Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 865: Her Majesty the Escaped Princess! !

The gale scorched by the flames swept through the alleys, swept across the streets, and also swept up the coats worn by the men standing on high places overlooking the entire city.

Amidst the sound of the hem of his clothes being billowed by the wind, the silver-haired man turned his head, looked behind him, and looked at the burly figure who stepped up to the high place.

"Although I expected it, I didn't expect that His Excellency the chief knight would launch the plan tonight! It's really unexpected!"

The chief knight is the man who commands the Paladins, the man with great reputation, Gurendon Goz.

"Do you think we are too hasty?"

Glendon walked to the side of the silver-haired man, overlooking the city below, without being disturbed by the flames that were gradually engulfing the city.

"No. It's just that I feel a little surprised. According to common sense, there must be a process of preparation for such a big event."

The silver-haired man smiled and said casually.

"Process? Maybe!"

Granton said in a deep voice.

"If we are still in the heyday of Freery, it will indeed take some time. But now Freery has lost too much. It is also at this time that we have changed a little bit. What we have launched is just biochemicals that obey orders. Just soldiers."

While speaking, a slight sound of footsteps stepped onto the high platform.

"My lord, more than 90% of the biochemical soldiers have been awakened! At the same time, our vanguard has also controlled all the dormant pods."

It is a spy under the command of Carolan Spy Chief.

"How about the loss?"

Granton nodded slowly.

"In the process of seizing the dormant chamber, our personnel did not suffer any losses. It's just that the spy chief Carolan seems to have encountered some obstacles."


Grunton's gaze changed slightly, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Among the entire operation, the most important one was the one that Carolan was in charge of.

Even if the actual control of Fury is successfully seized, the existence of Shanamia is still necessary!

Otherwise, all Grenton got was Fry on the surface.

"Yes! Carolan is waiting to communicate with you now."

The spy seemed a little terrified.

This made Grunton's face darken.

After connecting to the communication, what appeared in front of Grunton was the tragic scene of Corollan being shot several times.

Seeing that the right arm was almost broken, leaving only a sliver of skin and flesh, Gulendon's face softened a little.

"Master Spy. Thank you for your hard work! Now, let's go for medical treatment immediately!"

Caroline pulled the corner of her mouth vigorously, trying to show that she was fine, but after she couldn't do it, she could only say weakly:

"My lord, I'm very sorry! I was tricked by that old guy! Her Royal Highness Princess Shanamia has escaped from the palace under the cover of that old guy."


Grunton's face changed, and he almost yelled, but he finally endured it.

"Send people immediately to intercept Princess Shanamia! Where's that old Dania?"

"Dead! Under the attack of the biochemical soldiers who arrived later, that old guy was beaten into a hornet's nest."

"Really? Forget it! Be sure to find Her Royal Highness Princess Shanamia as soon as possible! This is the key to our next step!"

"Yes! Lord Chief Knight!"

And the silver-haired man who stood aside and witnessed the whole process said with a little regret.

"It's rare that you finally found the long-lost treasure, but accidentally lost the key to unlock it. Destiny is such a goddess who likes to play tricks!"

"Fate? It's just a joke!"

Glenton snorted coldly, looked away from the city below, and landed on the spy who was waiting for the next order.

"Send the order! Let the Paladins block the port! No one is allowed to leave the port, or they will be killed without mercy!"

The spy was taken aback, and subconsciously asked:

"Those diplomatic missions appear to be moving towards the port."

"Those who trespass on the port will be killed without mercy!"

Glendon ordered with a murderous look.

He knew very well that Shanamia had only one way to go after leaving the palace.

That is leaving Forry through the port.

Only in this way can Shanamia escape from her grasp in a short time!

Moreover, on this road, the only possibility of success is the three diplomatic missions.

No matter which diplomatic mission left the port smoothly, it would inevitably lead to Princess Shanamia's successful separation from Free, and then Grenton would lose complete control of the lost and recovered throne machine.

The heat wave brought by the strong wind became hotter and hotter, making the blood in Gurendon's body become hotter and hotter.


From the previous emperor to Shanamiya who is now in charge and implementing the assimilation plan, Fury has not only failed to recover, but has become weaker and weaker.

If things go on like this, Fury will inevitably usher in the end of demise.

Fortunately, before the demise came, the throne machine lost due to the upheaval of the world returned again and returned to the hands of Gulan Dun Goze.

He, the chief knight, Granton Goetz, will never allow another ending that leads to Freery's demise to happen.

The throne machine, which is regarded as the highest and the strongest symbol of Free, can only be held in his hands.

At the same time, the same is true for Her Royal Highness Princess Shanamia who is integrated with the throne machine.

Hot blood surged into his heart, giving Glandon incomparable strength.

"Order! I want to activate that machine. Let Princess Shanamia see who is really in control of Fury's future!"

"Is Your Excellency Gurendon going to attack?"

The silver-haired man asked.

"Hmm! Are you also interested?"

Grunton stopped in his tracks, and a hint of interest flashed in his eyes.

During the delivery of the throne machine by the other party, he also saw the strange machine that he had never seen before parked next to the throne machine.

Presumably, that is the body of the man in front of him who calls himself!

"Hehe! It's just that my hands are itchy. What's more, I seem to see an old friend among those people."

The silver-haired man smiled and said indifferently.

"Oh, is that so? Then, how about I let the knights not disturb Your Majesty's pleasure?"

"Thank you sir!"

"Haha! It's okay! Let me see what your Excellency is capable of!"

"Okay! I hope you won't be disappointed, Lord Chief Knight!"

"No problem!"

In the hot wind sweeping the flames, the white cat Zero watched every move around him.

Suddenly, a trace of killing intent from afar made the fluff all over the white cat's body tremble, and instantly stood up.

"Killing intent!? Has it been discovered?"

The white cat's zero-style figure flickered continuously, and after rapidly changing several directions, it finally landed on the roof of a building before carefully searching the surroundings.

As a result, no abnormalities were found.

"Wrong induction? No, it's impossible! That killing intent is real! Who is it?"

Just when the white cat Zero wanted to search more carefully, its eyes suddenly stopped, and it suddenly fell in a certain alley.

"Kai! Turn left 50 meters ahead, turn right after the first intersection, and go forward 50 meters!"

After quickly notifying Lei Mingkai, the figure of the white cat Zero flickered again and went straight to the location it found.

rapid panting,

The strength that quickly disappears,

The faster the heavy steps,

And the sweat that keeps rising, slipping from the forehead, across the cheeks, dripping, and wet the collar,

They are all telling Shanamia Eterna Fura,

They are all telling Her Royal Highness Princess Free,

The body can no longer hold on.

Now that I'm about to run out,

There was a burst of chaotic and hurried footsteps from behind.

It's bio soldiers!

Killing machines that only know how to obey orders.

In front of these killing machines that only obey the orders of the Holy Knights and that man,

The name of the princess of the Free Empire, Shanamia Eterna Fura, is nothing more than a false existence.

There is no way to defeat the man's words.


Amidst the exclamation, Shanamiya fell to the ground with her legs limp.

The luxurious and soft clothes on his body were immediately covered with countless dust, and what was more serious, the hem of the skirt was caught by the sundries beside him, tearing a big gap.

Shanamiya, who exhausted her whole body, could hardly feel the pain of falling to the ground, she only knew how to struggle to get up as much as possible, and escape from here as soon as possible.

The footsteps were getting closer.

The biochemical soldiers got closer and closer.

Suddenly, the chaotic and hurried footsteps stopped.

Shanamia turned her head subconsciously, and the shadows scattered in the swaying firelight immediately enveloped her. UU reading

It's bio-soldiers.

Those who are silent, only know to obey orders to get biochemical soldiers.

Even though the faces of these biochemical soldiers were covered by large helmets, Shanamia still felt the cold gaze from these killing machines.

"Are you going to be captured?"

Shanamiya gritted her teeth and tried her best.

"I'm Shanamia Eterna Fura. Soldier! Stop!"

However, Shanamia's stop did not stop the biochemical soldiers from rounding her up.

Silent soldiers came from all directions, surrounded Shanamiya in the middle, and completely blocked her way out.

Now, Shanamia Eterna Fora, the Princess Fry is a bird in a cage!

"Chief Zaishi, it seems that I can't escape from here either! Sorry!"

Dania's fate is already known to Shanamiya.

In order to allow her to escape smoothly, Chief Chief Dania may be in danger.

But, now, Shanamiya is ashamed of her sacrifice to Dania.

The encirclement of biochemical soldiers is getting smaller and smaller.

Shanamia lost the strength to resist, let alone escape from the shadows.

All he could do was wait for the final outcome of being brought back.

"Get down!"

The moment the biochemical soldiers were about to touch Shanamiya, a loud shout woke Shanamiya up, and made her instinctively obey the words and quickly lay down her body.


A thunderous roar shook the alley, the huge steel body broke away from the encirclement of biochemical soldiers, and shrouded Shanamia in the flickering flames again.

And in the flames, a figure stretched out its hand towards Shanamia.

"Surprised you! Her Royal Highness Princess Shanamia!"