Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 636: Battle of Yakin Duvy (6)

Under the cover of Rebirth Gundam, Justice Gundam armed with a beam sword rushed directly to Freedom Gundam, and slashed a slash without any results.

Regardless of the current Freedom Gundam and Meteor System combined, it looks a bit cumbersome, but in fact its maneuverability is higher than Justice Gundam.

It's just an ordinary slash, it is impossible to touch the edge of Freedom Gundam, even the meteor system.

"So fast!"

Without a hit, Aslan reacted quickly to let the love machine throw a beam boomerang, and buy a bit of time for Justice Gundam to retreat.

But the beam boomerang that had just taken off his hand hadn't completed its mission, and was cut off by a brighter brilliance, and even the dazzling range of attack was even brushed by the retreating Justice Gundam.

This is the large beam sword jokingly called the Forty Meter Broadsword on the Meteor System.

Although using a large beam sword of this size to slash the seemingly inconspicuous beam boomerang, it is a bit wasteful.

But from the actual effect point of view, the blow of Freedom Gundam really pushed back Justice Gundam, and created an opportunity for the next step.

The beam of light followed.

It is rebirth up to.

Upon seeing Justice Gundam being pushed back by Freedom Gundam’s forty-meter sword, Rebirth Gundam speeded up again, and the latter appeared on Freedom Gundam’s attack path first. Raising the large beam cannon in his hand and aiming at Freedom Gundam was one gun.


The speed of Rebirth Gundam is extremely fast, but the speed of Free Gundam is even faster.

Just in the blink of an eye, the two sides shot a dazzling beam attack on each other at the same time.

In the vast darkness of the sky, the left and right beams burst out from the muzzle of the Rebirth Gundam and Freedom Gundam at the same time, and then bluntly collided in the next second.

At the moment of the collision, the violent and terrifying energy particles stirred everything frantically, collided with the enemy wantonly, and then burst out the energy generated at the instant of collision.


The violent explosion tore through the space, and also caused the white light in front of Erik and Lei Mingkai to temporarily lose each other's figure.

However, the loss of the opponent's figure does not mean the end of this battle, but on the contrary, it means that the battle becomes more intense.

In the white light, the red body was like a ghost, taking advantage of the opportunity of temporarily losing sight of both parties, appeared on the head of Freedom Gundam, swinging the beam sword in his hand to pierce the cockpit of Freedom Gundam from top to bottom.

This blow is extremely deadly!

But at the moment when the beam saber was about to penetrate the cockpit of Freedom Gundam, Freedom Gundam, which should have been motionless, did not respond to the stab from the top down, suddenly translated backwards for a short distance, and it could not be avoided. This stab.


The red body that launched the stabbing is Justice Gundam.

Even if Aslan, who is now controlled by cold reason, sees that his inevitable attack is so easily resolved by Liberty Gundam, it is inevitable that there will be momentary astonishment.


Between the astonishment, a violent shock followed.

Passing in front of Liberty Gundam, Justice Gundam, who had not yet recovered its assassination, was kicked by Liberty Gundam and kicked Justice Gundam fiercely.


The gamma ray shot from Genesis just disappeared, and the Rebirth Gundam, which resumed its acceleration energy, gave up on the spot to continue pursuing Freedom Gundam, and rushed up to catch Justice Gundam steadily.

"I'm fine! Keep fighting!"

Under the red mask, Aslan's face gradually became savage.


Allie moved her lips, but nodded in response.

As for Liberty Gundam, the high-mobility maneuver that caused the enemy's headaches began again.

The MS unit composed of Jin En and Xigu, who had been hit hard before, has been ordered by Erik to return to Yakin Duvi for rest, leaving only the Gates team called the Defenders.

This one gave Lei Mingkai a touch of dignity.

"Is it a photocopier?"

Matthias was able to deal with Maltis so easily, just because it was Maltis, the photocopier troops who were important were transferred away.

Now, the enemy that appeared in front of him, the breath of the Gates team, seemed to prove this.

"Photocopier troops! Contain Freedom Gundam!"

The same command has different effects.

Compared with the actions of Jin En and Xigu, although the number of this Gates team is small, it moved at full speed at the moment the order was issued. In a blink of an eye, an interception net was deployed in front of Freedom Gundam.

"Small bugs."

Seeing this, Lei Mingkai didn't frown, and slightly pulled the push stick with his left hand. Freedom Gundam immediately made a continuous rolling maneuver, leaving behind the beam barrage intercepted by the three Gates in front of him.

Afterwards, Freedom Gundam, who had not yet recovered his balance, raised his right hand, and drove the large beam sword of the meteor system with a violent wave toward the front.

The moment Guanghua rushed past, a fireball exploded under the sword of the large beam sword without warning.

It's Gates!

It turned out that it was a Gates who was ambushing in this position was blown by Freedom Gundam who had launched an attack first.

"Lily Number Five!"

A young girl screamed in Gates' communication channel.

"Calm down! Keep attacking!"

As soon as Ellie's scolding voice sounded, the super-accelerated Rebirth Gundam caught up with Freedom Gundam again.

In an instant, two streamers crazily intertwined in front of Justice Gundam and Gates, drawing two terrible trajectories mixed with explosion sparks in this void.


At the moment when the two streams of light intertwined again, Aslan's heart tightened and suddenly shouted.

"Everyone! Disperse!"



Once again, at the moment of Justice Gundam's emergency evasion, the full bullet volley from Freedom Gundam came once again!

It turned out that Liberty Gundam, who was in a fierce battle with Rebirth Gundam at a super-high speed, still had room to look at the opportunity, trying to use a full-bomb launch to hit Aslan and others who were unable to intervene in this super-high-speed battle by surprise.

Under the beam of darkness, there are the missiles that have struck in a hurry.

It was just a short moment of effort. The full-ball volley that broke out between the super-high-speed battles flooded several Gates under Aslan's gaze.




Three fireballs exploded one after another.

Behind the exploded fireball, there are already four gates destroyed.

"Aslan. Sorry!"

The afterimage flashed, and Rebirth Gundam once again appeared beside Justice Gundam.

At the same time, the gamma rays from Genesis also traverse the void, replenishing energy for the rebirth that has exhausted the acceleration energy.

This is the drawback of Rebirth Gundam.

Compared to relying on its own energy and the powerful self-sustaining power of the flying wing-type brilliance transmitter, the Rebirth Gundam could not leave the support of Genesis to obtain the terrifying performance of super acceleration.

This is also the reason why the Rebirth Gundam even has the same ultra-high speed as the Freedom Gundam equipped with the flying wing-type brilliance transmitter, but it still can't get the Freedom Gundam in any way.

"No. We miscalculated!"

Under the mask, Aslan's eyes became more solemn.

This is a fact.

A fact that they cannot avoid.

Among Yakin Duwei.

Patrick's face in the command center was quite ugly.

The situation where Aslan and others were fighting with Liberty Gundam was not in the slightest in his eyes.

"Lei Mingkai!"

Lei Mingkai has been seen by Patrick as a representative of stimulating domestic fighting emotions since he appeared in Patrick's sight.

No matter how the Saras promote the evil and ugliness of the earth unity, they can never compare to the truth of the words of an experiencer who survived the disaster of Junius 7th.

However, before this idea was implemented, Lei Mingkai was transferred to the mission of investigating the joint covert development of a new body on Earth.

Looking back now, perhaps, since the investigation mission, everything has begun to be out of control, right?

Especially, let Lei Mingkai board the Silverwind...

"President Sara. Do you want me to attack? Judging from the current situation, Aslan does not seem to be able to solve that machine."

In thought, Cruzer's voice sounded.

"It will take some time before Genesis launches again. If during this period of time, let the aircraft break through to the vicinity of Genesis, I am afraid it will cause some unnecessary trouble! Although, I don't think that the aircraft will have the same effect. What kind of effective damage did Genesis being protected by transferred armor cause."

Upon hearing this, Patrick turned his head and looked at Cruze.

"Cruzer. Are you talking about insurance?"

Kruze nodded calmly.

"Yes. Speaker Sara."

Patrick's stern gaze swept back and forth on Cruzer's mask several times before speaking slowly.

"Never mind! This task is for you who failed to destroy the Eternal in time! This is the last chance! If you can't solve the body and the Eternal, then you don't need to come back!"

"Yes! Speaker Sara!"

Cruzer saluted immediately, then nodded towards Mia, and said respectfully:

"Then, excuse me for saying goodbye!"

Looking at the back of Cruze leaving, when Patrick looked at the home screen again, he asked in a voice that only he and Mia could hear:

"Lux. What do you think of Cruzer?"

Mia was taken aback, and then fell silent for a moment.

"Captain Cruze, maybe someone with his own ideas."

Mia didn't answer much, but it was enough.

For Patrick.

"Really? Well, I know."

Kluzer, who had left the command center, hurried to the dressing room.

Looking at the neatly arranged pilot uniforms in the closet and the bottle of medicine next to the pilot uniforms, Cruze suddenly showed a sullen smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Lei Mingkai. I didn't expect you to really get to this point. That's great!"

In addition to Yakin Duwei, the battle between Lei Mingkai and Aslan and others is still going on.

The impact of several full-ball volleys of Liberty has deeply planted the seeds of fear in the hearts of Aslan and others.

As long as they gather together for a moment, then Lei Mingkai, who is good at seizing opportunities, will inevitably control Freedom Gundam in a volley of full projectiles.

Even if there was a restraint of Rebirth Gundam at that time, it was the same.

In the end, what kind of talent is able to grasp the fleeting opportunity in a super-high-speed battle?

No one knows the answer to this question, and no one will think about it.

Gates lost ground one by one.

From the beginning to the present, the complete Gates brigade has been reduced to only a few planes under the attack of Freedom Gundam.

This made Alice a lot of fire.

You know, this is the power of preparations made by the librarian after she came to this world. Although the Gates team is only a part of it, if it is lost in this way, Alice will inevitably be heartbroken.


In annoyance, Alice seized a great opportunity.

In the battle with the high speed of Freedom Gundam, he quickly changed from a humanoid MS state to a four-claw MA state, rushed up, and pinched the left wing of the meteor system.

"Catch you!"

The four-claw MA quickly moved the muzzle, aiming at Freedom Gundam, and Erico screamed coldly, and the beam of light burst.


The blazing radiance swept across the room, and the right wing of the meteor system was pierced on the spot, leaving a huge wound pulsed by countless electric sparks.

However, it is not the Meteor System that should be broken down, but the Freedom Gundam!


Alice screamed in her heart, and instinctively pulled the putter. The four-claw MA form of Rebirth Gundam changed into a cone-shaped MA form with high-speed propulsion on the spot.


At the moment when Rebirth Gundam could leave the meteor system, a brilliance tore through the darkness, cutting off the end of Rebirth Gundam by a large part.

And what caused all of this to happen was Liberty Gundam that should have been pierced by a large beam cannon!

"It's really fast to escape!"

Lei Mingkai glanced at the two large beam swords on the left and right of the Meteor System that had been scrapped, and shook his head slightly.

Unexpectedly, the Meteor System would exit in this way.

However, this will not reduce the combat power of Freedom Gundam.

On the contrary, after losing the cumbersomeness of the meteor system, the speed that the flying wing transmitter can explode will be even faster!

It's just that Aslan and the others don't seem to know this.

Perhaps, I am still excited about the difficulty of solving the meteor system.

"Om! Om! Om!"

The buzzing sound of the flying wing-shaped brilliance transmitter became deeper and deeper, and the killing aura exuded by Freedom Gundam was undiminished at the moment when it merged with the meteor system.

"Not good! Avoid everyone! Freedom Gundam's attack is coming!"

Aslan's warning had just sounded, and a heart palpitation followed.

This is not from Freedom Gundam!

But from the rear, UU reading www.uukanshu. com

From the direction of Yakin Duwei!

Among the huge fortress satellites, a dark figure slid out of space silently and headed straight to the battlefield.

With the ever-increasing speed, several small, easily overlooked shadows flew out of the dark figure quietly and quickly submerged into the dark space.

Then, at the moment that humans are imperceptible, there is a burst of fire at Freedom Gundam!




The faint green light beam instantly weaves a terrifying light net that envelops the freedom high.

"Lei Mingkai! The knight who guards the princess! I finally meet you! Good time!"

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