Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 879: abnormal time and space

Klein's house.

Lux, who went home first, sat in front of the dressing table, quietly flipping through Kelia's diary.


There was a brief knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Lacus withdrew her thoughts from the diary and looked towards the door.

With the sound of the door lock turning, Yemengade appeared in front of Lacus.

"Miss. I'm very sorry! I disturbed your interest!"

"No. Don't worry about it."

When Lacus was about to say that it was just to pass the time, she suddenly felt that this seemed to be disrespectful to Kelia's diary, so she changed the subject.

"Is something wrong, Rita?"

Ye Mengjiade bowed and said in a deep voice:

"Miss Mayu successfully passed the actual combat test, and is now tentatively designated as the pilot of Destiny No. 1. The rest is the transfer order from Zaft."

"Well. Although this is inevitable, it should also be worthy of being happy for Mayu."

Lux pondered for a moment, then looked at Yermungandr.

"Rita. Do you think the Chancellor will let Mayo board that ship?"

Yemengard shook his head, showing regret.

"I'm afraid it can't be done. We haven't concealed Mayu's identity from the beginning. What is the relationship between Mayu and Zhen-Asuka? The speaker must know it. So, no matter how good Mayu performed, I think it will Will not be transferred to that ship for that."

After a while, Yemengade revealed another piece of information.

"After the actual combat test of Destiny No. 1 aircraft, it seems that Zhen-Asuka was temporarily seconded to the First Fleet. It will last for a month."

"A month?"

Lacus was a little surprised.

Although the Minerva is currently in a rest period, in terms of the current situation, the surrounding environment may deteriorate at any time.

At that time, in Durandal's mind, the Minerva, which best represents Zaft's strongest combat power, will probably lead the battle.

At this critical moment, Durandal was willing to loan the real bird to the First Fleet?

It seems that he wants that holy lion knight to teach Zhen-Asuka, right?

Lux suddenly felt that there was something wrong with her avoiding the Holy Lion Knight during the day?

Among other things, the inability to know the true face of this so-called holy lion knight in person has already made Lux feel a little weird.

"On the side of the First Fleet, just let it go! Our attention here is still the fate plan."

After pondering for a moment, Lux finally decided to ignore this so-called holy lion knight and leave it to someone to deal with.

"Huh? That's right. Is there something going on with Kai? Durandal is very forbearing. After he came back, he didn't leak anything. Even if the Supreme Council tried its best, he couldn't let him tell the situation on the moon. .”

Yemengard organized some language a little bit, and revealed amazing information about Fury.

"Actually, it's not Durandal's fault. In fact, on the first night of the Ptolemaic base and the arrival of the tripartite diplomatic mission of the Britannian Empire, Freeh rebelled. From the results, the support for Shana Princess Mia's Emperor Supporting Faction was almost completely wiped out, and the Cavaliers Faction headed by Chief Knight Grunton succeeded in taking the throne, and won Freery's right to speak by virtue of the throne machine, which is the symbol of Freery's royal power."


Lux was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that her risk estimate for Fury was still low.

But having said that, who would have thought that on the first night when the diplomatic missions of the three major forces arrived, there would be a sudden rebellion?

Perhaps, this is also an uncontrollable accidental factor?

"Let me guess what will happen next. Although your Excellency the Speaker is fine, he still suffered a dark loss. As for our Prince, who seemed to have been wronged, he was rewarded in this rebellion." The most profitable one."

Listening to Lux's words about describing how Lei Mingkai profited from the Fury rebellion, Yemengara was at a loss for words, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

Seeing Yemengard's appearance, Lux narrowed her eyes slightly, and there was a dangerous arc at the corner of her mouth.

"Rita, Jormungandr, look at you, has our prince abducted a princess back home?"


very dangerous!

Extremely dangerous!

In an instant, the master of the gray world, who had been walking on the edge of the world for many years and had experienced life and death, felt a little fear.

"Yes. Princess Shanamia was rescued by His Highness on the way to escape. According to the news from Pandoragon, Princess Shanamia is discussing with His Majesty Euphemia how to restore the country."

After all, he is the Lord of the Gray World, Yermungandr!

She still withstood the pressure and told the information from the imperial capital Pandulongong one by one.

With the narration of these information, the dark clouds around Lacus gradually cleared up.

The gentle and charming diva appeared in front of Yermungandr again.

"Really? That's fine! At least Euphemia can control it."

Lacus closed the diary and looked out the window.

"So, what is Kay doing now?"

Yemengard replied.

"In fact, the invasion just encountered was not accidental."

"Oh? Is it a large-scale BETA invasion? Has Kai gone to investigate?"

The clever Lacus guessed someone's whereabouts at once.

In the vast space, the blue planet is gradually covering the star that humans regard as the source of life, casting its shadow on a spaceship that has entered the gravitational slingshot stage.


The automatic light adjustment system turned on the light source in time when the earth's scattered shadows completely enveloped the spaceship, allowing bright light to fill the cabin again.

"Kai. I didn't expect you to choose to go to the singularity alone to investigate."

The white cat Zero was lying in the passenger seat, flicking its tail lazily.

"It's just a little curiosity! What's more, I don't know if it is a singularity. In addition, the sons of Danu should stay on the throne for the time being! After all, they have not yet fully familiarized themselves with the space environment."

After Lei Mingkai set up the autopilot program, he stretched his body, picked up the files next to him, and began to look through them.

The white cat Zero raised his eyes weakly, and glanced at the document in Lei Mingkai's hand.

It is also written in large fonts - "A conjecture about how to accurately project objects and life to the predetermined position when the abnormal space-time force field resonates."

"You don't need to read it. It's basically confirmed. When those damned bugs appear, they can be sure that they are inseparable from the aftermath of the world's upheaval."

White Cat Zero muttered a few times, turned over, and continued:

"As soon as those bugs appeared, fragments from that world entered this world, either fused or decomposed. Now, the abnormalities we can find are probably those world fragments that can still be fused in."

"Really? Then, those colonial satellites are not aliens here, right?"

Through the gravitational slingshot, the spaceship that gained enough speed quickly rushed out of the back of the earth and went straight to the abnormal area.

In terms of time, it didn't take much time for Lei Mingkai to reach the abnormal area.

However, the moment the spaceship entered the abnormal area, the instruments of the entire spaceship suddenly went "crazy".

All the readings on the instruments went up and down, big or small, upside down, and it was impossible to confirm the current situation and the coordinates of Lei Mingkai's location from any instrument at all.

The spacecraft that fell into "crazy" has lost control.

No matter what actions Lei Mingkai and White Cat Zero took, this "crazy" spaceship could no longer hear any human words.

The only thing that is clear is the few colonial satellites that are gradually becoming clear outside the porthole.

"Kai! This broken spaceship is out of control! It was captured by the big ones in front."

The white cat Zero raised its paw, patted the console hard, and looked at the increasingly familiar colonial satellites outside the porthole with some frustration.

Long roller shape.

Three solar panels whose length is calculated in kilometers are spread out at a suitable angle, refracting the brilliance from the stars, passing through the high-strength explosion-proof glass below, and bringing a constant temperature brilliance to the living environment inside this steel land .


At the beginning, Lei Mingkai was both familiar with and puzzled by this colonial satellite.

All of a sudden, Lei Mingkai didn't think of the origins of these colonial satellites in front of Until the moment when several bright spots lighted up quietly near these colonial satellites, Lei Mingkai suddenly woke up.

"Is that Iphisio Island?!"

"What?! Iphisio Island?! Are you kidding me? Isn't the colony already blown up?"

The white cat, Zero, was covered in fur, and said in surprise.

Although the white cat Zero is usually lazy, but after Lei Mingkai won the World Gunpla Championship, he ruthlessly supplemented his knowledge about Gundam.

Among them, it remembers the terrible event of the colonial satellite crash represented by Iphisio Island.

Lei Mingkai closed his eyes and exhaled slowly.

"No mistake! It's Iphisio Island!"

Counting thousands of times, Lei Mingkai didn't count the fragments of the world drifting here, but it turned out to be the space domain where Iffixiu Island is located.

And, still intact, the island of Iphisio, where life still exists.

In other words, those few stars that are hovering around Iphisio Island.

Perhaps it was the Zeon fleet that carried out this heinous plan at that time, causing countless people to lose their lives.

"Kai, wait! There's a situation! Those nasty bugs are coming! Right there!"

According to Lei Mingkai's personality, the white cat's zero-type mind will definitely take action to prevent the tragedy of Ifhe Island from happening.


Right now is not a good time to let Lei Mingkai's knight plot unfold.

Because, they, those bugs showed up.

Maybe it's a coincidence,

Maybe it's the reason why some white cat zero-types don't know.

those bugs,

The location where BETA appeared was actually opposite them,

It is the space domain in the direction of the end of Iphisio Island.

There, there happened to be a considerable number of Zeon fleets.

It is conceivable that a big battle broke out!