Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 864: free rebellion

soaring flames,

Rumbling explosions roar,

In an instant, it caused a commotion among countless people.

"what's going on?"

Aesiram, who just fell asleep, rushed out of the room before he even had time to change into his pajamas.

"It's commotion! Princess Aesiram."

Fortunately, the moment he opened the door, Aesiram saw Lei Mingkai's figure.

"Okay. I'll change into casual clothes as soon as possible!"

After looking around the corridor, Aesiram looked down at the nightdress he was wearing, gritted his teeth, and went back to the room to change into clothes that were easy to move.

Neither Lei Mingkai nor Esailam thought it was a commotion as simple as that.

Even with the arrival of diplomatic missions from three countries, there will be a commotion on their first night in Forli?

This unusual commotion is definitely more than that simple on the surface.

It is very possible that they are going to run away!

"Type Zero, can you see something?"

After asking his subordinates to get in touch with Dannu's son as soon as possible, Lei Mingkai sent an inquiry to the white cat Zero.

"No, you can't see anything yet? Let me go up and take a look."

When the white cat Zero responded to Lei Mingkai's inquiry in his mind, he also jumped to the top floor in a few jumps, watching the surrounding situation condescendingly.

The pulsating flames were reflected in the golden animal pupils, and they could see through the unusual movement hidden behind the flames.

A heavily armed soldier shuttled through the streets. Behind these soldiers, there was a figure in white clothes with weak hands and feet, but clenched his teeth and persisted.

I saw these people following behind the soldiers, crossing the streets, and finally came to an unknown building that was heavily guarded by soldiers. When they reappeared, they were already armed with live ammunition, or driving It looked like a frame of mechas appeared.

"This, this is a rebellion?!"

The eyes of the white cat Zero shrank suddenly, realizing the meaning behind the commotion.

"Hey! Kai. Looks like we must return to the Sons of Danu soon! There's a rebellion in this city!"

Lei Mingkai was surprised by the notification from White Cat Zero.


Lei Mingkai knew that Freeh would rebel.

However, I never expected that it would happen on the first night of the arrival of these diplomatic missions.

"Princess Athiram! We must return to the Sons of Danu at once."


As for Halbaton and Durandal, Lei Mingkai believed that with the eyes of these two old foxes, he would definitely make the same judgment.

Besides, when they made the decision to go to this strange and mysterious country in person, these two old foxes were probably ready to retreat at any time, right?

Amidst the hurried and chaotic footsteps, the Free soldier who was blocking the door was knocked down by the white cat Zero who arrived earlier.

"Quick! Get in the car!"

While the guards quickly occupied the defensive position, Lei Mingkai also protected Esther Elam and boarded the vehicle parked on the side.

"Don't worry! I checked! These cars are fine!"

Inside the car, the white cat Zero nodded towards Lei Mingkai and Aisai Ram.

"Shall I open the way?"

"No! Wait first. Let's withdraw first!"

Lei Mingkai prevented the White Cat Zero from volunteering.

For some reason, there was something familiar about the rebellion.

If we rashly let the white cat Zero show up to open the way, I'm afraid it will attract the black hand hidden behind the scenes, and then I'm afraid it will be troublesome.

"Your Highness. It is the person who the earth is united with."

Hearing this, Lei Mingkai looked back, and it turned out that people from both Halbaton and Durandal ran out of the building in unison.

"I didn't expect everyone in Britannia to move so quickly! Sure enough, the young people are still quick to respond. I really have to obey the old."

When Halbaton saw Lei Mingkai protecting Aesiram, he immediately laughed a few times.

Lei Mingkai's eyes flashed, and he looked towards Durandal, and happened to meet the masked man guarding Durandal.

In an instant, a wave of hostility arose in the hearts of the two of them at the same time.

Lei Mingkai didn't say anything yet.

Holy Lion Knight himself was puzzled.

I have never met this stranger who is said to be from the Britannian Empire. Why is the hostility in my heart so violent and difficult to control?

"I wanted to have a chat with everyone in Britannia, but the current situation is no longer suitable. How about we join hands to break through?"

Durandal looked left and right at the number of personnel from the three parties, and after estimating in his mind, he offered to propose the possibility of the three parties joining forces.

"Well, it does. I don't have any problems here. Just the Britannia folks?"

Halbotton kicked the ball to Lei Mingkai's side without a few words.

"Yes! But you must obey the command!"

These two old foxes were relaxed, they were testing the situation here in a few words.

Lei Mingkai didn't care.

Because, no matter how hard the two old foxes try to find out the details here, I'm afraid they won't be able to get to the bottom of it.


The convoy formed by the three parties rushed out of the foothold of the diplomatic mission and dispersed at the first fork.

It's just that the other two groups of people are just smoke bombs to attract attention.

However, Lei Mingkai's team has excellent eyes leading the way.

"Turn right at the next intersection, and after 150 meters, turn right into the small road."

On the top of the building where the convoy passed, a pair of golden animal pupils took in all the surrounding movements.

The slightest movement in this area is regarded as the possibility of guiding the convoy to the port smoothly.

"It seems that the Britannian Empire is indeed capable."

Halbaton sighed sincerely after the convoy rushed out of the path and could finally see the outline of the port.

"Indeed. In this unfamiliar territory, being able to find the retreat route so quickly and accurately, no, even Zaft can't do it."

Durandal's words got Halbaton's approval.

"The United Earth can't do it either."

The two old foxes looked at each other, but they didn't know what to do in their hearts.

Gunshots tore through the night sky,

It also caused the beautiful maids to fall into a pool of blood.

"You guys! What on earth are you trying to do? You want to murder His Royal Highness Princess Shanamia!"

Chief Chief Dania looked away from the maids lying in a pool of blood, glaring at the soldiers with guns, and glaring at the biochemical soldiers who only knew orders.

"Where is there! Your Excellency, Chief Zaishi, you are serious! We are not trying to murder His Royal Highness Princess Shanamia!"

Sure enough, a familiar voice quietly sounded from behind the biochemical soldier.

Chief Chief Dania's gaze changed, and he pointed at the man in horror.

"Carolan-Wei!? As the chief spy of the Freedom Empire, you actually did such a rebellious thing?!"

"Rebellious?! Chief Zaishi, you are too serious! We are not rebellious people. We just want the empire to become better!"

The bald head was so glaring under the light, as if the grinning face frightened Shanamiya.

"Better?! Caroline Spy! What the **** are you doing?"

Shanamia pointed at the maids lying in a pool of blood.

"This is the means to make the empire better?!"

Carolan sneered a few times, not caring about Shanamiya's accusation at all.

"It's just a few cyborgs! Your Highness, as long as you want it, we will definitely compensate Her Highness afterwards."


The clever Shanamia immediately caught the flaw in Carolan's words.

Caroline was taken aback for a moment, then laughed a few times.

"That's all! As expected of Princess Shanamia. That's right! We have grasped the key to the recovery of the Free Empire! Now, the only thing left is you, Princess Shanamia!"

"The key to recovery?!"

Dania's expression changed, and she quickly took a step forward, standing in front of Shanamiya.

"Impossible! That machine has been lost in the original world! You can't find that machine!"

"Haha! Yes! It was originally impossible! However, our chief knight can make the impossible possible!"

Carolan's face became more and more ferocious.

He raised his finger and gave an order sternly.

"Kill that old guy! Then bring Princess Shanamia over!"


Gunshots rang out.

blood blooms,

It was the figure of Caroline rolling to the ground. UU Reading

"How is it possible?!"

Under the crisis of life and death, Carolan rolled over and over again, hid behind the pillar, and looked at the gunshot wound on his right arm in shock.

If it wasn't for his instinctive avoidance, he, the spy chief who was walking on the tip of a knife, would have been murdered to death by someone, that damned old man.

"Nothing is impossible! Carolan Spy Chief. I am the Free Empire Chief Steward. There must be some way to prevent accidents!"

Dania made a move with his right hand, and the situation was instantly reversed.

The biochemical soldier who was originally under the orders of Carolan changed from a rebel to a guardian protecting Dania and Shanamia.

"Hey cough ha ha ha ha ha ha! You are indeed the head of the slaughter, but do you think that this will turn the situation around?"

Carolan leaned back against the pillar and laughed loudly.

In his hand, he pressed the button of the communicator.

In less than a few minutes, the new biochemical soldiers will arrive here.

Therefore, Dania and Shanamia are still caged birds, with no possibility of escape.

Dania felt that what Carolan said was true.

Without hesitation, he turned to look at Shanamiya, and said in a low voice:

"Her Royal Highness, evacuate now. If you stay here like this, I'm afraid it will fall into their control."

"The head of the slaughter. But"

Shanamiya hesitated for a moment, but was interrupted by Dania.

"His Royal Highness, you must evacuate immediately!"

Dania gritted her teeth, her gaze became more determined.

"If, if what Carolan said is correct, the machine that Freery lost, the throne machine, may have fallen into the hands of Gurendon. If this is the case, Grundun will not let go of his control The key to the throne machine is you, Her Royal Highness Shanamia-Eterna Fora, who possesses the power of Fury's blood."