Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 915: Kuwak's intelligence

Remember [New] for a second,! Among the undulating waves, a laser communication equipment hidden on the seabed slowly surfaced to the sea the moment it received the start-up command, gradually unfolded according to the expected procedure, and entered the self-check before starting up for the upcoming laser communication. get ready.

And not far from this laser communication device, the freighter named Valiant and its partner ships are slowly sailing at low speed with this laser communication device as the center.

At this moment, in a secret cabin of the Valiant, the eyes of several people are staring at the screen that gradually lights up and starts the program self-check.

"In ten minutes, it's time to contact General Kuwak. Is the communication device ready?"

After glancing at the gradually lit screen, Hathaway looked at Miheixia.

As Mafti's intelligence and communication personnel, this time the laser communication was also in charge of Miheixia.

"Well, although it has been soaked in sea water for a while, there is no major problem. After all, the waterproof measures are not bad."

Miheixia nodded, and then gave a more precise time.

"The laser communication device still needs about three minutes to activate."

three minutes.

It's not that long.

Instead, there is still some redundant time before the agreed communication time.

This result is acceptable to everyone.

"Lei Mingkai, you can rest for a while. After all, you have worked hard for you before."

Hathaway looked at Reminkay who was standing aside.

In the next communication, in addition to his own questions that he needs to ask General Kuwak, there are also things about Remin Kai.

Come to think of it, it won't take too long.

After a fierce battle, Lei Mingkai, who came back victorious, still looks good, but he still needs to rest.

Lei Mingkai nodded, did not reject Hathaway's kindness, turned around and sat down on the stool next to him, closing his eyes and resting.

He still needs to make some adjustments.

Because, this is the moment when Reminkay faced the world's former General of the Federal Army for the first time.

Hathaway and even Mafti believed in the existence of a stranger, mostly because General Kuwak, who was behind the scenes, affirmed and trusted Reminkai's identity.

In other words, General Kuvac is probably the person Reimingkai has encountered so far who knows the MS pilot of the 77th Fleet the most.


At the moment when all the self-check procedures were completed, the communication signal from the universe, possibly from a colony satellite, was captured by the laser communication device.


Miheixia quickly typed a series of commands on the keyboard with both hands, then raised her head to look at Hathaway.

The latter looked at the people around.

Among them, there is Hasawi's right-hand man Yin Ram.

Yin Ram understood Hasawi's gaze.

He clapped his hands and said.

"Okay. Now leave the space for Mafuti and Lei Mingkai! Miheixia, come with us too!"

"Ah? Do I want too?"

Mi Heixia was stunned for a moment.

As a correspondent, shouldn't I stay here?

Hathaway raised his hand and patted Miheishia on the shoulder.

"Don't worry! Miheixia, leave the next thing to me! This time, I'm very sorry!"

Hathaway spoke like this, and Miheixia could only accept it.

After Yin Ram left with Miheixia and others, and only Hathaway and Lei Mingkai were left in the entire cabin, Hathaway turned his attention to Lei Mingkai.

He found that Lei Mingkai had already turned his attention to this side.

"Go on! Mafti."

Lei Mingkai stood up and walked to Hathaway's side.

"Let me meet the big man behind Mafti!"

Hathaway nodded, raised his hand and pressed the confirmation key on the keyboard.

The next second, while the screen flickered, a dimly lit picture appeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing this dimly lit picture, Hathaway seemed very surprised.

But before he could open his mouth to ask, he had already taken the initiative to tell the reason.

"Sorry! Mafti. The situation is special right now. The place I'm in is not some colony satellite, I'm in contact with you through some secret channel."

"General Kuvac. Could it be..."

Hathaway's head flashed, and he suddenly remembered the speculation that he had associated with Lei Mingkai before.

"Yes. It seems that you have guessed it. As expected of the son of Noah."

Kuwak spoke highly of Hasawi.

"No. This is not a state of affairs that I could have speculated on myself."

Hathaway is rather humble.


Kuvac didn't stick to this piece, but exhaled slowly.

"As you guessed. Now the top federal government is going through a major purge from inside and outside. You and I are well aware of external factors. But internal factors are something I can never predict."

"Internal factors?"

Kuwak's eloquent statement made Hathaway and Reminkai exchange glances.

It seems that there have indeed been some drastic changes within the top federation that Hathaway and Reminkai could not have expected in advance.

"Yes. Laplace's Box."

Immediately afterwards, Kuwak spit out a term that surprised Hathaway and Reminkai.

This is a federal taboo.

Since the birth of the Federation, taboos have always existed in the shadow of history.

Even though, in uc0096, the "sleeves" of the new Zeon remnants led by the current heir of the Zabi family, Minerva Rao Zabi, were once made public, but under the pressure of the Federation, this so-called taboo still remains. Slowly sinking into the shadow of history, it is no longer known to the world.

In addition, since the One Year War, the concept of the new human being known to the world and hyped up has also sunk into the shadow of history along with the taboo called "Laplace's Box" and gradually disappeared from the world. .

Today, General Kuwak, who was funded and supported Mafti's establishment by a retired general from the Federation, once again said this historically taboo term. What is the purpose?

Suddenly, Lei Mingkai's eyes flashed.

He thought of a possibility.

If, within the federation, there is still a huge force that can attack at the right time, and can succeed in one strike, I am afraid there is only the family that is entangled with Laplace's Box, no, it is Since the establishment of the Earth Federation, it has been deeply rooted in the Earth Federation, and has a huge family that cannot be cleaned up.


"This one is the backbone of our 77th Fleet, the last hero, Lieutenant Lei Mingkai, right?"

General Kuwak on the opposite side of the screen had already noticed the presence of Reminkai.

Coincidentally, when he uttered the forbidden word Laplace's box, he also noticed the change in the light in Lei Mingkai's eyes.

"Yes! The 77th Fleet belongs, Lei Mingkai, has seen General Kuvac."

Lei Mingkai stood at attention and saluted, just like a federal soldier.

"Yeah. No gift. Now I'm just a retired old man! Being able to give you some help is already my limit."

Kuvac sees through, but doesn't break through.

Laplace's Box, even if it has sunk into the shadow of history.

But it was a secret that could not be told directly from the mouths of Hathaway and Lei Mingkai.

"Speaking of which, I was also under their care to be able to talk to you."

"They? Is that the family?"

Hathaway also thought of the Mathenas family.

But, this time, he guessed wrong.

"No. It's not the Speaker's family. It's the care of the only descendant of the family that once became the nightmare of the Earth Federation."

Kuwak sighed, then rolled up his sleeves, revealing a hideous wound hidden under the sleeves in front of Hathaway and Reminkai.

It was a scar that started from the wrist and extended to the elbow, tearing the entire arm in half.

Although it has healed, the hideous scar is enough to launch a visual sprint that stimulates the eyeballs.

"I still have two scars like this on my body."

After pulling up his sleeves again, Kuvac smiled.

"At that time, I almost thought I was going to die. As a result, I didn't expect to be rescued by the white unicorn."

White unicorn?

Lei Mingkai's eyes moved.

Is it the Unicorn Gundam?

From the timeline, it seems that...

Do not.

There are no absolutes.

Since Lei Mingkai opened his eyes in this world, this world is no longer the uc world that Lei Mingkai knew.

"Is it the only heir of the Zabi family, Minerva Rao Zabi, and the young man who followed her?"

Hasawi, who had already guessed the truth, asked.

"Yes. Ashamed to say. The Federation fleet guarding the colony satellites did not stop the incoming Zerg army. In the end, if that Highness Minerva hadn't appeared in time with her **** fleet, I'm afraid I would have too. Will be torn apart by the zerg along with that colony moon."

Kuvac shook his head, and then revealed a truth that surprised Hathaway and Reminkay.

"At the end of the battle, the **** fleet and the Zerg army led by His Royal Highness Minerva disappeared in a burst of dazzling white light. According to the detection records of the remaining Federation fleet at that time, it seems that it was because of the white plane. The unicorn suddenly triggered the mysterious power hidden in the mental skeleton."

"And then, signs of large-scale purges of opposition forces began to appear within the Earth Federation."

The Unicorn Gundam triggered the mysterious power of the spiritual skeleton, and together with the **** fleet led by Minerva, the last heir of the Zabi family, disappeared together with the Zerg and the beta army? !

And, behind this mysterious sign, is the Massenas family, which is not clearly involved in Laplace's Box, starting to exert force to clear the opposition within the Federation? !

This drastic change made Lei Mingkai gasp for breath.

This is not the historical trend of the shining unfilial son that he is familiar with.

This world has discovered a drastic change that Lei Mingkai can't grasp!


Heavy footsteps sounded in the corridor.

Beneath the blond hair were a pair of stunned and confused eyes.

But the owner of this pair of confused eyes walked step by step towards Gnaku in the second half of Garuda.

It's the body's instinct.

Even though, he has been out of the army for at least eight years.

But the instincts that have gone through the battle have not disappeared from his body.

But at this moment, in Liddy's mind, the conversation he had with his father not long ago was still echoing.

"Liddy. The last heir to the Zabi family, Minerva Rao Zabi, and Banagher Links went missing during a recent battle with the Zerg army."

With that said, Ronan pushed a report to Liddy.

Shocked by the news, Lidi, who didn't react for a while, instinctively opened the file.

The first thing that caught his eye was a familiar and unfamiliar picture.

The armored Unicorn Gundam, which was white but torn apart by countless green crystals, and a green haze lingered around it.

This scene has long been etched in Liddy's memory.

This is a scene from which Liddy was involved in that incident nine years ago.

It is also the mysterious power that can erupt from the two taboo bodies equipped with spiritual skeletons.

At this moment, Lidi's soul trembled.

Unexpectedly, after a lapse of nine years, the white unicorn that should have been sealed will appear, and it has created an astonishing scene that is the same as it was nine years ago.

"The mysterious power that erupts from the spiritual skeleton. You should be familiar with this. The next second the unicorn exploded with such a powerful force, the unicorn and Minerva's **** fleet, as well as those zerg all disappeared. And just disappeared in front of the Federation's fleet."

Ronan looked at his son's stunned expression and sighed slowly.

He knew very well how important the girl named Minerva and the pilot of the white unicorn, Banagher, were to his son.

But because of this, he hoped that Liddy could cheer up quickly.

And as if hearing Ronan's voice, Liddy forced himself to look up and look at his father.

"Speaker Ronan. So the shackles don't exist anymore. Right?"

When Ronan heard this, he took a slow breath and nodded.

"Yeah! The shackles no longer exist. The white unicorn has disappeared before the eyes of the Federal Army fleet!"


The "sleeved" Neo Zeon remnants led by Minerva made an agreement with the Federation.

white unicorn,

as well as,

black lion,

They are held by the Neo Zeon remnants led by Minerva and the Federation.

at the same time,

Both sides must seal the two bodies with mysterious powers.

Whatever the reason, whatever the moment, the unicorn and the lion must be sealed forever. UU reading www.uukanshu. com



The white unicorn was the first to break the seal. In order to prevent the zerg army from entering the pit and protect the colonial satellite, it chose to disappear in front of the federal fleet with the zerg army.


Based on this fact, the Federation side already has the possibility of awakening the black lion.

"Liddy. I know you have a lot on your mind right now. But right now, we need more strength. Even if that strength comes from the sacrifice of your friend, I hope you can pick yourself up right now."

With his father's heartfelt words resounding in his ears, Liddy, who had put on his long-lost pilot uniform, slowly stepped into the Gnaku.

In front of him, a long-sleeping black lion was waiting for his arrival.

"Black lion..."

"give obituary notice…"

"Banaji, is this your choice?"