Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 218: Fight

"Kay. Your Princess has reached the border."

   When Lancelot and Guren II teamed up to draw the blind tyrannosaurus to the edge of the capital, the voice of Zero also sounded.

"Yufie? Really? It seems that our emperor is unwilling to be lonely and is about to do it." Lei Mingkai was not surprised by Yufimia's actions. Instead, he asked Zero to help him contact the hidden in the capital. ZERO somewhere inside.

   "Kay? Why do you come to contact me when you have time? Do you care about your new friends?"

  ZERO's voice didn't sound like it was affected by the battle, and there was still time to make a small joke.

"Hehe. It's just taking a break from the busy. ZERO, your one has already started to act. I can't get a hand on my side. You should know what to do next." Lei Mingkai smiled lightly and got it in zero form. The news was told to ZERO to know.

   ZERO, who was hiding somewhere in the capital, raised his head and looked at the sky that was burning for half a sky in the burning city.

   "Really? If he has already started to move, then it will be our turn. Kai, take care of your pet as soon as possible!"

   ZERO sent a response to Lei Mingkai, and then opened the communication link with Karen.

   "Karen, cooperate with Lancelot to get that pet as fast as possible."

"Huh? ZERO. Now the radiation fluctuations of Red Lotus II can be said to have been abolished. If Red Lotus II is still here, I am afraid it can only play a role." Kallen gritted her teeth tightly and moved the present. What happened to her was spoken out.

   Since the assault of the radiation fluctuations just now caused the enemy to suddenly become this huge and hideous honor, Karen has been tempted by the biggest killer move of the Red Lotus Type II, the radiation fluctuations.

   "No, it doesn't matter. Karen, your job is to assist Lancelot. Just leave the rest to Lancelot."

   After all, ZERO shut down the communication without any explanation.

   "Emperor Lulu Xiu! You finally made the move!"

  ZERO took a deep look at the other side of the ocean, then turned and sank into the darkness.

   Karen was very helpless.

  Even though the radiation wave failed and became an enemy that caused an abnormal change, she and the Red Lotus II once launched an effective bomb assault on the tyrannosaurus.

   But that time, I ran out of bombs in the nearby checkpoint.

   "It's really troublesome!"

   Amidst Karen’s complaints, the Red Lotus II still took up the machine gun in his hand, and constantly shot the Tyrannosaurus’s feet and abdomen.

   And the sky is Lancelot's home field.

   Compared to the Red Lotus II, which was sealed with a big killer move and could only hold a small hose machine gun, Lancelot, holding a radiation vibration sword, was in a better situation.

Especially with the aid of radiant wings, Lancelot’s maneuverability has been improved by a step, circling around the huge head of Tyrannosaurus flexibly, trying to find opportunities to directly attack the inside of its mouth. .


   Now that he was blinded by Lancelot, this tyrannosaurus still maintains a certain sensitivity to the outside world.

   As long as Lancelot's distance is too close, the tyrannosaurus will immediately take corresponding measures to force Lancelot to stay away from it.

   And the flash attack from that tail is one of them.

   After seeing the flash attack that drastically increased the energy consumption of the radiation shield by several levels, Lei Mingkai no longer dared to push too much, and once again directly used the radiation shield in a head-to-head contest.

   But, even so, the stubborn Tyrannosaurus is the one hidden deep inside, but Ashurei is not toward the man who is almost holding on, waiting for rescue.

   In his opinion, he has now gained a powerful force. The enemy’s capital was trembling at his feet. How could such a powerful existence be in trouble because of the obstacles of two small machines, even...

   even his own boss, Xin·Hinata·Xia Yingge is here to help!

  The more he thinks like this, the more unable to forgive Asurai, forgive the incompetent person who still wants his boss to lend a helping hand even if he gains strength.

   "No! How could it be possible! How could it be possible for Xia Yinggeqing to rescue me! Never!"

   Driven by this willpower, the Tyrannosaurus suddenly let out a roar that resounded all over the world.

When the roars shook the surrounding clouds, all the humans who heard the roar sank in their hearts, as if they had encountered something terrible, they could not help shaking their limbs. Act freely.

   "It's going to work hard!"

  As one of Tyrannosaurus's opponents, Karen's eyes flashed with solemnity. By coincidence, the machine gun in the hands of the Red Lotus II just happened to run out of all bullets at this moment.

   "Hey. Are you out of ammunition? It looks like a hand-to-hand battle is about to happen next!"

   "Karen. Listen to my orders. I need Red Lotus II to open a channel at this position."

   As Lei Mingkai's voice sounded, a moving diagram also lit up in the Red Lotus II cockpit.

   "This, this is? Are you sure?"

   Karen saw that this seemingly simple diagram was actually quite difficult.

   "Yes! As long as you can complete my request within the specified time."

   Lei Mingkai’s answer is clear and affirmative.

   "That's good! Give instructions when you are ready."

   Karen nodded very simply.

   Lei Mingkai responded, and Lancelot once again raised his double swords, rushing straight into the sky, and then facing down at a right angle of almost 90°, rushing down.

   in an instant,

   The whole world is full of whistling noises from Lancelot's rapid fall.

   is near!

   is near!

   is near!

   Even without Lancelot's electronic eyes, Lei Mingkai could clearly see the sharp unicorn on the top of the Tyrannosaurus head.


   The sword sounded, and the two swords in Lancelot's hand changed their positions, and they crossed straight to the forehead of the tyrannosaurus monster.

   But, just before Lancelot was about to fall to the forehead of the monster Tyrannosaurus, the Tyrannosaurus raised its head fiercely.

   His mouth is shining brightly!

   The previous beam attack reappeared at this critical moment.

   At this moment, Lancelot, who was his target, was already close at hand, almost inevitable.

   "Boom~~~ Rumble!"

   There was a thunderous roar,

   A dazzling light that captured the day,

   There is also the huge beam of light that traverses from the outskirts of the capital and rushes straight into the distance.

   These are all the sights witnessed by humans in the entire metropolitan area at this moment.


  Kalian was stunned, but at the next moment, she was awakened by Lei Mingkai's voice.

   "Karen! What are you still doing there? Quick! Now is the opportunity!"

   Lei Mingkai's voice came from among the rays of light, and Karen didn't even see where he was, so he subconsciously moved quickly towards the next place of action according to the road map given by Lei Mingkai before.

   The light faded away, and the sky returned to its previous appearance.

   The only difference is the building that was once intact, but was completely destroyed because it was on the axis of beam shooting.


   Two flashes flashed in the air.

   Lei Mingkai's eyes condensed, and Lancelot easily avoided him, letting it disappear in the air.


   I saw the blind eyes of the Tyrannosaurus monster suddenly surging. After a while, the blind eyes opened again slowly, revealing the incomparable pair of eyeballs, as if the scene where Lancelot inserted the blade of his hand into the eyeball did not exist.

   "High-speed regeneration? Trouble!"

   Lei Mingkai's complexion has a dignified look.

   After the enemy revealed the trump card of high-speed regeneration, Lei Mingkai knew that the more dragged down, the better the situation would be for the enemy.

   "Zero, have you found its weakness?"

   Lancelot's figure shook, and he raised it again and attacked the Tyrannosaurus.

   As the sword light flickered, Lei Mingkai's inquiries continued to sound.

"Don't rush! I'm looking for it. This is a new monster. In my memory, I haven't seen such an existence!" After the white cat responded with a few sounds, it immediately calculated the result based on the live data. Put it on the screen.

   "Kay. Attack here! This side may be the center of this monster."

"Isn't this what Karen is going to go next? Exactly!" Lei Mingkai glanced, then ignored it, concentrated on doing all he could, trying to attract the attention of Tyrannosaurus and Ashurai to death. dead. In order to make Karen's next move smoother.

   "Don't run!" I saw you! Lion! After seeing Lancelot showing an appearance that he wanted to retreat, Asurei chased after him impatiently.

  Unexpectedly, this was Lei Mingkai's trap.


   Lancelot flew at high speed in front, while the Tyrannosaurus monster at the back took that heavy footsteps and chased after him step by step.

   At the same time, as the monster moves, a series of tiny beams and missiles rise into the air from the fingers and back of the Tyrannosaurus monster respectively, giving Lancelot a vivid lesson on how the rainstorm forms.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   "Om! Om! Om!"

   The light beam is like rain, and the missile is like forest.

   In the rapid movement of Lancelot, no matter where it goes, beams and missiles can always catch up with it in the first time, and a rain of bullets is sprinkled on its head.

   The radiant shield's brilliance is still brilliant, but this is not the solution. Even Lancelot's radiation shield can keep Lancelot from being harmed by the aftermath of the bursts of explosions set off by the rain of bullets.

   But this one-tenthousandth, one-thousandth shot rate makes Lei Mingkai unable to relax.


Lancelot suddenly made a sharp turn in mid-air, enticing this tyrannosaurus monster to turn to the right, and Lancelot suddenly stopped and turned in the opposite direction between the electric light and flint. , Taking advantage of the Tyrannosaurus monster, that is, when Ashurai hadn't reacted, he completely escaped from the rain of bullets.

   "It's now! Karen!"

   At the moment Lancelot evacuated from the rain of bullets, he suddenly yelled.

   A huge explosion also sounded from the feet of the Tyrannosaurus monster just before Lei Mingkai’s voice fell. An extremely powerful energy that can swallow all the surrounding buildings has also become the current protagonist at this time. It will swallow all the land radiating 500 meters from the center of the Tyrannosaurus monster, from the Tyrannosaurus monster in the blink of an eye. Deep in this rapidly collapsing area.

   "Huh! This is just a little trick! How could it be possible to trap me here..."

Inside the Tyrannosaurus, Ashurai smiled coldly. Just when he wanted to act to express his disdain for the current "little trick", a chill suddenly appeared from his waist for no reason, and rushed quickly. When it reached his brain, he subconsciously fought a few cold wars.


   There was a sound similar to that of the cloth being cut apart.

   Ashulei was startled, and a powerful force burst out all over his body, causing the Tyrannosaurus, which was trapped in this huge pit created by the Red Lotus Type II, to struggle frantically.



   The big tail with sharp barbs kept sweeping back and forth behind the Tyrannosaurus monster.

   This is the direction of the source of coldness that Ashulei felt.

   It’s just that I can take care of this place, but I can’t take care of other places.

   As soon as the chill from the back disappeared, the chill appeared on the top of his head, making Asurei very annoying.

   Especially at this moment, half of the tyrannosaurus body is buried in the deep pit that can be made by the red lotus type. Now, the range that it can move is not much larger.


   Sparks are flying everywhere,

   The two swords in Lancelot's hands saw a cross wound on the Tyrannosaurus forehead.

   Although this is the body of a Tyrannosaurus monster, it made Ashura feel a pain and humiliation as if it were empathetic.

   "Roar!! Outrageous!"

   Tyrannosaurus monster let out an angry roar, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com and in this roar is actually mixed with Ashurai's curse.


Suddenly, a powerful force burst from the body of the Tyrannosaurus monster, blowing everything around like a storm, making Lancelot, who was caught off guard, almost failed to stabilize the body in time, and fell powerless there. Suddenly, the strands appeared and rolled in the power.




   With a clear sound, it was an amazing sight that happened before Lei Mingkai's eyes.



   This huge monster unexpectedly deformed while half of its body was sunken. Such a change made Lei Mingkai unexpected.

   But Lei Mingkai and Zero are quick to respond.

   Now that the enemy has transformed, then come too!


   A lion roar sounded, and Lancelot, who was soaring in the sky, was also wrapped in a white light.

   white light flashed,

   A figure larger than Lancelot, exuding a white aura fell from the sky, and waved the pair of steel claws shining with deadly brilliance.

   The golden light flashed, and the white shadow fell to the ground.

   And with the white shadow landing, there is the left hand of the tyrannosaurus monster.

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