai was taken aback for a moment, then looked down.

All right!

The bandages wrapped around his body were indeed wounded.

But it doesn't matter.

Behind Lei Mingkai was the King of the Brave who was riddled with scars.

Both Lei Mingkai and the King of Braves are ready to continue attacking.

The reason why he is now sitting in the Ganaku on the throne of **** is because he was ordered by Euphemia to undergo treatment and maintenance before he can attack again.

Lei Mingkai himself was fine.

It's just that the brave king behind him made the claws of the maintenance team who ruled the throne go numb.

You know, with the help of Lei Mingkai and Euphemia's official identities of the Space-Time Management Bureau, the technicians of the Britannian Empire have also come into contact with a lot of various airframes.

But a machine like the King of Braves is a blind spot for the technical staff of the Britannian Empire.

Even if the King of Braves has appeared twice in the growth history of Euphemia, the queen of the empire, that is only in the case of c's world power and the world power overflowing when the world changes. Only then did it appear.

"You don't have to care about the King of Brave's injuries. Go and prepare the Lionheart Knight!"

Seeing the sad face of the maintenance team, Lei Mingkai sent them away directly.

"Kai. Do you have any plans over there? Do you know the secrets of those terracotta figurines?!"

Aslan didn't seem to mention that he could get information about Dorem from Eric, but instead kicked the ball to Lei Mingkai's feet.

"Hmm. It may be somewhat different from the terracotta figurines I know. After all, the terracotta figurines I know use ultrasonic weapons as the main attack method."

Lei Mingkai knocked on the steel plate beside him.

"But now, we are in a vacuum. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the final council will make changes in this regard."

"In order to ensure the integrity of our active forces, I suggest that the entire fleet prepare to return to the protection of the United Light Shield at any time."

Slowing down, Lei Mingkai pulled the collar of the pilot uniform.

"As for those pottery figurines, the ruling throne has its own way to deal with them."

In the boundless sea of ​​insects, a deadly ray suddenly erupted.

After crossing a not too long distance, it directly bombarded the joint light shields deployed by the ghost cluster.

It's Genesis!

The weapon with terrifying lethality was once again defeated by the combined light shields deployed by the ghost cluster.


Durandal didn't care.

Because, this is just a sheep attack.

It was just a sheep attack that pointed out the direction of attack for those pottery figurines.

He doesn't care whether Genesis can cause lethality.


Can't care.

The joint light shield launched by the ghost cluster is enough to defeat all the armed forces possessed by Messiah.

It can be said that as long as the ghost swarm still exists, the Messiah's attack will be like scratching the itch through the boots of the human fleet, and it will not be able to cause even the slightest damage to the human fleet.


The Messiah's inability to do it does not mean that the Final Council has no means to target the joint light shield of the ghost cluster.

Among these methods, the huge terracotta figurine named Dorem is the vanguard.

The huge terracotta figurines, which were either weird, monstrous, or ferocious, sped up and broke away from the sea of ​​insects, accelerated their speed to enter the maximum shooting range, and launched an attack on the ghost cluster.

No matter how fast they are, there are still people who are faster than them.

It can be said that before the appearance of these huge terracotta figurines named Dorem, the ruling throne has already prepared a plan for confronting unfamiliar and unknown enemies that may appear.

Accompanied by the attack of the huge terracotta figurines, ghosts sped forward and split the entire united light shield into several large units in a short time.

And these large units take a single unit as a unit, and quickly use the technology of the joint light shield to build a series of long cylindrical light beams with a large front, a small rear, and a hollow center.

At the beginning, most people in the human fleet didn't understand why the United Light Shield protecting them suddenly became like this.

But soon, all these doubts were solved.

"Annihilation Wave Cannon!



The supreme queen who ruled the throne gave an order, and terrifying energy immediately poured out from the main cannon that had already been deployed on the reigning throne, and directly passed through the long cylindrical beams of light built by the ghost cluster.

Visually, the beam of light with a diameter of at least a kilometer will be compressed by a certain volume every time it passes through a long cylindrical beam of light.

The more compressed it is, the dimmer the brightness of the beam of light will be.

In the blink of an eye, the beam of light with a diameter of a thousand meters at the beginning was compressed to only a beam of light with a diameter of several meters.

At this moment, the color of the beam of light has already changed from bright white to dark red.

The dark red that makes people frightened and chilled!

In the deep void, when the huge Dorem was trying to launch an attack, it was already swept out by the dark red light beam preemptively bombarded by the Throne of Dominion.

Suddenly, the boiling insect sea around Messiah became dead silent.


! "

The statue was trembling constantly.

Even though Gilbert Durandal had lost his human nervous system at this moment, he still felt the aura of fear from the dark red light beam.

Looking at the huge terracotta figurine named Dorem again, it has been divided into two.

When the smooth and flat section was shining with the brilliance from the human fleet, these Dorem who were trying to intercept the human fleet had been bombarded and killed by the Throne of Domination.

He didn't even seize the opportunity to launch an attack!

Annihilation Wave Cannon!

This is one of the killer moves hidden by the ruling throne!

Using the huge and almost infinite energy core of the Throne of Dominion, UU Reading and the combined light shield technology of the ghost cluster, the deadly killing move created by all efforts, finally made the first strike to kill the enemy at this moment The credit for breaking the formation.

The messiah is surrounded by wreckage.

Perhaps the throne of dominion cannot aim at the Messiah,

Perhaps the Messiah himself had better luck.

But under the killing move of the Annihilation Wave Cannon, which swept away thousands of troops, all Dorem were wiped out, and even Beta was very little left.

As soon as Durandal's thoughts moved, one picture after another was displayed.

The fusion of thousands of worlds has entered the final juncture, and there will be no more reinforcements.

In other words, the only enemies standing in front of the human fleet are him and the Messiah.

"Thalia, I'm sorry! It seems that we have to step into **** first."

"Kruse! I don't know if you are still watching this battlefield. But, this is my last card."

Bursts of sand and dust suddenly erupted from all parts of Messiah's appearance, like lava spewing, constantly breaking through Messiah's rock wall shell.

And under the cracked shell of the rock wall, gray-silver waves are constantly stirring the interior of the satellite fortress.

Until, the moment Messiah's rock wall shell completely collapsed, a gray-silver skeleton with a height of 100 meters slowly stood up.

And the huge and ferocious skull was raised even more, staring at the position of the ruling throne.

The monstrous killing intent descended on the sky, causing the human beings in the ruling throne to shudder several times.

"There are so many ways to end the council!"

Lei Mingkai stepped into the cockpit of the King of the Brave again, staring at the gray-silver monster.

This will be the last barrier before attacking the Final Council!