Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 914: aftermath

The beam of light that fell from the sky was like a punishment from the kingdom of God, shocking the world.

Even if it was hundreds of nautical miles away from Davao, the Valiant, which had just reunited with Cauchy Gundam, could still be seen clearly.

After the triumphant return, Keshida had not yet welcomed the congratulations from all the members of Mafuti, and landed on the deck of the Valiant in the dazzling brilliance of the monstrous beam of light.

The cockpit opened, revealing a solemn face.

"Satellite Cannon?!"

Such a shocking, yet so familiar scene, Lei Mingkai naturally would not admit his mistake.

In the world view of Gundam, the terrifying weapon that can cause such a huge momentum is probably only the satellite gun, the lethal weapon that can be called terrifying.

However, in UC's world view, it seems that there has never been a satellite gun aimed at the surface bombing.

However, nothing is absolute.

Lei Mingkai jumped from Cauchy Goto and landed on the deck lightly, and looked at Hathaway.

"It's the direction of Davao."

Short words, the information represented is not simple.

satellite cannon,


The seemingly unrelated two have become inseparable the night before.

"It seems that the Federation is determined to get rid of those bugs in one go."

Such a decisive and quick Federation action greatly surprised Lei Mingkai.

Judging from the works of UC in all dynasties, the speed of action of the Federation is often half a beat.

But now,

In front of Lei Mingkai's eyes, he was so quick and decisive that he shot a big killer directly towards the BETA lair that appeared around Davao.

Such a subversive change made Lei Mingkai have to think of Mafti's previous actions.

I am afraid that behind Mafti's actions in the past, there is another force hidden in the shadows, taking advantage of Mafti's opportunity to clear the federal cabinet, and gradually closing up those vacated positions and power.

If this is true, I am afraid that the federation that Mafti will face is probably much stronger than the original federation.

In the dazzling light that drove out the darkness, Lei Mingkai saw the flash in Hathaway's eyes.

Obviously, Hathaway also thought of everything Reminkay had in mind.


Lei Mingkai didn't see the slightest flinch in Hathaway's eyes.

Hathaway's eyes were still melancholy, but he was still walking towards the road of death without hesitation, just like the Hathaway he knew.

"Looks like we have to get in touch with General Kuwak. Can that be done?"

Lei Mingkai asked in a low voice.

Hathaway nodded.

"In a certain sea area, there is a laser communication equipment that we have arranged in advance. Except for emergencies, we generally do not use that equipment. Now it seems that it is just an opportunity."


The roar of the beam of light hitting the ground finally crossed the distance between the land and the sea, resounding in the sea area where the Valiant was located.

"Reborn Financial Giants"

At the same time, along with the roar, came the strong wind that set off layers of huge waves.

"Everyone, grab what's around you!

quick! "

When Hathaway saw it, he immediately shouted.

The fast-eyed Mafuti members naturally won't have any problems.

However, standing not far away, looking at Lei Mingkai and Hathaway all the time, Kiki, who tried to intervene in the conversation between the two, was not so lucky.

Just the turbulence caused by the first wave of strong winds has already made this terrifying blond girl who was born in space, grew up in space, and had never seen the earth's oceans unstable under her feet and stumbled towards the winch on one side. past.

"Be careful!"

Lei Mingkai took a stride, stretched out his hand to catch Qiqi, and exerted strength under his feet, pulling himself and Qiqi back to their original positions in one breath.

"Hurry up! Kiki."

The strong and powerful arms made Kiki's mind suddenly stagnate.

"Don't underestimate Earth's oceans. Kiki. It's scary. Much scarier than man-made lakes on colonized satellites."

Hearing Lei Mingkai's words, Kiki involuntarily raised her head to look, but saw Lei Mingkai's solemn gaze staring at the monstrous beam of light.

"He's nervous?!"

Kiki was keenly aware of Lei Mingkai's emotions.

"Don't worry. It's not aimed at us. It won't be aimed at us in the future."

Kiki suddenly said this seemingly unreasonable remark.

"Really? That's fine."

Lei Mingkai naturally believed Kiki's keen intuition.

Otherwise, Lei Mingkai would not have asked Kiki to assist the Valiant in recovering the parts scattered on the sea.

Turning his head slightly, Lei Mingkai saw the storage box that was temporarily placed on the deck, beaten by the waves that rolled and rushed onto the deck.

Judging from the quantity, it should have been almost recovered from the parts storage box.




With the disappearance of the last ray of light, it gradually disappeared.

However, the noise subsided, but the hearts of those who witnessed the earth-shattering scene did not subside.

At Hathaway's suggestion, the Valiant changed its course and headed to the sea where the laser communication equipment that could communicate with General Kuwak was hidden.

No matter how the next situation develops, Lei Mingkai must find a way to know what is going on in the current Federation?

Under Mafti's actions, why did the federation, which was mixed into chaos, act so quickly and decisively to take such an amazing action to wipe out the BETA army that invaded Davao in one fell swoop.

Without the containment of the BETA army, the Davao base will probably be liberated soon.

Orn Bailey,

Do not,

Even the upcoming Adelaide Conference,

Davao base,

I'm afraid Kayneth will appear there!

Although it is not within the range of satellite cannon strikes, the Davao base, which is closer to the satellite cannon strike circle, is now a mess.

Even though the buildings at Davao Base were built according to high-strength standards that could withstand fierce bombing, the materials and equipment placed in the open air were not so lucky to be able to avoid the terrifying shock wave.

So, in the face of the shock wave blowing all over the place with supplies and equipment, Kayneth immediately ordered to let his subordinates clear the take-off runway as much as possible.

In addition, it is to send a group of troops to go out on patrol to strangle the insects that may escape from the attack of satellite cannons.

Standing on the top of the building, looking at the greenery in front of him, all covered by green vegetation, but now it has become a piece of hot magma flowing, charring a large area of ​​the earth, Kayneth is not in the mood. Well done.

The people at this base did not know that before Kayneth took office, he received an extremely secret mission.

Except for him, only the person who posted the task will know the content of the task.

What's more, the content of the quest open to Kayneth did not mention that there would be satellite cannons aimed directly at the surface, aimed at the terrifying content of the city around the city where the Davao base was located.

All of this, only at the moment when the satellite cannon bombed the surface, did Kayneth realize how terrifying the secret mission he received was.

In the airflow disrupted by the intense high temperature, a huge shadow slowly emerged from the sky torn by satellite cannons and hovered over the Davao base.

Gallo House No.

That is the strategic-level super-large equipment of the Federal Army in the atmosphere.

Its appearance made Kayneth's eyes cast a layer of solemnity.

The night will eventually go away.

The dark night, which was torn apart by the strong light of the satellite cannon, did not leave any hesitation, and handed over the sky to the dazzling and scorching sun again.

Standing on the deck, Lei Mingkai looked at the distant sea horizon.

He was thinking about what to do next.

Lists that he knew well kept forming in his mind, only to be deleted in the next second.

Lei Mingkai is trying to rely on his memory of the characters he has memorized to carry out a large-scale elimination, trying to find out the pair of black hands who took advantage of the Mafti chaos and took advantage of the situation to seize federal power.

The Federation that acted resolutely and decisively in this way, can only be seen in Reminkay's memory after the famous speech Lebir made after the defeat of the Battle of Loum.

Besides, in Lei Mingkai's memory, there is no similar scene for the second time.

In the future Federation, in addition to being incompetent, there will only be a dragging image.

"Who is hiding behind the scenes?"

Lei Mingkai thought for a long time, but couldn't find a clue.

"Remington. You are indeed here."

When the golden hair fluttered in the wind, Lei Mingkai's arm was brought into a gentle embrace. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It's Kiki.

Lei Mingkai retracted his gaze from Haiping in the distance and looked at the excited blond girl.

The blond girl's performance at the moment was already significantly different from Kiki Andalusia in Lei Mingkai's memory.

Rather, they are two different people.

In the original book, Kiki Andalusia wandered among the crowd, especially Hathaway and Kayneth, constantly using Kayneth's existence to stimulate Hathaway's nerves.

In front of Lei Mingkai, the image of such a long-sleeved dancer suddenly collapsed and transformed into Kiki Andalusia, who was inclined to the image of a girl.

Such a gap gave Lei Mingkai a sense of unreality.


This is the unreal feeling that Lei Mingkai is familiar with the image of Kiki Andalusia.

For the rest of Mafuti, the girly image that Kiki is showing at this moment is probably more inclined to the excited performance when facing her sweetheart, right?

Lei Mingkai may or may not know this.

But the more important thing right now is to get in touch with Kuvac.

"Did Mafti send you here?"

Lei Mingkai asked softly.

Kiki wrinkled her nose and seemed a little displeased, but she quickly nodded again.

"Yeah. I heard that it is about to reach the designated sea area. Mafti wants you to go to the command cabin."

"OK, all right."

Lei Mingkai responded, and just started to walk, but turned his head to look at Qiqi.

"I heard from everyone in Mafuti. Thanks to your help, Kiki, I was able to keep Keshi Gundam's equipment intact. Thank you for your hard work, Kiki."

Kiki's eyes lit up at Lei Mingkai's thanks.

She shook her head first, then nodded.

"Well. That's what I should do."