Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 857: lunar launch

【Roar of the machine lion】【】

"Welcome to the base of Ptolemy! My friend."

Halbaton gave a friendly greeting to Durandal who was walking down the path.

This is the first leader who came here after the Ptolemy base was rebuilt in conjunction with the Earth and the moon. It is also a symbol of the peace between the two huge forces that have fought life and death in the human world in the past.


In Halbarton's mind, relying solely on the Ptolemy base cannot represent the unity of the entire earth.

But the actual situation does not allow him to search for other louder voices within the Earth United.

Because, apart from the Ptolemy base under the control of Halbaton, the Earth United probably doesn't have many organized forces now.

"Speaking of which, I seem to be the first adjuster to come here."

Originally, Durandal also said that he was the first adjuster to come to the Ptolemaic base, but he inadvertently saw several people with red and light brown hair and eyes of different colors passing by in the distance. When he was a young man, he knew that this base might be different from the base that was specially targeted at demons that he knew in the past.

"Haha! I'm afraid there will be more opportunities like this in the future! Please! Your Excellency, Speaker."

Hal Barton laughed, and made an invitation.

Halbarton's meaning is very simple,

The reason why Durandal was invited here was not only to ease the tension between the Ptolemaic base and the Ptolemaic base, but also to exchange information about the alien monsters that ravaged the Earth's circle.

Of course, after the two goals, there is more about the mysterious country that suddenly appeared in the Smith Sea on the moon.

Half an hour later, after Halbaton and Durandal sat down on both sides of the meeting room, they began the key part of the itinerary.

The opening part of the meeting naturally does not require Halbarton and Durandal to go into battle in person.

Durandal looked at Halbaton, exchanged glances with him, and then opened the file in front of him.

Durandal carefully read every line of the above, constantly sketching the appearance of that mysterious country in his mind.

It's a pity that even the Ptolemy base, which has controlled the moon for a long time, cannot get much information about this mysterious country.

The known situation is that this is a feudal country.

The leader of the country is a princess named Shanamia Eterna Fora.

Seeing that young and beautiful face, Durandal frowned involuntarily.

This is somewhat similar to the Britannian Empire that succeeded and established diplomatic relations not long ago.

Starting from the princess, it is the counselor who assists the princess in governing the country, and the paladins who resist foreign enemies. After that, there is no more information.

"Sorry! After our many contacts, this is the only information the other party can disclose."

Durandal closed the file, pondered for a while, and waited for the end of the opening remarks of both parties.

"Admiral. I don't know how many times you have had contact with this country named Fury since it appeared. Whether it's good or bad, I need to know a precise piece of information."

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【Roar of the machine lion】【】

When the opening remarks were over, Durandal spoke immediately.

Perhaps, this should not be the performance that a steady ruler should have.

But for this country that suddenly appeared, Durandal faintly felt something was wrong.

If, underestimating this country, it may have a great impact on his plan.

Halbaton stretched out three fingers, and said in a deep voice:

"Three times. The first time when it first appeared, it had a small-scale contact battle with the Third Squadron that was cruising around Smith Sea."

"The results of it?"

After seeing the seriousness in Halbaton's eyes, Durandal immediately understood that the Ptolemaic base was probably defeated in this contact battle.

"The mobile suit units that took the initiative to fight with it were all wiped out. The warships of the third squadron were a little farther away, so they avoided sinking."

"MS troops, all wiped out?"

Durandal was stunned for a moment, then nodded, signaling Halbaton to continue.

"The second time, the other party took the initiative to contact the Ptolemaic base. These materials were compiled from the information obtained during the second communication with the other party."

"Who is communicating with you? Someone in this country? Or is it her?"

Durandal's eyes were very vicious, and he guessed right away the person who communicated with the Ptolemaic base for the second time.

"Well, it's this Princess Shanamia. According to her, the country she is in fell into this world due to a space-time accident. They have no intention of being our enemy, but just want to find out the situation as soon as possible, and Find a way to return to your hometown."

"It sounds like this is a country that will not take the initiative to attack other countries! But, is there a third time?"

Durandal smiled, and didn't get entangled in the second exchange of information.

"The third time?"

Halbaton shook his head, raised his hand as a signal, and his adjutant immediately walked to the projection screen in the center of the meeting room and opened a video.

"This is the third exchange, the source of the video material sent by Free is the mobile suit unit of our third squadron."

Hearing this, Durandal's side was startled, and there were some discussions for a while.

And Durandal adjusted his sitting posture and set his gaze on the projection screen.

Perhaps, this is the Ptolemy base, no, it should be said that it is the reason why Halbaton made good friends with Zaft, right?

From the very beginning of the video, there wasn't much of a problem.

It is the customary password when MS troops enter the combat airspace, fragment.

The problem lies in the next segment.

An unfamiliar aircraft appeared on the screen.

It appeared from the lower left of the screen at a moderate pace, and did not stop until it completely appeared in the center of the screen.

Even if Durandal doesn't have any experience in piloting mobile suits, he knows that such a situation is absolutely impossible to happen on the battlefield.

Letting an unknown unknown machine appear in front of him at such a close distance is undoubtedly an act of courting death.

But that's how it happened.

Even, Durandal could hear a voice in the picture constantly calling someone's code name, ordering him to launch an attack.

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【Roar of the machine lion】【】

However, until the strange machine launched an attack, the machine that took this picture remained motionless, allowing the opponent to slaughter it.

Moreover, Durandal also noticed that during the whole process, the pilot did not respond and did not say a word, just like a human being quietly welcoming the arrival of death.

"It is absolutely impossible for our pilot to be such an incompetent person."

After the video ended, Halbarton made a strong promise.

With a flash in his eyes, Durandal already realized that Halbaton seemed to be hiding something, but this was also irrelevant.

"It's a demonstration. A demonstration from Free."

Durandal made an assessment.

"Yes. Our pilots were also sent back with this video. Back then, they just disabled the mobile suit and captured all the pilots they sent out."

"All captives? Can this kind of thing be done?"

Durandal shrank his pupils and said in surprise.

"We don't know how they managed to capture all the pilots we sent without hurting a single person."

Halbaton was silent for a moment, then stood up.

"Compared to words, it's better to see it with your own eyes! Take a look at our pilot."

Moon, Smith Sea.

Free Empire, royal palace, back garden.

Surrounded by the maids, Shanamia, the princess in charge of the Free Empire, walked slowly into this back garden she liked quite a bit.

This is a sanctuary to escape the busy government affairs and relax a little.

Although this refuge does not allow Shanamia to avoid those troubles, it is already a rare place in terms of the current experience of the Free Empire.

"His Royal Highness, Chief Chief Dania is asking to see you."

As Shanamia thought, the rest time ended soon.

"Well, let Chief Zai come over!"

Shanamia, who was viewing the flowers, straightened up and walked towards the gazebo while giving instructions.

Not long after, an old man with a long beard led the imperial civil servants to assist Shanamia in ruling Dania-Gade, led by guards, into the back garden after the death of the previous emperor of Free.

"Dania Gade pays homage to Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Excuse me! Chief Zai Shi. Is there any urgent matter at this time?"

Shanamia sat upright, waiting for the respected old man to speak.

"Yes! Your Royal Highness. It's about the human base."

"Oh? Shouldn't this be reported by the spy chief?"

Dania, the chief minister of the empire, is not in charge of intelligence matters. The person in charge of intelligence is another person, a man named Caroline Wei.

"Yes. But the current situation is a bit special! Therefore, after discussing with Chief Spy Carolan, I decided to speak to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Dania nodded and said respectfully.

"Well, I see! Tell me! Chief Zaishi."

With Shanamiya's permission, Dania organized the language a little bit.

"Recently, the spies sent by the Freedom Empire discovered that a strange fleet has ushered in that human base. Judging from the size and characteristics of this fleet, it seems to be an armed force owned by a country called Zaff Special fleet."

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【Roar of the machine lion】【】

"Is it? Is it the country that uses genetic technology to modify the human body? I remember that in the information submitted by the spies, this country seems to be an enemy of the Earth Alliance that rules this planet."

Shanamiya recalled a little, and then remembered the information collected by the imperial spies.

"That's true. But the situation has changed now. Now this Earth Sphere is being invaded by a monster from another planet. The Earth Alliance that ruled the Earth Sphere according to the intelligence has been seriously damaged, and I'm afraid it will no longer be able to pose any threat to China in a short time. "

Dania slowed down, waiting for Shanamiya to understand his words a little bit, and then continued.

"Because of this, after the human base belonging to the United Earth encountered us, it is very likely that it sent an invitation to join hands with it. The purpose is to deal with the emergence of our Free Empire."

Hearing this, Shanami Ya suddenly showed a wry smile. UU Reading www.

"Are we self-defeating?"

The meaning of Shanamia's words is that in that encounter, the Holy Knights of the Free Empire defeated the third squadron from the Ptolemy base with overwhelming force, and avoided any casualties. In the case of the situation, all the pilots were captured.

"No. This is a necessary display of strength! Your Royal Highness. When encountering strange forces, an appropriate display of strength is the basis for ensuring peaceful exchanges between the two parties."

Dania said with a serious expression.

"Well, that's true. I was a little shaken. So, what does Chief Zaishi mean, is it possible for the human base to contact us Fuli again on the basis of finding an ally?"

Shanami Ya nodded and expressed her thoughts.

"Very likely! But there is another possibility."

"Is there another fight?"

Shanamiya frowned slightly, looking at the flowers outside the gazebo.

She was the one who ordered the capture of the pilot to the Holy Knights.

She was also the one who ordered the release of the captives after the battle in order to avoid another fight.

However, Shanamia now finds that these well-intentioned actions do not seem to have the expected results.

"Chief Zaishi. How likely is it that there will be another fight?"

"Your Highness, this, I can't give an accurate result. Besides, during this period of time, we gathered all the information we could gather and found that this place is not the earth we are familiar with!"

"That is to say, this earth does not have the seeds of life that we Fury spread at that time! For us Fury, this world, this earth, is unknown and strange!"