Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 905: new trajectory

The **** night passed after all.

Under Kayneth's order, the main force that originally went to the small town of Ornberry to wipe out the so-called "Mafty" organization finally arrived before the Zerg monsters broke through the central defense line of the city, and immediately launched defenses fight back.

In the sea of ​​flames, the city did not know how many people it lost and how much money it lost. The only thing we know is that the Davao base still suffered a lot after receiving the strength of the main force that came back. .

well-trained soldiers,

armored car,


Even expensive MS,

In this sudden human-insect attack and defense, it became the preliminary estimated loss report in front of Kayneth.

"Send this report back to the headquarters! In addition, the news that several cabinet members died in the attack and the main force could not return in time was also reported to the headquarters."

After casually ordering and letting his subordinates go down to arrange the handover with the headquarters, Kayneth looked at the **** ruins on the main screen with a gloomy expression.

human remains,

corpses of monsters,

broken weapons,

damaged MS,

It has almost become the scenery in the city.

Judging from the footage on the screen, the rescue force has already begun to clean up the area that was invaded by Zerg. From time to time, a burst of rapid gunfire or the roar of the main gun of the armored vehicle can be heard.

Even inadvertently, Kayneth could hear the report from the mobile suit team on the edge of the city.

So far, this defensive battle has passed.

Kayneth tightly held the whip with both hands, and looked at his adjutant.

"How's that Ryan guy?"

The reason why the main force was able to return to defend Davao in time was due to Kayneth's own strategic sense, but in fact, it was due to the hard work of Keenbare's troops and others.

Especially Ren, this young pilot who he thought had only excellent ability to test the performance of mobile suits but lacked actual combat ability, interrupted the offensive of those terrifying zergs in one fell swoop in that extremely anxious situation, thus creating In order to allow Davao's garrison troops to breathe, and to delay the time until the main force returns to defense.

I'm afraid Ren, a young pilot, will take the lion's share of the credit for this.

"Yes! Lieutenant Ren-Aim was not injured. But it seems that the current situation is not very good because of the frequent use of MS maneuvers that exceed the carrying capacity of humans during the battle."

"Not too good?"

Kayneth frowned.

He didn't know what happened to Rennes in that explosive attack.

Kayneth had no way of knowing just the adjutant's retelling of the medical report from the front line.

"Arrange it, let Renn return to the base for treatment first. Also, what about the situation of Penelope Gundam?"

As one of Davao's elite forces, Kayneth is also unwilling to see Penelope Gundam having problems like Rennes.

"Yes! According to the preliminary inspection at the scene, most of the Penelope Gundams were irradiated by high-energy beams, which caused damage to multiple outer armors."

"Just the outer armor damage?"

Kayneth was a little surprised.

Even Kayneth, who is in the Davao base, can still see a clue of the high-energy light beam irradiation mentioned by the adjutant from the surveillance video of the city.

There is no doubt that it is a high-energy beam that can rival the power of a battleship's main gun.

Moreover, its working principle is beyond Kayneth's understanding of battleship main guns.

As if, like damage from a laser, rather than a particle beam.

"Yes! During the battle, Lieutenant Renn seemed to have made a series of high-mobility actions, and at the cost of armor damage, he successfully wiped out some abnormal individuals in the Zerg army."

The adjutant nodded, and took out a blurry copy of the image from the folder.

"Commander, this is the preliminary image extracted from the onboard camera system of the Penelope Gundam. The ones on the screen are abnormal individuals that can emit high-energy beams similar to the power of the battleship's main gun."

"Give these materials to the staff of the headquarters. This is their specialization."

After Kayneth glanced at the blurry copy of the image, he lost interest.

Now for Kayneth, the problems caused by the whole city are enough to make him burnt out.

Even though he had already prepared the means to deal with the aftermath, Kayneth didn't have the extra energy to take care of other things in a short time.

Suddenly, Kayneth seemed to remember something.

"You, do you have a report from the central hospital?"

Finally, Kayneth remembered the matter of arranging Lei Mingkai and Hathaway in the central hospital and sending an elite team to protect them.

The adjutant was taken aback for a moment, then his expression became tense.

Tonight was a sleepless night for Kayneth, but the same applies to the adjutant.

"Yes, it is!"

The adjutant gritted his teeth, and finally said the report he had just received.

"At the same time that the battle in the urban area was basically over, we received a report. It said that the team that was clearing out the remaining zerg in the urban area found the ambulance protected by the elite team sent by my base. From the car and Judging from the scattered objects around and the information obtained after contacting the central hospital, the target people protected by this elite team are Lei Mingkai and Hathaway-Noah."

"However, our people did not find traces of Lei Mingkai and Hathaway-Noah around."


Kayneth immediately thought of this possibility.

But judging from the adjutant's expression, the elite team that went to protect the two under his order was probably in danger.

Under the previous terrifying scene of purgatory, a battle where an elite squad could easily be destroyed, what could a seriously wounded man and a young man do?

Kayneth's rationality constantly analyzed various possibilities.

But Kayneth's sensibility told him that Lei Mingkai and Hathaway would not die because of this.

"When there is spare manpower, send more people to search for their whereabouts."

In the end, Kayneth made this arrangement.

"Yes! Commander."


Just when the adjutant was about to execute the order, Kayneth suddenly stopped him.

"Notify the local agencies in Davao, I ordered in my capacity and authority as the commander of the federal military base in Davao, in view of the current impact of the Zerg invasion, my Davao base will take over the city to prepare for the second attack of the Zerg army Invasion. Therefore, the local agencies in Davao are requested to immediately organize manpower to evacuate the citizens and count the materials involved in the city for use by our base in subsequent military operations.”

After Kayneth finished speaking, he paused, and added another sentence.

"At the same time, send this request to the Federation Headquarters!"

There is no doubt that this will be a request from the military base led by Kayneth to take over Davao directly.

Just on the first day of taking office, under this sudden situation, he proposed to completely take over the local organization in Davao.

Leaving Davao alone, will the Federation agree to Kayneth's somewhat unreasonable request?

The adjutant didn't know, the only thing he knew was to follow Kayneth's request.

It was only the first day, and Kayneth's wrist and ability had already been verified in this sudden attack.

The sound of the oars paddling the sea sounded again and again.

under the stars,

In the light of the burning city reddening the sky,

A raft used by local residents is slowly heading towards the depths of the sea.

On the raft, there were four figures sitting front and back.

A boy in a coat and shorts.

Hathaway in thought,

Lei Mingkai closed his eyes and meditated,

And Qiqi Andalusia, who was sitting behind Lei Mingkai, wearing a coat that Lei Mingkai found.

It was the dark-skinned young man in a jacket who rowed the oars and drove the raft.

While swiping, the boy's eyes sometimes turned between Hathaway, Lei Mingkai, and Qiqi, and sometimes looked at the city engulfed in flames in the distance.

Most of the time, the boy's gaze was on the city engulfed in flames from a distance.

"Is your family in the city?"

Hathaway, who recovered from his contemplation, noticed the boy's gaze.

"No. At the time of the attack, my family had already boarded the fishing boat and left the city immediately."

The boy shook his head and smiled.

As coastal residents who rely on the sea to eat the sea, the boy's family can be said to act quickly.


Hathaway froze for a moment, then nodded.

But in his heart, he knew how much fish had been caught in offshore fishing grounds all over the mainland since the rebellion in UC0093.

Fishermen along the coast are already in a rather difficult situation.

But Hathaway couldn't open his mouth to ask the young man in front of him these questions.

"Is it here?"

At this time, Lei Mingkai's figure came from behind.

When the young man heard the words, he suddenly said loudly.

"Yeah. That's it. The red-haired big sister said, just let me send you here."

Big sister with red hair.

Undoubtedly, it was Aimee who was in charge of supporting Hathaway among Mafty. UU reading

At the same time, he is also the new mobile operator in the play who accompanied Hathaway to space to welcome the arrival of Cosy Gundam.

From the conversation between the young man and Hathaway, it is not difficult to see that under the arrangement of Aimee, the three people who escaped from the protection of the elite team at the Davao base by "taking advantage of the chaos" boarded this place. A boy's raft.


Under the night sky that was dyed red by fiery red light, there was a faint sound of an engine and the sound of waves being broken.


Hathaway raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, when a light came on, a yacht slowly changed direction, and by virtue of the inertia before the engine was turned off, the small platform behind the boat approached the raft.

On the platform, the girl who had been turned into a red-haired big sister by the teenager stood under the light and waved at Hathaway and the others.


"Thank you! Aimee."

Hathaway nodded towards the boy, then stood up and grabbed Aimee's right hand that was stretched out.

"Hathaway, who are they?"

Aimee noticed Lei Mingkai and Qiqi who was following Lei Mingkai.

"This is Lei Mingkai, and she is Qiqi Andalusia."

Although there were accidents in the rescue plan, on the whole, Mafty welcomed its leader back.

Moreover, under Hathaway's temporary decision, Mafti also ushered in new changes.

"Aimee. Tell everyone. We have a new brother and sister."

Lei Mingkai.

The identity of the only surviving MS pilot of the 77th Fleet of the Federal Space Front on the surface made Hathaway feel mysterious, but under this mystery, he felt an extremely familiar sense. From this moment on, accept Hathaway's invitation became a part of Mafty.