Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 472: Earl of self-defeating

The brilliance faded away, and the only thing left in the sky above the moon base was the broken wreckage that had lost its original form and floated quietly in this airspace.

   Among them, there is also an extremely tenacious, but already exhausted armored cavalry.

   Dios Curry.

   Relying on the body with a powerful defense that ignoring many orbital knights-the dimensional screen wall, it was able to survive the shocking sword from the flame sword, but it had reached its limit.

   "Dios Curry of Zazbalum."

   The shocking effect caused by the blow of the Flame Sword, Fermian, who hadn't recovered for a long time, finally recovered when he noticed Dios Curry, who had become dilapidated and lost all his reactions.

   Without thinking about it, Fermian’s Hellas quickly moved to the side of Dios Curry and raised his hand on Dios Curry’s shoulder, seeming to try contact communication.

   Seeing this, Lei Mingkai didn't care about Femian's actions.

   "AL. Report status."

   "Flame Demon Sword, the whole system is normal! Knight Commander, this is a beautiful blow! The enemy is silent!"

While   AL listed various data on the screen, it also rarely uttered flattering words.

   This rare action also caused the white cat Lying on the side to raise his head in surprise, and shouted:

   "Is Yumu's head resuscitated?"

   "Zero. Get ready. I'll want you to appear later."

   Lei Mingkai didn't care about the white cat's action of joking AL, but said the next move.


   With a single blow, the road to the moon base has been unimpeded.

   All that is left is to break into the moon base and face to face with the hidden princess Remulina who pretends to be Ateliam.

   Fiana, who stayed by her side, may have reached the best time to start.

   But Femian suddenly signaled that the pilot of Dios Curry was still alive.

   "Oh. Are you the owner of that battleship?"

   Via the relay of Hellas, a weak male voice reached the Flame Sword.

   "Earl Zazbalum?"

   Upon hearing this voice, Lei Mingkai said a name.

"Oh...that's right! It's me. Zazbalum. You are very strong! But now the Visser Empire has been controlled by others. The Visser royal family...hahaha! It's just a joke... ·Hahaha···"

   Zhazbalum's hoarse laughter rang out, but it evoked a miserable cry.

   I'm afraid this is involved in the wound?

   "That mysterious singing?"

   Lei Mingkai's words made Zazbalum laugh louder for a moment.

   "Earl Zazbalum! You knew it early?"

  Femian was very surprised.

   She didn't expect Zazibarum to say this.

"Earl Fermian! Royal Visser, orbital knights, it's just a joke! Hahaha!! What an inferior nation! Everything is just a lie made up by the Visser family to satisfy their ambitions! The result is that The so-called ridiculous ambition of snatching the fertile land from the inferior nations was controlled by a hand behind the scenes! Hahahahahahaha!"

   In the hoarse laughter, Zazbalum greeted a questioning voice.

   "Earl Zazbalum! Why do you plan and start this war! Wesser doesn't need this war at all."

   After the flame sword wiped out the many orbital knights with a single sword, the battle on the battlefield also progressed towards calming down. Under the **** of the Lionheart Knights team, Avalon finally slowly came to the sky above the moon base.

   At the same time, Ethelam’s voice also intervened in the communication with Dios Curry.

"Hey! Princess Ethelam? I have to say, you are really lucky! You can survive that assassination. That's right! Everything was planned by me. In order to let the Visser people from the oppression of the Visser royal family The liberation in this way allows the people of Visser to no longer be constrained by those ridiculous bloodlines and inferior nationalism, so that the people of Visser can get a whole new world."

   Zhazbalum put his hands on the bandage that had turned red, and his face gradually became pale, but his voice was still firm.

"Huh! But now everything is over! But, the result is not bad! Ethelam Wisser Eleosia! I will be in **** waiting for the destruction of the Wisser royal family! Just with my fiancee Together!"


   There was a sound of the safety lock unlocking in the cockpit of Dios Curry.

   When an inexplicable pressure appeared, it was when Zazbarum was sucked into space.

  Heras, the nearest to Dioscuri, caught the scene where Dioscuri opened the cockpit and Zazbalum committed suicide.

   The earl in red was tumbling frantically under the push of the air current, and the bandage that was dyed red and mixed with red and white was particularly eye-catching.

   Fermian could clearly see Zazbalum’s sharp gaze and the expression of facing death calmly before being sucked into space through Herath’s electronic eyes.

Subconsciously, Femian controlled Heras to stretch out his right hand, catching Zazbalum, who had completely frozen in time just now, and looking at the calm expression, an indescribable feeling came from the bottom of his heart. The next rises slowly.

   "Earl Fermian, what about Earl Zazbalum?"

   Ateliam's voice sounded again, but it was already news of Zazbalum's death.

   "What a decisive thing!"

   Lei Mingkai didn't expect Zazibarum to agree with him, so he chose to commit suicide. Moreover, in those words just now, Zazbalum had clearly discovered the black hand hidden behind the Visser Empire.

   Other than that, Zazbalum didn’t give out any useful information at all.

   "Even if you die, should you take the secret to Huangquan?"

   Lei Mingkai glanced at Zazbalum lying in the hands of Hellas, and sighed slightly.

   "Avalon, now we start assault operations on the moon base! Please send a special team."


   Inside the Moon Base.

   Fiana pushed Lemurina along the passage, walking all the way towards the deepest part of the moon base.

   Except for the two of them, Slein and two soldiers guarding him are left.

   "Fiana. Did you know that this base once had a mysterious device called a hyperspace gate?"

   Lemurina, who was sitting in the wheelchair, asked this question calmly.

   That look, if it were not in a wartime state, might make people think that this is just an episode in a garden party.

   "Hyperspace door. I heard that there was a super disaster caused by the runaway of the hyperspace door fifteen years ago. At the same time, it was also the accident that led to the death of our Vorley factor."

  Fiana recalled the knowledge that Professor Lei Mingkai had given her in her mind, and answered Leimulina's question softly.

"Yes. That road led to the rampage fifteen years ago, and it did destroy the hyperspace gate. However, this is only the appearance. In fact, in the depths of the hyperspace gate, there is a hidden path besides the royal family of Visser. Outside, there is no door that anyone else knows about."

   Lei Mulina raised her finger to the road ahead, and continued:

"When human beings discovered the existence of the hyperspace gate and used it to travel to the ancient ruins of Mars, the first emperor of Visser, who had not yet obtained the activation factor of ALDNOAH at the time, found out in a study There was a clue. And this clue was answered after he later obtained the activation factor."

   The journey is not too far away.

   It’s just that you have to pass through multiple security doors on the way-through the people with the blood of the activation factor can activate the open door.

   Under the existence and leadership of Lemurina, the princess with the activation factor, everyone soon came to the hidden secret place in the deepest part of the moon base.

   "This is the royal family of Visser, no, it should be said that the first emperor of Visser, Religalia Visser Lebasser, has been concealing the secrets of the world."

   As the wheelchair was pushed into the deep underground space by Fiana, Lemurina raised her finger to the door in the center of the underground space.

   A door 1.5 meters wide and about 3 meters high.

   "This is the predecessor of the hyperspace gate. The gate of experimentation created by the ancient lost civilization of Mars."

   "The door of experiment? Is it the pre-finished product of the hyperspace door?"


   Fiana's words made Lemurina nodded.

"This is an underground space protected by a system created by a lost civilization in ancient times. No one can enter except for the bloodline of the activating factor. Fiana, you are the first time you have entered here except me. Outsider."

   There is actually one point, Lemurina did not say it.

   During the years when Zazbalum was taken in, she accidentally discovered the existence of this gate when she was walking around the moon base out of boredom.

   But Lemurina didn't tell Zazbalum about the existence of this door for the first time, but chose to keep this secret until now.

   "Your Royal Highness, are we going to return to Visser through this gate now?"

   Fiana's eyes stayed on the door.


Lemurina nodded, and then raised her hand to press on the wheelchair handle, and let the control program drive the wheelchair to a small table with a spherical device next to her, and then she put her right hand on the spherical device , Slowly closed his eyes.

   "In the name of the person who inherited the blood of Visser, ALDNOAH, wake up!"

   As ALDNOAH, who had been sleeping for a long time, woke up, a voice suddenly sounded over this underground space.

"I am Eseiram Wieser Eliosya! Wisher’s soldiers! Truce! This sub-war has never been allowed to happen! This war is meaningless! Now, I am In the name of Sejram Weiser Eleosia, I command you! Stop all attacks! This war must stop immediately!"

   "Ah ah ah ah! Ai···· Aiser···"

  Lei Mulina hadn't had time to react, but Slein, who had remained silent, suddenly hugged his head and screamed in pain.

   "No! Ai·····················································?

   The inexplicable pain made Sleine unable to stand on his heels, and his body was constantly shaking. On the contrary, the two soldiers guarding him panicked and didn't know what to do for a while.

   Slein staggered a few steps and raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Remulina, who reached out and put his hand on the spherical device, as if he wanted to confirm with his own eyes that Princess Ethelam was really staying by his side.


In the blurry, sometimes clear sight of Slein, Ethelam in front of Slein was constantly between the figure Slein was familiar with and a strange woman wearing a ceremonial dress with purple hair. Switch back and forth.

   The familiar, unfamiliar, and diametrically opposite feeling made Slein's brain, which was in severe pain, plunged into endless torture.

   "No... I... Ai... Ai... Princess... Your Highness."

   Fortunately, Fiana has quick eyes and quick hands. She stepped forward quickly, raising her hand with a hand knife.

   With one blow, Slein, who was holding his head in pain and screaming, passed out into a coma.

   "Take him. Let's go!"

   Fiana gave orders to the two soldiers without any explanation, and moved swiftly to walk behind Remulina, reaching out to hold the back handle of the wheelchair.

   "It's rude! Your Royal Highness. Now we must return to Visser right away! This base, I'm afraid it has fallen."

   Fiana's expression surprised Lemurina, but it was more gratifying.

   By my side, there is still a knight that I can trust.

The light of ALDNOAH gradually circulated, Lemurina, Fiana in front, and two soldiers with Slein in a coma behind, disappeared into the small supercar that had been sleeping for a long time and awakened again. In the light of the space door.

   Under Avalon’s powerful offensive, this lunar base, which had long hung on the head of the Earth Alliance, fell.


   At the end of this battle in the shortest possible time, I still have to be counted as Ethelam.

   Under the **** of the white cat zero-style wild lion form, Ethelam was smoothly sent to the audience hall on the moon base. UU read and delivered the armistice speech.

   The result is a sigh of relief.

   It seems that only the Orbital Knights are manipulated by the mysterious singing.

   The Visser soldiers in the middle and lower levels were not affected by the mysterious singing.

   Therefore, at the appeal of Ethelam, the battle was quickly over.

   However, there is still a big problem in front of Lei Mingkai, Euphemia and Ethelam.

   Lei Mulina, Fiana and others escaped from the escape route, which was soon discovered by White Cat Zero.

   Standing in front of the strange and familiar door, the three exchanged their eyes in confusion.

   "Here, is this a hidden hyperspace door?"

   Lei Mingkai searched his memory several times, but still couldn't find the corresponding answer.

   "Perhaps it is!"

   Ethelam himself is also puzzled.

   As the first emperor of the Visser royal family, Ethelam does not know the existence of this hidden hyperspace door.

   "Whether we know it or don't know, now the person we are looking for has already ran through this door. What shall we do? Kay."

   Yufimia was open-minded, and jumped directly to the issue of chasing.

   "Let's pursue it with Avalon! Now, only Avalon can reach Mars in a short time."

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