Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 359: Goodbye Mallory

   Warm sunlight scattered from the windows, making the entire large office seem extraordinarily peaceful.

   And at the tea table on the side of the office, two elderly people are sitting opposite each other. Seeing them talking and laughing, they obviously looked like old friends who had known each other for a long time.

   "Teacher Lei, you are back. It just so happens that I have some information to hand to you. You will wait for me here first, and I will come as soon as I go."

   The old principal of Zhendai High School saw Lei Mingkai knocking on the door and walked into this office, he gave a casual command, and voluntarily got up and left the office.

   This painting is undoubtedly just to find a reason and give this office to Lei Mingkai, and another old man who talked and laughed with him before.

   Lei Mingkai has met, and the old man, Mallory, who is related to Lei Mingkai joining the Son of Danu as a knight.

   "Knight. Long time no see! I heard that you are very active recently! Would you mind telling me about your wonderful experience during this time? Just take the free time before the principal returns."

   Mallory picked up the cane beside him, and at the same time he stood up, he extended an invitation to Lei Mingkai.

   For this invitation, Lei Mingkai will naturally not refuse.

   However, Lei Mingkai was really surprised when he saw Mallory actually appear here.

   Unexpectedly, this man with dual identities and influencing international trends would appear in front of Lei Mingkai in this seemingly inconspicuous academy.

   "It seems that the knight is surprised that I will appear here?"

   For Lei Mingkai's name, Marros seems to prefer to make Lei Mingkai a knight.

   "Yes. Could it be that you sponsored the construction of this Jade High School?"

   Lei Mingkai, who was invited to sit down, expressed his doubts.

"No. The history of this high school may be about my age. Therefore, it was not sponsored by me to build. It is just that in the early years, I was still young, and once helped this college. Developed friendship with the president of this college."

   Mallory, who also sat down, put his cane back next to him, and chuckled:

   "Today is here just to reminisce about the past with old friends. I didn't expect you to report back to this academy today, Cavaliers."

   Mallory spoke candidly, but Lei Mingkai knew that this old fox came at him from the beginning. Otherwise, even if you are looking for an old friend to recount the past, you won't be so coincidentally in front of Lei Mingkai.

   I am afraid, when he left the son of Danu from Lei Mingkai and returned to his residence here, Mallory had already received news from the old housekeeper Jack.

   So, Lei Mingkai did not reveal Mallory's trick, but sat on the sofa, waiting for Mallory's next sentence.


   Lei Mingkai's reverential look made Mallory stunned, as if he was a little uncomfortable with Lei Mingkai's reaction at this time.

   But after all, he is old and good, and Mallory soon found the next topic.

   "Knight. The video of your attack with a powerful crossbow has caused a storm in the Mithril. Especially in the Mithril's R&D department, it is especially fierce."

   "Huh? Are you transferring me to the R&D department?"

   Lei Mingkai frowned and began to guess what Mallory said next.

   The most likely guess is probably the decision to transfer Lei Mingkai from the front line to the R&D department.


   There is no absolute in the world.

   Besides, Mallory never meant that.

   Ever since he swaggered into Oceania in Lei Mingkai, he has guessed that Lei Mingkai's mind will not stop in the R&D department.

   I am afraid that Lei Mingkai’s ideas will overlap to some extent with his original intention of establishing Mithril.

"No. Knight. I and Mithril will not remove your ACE from the front line. After all, the pressure on our next actions will become greater and greater. We can support on the front line and have the ability to open the situation. Combat power, I am not willing to waste it on the R&D department."

   Mallory smiled slightly and admitted his thoughts unabashedly. Although it was a straight ball, it was in line with Lei Mingkai's mind.

   "So, Sir, what do you mean?"

   Lei Mingkai looked at Mallory's old face.

  In the near future, this old man, who is also a high-level amalgam and founder of Mithril, will be shot to death by his son at some point, under the witness of Kalinin.

   Mallory did not speak, but pulled out a document from under the table between the sofas and handed it to Lei Mingkai.

   "Knight. Although you haven't said anything frankly, I believe you will be interested in the information recorded in this document."

   Lei Mingkai lowered his gaze, watching Mallory's hand pull away from the document, then raised his gaze to look at Mallory.

   "This is a gift in return!"

   Mallory smiled softly. Between smiles is the trust between friends.

   "It was the knight who showed me the possibility of fulfilling my long-cherished wish."

   "λ drive system?"

   The only thing that can move Mallory is probably the only recent battle between Lei Mingkai and the King of Hell, who drove a crossbow in the port area against the twins.

   "Yes. The lambda drive system. Although I don't know the origin of this system, I see the possibility from the knight you and the AS named Qiangbow."

   "Is it possible to defeat the amalgam, or even destroy it?" Lei Mingkai naturally knew Mallory's thoughts, but he still added one sentence.

   "Sir. I understand what you think, but if you really get to the point where the amalgam is destroyed, then your desire to purify the amalgam and return to the path that the predecessors prayed for will be in vain?"

   Mallory shook his head slightly, then picked up the cane again, stood up slowly, and walked to the window behind the desk while leaning on the cane, watching the group of students entering the college below in twos.

   "Knight. What would you do if the abscess has reached the point where it is hopeless?"

   Mallory is facing Lei Mingkai at this moment.

   Lei Mingkai couldn't see his expression when he said this, but he could feel a depression, a despair, and an irresistible anger from the tone of Mallory's words.

Perhaps, a long time ago, Mallory, who dreamed of leading the world to a path of peaceful reunification, had separated the price that ordinary people could not imagine, when he discovered that the amalgam had deteriorated from the inside to the outside, it was already ablaze. This anger was lost.

   It's just that, at that time, Mallory, who was beginning to be marginalized, had no power to redeem this situation except for his hereditary amalgam high-level status.

   Facing Mallory's anger, Lei Mingkai was silent for a moment, and then said slowly:

   "Naturally it is cut off. Only by discarding most of the spoiled parts, the amalgam may be able to usher in a new life."

   "That's it. Now the amalgam has reached the point where it is irretrievable. Especially..."

Mallory's right hand holding the cane stubbornly used force, as if he was about to grab the cane, but his old body could no longer vent the anger in Mallory's heart. After the anger, there was only this old and weak body. The endless regret left.

   "Knight. Take a look at the information! In order to obtain this information, I did not hesitate to bury all the inheritance left by my fathers before obtaining this information."

   Mallory's increasingly bleak figure made Lei Mingkai feel unbearable, but his curiosity about intelligence made Lei Mingkai throw this unbearable aside.

   The sound of the file being opened rang.

   The next moment, Lei Mingkai's brow furrowed deeply.

   Because, he saw it.

   The moment the file was opened, it turned out to be a picture of a man and a woman standing on an unknown cliff.

   The appearance of a man is very strange to Lei Mingkai.

   But Lei Mingkai recognized the woman's appearance for the first time.


   She really ran into this world and lurked.

   "Sir. When is this information?"

   When it comes to the intelligence of MISS.Q, Lei Mingkai no longer sells the key, and directly asks about it.

   "It's what happened after you knights in the port war. That man is MR.AU, the man who controlled most of the amalgam cadres through various means, and was also the culprit who accelerated the amalgam slipping into the abyss."

   Lei Mingkai agrees with Mallory's speech in the first half, but Lei Mingkai has a different view in the second half.

   The existence of MR.AU undoubtedly accelerated the collapse of amalgam, but the most fundamental reason is that it has lost the pillar that can sustain the original ideal of amalgam in decades of generations.

   It's just that Lei Mingkai didn't mean to say this idea. After all, Mallory, an old man, should also understand this truth.

   just couldn't accept this fact, and subconsciously attributed all the faults to the appearance of the man MR.AU.

   Lei Mingkai did not take the topic, still waiting quietly for Mallory's text.

   Mallory took a sigh of relief and continued:

"Forty-eight hours ago, MR.AU and this mysterious woman appeared in the Middle East and seemed to be planning a plan. According to the intelligence sent back from the manpower I sent, this plan may have something to do with a great deal of damage. The weapon of force is related."

   "Great lethality? A nuclear bomb?"

   When mentioning the Middle East, Lei Mingkai immediately recalled that an original plot in All Metal took place in the same region.

   Mallory was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice:

   "I am afraid that is the case. After learning this information, I asked Mithril to urgently investigate the weapons stocks of various countries. It turned out that there was an abnormality in the weapons stocks database of a major country."

   "As a result, is someone smuggling this extremely lethal weapon out of the country secretly?"

   This conclusion, Lei Mingkai had already guessed after Mallory presented this information.

   What I didn't expect was that at the moment when Jiulong, who was supposed to implement this plan, received the bento, there were still people taking the place of Jiulong and continuing the plan.

   "Yes. Knight. Destroy this plan! If necessary, the command of the Son of Danu will be handed over to you."

   Suddenly, Mallory made a promise that Lei Mingkai could not refuse.

   "Wait. I can understand the plan to stop the amalgam. But why give me the command of the Son of Danu? Captain Teresa's command ability is far above me."

   Lei Mingkai didn't even think about it, so he directly rejected Mallory's promise.

"No. This is not a complete transfer of command. Cavaliers. I said yes, when necessary, the command of the Son of Danu will be temporarily transferred to you. Because, nowadays, it is getting more and more intense, and more and more λ drives are equipped. In the battle of the system's body, a frontline commander who can use the lambda drive system proficiently and understand the differences in its performance is necessary."

   Mallory turned around, turned his back to the window, and looked at Lei Mingkai calmly.

"I know Tessa's abilities very well, and I agree with it. However, Tessa, who has always stayed at the Son of Danu, does not know that on the frontline battlefield, the fierce fighting between the units equipped with the lambda drive system is far beyond. Any battle in the history of mankind has been known."

"A little carelessness will cause Mithril, which is already behind amalgam in the use of the lambda drive system, to lose the only lambda drive system carrying body, strong crossbow. At that time, the situation of Mithril will inevitably become extremely Passive. In order to prevent Mithril from falling into this situation and passively accept everything, we must take the lead and remove the unstable factors that may cause such a future."

   Mallory's voice was unusually determined, as if he had already seen something about to happen.


   After losing the powerful crossbow, the situation of Mithril became extremely passive, and it was almost destroyed by the full attack of amalgam. UU reading

   "Preemptive strike? Sir."

"Yes. I don't know the identity of the mysterious woman. The intelligence personnel who have sacrificed did not find out her identity, but I felt that MR.AU dared to carry out the plan that we still can't see clearly. The confidence should come from this mysterious woman."

   Mallory's analysis is very reasonable, even close to the truth.

   Lei Mingkai closed his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly and forcefully:

   "Yes. Sir. I know a little bit about the identity of this mysterious woman. She doesn't have a name, only one that is very similar to the code name. That is, MISS.Q."

   "Based on the several contacts I have had with her, this woman seems to have technology that we cannot detect clearly, and the means that can cause unimaginable disasters around the world."

   Speaking of this, Lei Mingkai got up from the sofa, shaking with the document, his eyes flashing with playful light, and he said every word:

"In fact, even if you, Sir, do not promise to hand over the command of the Son of Danu to me when necessary, I will carry out this task. Because, I still have some things, and I have to settle an account with this woman. ."


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