Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 417: Gemini in the night (end)

   Yesterday’s chapter missed a paragraph at the end. This is an error that shouldn't have occurred! The wheel has also been revised while in-depth review! I'm very sorry! !


   The sharp dagger was dripping with bright red liquid. As soon as Xia Yulan moved her wrist, the trace of bright red fluttered and fell to the ground with the dagger, drawing a dazzling mark in front of the fat man's already sluggish face.

   "The Mithril people will arrive in three minutes." Xia Yufang turned a blind eye to Xia Yulan's play with the dagger, and just said the next move calmly.

   "Where is the king of hell? That as should be the biggest threat." Xia Yulan turned her head and glanced at the dark woods outside.

   "Let Mithril handle it! Now that the adult has told them the secret of the λ-driven system. Then, the existence of the Hell King should be left to them to deal with."

   Although the appearance of the king of **** was beyond Xia Yufang's expectations, Xia Yufang never regarded it as a goal.

"I'll listen to you."

   Xia Yulan expressed no doubt about the arrangements of the Hell King. However, she added another sentence later.

   "So, what about Karama? Although the fat guy said Karama has left here, but..."

   "Go and find! Although there will be no results."

   Familiar with amalgam, Xia Yufang did not have the confidence to find the trace of Karama here. This is just a countermeasure prepared to deal with the possibility of Mithril's inquiries.


   Just then, an explosion ignited the dark woods outside the window.

   "Come on!" Xia Yulan flashed her eyes and looked out the window.

   "Two lovely princesses. Your knight Cruz is here!"

   As expected.

   is the as of Mithril here.

   The first appearance is Cruz with long-range sniper technology.

With the increase in combat power brought by the simple mass production of the λ-driven m9 using the powerful crossbow as the technical prototype, Cruz easily seized control of the battle, caught off guard, and made the Hell King retreat again and again. .

   Moreover, the sudden change on the court shocked everyone who was still pointing at the King of Hell.

   But soon, these people thought it was another special show and fell into the carnival again.

   "Hey. These people really don't know whether they live or die! Zongsuke. Pay attention to the safety of those audiences. Although we are very upset about their existence, at least in the international community, these people still have a little influence."

   On the other side, when the λ-driven m9 driven by Melissa rushed out of the shadow of the woods, he did not forget to give orders to Sagara Sosuke who rushed over from the other side.

   "Understood! Now start guarding the target."

   Knowing the dangers of the incredible phenomena brought about by the lambda drive system, Sagara Sosuke rushed to the front of the viewing platform for the first time, and was prepared to deal with the accident.

   "It's really fast. Yufang, we have nothing to do here."

   Xia Yulan retracted her gaze to stare at the λ-driven m9, and said to Xia Yufang.


   3 hits 1.

  The opponent is still the king of hell.

   If placed in the world line that has not changed, Mithril's m9 is bound to usher in a disastrous defeat.

   However, in this changed world, the main force of Mithril, m9, has also been reborn.

   Due to the influence of Lei Mingkai and Avalon, Mithril quickly determined the application standard and mass production standard of the lambda drive system.

   Now that the powerful crossbow is lost, the m9 with a large amount of equipment has become a transitional body of the new lambda drive system.

   Therefore, Cruz, who has mastered the lambda drive system, easily completed the task of suppressing the **** king, and even vaguely shot an attack that could kill the target without the assistance of others.

   The light of the λ drive system is constantly echoing in the air.

But the lambda-driven m9 driven by Cruz fired out sniper cannon bullets one after another, hitting waves of waves, forcing the **** king to know that he would fall into a trap of onlookers, and gritted his teeth before. , Persevering hard.

   "Good job! Cruz. There is a reward for going back."

   Melissa licked her lips, unceremoniously driving the long sword equipped with her m9, and then stepped forward with a stride, and the lambda-driven m9 suddenly gave a cold light.


   A sound of metal being cut with brute force sounded along with the sword blade cutting into the waist of the **** king.

   Only for a short moment, the λ-driven m9 that Melissa was driving had already smashed the King of Hell.


   The sound of the heavy **** king falling to the ground, the rising dust became the signal of this short battle, and it also became the first victory of the λ-driven m9.

   "The mission is complete. Now we will begin to screen the audience."

   "Understood! Melissa, pay attention to the spies who are in the guest."

   The moment after Melissa reported the task was completed, Teresa's voice followed.

   "Understood. Then, Colonel. The twins are not on our side now. It seems to have gone to investigate other information."

   Melissa looked left and right, she couldn't see the twins coming together.

"I see. They should have their own tasks. Let her go!" Teresa knew the importance of twins, but Lei Mingkai did not speak for a day. Teresa, and even the Mithril behind it, was quite passive. .

   In any case, Gemini is now not only a prisoner, but also an important force on Avalon. Under such circumstances, Mithril cannot take any action against Gemini.


   At this time, Gemini is rushing to a room where there is a possibility of a dark room.

   With the quick actions of Gemini, the piles of books and piles of secret materials were turned over, and under the efforts of Gemini, they were divided into piles, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

   The twins, who were very fast in the search, soon came to a room located deep in the building.

   "Kelama really isn't here." Xia Yulan looked around, and really didn't find any trace of Kelama.

   "This is inevitable." Xia Yufang nodded, and then pressed the opening button of the door.


   Gemini's action was very successful.

   Even the performance of Melissa, who used the lambda drive system for the first time, satisfied Mallory, who was full of expectations for this action.

   During this period of contention, Mithril finally grasped the power of the lambda drive system.

   This also gives Mallory great hope for the upcoming battle.

   "Xia Yufang, Xia Yulan and the others have succeeded? Ha ha. They did a good job."

   Lei Mingkai stood on the balcony, looking at the as arena from a distance, and said with a slight smile.

   "Knight Commander. Now that the Gemini action has been successful. Then, there is no need for Your Majesty to stay there, right?" On the other side of the communication channel, Fiana could not feel at ease about Yufimia's safety.

   Although she knows that under the protection of White Cat Zero, there are not many people in this world who can threaten Yuphemia's safety.

   "Well. I can go back soon. It's just that before that, there are some things to be dealt with." In order to reassure the dedicated guard captain, Lei Mingkai said the next action plan.

   The amalgam base in this city was pulled out by Gemini and Mithrin, so the finishing work here is to recruit Nami.

   This matter is hard to say, and hard to say.

   Lei Mingkai needs to do something before ensuring the success of the solicitation.

   For example, muddy the water in an as wrestling match...

   "What? Suspended!?"

   Early in the morning, Nami, who had no idea about the battle that took place in the suburbs and had even affected the **** wrestling match, finally found a clue.

   There is no other reason.

   was when Nami rushed to the arena early in the morning, she was hung up high and blocked by the sign that said off-season.

   I don't know why Nami asked around and came back, she also became a little irritable.

   The irritability on Nami's face became even more obvious when all her team arrived.

   "What happened?"

   At this time, Lei Mingkai and Euphemia also came here.

   "Ah! Master Lei. I'm afraid we will live up to your expectations."

   As soon as she saw Lei Mingkai and Yufimiya, Nami was strong, pushed her teammate away gently, and came to Lei Mingkai and Yufimia, and said very apologetically.

   Yufimia looked around and asked softly: "What happened? Why are everyone else staying outside the gate?"

   "I don't know why. Now the as wrestling match is suspended. It seems that the match will not start for a while."

   Nami shook her head helplessly, and said what she had heard.

   "Suspension!? What a regretful news." Yuphemia's face showed a look of regret, which made Nami suddenly embarrassed.

   You know, since Lei Mingkai and Yuphemia started sponsoring Nami's team, Nami's team has never gotten good results at all, and has not even played a game.

  From beginning to end, Lei Mingkai and Yuphimia took money, bought parts, and prepared them.

   "Sorry! This is not what I hoped for. I, I will find a way to pay off the debts of the two adults."

   Nami, who wanted to rely on the as wrestling match to obtain a large amount of funds to rebuild the village and school, was struggling, but in the end she accepted the cruel fact in front of her.

   From the news she just received, it seems that because of some unknown reason, the as wrestling match will probably not be held for at least one year.

  Nami couldn't say anything about the news. In the end, Nami gritted her teeth and decided to return the sponsorship of Lei Mingkai and Euphemia, and then she figured out a way to make up for the difference.

   "Pay off?"

   Euphemia looked at Nami in surprise. She never thought that Nami would do this, and, judging from her appearance, it was true.


   Lei Mingkai coughed in Yuphemia's gaze, drawing Nami's attention.

   "Nami. In fact, you can use our sponsorship as much as possible. You don't need to pay it back. Just treat it as the money we provided to you free of charge!"

   Lei Mingkai's words immediately made Nami who has a strong self-esteem angry.

"No! Master Lei! I said that I want to pay it back, so I want to pay it back! At the very beginning, I believe that you took a fancy to our strength before sponsoring us. Therefore, under the principle that the investment must be profitable, This investment that has been regarded as a failed investment is my responsibility. Therefore, I must take responsibility!"


   Nami's theory silenced Lei Mingkai and Yuphemia.

   To be honest, Lei Mingkai and Yuphemia came to Nami from the beginning.

   "Kay, maybe this is an opportunity."

   Euphemia reminded softly.

   "But, this is a bit unnatural."

   Lei Mingkai sighed, and finally chose the original plan.

   "Nami. You don't need to pay back our sponsorship fee, but if you are not satisfied with it, then we might be able to deal with it in another way."

  Lei Mingkai first denied Nami's decision to repay the sponsorship fee on her own, and then gave another choice.

"In what way?"

   With a sigh of relief, Nami, who was determined to repay the sponsorship fee, immediately asked a question when she heard that Lei Mingkai had a second option.


  Nami also knew that she could not repay the sponsorship fee in a short time.

   "Salary by work. Nami, although you haven't noticed it, in my opinion, your programming ability is very good. Therefore, we have taken a fancy to your programming ability."

   Lei Mingkai raised his finger to the military notebook held by Nami, and said his decision.

   "Are you willing to work for us?"


   Nami was stunned.

   She never thought of this possibility.

  Nami, who is not fully educated, has no idea how terrifying her programming ability is, nor that she is a rare whisperer in the world.

   All she knew was that her programming ability seemed to be born out of nothing, and suddenly appeared in her mind.

"This is it?"

   Thinking of this, Nami picked up the military notebook in her arms.

   "Yes. That's it."

   Lei Mingkai nodded, and then took out a cheque already written in his arms.

   "Nami, if you agree, this is your first month's salary."

  Nami, who was a little inexplicable about Lei Mingkai's sudden solicitation, was immediately stunned when she accepted the check.


   was shocked by the series of zeros on the check. Nami stared at the check incoherently, for fear that the check in her hand would fly away in the next second.

   "This is true. Nami." Seeing Nami's expression, Yuphemia knew it was done. UU reading

   "Really...really...I...I only know this, and I can get this salary?"

   "It's true. If you don't believe it, you can go to the bank to exchange it. However, I don't think the bank here has so much cash for you to withdraw." Leimingka nodded slightly.

   "Na...Nami. Promise him!" After a brief loss of consciousness, the mechanic Riley couldn't help but urged Nami to nod.

   Riley, as a past person, naturally understands the importance of chance.

   Now that Nami's fate is at a point of divergence, Riley does not hesitate to help Nami make a decision.


   Nami's hands were shaking.

   This is not afraid,

   This is excitement,

   is also an expression of being too excited to be self-conscious.

   Nami knows that with this money, she will not worry about the suspension of the as wrestling match and even start the revival plan of her hometown immediately.

   Thoughts flashed in her mind, and Nami, who was struggling, finally nodded in response:

   "I accept it! So, where is my position?"



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