Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 841: Final journey

The bridge of the Son of Danu was quiet and tense.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on everything displayed on the big screen.

An eye-catching target that was locked and marked as U1,

The four high-speed targets start with L and are arranged from one to four.

There is a certain connection between them, the relationship between ourselves and the enemy.

U1 is the unknown coordinates contained in a mysterious signal that suddenly appeared on the communication channel of Son of Danu half an hour ago.

Under Teresa's order, the intelligence department of Son of Danu quickly combined it with surrounding data including terrain, hydrology, sonar data and other data, and came up with a result.

The enemy's base camp is probably in a certain submarine valley that the result points to.

Is false information,

Or is it Lei Mingkai, the true information provided by the "Elizabeth" that Teresa is waiting for?

The result of many thoughts flew past Teresa's mind, but finally fell on the same result.

Watching the battle between Lei Mingkai and Elizabeth, the Tooth Lion Zero and Dai Lisi, silently watching the scene where Dai Lisi disappeared without a trace after a false shot, Teresa finally settled. Made determination.

"Freyja launches, targets 330, 613. The attack mode is selected as the deep sea mode!"

With an order, Teresa sighed slowly and leaned back in the chair.

"Madukas. I don't like this feeling very much."

Richard Madokas, standing next to Theresa, nodded slightly.

"Captain. I don't like this feeling either. But for now, maybe this is the most appropriate plan."

"Is it right? But there has been a great loss in Paradise Island."

After chanting this sentence silently, Teresa put all her worries behind and waited for that moment to come.

Four Freyjas dragged a long tail smoke into the air from the Son of Danu, and turned their flying attitudes at an altitude of 1,000 meters, and then flew towards the target that had been locked, a submarine valley located dozens of kilometers away. go.

In less than a few minutes, the first Freyja to strike will detonate 30 seconds after entering the water, and the strong water pressure caused by the explosion will destroy the enemy's cordon around the submarine valley, facilitating the follow-up. Three Freyjas hit the target accurately.

This is a tacit action.

An action that has never appeared in the battle plan of the Son of Danu.

There are fewer than five people who can know why these four Freyjas attacked.

After all, the hidden truth is enough to shock these soldiers who have fought against BETA many times.

No one would have thought that the enemy hidden behind the scenes of BETAM would secretly plot a rebellion.

And this existence happened to be Elizabeth who almost died under Lei Mingkai's sword.

"I have to say that their acting skills are really real."

Looking at the battle between Lei Mingkai and Elizabeth again, the fight between the two sides was almost inextricable.

"Acting? Maybe, they are just looking for a way for them to die."

Richard Madokas seemed to see something through.


Just when Teresa wanted to say something, the four Freyja launched earlier entered the detonation phase.

A bright purple light burst out from the depths of the ocean floor, swallowing all the surrounding sea water.

This is the first Freyja to detonate.

Then, the second light rose into the sky along the cavity created by the detonation of the first Freyja and swallowed the seawater, forming a column of soaring light and exposing the scene hidden deep in the valley under the sea.

It is a huge building that can already have a huge and incomparable sense just by observing it with the naked eye.

"It's HIVE!"

As soon as she saw the huge building, Teresa's right hand clenched suddenly.

At this point, Teresa's heart has settled for the most part.

This slightly reckless plan of action took a successful step.


The second Freyja led to the skylight column just disappeared, and the third Freyja followed, completely erasing the huge building entrenched in the submarine valley from the map in one fell swoop, revealing its deeper location. .

There is the goal!

At this moment, Teresa did not have any words or gestures to indicate, some of them were staring at the screen.

In the bright light that wiped out the huge building, the radar of the Son of Danu has always firmly locked the fourth and last one, and it was a Freyja that made the final word.

As long as this Freyja finally hits the target, the battle will come to an end.

At this moment, everyone could not help holding their breath, looking at the whiteness, only the target marked as L4 fell quickly towards the target, and then, the screen flashed, and the label representing L4 disappeared.

A brighter purple brilliance burst from the depths of the seabed, rushing through the sea water that was about to be closed, and rushing straight into the sky, as if to banter the dawn of darkness completely, announcing its own existence.

"An unknown signal was detected! According to the comparison with the database provided by the Time and Space Administration, it is suspected to be the Final Member."

"Further confirmation! Madukas, when the surrounding sea conditions are calmer, immediately put more detection devices to conduct multiple rounds of detection of the target sea area. No matter what the data is, it must be strictly and carefully compared with the data provided by the administration. , You don’t have to report to me when necessary, contact the Imperial Capital and He Nana as quickly as possible, and try to confirm the survival of the target in the shortest time!"

Teresa's eyes lit up and she immediately stood up and gave a series of orders.

She knew that even if the current situation was not clear, the plan might have been successful.

Surprisingly successful!

Unexpectedly, that Elizabeth turned out to be the final congressman as the target!

Immediately afterwards, an even more abnormal situation occurred.

"Report! The drone captured some conditions and now it turns to the big screen."

As the image on the big screen changed, exclamations rang out again and again.

BETA, blew himself up.

The BETA that is raging on the Paradise Island, regardless of size, all blew themselves up, leaving only a **** mist that drifted away with the wind and stumps everywhere.

The horrifying sight was both shocking and cheering.

After watching the rotation switch several angles, there are always images of BETA blew in place, Teresa really breathed a sigh of relief.

"Madukas. It seems that this time we are only supporting roles. The real protagonist is probably the princess named Elizabeth."

"Same feeling, sir."

The blood mist that drifted across the wind swept across the trenches, across the bunker, across the remains of human soldiers who died heroically, and across between the Lancelot King's Sword and Elizabeth who were facing each other.

Seeing the scattered blood mist, Elizabeth turned her head and looked at the undulating sea area that had not recovered from the continuous explosion of four Freyjas.

"It seems that it is time to end."

Then, Elizabeth turned her head and looked at the Lancelot King's Sword.

"Sorry! I'm afraid you need to accompany me to the end. Outsider knight."

Lei Mingkai did not respond, but he had already responded.

Because he responded with the joystick in his hand and the blade in the hand of Lancelot King's Sword.

In fact, as the battle between him and Elizabeth progressed, a strange emotion came from nowhere, and gradually penetrated into Lei Mingkai's heart.

That is not a danger signal.

It's not that there is anyone trying to manipulate Lei Mingkai,

It is not a signal that the so-called monster plot of seizing houses will occur.

It was an emotion that made Lei Mingkai feel nostalgic, made him feel a kind of sadness, and made him empathize.

In this mood, his manipulation technique and the movements of the Lancelot King's Sword quietly changed.

Every sword swing is no longer a skill that Lei Mingkai has tempered and integrated into his instincts, but a sword skill that Lei Mingkai has never seen or experienced.

The Lancelot King's Sword swung a sword and shook Elizabeth's blade away, forcing it to reveal its flaws. He took the opportunity to take a step forward and took the sword to stab Elizabeth's heart.

It is a pity that Elizabeth retracted the sword in time to defend and blocked the sword.

However, Elizabeth was more concerned about the sword swung by the Lancelot King's sword than the heart that was almost pierced.

"Why did you use this trick?"

That is a sword that exists in Elizabeth's memory.

Except for her, no one would have this sword.

Because the person who knows this sword is already dead.

He died on the day when his hometown was completely swallowed up.

Facing Elizabeth's questioning, Lei Mingkai did not respond.

Or, he could not respond at all.

He seemed to be unable to control his own body, like a bystander, watching "self" manipulate the Lancelot King's sword to attack Elizabeth with sword skills he had never seen before.

The first round has passed.

A picture appeared in front of Lei Mingkai.

There, a little girl with a pony tail and embroidered gold short sleeves is holding a wooden sword and pointing at the little boy who has fallen to the ground. She proudly raised her head and said, "You are not bad! Take Elizabeth. In the name of Mills, I admit that you are my knight."

The fifth round has passed.

A picture appeared in front of Lei Mingkai again.

It was a birthday party, which belonged to the birthday party when the little girl was ten years old.

At the banquet, the little boys wore fitted dresses, but some restrained little boys were dragged to dance by little girls wearing gorgeous courtesy groups.

Looking at the stiff little boy, the little girl said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel:

"Get up! You are a knight I recognize! How can you cower so much!"

The tenth round has passed.

It was a little girl who appeared in front of Lei Mingkai again, no, it should be a picture of a girl and a teenager when she was thirteen years old.

The girls and teenagers who completed the examinations of the apprentice knights and prepared to go to the country for trials witnessed the terrible situation in the village after being ravaged by the herd of animals. In fear and anger, the group of young girls who had just completed the apprentice knight course exam got hot, they left the barracks without authorization and attacked the herd on their own terms.

As a result, he returned with a tragic victory, but the barracks did not blame the boys and girls, but gave them great rewards.

In the night, the teenager witnessed a scene where the young girl who was awarded from the imperial capital was hiding alone in the corner and crying.

But the young man failed to take a step, just silently guarding the crying girl not far away.

The twentieth confluence has passed.

The blade of the Lancelot King's Sword slashed and cut off Elizabeth's left hand.

In the spouting blood, a brand-new picture appeared in front of Lei Mingkai.

The setting sun is like blood.

The scarred and weary soldiers dragged the blood-stained red and gaped blades step by step on the enemy's carcass, stepping on the puddles of blood and water to the front.

There, a broken battle flag was fluttering in the wind.

And under the banner of the war, her left hand was scrapped, and she could only drop one side weakly, and her right hand was dripping with blood, but the girl who still clenched the blade tightly was watching the front.

"Knight, my knight! Going forward is hell. Will you still follow me?"

"His Royal Highness. No matter what the front is, I will follow to the end until I die!"

This time, Lei Mingkai heard "his" answer.

The fortieth round.

Elizabeth's offensive was obviously exhausted, and "Lei Mingkai" decisively seized the opportunity. A sword swung away Elizabeth's blade, and slashed at Elizabeth's neck, but was avoided by him.

As the sword light flickered, the beautiful scenery constructed by the flying petals appeared before Lei Mingkai's eyes.

That was a girl named Elizabeth Armis, in the name of the war princess, after completing the great cause of unifying the mainland for the empire, the scene of the triumphant imperial capital.

Beside the war princess who was admired by the people, a determined man wearing a magic armor clenched his fist involuntarily, and seemed to have made some important decision.

He admired the war princess, and admired Elizabeth Amirs even more.

In this moment when the war is calming down, he doesn't want to miss this opportunity again.

However, before this major decision was implemented, the imperial capital suddenly ignited the flames of war.

That night, countless monsters descended from the sky and raged everywhere.

In an instant, the imperial capital was destroyed.

The man was also stabbed to death by the war princess Elizabeth Amirs he admired.

Just as in reality, the Lancelot King's Sword raised his left arm, forcibly blocked Elizabeth's blade with a radiant shield, and took the opportunity to pierce Elizabeth's heart in one fell swoop.

The moment the cold blade broke through the heart, Elizabeth loosened her right hand, discarded the blade, and took a few steps forward, until her right hand was on the shoulder of the Lancelot King's Sword.

The weird feeling receded like a tide, and Lei Mingkai took control of his body again.

He raised his eyes, looked at the screen, and looked at those huge pupils that are not human, but at this moment they are showing human emotions.

He already understands.

The weird feeling just now belongs to a knight.

The emotions and memories of a knight who admired the princess and vowed to protect the princess forever.

And that

It also belongs to "him", belongs to the same name, the emotions and memories of "him" in different worlds.

"It's time to welcome Her Royal Highness home. UU Reading"

The emotion left by "he" was so clear and so strong that he pushed Lei Mingkai to open the cockpit, walked out of the cockpit, and raised his head to look at the face that was heading toward death.

Facing the breeze that took away the last ray of blood mist, Elizabeth saw clearly the face of the man who had walked out of the cockpit of the Lancelot King's Sword.

"You are here! Kay. My knight"

Elizabeth's voice trembled, as if she was afraid, expecting something.

But this is the end.

After all, the huge Niederhogg reached its limit, turned into flying ashes, and disappeared into this world.

Seeing the flying ash flying into the sky in the wind, Lei Mingkai heard a voice in response to Elizabeth's last expectation.

"My lovely lord! Let's go home!"

Then, the voice sounded again.

"Thank you! From another world, beware of the black lion!"