Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 1028: Song of the End (Final


What a shocking picture that was!

When the well-known Messiah satellite fortress was submerged by countless gray-white flowing substances like a spring, it gradually turned into a head with huge bat wings, slender limbs, and huge arms that were several kilometers long. Between the flow of gray and white matter, the huge shape of the head-like head can be vaguely seen.

"Then...what the **** is that?!"

Shocked by the terrifying scene in front of them, the ZAFT soldiers could hardly believe their eyes.

Among these there were even some who withdrew from the Messiah and joined the ZAFT soldiers on the Yakin-Duwe line instead.

And they feel it even more strongly.

If the Messiah is really like the scene before his eyes, and his true identity is a terrifying, indescribable monster, then, who have worked, lived, and stayed in the Messiah for a long time, how can they Didn't he survive in the stomach of this monster for a long time? !

Reminiscent of this terrible fact, ZAFT soldiers who were less able to bear either looked extremely ugly, fell limply to the ground, or even covered their mouths, and squatted on the ground vomiting continuously without running a few steps away.

"Me...Messiah turned out to be a monster?!


Diego, Nicole, did you see that? "

Yin Zac's eyelids twitched wildly, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

For the battle not long ago, Yin Zac can also use the reason that "this is from other countries, other worlds, or even the means of the culprit that caused this world change to end the parliament".

But right now, Messiah is a satellite fortress built with all the efforts of Zaft!

How could this be an indescribable monster? !

"Ah! I saw it. Yin Zac."

Diego's expression became more and more terrifying.

"Aslan. Miss Eric, do you know all this?"

Nigel thought for a while, and secretly asked Aslan.

"No. It's not the masterpiece of the Final Council. It's probably a monster created by the speaker when he cooperated with MR.D using the technology he obtained."

Aslan explained for Eliko, and finally asked Yakin Duwei whether to attack in an all-round way.

such a monster,

It has exceeded the psychological endurance of Yajin Duwei's front line.

If it continues to delay, I am afraid it will become more passive.

The Britannian Imperial Fleet led by Lei Mingkai fought all the way, and finally came to a place that was only one foot away from the final parliament.

Aslan did not want the ZAFT fleet to lose the chain at such a critical moment.

Although Aslan's idea was good, the reality was that Aslan's plan failed.

"Everyone in ZAFT, please don't force yourself! Now, in front of you, I am afraid that it is your relatives, your friends, your partners, and your neighbors. So, the next battle, let us fight Finish it!"

While Veretta's voice sounded on the communication channel, the messiah-turned monster kept shaking its bat wings, making bursts of gray "raindrops", occupying all the space in front of it.

And these "raindrops" began to twist the next second when the speed slowed down, and finally formed gray and white figures.

As soon as the gray figure appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the ZAFT fleet on the Yakin-Duwei line.

"Well, that's Aunt Catherine!

! "


It's Alan!

That's my brother Alan!



how come? How could Nina be there? ! "


In the command hall of the Yakin Duwei Satellite Fortress, there were constant exclamations of recognition of the identity of the gray figure.

On the podium, the astonishment on Higel's face gradually disappeared, and was filled with solemnity instead.

"General Veretta. Sorry to trouble you!"

Siegel knew what to do next.

Those familiar faces in front of them, even if these familiar faces will turn into ferocious monsters in the next second, the ZAFT soldiers who have various relationships with those familiar faces, MS pilots may find it difficult to pull the trigger .

With such a difficult problem, Higel couldn't help but feel great gratitude to the Britannian Empire for its decisive decision.

When Yakin-Duwei was shocked by the faces of relatives and friends, the Britannian Empire Fleet, the Queen, was able to issue orders so quickly and take the role of villain to herself, her wrist was really bold amazing.

"No need to thank you! We are just following His Majesty's will."

Veretta nodded and disconnected the communication.

After withdrawing his gaze from the communication interface, Higel looked at Commander Zaft beside him.

There was still a trace of astonishment on the other party's face.

I'm afraid, among those gray and white figures, there are also relatives and friends that Commander Zaft knows!

"Master Higgle. Me, let's go next..."

"Proceed according to the scheduled plan! However, the main attack will be handed over to the Imperial Fleet."

Commander Zaft's complexion changed, and then he regained his composure.

"Yes! Lord Higgle."

Immediately, the commander issued a series of orders to change the operational plan.

It's just that the imperial fleet doesn't seem to have much patience now, and it's coming to a space battle.

"Your Majesty, General, the charge is complete! The Annihilation Wave Cannon is ready to fire at any time!


Thanks to the excellent energy structure of the Throne of Dominion, the time spent on recharging the Throne of Dominion's biggest killer feature - the Annihilation Wave Cannon after firing has been greatly reduced.

And this technology is naturally not owned by the Britannian Empire.

It is the super technology that the Throne of Ruler has possessed from the very beginning.

In other words, when the Space-Time Administration sent out the throne of domination, it placed it on the throne of domination.

Veretta looked back at Euphemia.

And the latter nodded.

"Launch! Veretta."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

With a wave of her right hand, Veretta ordered decisively.

"Target! Messiah satellite fortress! Annihilation wave cannon!



The light of death blooms again.

From very white to dark red,

just for a moment,

The scene where Dorem was wiped out just now appeared again.

However, this time the lucky crowd changed from Dorem to the Messiah satellite fortress.

To be precise, it was that monster!

A dark red beam of light flashed past.

Those gray and white figures were instantly evaporated.

Even if, among them, some of them have already begun to mutate, changing towards the form of monsters, they cannot escape this catastrophe.

In the blink of an eye, the universe swept by the dark red light beam suddenly became dead silent.

Whether it is a wreck or a living thing, it is the same fate.

The ZAFT fleet on the Yakin-Duwei line immediately fell silent.

Shocked, confused, and shaken by the gray and white figure's face, the ZAFT soldiers stared blankly at the universe that had been emptied by the annihilation wave cannon.

A second ago, those familiar "faces" were shaking their fighting spirit.

A second later, those familiar "faces" no longer existed, leaving only a dead silence to receive the gaze of ZAFT soldiers.

And the instigator, the indescribable monster turned from Messiah raised his head, staring at the direction of the ruling throne.

The long arm, which was several kilometers long, had just been raised for a while, and suddenly collapsed amidst a cloud of gray and white dust.

The forearm came down with a bang, revealing the smooth and calm mirror-like section.

And when the forearm fell on the remaining outer wall of the Messiah, a slanted line continued to climb the monster's body at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it split the monster in two.

In the silent void, bursts of gray-white dust and mist continuously erupted, appearing along the oblique line dividing the monster in two.

The monster raised its head, opened its terrifying big mouth, and kept opening and closing its mouth towards the ruling throne, as if roaring.


It makes no sense.

The appearance of the slash represents the result of the annihilation wave cannon sweeping past this monster in an instant just now.





As soon as Lei, who was fighting with Zhen-Asuka, saw the tragedy of Messiah, his eyes turned red, and he left the Lionheart Knight driven by Zhen-Asuka, and directly drove the Legendary Gundam towards Messiah rushed over.



"True bird! Don't chase it!

! "

Aslan's voice stopped Zhen-Asuka from chasing thunder in time.

"Ah...Captain Sara."

Zhen-Asuka opened his mouth, but he still gave up.

After all, behind Aslan, there was Yin Zac, and Diego followed.

Not to mention, the other ZAFT MS units that followed behind them.

"There's no need to chase! It's a real bird. That's his choice."

While Aslan was speaking, a dark red light beam passed from far to near, drawing a new scar on the monster's body.

And this scar was the fatal blow to this monster.



Unhindered along the way, Lei quickly rushed out of the cockpit of the legendary Gundam. Before he could stand still, he supported himself on the wall and flew towards the central area of ​​Messiah, the command hall, at the fastest speed. past.


Lei, who was worried about Durandal's situation, didn't notice for a while, but was caught in a burst of sacrificial explosions and hit the wall heavily.

Although the pilot's suit was just able to withstand the impact of the explosion, Lei couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood due to the strong impact.

What he looked at was already floating blood beads.

"Are you still worried about that guy's life?"

In severe pain, Lei actually heard that voice again.

But Lei didn't respond, just gritted his teeth, forcefully propped up his body, kicked his feet hard, and flew towards the command hall in the passage gradually engulfed by flames.

Light from the flickering flames was reflected on Ray's visor.

Vaguely, in those reflections, another face can be seen.

The face named "Lau-Lu-Kruse".

"Even though he was injured, are you still worried about the life of Durandal? Ray. What do you think of him?"

A burst of severe pain swept over, almost making Lei faint on the spot.

The lake of consciousness caused Lei to lose control of his body, let alone change direction in time, and could only watch helplessly as he hit the wall.

The heavy impact may not make Lei feel any discomfort in normal times.

But now, the injuries Lei suffered in the explosion just now were affected again.

A mouthful of blood gushed out of Lei's mouth continuously, almost occupying Lei's field of vision.

In the mask, there were blood beads spit out by Lei.

Ray struggled, took off his helmet before the blood was sucked into his lungs, and gasped for air.

In that vision, a figure seemed to be standing in front of him.

"You, standing here. So, you, made a choice?"

Constantly sucking air into his lungs torn by pain, Lei raised his hand and wiped the blood from his mouth vigorously.

look up,

There is no other figure in sight,

There is only one door.

A door leading to the command hall.

Lei gritted his teeth and took steps to step into the door.

"You, back. Ray."

in the firelight,

A huge statue is surrounded by flames.

that familiar face,

That familiar figure,

that familiar voice,

Under the swaying of the flame, it is constantly engraved in Lei's heart.

"Is that you, Jill."

Drops of blood kept slipping from the corner of Lei's mouth.

That handsome face was also constantly withering at this time, and was occupied by wrinkles.

The footsteps bound by the severe pain became weaker and weaker.

The long golden hair, like a big tree that has lost its vitality, is constantly decaying, turning gray, and finally slipping off.

in flames,

handsome blond boy,

Every step you take,

He is one step closer to aging.

Till he stepped into the fire and was swept away by the flames,

The right hand, which had been so withered that only bones remained, finally touched the withered statue.

The old face occupied by wrinkles exhausted the last bit of strength, raised his head, and looked at the withered statue.

"You, right here... Jill..."

The flames soared into the air, devouring the statue and the old blond boy.

All that remained was that inaudible sigh.

"Is this your choice? Ray."


Messiah was sunk.

Finally, after receiving the news, the speaker couldn't help being silent for a while.

"Gilbert Durandal is an outstanding man with great talent. His sacrifice is not what we wish! What we expect is not Gilbert Durandal's sacrifice, but When our long-cherished wish is realized, we can cheer for the new world together with these outstanding people and contribute our sweat to the construction of the new world!


In the empty parliament, finally the speaker raised his arms and shouted.

"the reality is cruel!


"Chairman Durandal has resolutely dedicated all of himself for the realization of our long-cherished wish! For this, on behalf of all members of the Final Council, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to His Excellency Gilbert Durandal and make an eternal Unchanged promise!

There will always be a place for the new world we build!



Let us give Gilbert Durandal great praise and sincere thanks at the moment when our long-cherished wish is realized!


At the end of Kang's speech, the speaker raised his hands high, stared at the void, and shouted loudly.

"Praise be to our dear friend, Gilbert Durandal!"

"A sincere thank you to our comrade-in-arms Gilbert Durandal for his dedication to righteousness!


As soon as the Speaker of the Final Yan finished speaking, thunderous shouts suddenly sounded in the empty final parliament, one after another, continuously.

"Praise be to Gilbert Durandal!


"Thank you Gilbert Durandal!


The moment the voice reached its peak, the speaker finally raised his right hand, and the audience fell silent.

"Members of Congress!

In such an important moment, please allow me to express my sincere thanks to you in my personal capacity! Thanks to your help, our long-cherished wish has come true! "

"Praise the Council!"

"Praise the Speaker!"

The call came again.

Amidst the thunderous cheers, the Speaker finally looked calm.

I saw him cross his hands, put them on his chest, and knelt down somewhere in the void.

"The time is ripe! The moment we have been looking forward to has arrived!"

"Please, grant us the power to realize our long-cherished wishes!


"Please grant us the power to realize our long-cherished wish!


"Please grant us the power to realize our long-cherished wish!


"Please grant us the power to realize our long-cherished wish!



As the shouts grew louder, a huge figure emerged from the void.

On the white and holy body, bursts of light circles continuously condense and spread, making people afraid to look up at its existence.


It was Wing God Shiyin!

To be precise, it is the Creation God-Yingshen Shiyin who was finally successfully developed by the Final Council through various means.

her presence,

It is the core of the realization of the fusion of thousands of worlds.

And in this core, there is a key figure—Annai Anifar.

The girl who was regarded as the incarnation of the **** by the final council stood in the void, standing on the left side of Yishen Shiyin's head, looking down at the final speaker and many final councilors.

Under his gaze, the originally empty Final Council continued to appear one after another.

Whether it's the ability to hide whereabouts, the magic to hide oneself, or the ability to hide one's own existence, there is nothing to hide under the gaze of this girl who is regarded as a **** by the congressmen.


The divine girl spoke slowly.

"Is this your wish?"

"Yes! The Supreme God of Creation!"

"Give us the power to create a new world!


Finally, the Speaker shouted loudly.


The **** girl slowly uttered a syllable.


The figure of the **** girl turned into a stream of light, merging with Yishen Shiyin as one.

This moment seemed to be extended infinitely.

But at a certain moment, it was infinitely shortened!

It was just a flash of light, and the chairman of the final Yan, and even many of the final councilors seemed to feel as if they had passed through countless worlds.


They heard a chant.

It is the chant that breaks through the darkness!

It is the chant of tearing the fog!

It is the chant of calling out the light!

It is the chant that drives the flow of time!

It is a chant that bestows life on the desolate world!


This is the long-cherished moment that the final parliament has been looking forward to!

The singing is extremely long!

But extremely short!

In just one second, Lei Mingkai felt that countless long centuries had passed.

When his consciousness returned to his body, he found that the things in front of him no longer flowed, and the crowd in front of him no longer moved.


The singing in the ear did not stop.

Everything in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes was gradually losing color.

Lei Mingkai witnessed with his own eyes that on the side of Ganaku, an imperial knight who was holding a refreshing drink was stopped at the moment when he got up from the chair, and the whole person stopped in mid-air with a very funny movement .

What attracted Lei Mingkai's attention even more was that the imperial knight's feet, no, it should be said that the lower legs have turned gray. It is completely opposite to the bright pilot uniform that represents the imperial knights. Extremely conspicuous.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lei Mingkai even noticed that the gray on the calf had begun to spread to the thigh.

If this weird gray color spreads to the head and drowns the whole person, doesn't that mean...

The existence of color endows human beings with the ability to recognize the world and all things.

In the eyes of some philosophers, the ability to recognize the meaning of color can prove the integrity of the soul.

Well, lose color...

"Songs, colors..."

Suddenly, Lei Mingkai heard the origin of this singing.

"Yingshen Shiyin!? The final council is launched!"

Lei Mingkai couldn't guarantee how accurate his guess was.

But the current situation is very likely to be inseparable from the integration of the Thousand Worlds of the Final Council.

"Kay! Are you still alive?!"

Zero's anxious voice sounded in his mind.

"Type Zero, can you move? Who else is around you?!"

Knowing that his partner was still alive, Lei Mingkai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Beside me? Are you awake! I'm right behind you!"

Lei Mingkai could hear that Zero Type seemed to be very anxious, cursing both when he opened his mouth and shut his mouth.

Behind Lei Mingkai is the King of Braves.

Perhaps because of the King of Braves, Lei Mingkai and Zero Type were able to maintain the ability to move independently in this abnormal situation.

"I tried to contact the bridge. As a result, there was no response. Kai. Do you understand the current situation?"

When Lei Mingkai stepped into the cockpit of the King of Braves again, Type Zero said quietly.

"Well, I understand. It's nothing more than fighting alone."

The King of Braves starts!

The miracle giant summoned by the power of the world strode away from Ganaku and walked towards the attack channel that was still open.

"Although I don't want to hit you, Kai. With our current strength, I'm afraid we can't change anything."

The King of Braves stood at the end of the attack tunnel.

As long as you take a step forward, you will see endless void.

visible to the naked eye,

The black and boundless void outside is being swallowed by gray just like what Lei Mingkai witnessed at this moment.

The moment when the gray completely swallows this black and boundless void, it is the destruction of this world, and it is the new world of the lunatics of the Final Council.

"Zero type. Are you saying that we are now a car with the arms of a mantis?"

The King of Braves, covered in scars all over his body, stood on the edge of the passage, staring at the ever-growing gray line on the ground.


At a certain moment to come, the King of Braves, Lei Mingkai, and Type Zero will all become part of the gray line.

"I can't contact Euphemia and the others. You should know. If we go back now, we may be able to wake them up with our power."

"How can it be?"

Lei Mingkai adjusted his state.

He believed that as long as the King of the Brave rushed out from the ruling throne, he would definitely attract the attention of the Final Council.

In the dead silence, a dead space eroded by gray, suddenly a lively target pops up, as long as it is not blind, it will be noticed immediately.

Those people in the final council are not blind!

"At least, I still..."

"Escape again?"

Lei Mingkai let out a breath slowly, the pain of the wound seemed to no longer affect Lei Mingkai's actions.

Even if, UU Reading is just an illusion.

Zero fell silent.

Lei Mingkai could even clearly feel that Type Zero's thinking activities had fallen into a trough.

"Type Zero. Do you know the meaning of this machine and the King of Braves?"

Zero didn't answer.

But Lei Mingkai smiled lightly.

"Courage! As long as you have courage, you can still burn courage."

Lei Mingkai clenched his right fist,

The King of Braves followed closely behind, clenching his right fist!



He raised his right fist and aimed at the defense line where the Final Council was located.


Then, the King of Braves is undefeated!
