Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 1033: epilogue (2)

it's over.

Under the strongest blow that the King of Braves and all the humans who participated in the battle exhausted their courage, the huge monster shattered into pieces and disappeared into this devastated void. In the battlefield.


After the silence at the beginning, there was an explosion of cheers.

In the blink of an eye, slogans calling for victory sounded throughout the communication channel.

However, as the leader who won the final victory, Lei Mingkai never let down his vigilance because of this.

You know, that was the final speaker who was able to escape from the Space-Time Management Bureau and even the legendary pioneers who were hunted down many times.

Such a difficult enemy would be so easily killed by them?

Lei Mingkai is confident that he can defeat Speaker Final Yan.

But when it comes to blasting the opponent into scum with one blow, Lei Mingkai really has no idea.

Otherwise, the Final Council would not be a headache for the Space-Time Administration.

"Kay! There is a situation."

The warning issued by Type Zero made Lei Mingkai immediately prepare to launch an attack.

The final speaker did not die just like that!


In the void, the maniacal laughter of the final speaker came.

Under the bursts of loud and crazy laughter, the human fleet's call for victory came to an abrupt end.

"Everyone! Prepare to attack! Fully support the King of Braves!"

Euphemia and Veletta looked at each other, and the latter immediately gave the order to prepare to attack.

The pitch-black void that had just returned to silence boiled again.

A series of fiery cracks suddenly appeared, once again drawing a wound that was difficult to heal on this void battlefield.

And under this crack, gushes of flaming red mist filled the air.

And under the watchful eyes of the human fleet, they condensed and formed.

It is the final speaker.

Amidst the turbulent fiery red mist, the unclothed Speaker Final Yan stepped into the void surrounded by the mist.

"Do you think you can kill me with your help?"

"Things that even the pioneers can't do, what are you doing?!"

Finally, the speaker clenched his fists, raised them high, and looked around with glaring eyes.

"Even if our plan fails and all the members of the final council are killed, I, the final speaker, still exist!"

"I am an immortal existence!"

Finally, the speaker pointed at Siwon the King of Bravery.

"Your strength is indeed outstanding! But, you can't kill me with these!!"

Finally, the speaker pointed his forehead with his finger.

"Today! Victory still belongs to me, to the Final Council!"

"The whole army attacks!"

As soon as the Brave King Siwon moved, the human fleet waiting in full battle immediately launched an attack in unison.

Suddenly, a huge star seemed to rise in front of the Chairman of the Final Yan.

This will be a deadly situation!

However, facing such a situation, the speaker finally showed a pious and crazy smile.


so loudly cried:

"The world is like an egg..."

"We are baby birds..."

While calling out loudly, the flaming mist gushing out from the flaming fissures that tore through the void became more and more active, engulfing the final speaker in it with the power of a hurricane passing through.

"If the world is not broken, our chicks will not be able to be born and..."

With just a few breaths, the strongest attack from the human fleet overwhelmed the shouting Chancellor Final Yan.

The berserk energy that filled the surrounding universe turned the position of the final speaker into hell.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the frantic explosion reaction gradually died down, revealing the scene buried by this terrifying scene that seemed to be descending from hell.

When Lei Mingkai's gaze changed, Siyuan the Brave King raised his hand to stop the human fleet's subsequent attack.


It is no longer needed.

The fiery red streamer quietly flicked across the surface of the shield, providing powerful protection for the objects hidden behind the shield.

However, the sheltered object no longer needs anyone or anything to give him shelter.

An energy dagger gleaming with cold light pierced through the chest of the final speaker.

The strange thing is that there is no one behind the final speaker at this moment.


It was this weird situation that made the speaker finally turn his head and look at the other side of the void battlefield.


A man wearing a half crying, half smiling clown mask is being stabbed through the chest with a dagger.

And the owner of this dagger turned out to be Lelouch!


The clown mask looked incredulously at his chest that had been pierced by the dagger.


The clown mask wants to burst out of strength and break free from the dagger.

But Lelouch, who was standing behind him, turned the dagger violently and pushed the dagger forward forcefully.


Bright red liquid gushes out from the chest and belly of the clown mask.

The weird thing is,

at the same time,

In the end, the speaker's reaction was exactly the same as that of a clown mask.

The clown mask tremblingly raised his right hand, grabbed the dagger that pierced his chest, and asked hoarsely.

"How did you find out?"

"There is an old saying in the ancient East, if you want people not to know, you have to do it yourself."

"Perhaps no matter how powerful the Space-Time Management Bureau is, they can't think of the truth of the so-called undead legend of the final speaker, that is, the final speaker is simply a puppet that can replace the body at any time, and you are hiding behind the scenes and manipulating this puppet. A puppet, so as to control the final council, the black hand behind the scenes serving you."

Lelouch exerted his strength steadily and pushed the dagger deeper, even if he pushed it down like this, Lelouch's hands might also penetrate the chest of the clown mask.

"Except, unless you have nothing to do?"

The clown mask sweetened his throat, and a rush of hot blood gushed out immediately, but was immediately blocked by the mask.

For a moment, a stream of hot blood slipped from the edge of the mask and wet the neckline.

"The world is an egg..."

The clown mask read this sentence hoarsely.

A gleam of light burst out from his right hand, and he actually began to push the dagger backwards, pushing his existence away from his chest.

"Don't even think about succeeding!"

Lelouch's eyes burst into intense red light, and the red flying bird representing the power of geass kept spinning, finally outlining a brand new image.

And in the image, the figure of Emperor Lelouch appeared impressively.


raise your right hand,

point to the clown mask,

It was as if an order to die had been issued.


The right hand of the clown mask suddenly cracked and shattered, and could no longer stop the dagger from advancing.


While the blood was gushing, Lelouch's right hand pierced through the chest of the clown mask.

The dagger that was supposed to be held by Lelouch's right hand turned into a slowly dancing ball at this moment.

"This is the secret of the Final Council."

Lelouch pulled back hard, and the clown mask suddenly lifted up.


A crisp breaking sound was the scene where the clown mask was completely shattered.

"Mr.j. The behind-the-scenes manipulator who manipulated the final parliament and created the legend of the final speaker's immortality is actually such a young existence."

Lelouch took a few steps back, and distanced himself from the clown mask, or the most difficult existence in the Final Council, and at the same time, the most disliked existence by other Final Councilors—mr.j.

"Emperor! Lelouch!"

The killing intent came suddenly.

Lelouch turned around, and a cold light rushed from behind him, cutting off most of the speaker's body, who was trying to attack Lelouch.

The final speaker, who had been cut off from most of his body, turned into a puppet wreck made of unknown metal in a burst of light and shadow, and dissipated.

"A puppet is to do a good job as a puppet."

C.C held the sword and protected Lu Luxiu behind him, guarding against Mr.J's possible counterattack attack.

However, the counterattack imagined by c.c did not happen.

Under her vigilant eyes, mr.j stood up slowly, dragged his broken body, and walked towards the king of brave Siyuan step by step.


Not Siwon the King of Braves.

Lelouch looked past the King of the Brave, Siyuan, and landed on the ruling throne surrounded and protected by the human fleet.

In the previous fierce battle, the girl who was rescued from Yishen Shiyin's body by King Siyuan the Brave was brought to the ruling throne.

Could it be that…

Ahead, Siwon the Brave King blocked mr.j's way.

But mr.j didn't pay attention to the Siwon Brave King, just glanced at the Siwon Brave Queen silently, then circled around the Siwon Brave King, and slowly "walked" towards the ruling throne.

"The entire fleet! The target is approaching the final member of the ruling throne!"

"No, no need! Veretta. No need."

Lei Mingkai prevented the entire fleet from attacking Mr. J.

"Kay. That guy doesn't look like he's going to live long."

Type Zero sensed that the energy in mr.j's body was rapidly declining.

I'm afraid it will only take less than ten minutes, and this last member of parliament will disappear into this world.

"Let him go."

Mr.j continued to move forward, even in the face of the space battleships and MS troops guarding around, he remained unmoved.

In his eyes, there is only there.

"Where is this guy going?"

The zero-type murmur sounded in Lei Mingkai's mind.

What a weird scene.

Obviously just now, they were fighting to kill each other, but at this moment, the two sides, who were living and dying, turned into such a strange appearance.

Suddenly, mr.j fell down.

But a spot of light quietly flew out from the ruling throne, and quickly flew towards the position where mr.j was.

"It's the Void Walker?! It's He Meimei."

Zero was surprised.

What the **** is going on here? ?

The next moment, Siwon the Brave King came behind mr.j.

The appearance of Black God of Destruction did not frighten mr.j.

Instead, the opponent struggled a few times, stood up again, and moved towards the direction where the void walker flew.

However, this time, Lei Mingkai clearly saw that Mr. J's feet seemed to have become transparent.

A little bit of light quietly disappeared into this universe.

It seemed that this would be the last echo of mr.j's existence in this world.

Facing the void walker who was getting closer, mr.j struggled and stretched out his right hand towards the void walker.

But until Mr.j fell down again, no one in front held Mr.j's right hand.

The light spots overflowed, and the last one, who was also hiding behind the scenes and manipulating the final parliament, ushered in the end.


In the unfamiliar voice, the void walker was still one step late after all.

Lei Mingkai didn't know what kind of relationship existed here, but he knew that there was still some finishing work.

"There is no need to move forward! Knight."

As the party that is about to be terminated, Lelouch raised the ball in his hand and signaled Lei Mingkai and Siyuan King of Braves not to get closer.

"Lelouch. Nunnally is still waiting for you to go back."

Seeing Lelouch's stabbing in the back just now, Lei Mingkai couldn't help guessing Lelouch's ultimate goal.

"Nuna Li."

Lelouch shook his head.

"Sorry! Knight. I can't go back now. At least, I can't go back until I, the emperor's long-cherished wish is fulfilled."

"Is that the ball?!"

"Yes, not really. This is just an introduction, an introduction to fulfill the emperor's long-cherished wish."

"So, knight. Can I ask you to say sorry to Nunnally for me!"

"Let's just say, Brother UU Reading is going on a long trip, so I'm going to miss the appointment!"

"After all, this is not only the long-cherished wish of Emperor Lelouch, but also my wish. For this reason, I have to go to the abyss."

As the ball held by Lelouch quietly lit up, a crack appeared behind Lelouch and c.c.

And behind the crack, there is clearly the abyss.

Lei Mingkai could sense the breath from the crack, perhaps that was the depths of the abyss, maybe even the central area.

"Before I come back, Nunnally asked you to take care of me. Of course. If you dare to attack Nunnally, I swear in the name of Lelouch Lampelucci, I will never let you go! Even if you are the Empire Prince!"