Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 798: Reinforcements? ?

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Covering the world, the black rain covered by Orb quietly subsided.

This land, once again blessed by the sun, has lost its former prosperity.

The coastline of Aub’s main island is full of rotting corpses. Behind the coastline, the city that was prosperous in the past, but is now a ruined city, is already in a miserable state.

The warm sunlight did not make the humans who survived this Orb defense war feel any warmth, on the contrary, they felt more and more cold.

Every second, the seriously injured pass away.

Every second, new victims are found from the rubble.

every second···

Standing on the flat ground that was temporarily cleared,

Standing in front of the tent in the temporary rescue command center,

Kagali's expression was silent.

Her gaze fell on the pile of rubble not far away, silently watching the rescuers who were searching for survivors on the rubble.

Behind him, Chisaka's body was already covered with white cloth, waiting for the next step.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister. Although it's a bit uncomfortable, you should probably focus on adjusting your defenses now. Those bugs, I'm afraid they will come back soon."

At this time, a somewhat unfamiliar, crisp voice sounded.

Kagali, who watched the rescue operation in silence, moved suddenly, and there was a gleam in her eyes.

"Yeah. I know. Just now, I have people prepared."

Kagali, who had a glamour on her face, nodded first, then sighed.

"However, our strength may not be enough to defend this main island."

In that battle not long ago, the three lines of defense on the main island of Obu have existed in name only.

Even with the intervention of the Son of Danu, the final line of defense barely rekindled.

The combat power of the Oberwehr has reached the point of being stretched.

After a pause, Kagali looked at the visitor.

It was a girl wearing a military uniform with a white tone and a gorgeous golden pattern.

The name is Teresa Testa Rosa.

A girl who claims to be the captain of the son of Danu.

"Thank you for your help just now! If it weren't for your presence, I'm afraid the main island has fallen. And we..."

When the words came to her lips, Kagali couldn't help but think of Chisaka's last scene.

"No. You are welcome. We are just following orders."

"According to orders?"

Kagali pondered for a moment, and raised her gaze to look at the silver-haired girl in front of her.

"I wonder if it is convenient to tell you where you belong?"

Teresa smiled slightly, and pointed towards the sky mysteriously.

"This question will be answered by the Prime Minister in person."


Kagali was taken aback, and instinctively thought of a hint of possibility.



In the next second, she immediately denied this possibility.

The existence of the Son of Danu is simply not a battleship that can be created by the various forces that Kagali is familiar with.

Even Minerva, who had gone missing during the X1 Rift Eruption for the first time two years ago, might not be as good as this mysterious battleship floating over the main island of Orb? !

So, where did the silver-haired girl in front of me and the battleship called the Son of Danu come from?

Seeing Kagali's doubts, Teresa shook her head slightly.

"Prime Minister, now is not the time to entangle our identity. You only need to know that we have no malice towards Orb and you, and that we will stand on Orb's position to help Orb get through this time. Crisis, that's it."

Kagali was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"I understand this. Then, I will trouble you next time!"

With that said, Kagali looked around, and a trace of determination gradually appeared on her face.

"The main island is no longer able to organize an effective defense. Next, we must withdraw the island where Kaguya is located, and gather all the remaining forces together."

"Are there reinforcements?"

Teresa seemed to mean something.

But Kagali subconsciously raised her head to look at the sky, and then showed a helpless wry smile.

"In the beginning, there might be. But now, I can't tell."

Kagali's small movements were naturally seen by Teresa.

She knew that the reinforcements Kakali said was probably the Zaft mentioned in the information provided by Lei Mingkai.

However, especially because he doesn't know much about the current situation, when Lei Mingkai marked the information about Zaft, he did not give any speculation about whether he would dispatch a fleet to support Orb.

Right now, after noticing Kagali's demeanor and words, Teresa was almost certain that this broken country had no help except the Son of Danu.

Far above nine days.

A silver shadow shuttles among the broken star belts that dominate the universe around the throne.

"So fast!"

The juvenile's exclamation resounded through the silver phantom.

The red eyes flashed with three points of nervousness and seven points of excitement.

"True Asuka. How does it feel?"

In the cockpit wider than Pulse Gundam, a holographic projection lit up.

It is a communication from the Command Center of the Domination Throne.

The man on the screen is Lei Mingkai who calls himself Knight K.


The Silver Phantom had just completed a nearly 90° right-angle pull, and after passing over a gravel with a diameter of several hundred meters in front, the real Asuka who was driving this brand-new body sighed involuntarily.

Originally, Zhen Asuka thought that the cockpit of Pulse Gundam was already wide enough.

But after boarding this new aircraft called the Sword of the Sky, Zhen Asuka realized that the cockpit of Pulse Gundam, which he thought was wide, had become much smaller.

Looking around, there is an unobstructed monitoring screen.

Lower your head, there are not many operating instruments.

Even True Asuka’s familiar joystick was replaced by two control balls.

Concise instrumentation,

The surveillance picture with a wide field of view,

This made the real Asuka sitting in the sword of the sky feel a stronger sense of control than when driving the Pulse Gundam.

"Do you still get used to manipulating the ball?"

Lei Mingkai nodded slightly, raised his hand slightly to indicate to the technician next to him to retrieve the data, and he also asked.

This is a new type of technology that made breakthroughs in the Britannia Empire.

The breakthrough of this new technology is also inseparable from Lloyd, who has turned into a heavy rubber guy.


This is just one part of the many new technologies of the Britanian Empire.

"Well, it's a bit strange, but after being familiar with it, it feels better to manipulate than a joystick."

I have to say that True Asuka seems to be more and more accustomed to the convenience brought by the manipulation of the ball.

The maneuver that originally required the coordination of the limbs can now be achieved only by slightly adjusting the control ball in the hand.

Such convenient maneuverability made Zhen Asuka a strong sense of exploration for a while.

It looks like a kid who just got a new toy.

Lei Mingkai, who saw this, didn't say much.

Moreover, the more Zhen Asuka loves the sword of the sky, the more Lei Mingkai is happy to see it happen.

A few hours later, the tired but contented True Asuka flew slowly into the throne of dominance with the sword of the sky.

When leaving the cockpit of the sword of the sky, Zhen Asuka unexpectedly gave birth to a trace of reluctance.

It seems that I want to continue driving this new type of aircraft called the Sword of the Sky on the battlefield.

The real Asuka, who personally piloted the sword of the sky and shuttled back and forth among the gravel belts, knew very well that although the extreme flight in the gravel belt was very exciting and fun, the destination of this new aircraft was only on the battlefield.

"Next! Real Asuka."

The moment a black shadow flew by, Zhen Asuka instinctively reached out and caught it, only to find that the black shadow was a bottle of water.

"Thank you! Lord Knight."

Zhen Feiiao raised his eyes and saw that Lei Mingkai was standing on the plank road not far away, looking at himself with a smile.

I am afraid that the look when I left the cockpit of the sword of the sky has already been seen by him!

"Just call me K. There is no need to add honorific titles."

Lei Mingkai picked up the water bottle in his hand and gestured to Zhen Asuka.


As soon as the real Asuka figure moved, his right foot slightly kicked on the edge of the cockpit door, and the whole person flew to Lei Mingkai in a microgravity environment.

Afterwards, Zhen Asuka stretched out his hand to hold the railing, quickly adjusted his posture, and landed next to Lei Mingkai with extremely sharp movements.

Immediately afterwards, Zhen Asuka reached out and took out the provisional driving certificate given to him by Lei Mingkai and handed it to Lei Mingkai.

Upon seeing this, Lei Mingkai asked casually while reaching out to take the token.

"how are you feeling?"

"Very good! Very powerful!"

After taking out the water bottle and taking a sip of water, the fatigue on Zhen Asuka's face was a little better.

"It's better than my Pulse Gundam."

Thinking back to the driving experience just now, Zhen Asuka's heart seemed to feel more unwilling.

"Really? However, this child is far from being able to be offline. Now it is only in the experimental stage."

What made Zhen Asuka didn't expect was that the body that made him feel so satisfied was still in the experimental stage? !

This makes him feel incredible.

"Can't believe it?"

Lei Mingkai smiled, but didn't explain anything.

Instead, he said another thing and diverted Zhen Asuka's attention.

"We received information that Orb was attacked by those bugs and the situation is critical. Therefore, Minerva will go to Orb for support in 36 hours."


Ob. UU Reading

This country is undoubtedly the fate of Zhen Asuka.

Even if the real Asuka in front of him has changed the original destiny trajectory, and has not left a lifetime regret in Orb, he still has an inexplicable feeling for Orb.

"What?! Orb attacked?! Or BETA attack?"


The streamer fell down.

A picture from the records of the Son of Danu appeared before Zhen Asuka.

As the picture continues to change, the eyes of this boy who was born in Orb, grew up in Orb during his childhood, and who was forced to leave Orb due to the war in his youth burst out with a glow of anger.

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