Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 917: maintenance

In the cabin, the mobile suit belonging to Mafty is being repaired in an orderly manner.

Although this period of time is a rare free time, everyone knows that when the fleet led by the Valiant arrives in the waters near Oceania, especially near Ornberry, it will be a new round of battles.

For this reason, they must prepare all the MS that can be deployed before the battle comes.

As the main model of Mafty, the Mesa naturally needs no further explanation.

The one who made Mafty's support staff feel relieved was that Cosy Gundam who had just become a part of Mafty.

Among the smell of engine oil, the sound of the waves hitting the hull, and the complicated communication, a figure that was somewhat incompatible with this scene was sitting on the spare parts box.

Even so, this beautiful figure caused many of Mafty's support staff to secretly take a look at it after work.

That skin as white as snow,

That bright and smooth blond hair,

and the mystery that haunts me,

All of these Mafty members who are determined to overthrow the Federation in an extreme way and who are often living under great pressure can't help but look a few more times.

Speaking of it, it's no wonder.

Among the Mafty, there are naturally many female members.

However, due to the influence of the organization's code of conduct and content, among the members who join Mafty, almost all of them are female members who can be called female men.

The only Mihexia who can be described as a lady is only performing tasks related to intelligence, and rarely appears in the maintenance area.

Therefore, although there are many female members in the maintenance team, the wheat-colored skin can almost overwhelm the voices of ordinary men, coupled with that kind of nonchalant temper, almost made the male maintenance personnel of Mafty feel against each other. Convenience is "men" who are more masculine than they are.

"Tsk! It seems that you are really welcome!"

A cold snort attracted the attention of the blond girl sitting on the spare parts box and looking up at Kosh Gundam.

A peaked cap with big and small oil stains pulled back from the head,

Tie your long hair into long double ponytails,

The woman who pulled the orange frock up to her waist, revealing a small black vest and strong arms, was waving the wrench in her hand at the blonde girl.

"Yo! I heard from the captain. You commanded Gauman and the others to retrieve the spare parts of the Cosy Gundam?"

That bold demeanor and smile made the blond girl blink.

Then she nodded slightly.

"That's right! It's just that my intuition is a little sharp."

"Look at what you said. In the dark and turbulent sea over there last night, it can't be described as sharp intuition."

As she was talking, the woman with ponytails stretched out her right hand, but in the next second she found that there was a lot of oil in her hand, she quickly laughed twice, turned her hand away, and wiped it vigorously on the overalls.

"Sorry! I'm Maximilian. Mafty's maintenance man."

The blond girl lowered her eyes, glanced at the right hand that had been wiped off the oil on the frock, then smiled, and shook hands with Maximilian.

"Kiki, Kiki-Andalusia."

"Qiqi? What a nice name!"

Maximilian laughed, let go of his right hand, and patted the spare parts box Kiki was sitting under.

"Thanks to Kiki, the spare parts of Koshi Gundam did not sink into the sea!"

Qiqi shook her head, and then her soft golden hair fluttered slightly under the light, causing the surrounding maintenance personnel to gasp in amazement.

Although the voice was very small, it was heard by Maximilian.

In an instant, she actually had an illusion of shame.

Have these **** never seen a woman?

Of course.

Those cursing thoughts were not translated into words, but were spoken by Maximilian.

Taking a deep breath, Maximilian patted the spare parts box.

"Now, we need to count the spare parts of Cosy Gundam. I am ashamed to say it, but you have also seen that we are short of manpower. I don't know, can I ask Kiki for a moment?"


Qiqi blinked, then lowered her head, looked at her orange overalls, which she had just put on, and thought about it.

"If it's just work like counting, I should have no problem."

"Exactly! Kiki, don't be nervous. I'll teach you how to count."

With the addition of Lei Mingkai and Qiqi and disrupting the situation, most of the spare parts that Cosy Gundam should have lost were rescued in time, which made Mafty, who was originally understaffed, fall into a desperate situation of inventorying equipment among.

Otherwise, Maximilian would not have tried to get Kiki to help.

The guy who was supposed to assist Maximilian in counting spare parts, a girl named Julia, was standing in front of Cosy Gundam for quite a while.

No matter how much Maximilian shouted, there was no way to call back the soul of this **** girl.

Seeing that Kiki was called away by Maximilian, the maintenance personnel around had no intention of continuing to peek, and could only continue to focus on the work at hand.

All of a sudden, in the entire cabin, there were only many sounds of repairing mobile suits.

It wasn't until Lei Mingkai and Hathaway came to the cabin from the deck that there was a slight change.

"Lei Mingkai, I will consider your proposal."

Looking around, Hathaway felt that the cabin didn't seem to need him, and finally responded to Lei Mingkai.

Lei Mingkai suggested that he be made into a new Mafty, or even the image that according to folk legend Mafty is the incarnation of Shaar's undead.

On this point, Hathaway is cautious.

But it is undeniable that he was moved.

Don't look at Mafty, under the leadership of Hathaway, he has succeeded in several operations in a row, which dealt a heavy blow to the Federation.

But the key to the success of the entire Mafty operation is that it all depends on Hathaway alone.

Don't you see, in the original timeline, when Hathaway fell into a strange relationship with Kayneth and Qiqi, the actions that Mafty can make.

Such a huge pressure, all on Hathaway's body, makes people almost unable to breathe.

However, Hathaway, who was in the midst of the Mafty and among the many members whose lives were intertwined, was the most relaxed.

"Yes. But I hope to be able to give an answer before arriving at Onberry."

After a pause, a gleam of light appeared in Lei Mingkai's eyes.

"I have an intuition. It doesn't matter whether it's people or bugs at Onberry's side. There will be major events that will affect the future. Whether it's Mafty or the Earth Federation..."

Hathaway understands Lei Mingkai's intuition and affirms Lei Mingkai's intuition.

Because that's what he is.

After Lei Mingkai's frank conversation just now, Hathaway thought a lot and understood a lot.

Once Mafty fails, it is equivalent to the failure of Hathaway-Noah, and it is also equivalent to the father, Brad, who has worked hard to maintain the Earth Federation and protect the people since the One Year War, but has not received due treatment. - Noah was ashamed.

However, Hathaway is not willing to push the guilt that he should bear to Lei Mingkai.

"Well. I'll go find the captain. Presumably next, after the mobile suit is ready, it will go to Ornberry to investigate. At that time, please."

As the new pilot of Cozy Gundam, Lei Mingkai has already proved his strength.

Especially when Mafty took over Kosi Gundam's first maintenance, Lei Mingkai's performance when he drove Cozy Gundam against the MS unit led by Ren was enough to surprise the members of Mafty.

Even Hathaway himself never thought about the time when floating missiles could be used as bait.

On the pitch-black sea area, all external power sources were turned off, and the Cauchy Gundam, which was almost integrated with the darkness of the outside world, successfully seized the high altitude under the cover of several floating missiles that were released first and acted as bait with strong infrared reactions, and then With one final blow, the MS troops led by Renn were defeated.

Such a clean and neat way of fighting is enough to impress all members of Mafty.

There is no doubt that Lei Mingkai's joining made it possible for Mafty's combat power to increase exponentially.

"That's natural."

After separating from Hathaway, Lei Mingkai came to Cosy Gundam.

Unlike Lei Mingkai's usual vertical gantry, at this time, because of the relationship between the cabin, the Cauchy Gundam, which was almost lying on the floor, could not let Lei Mingkai see its whole picture.

The only thing that can be seen is around the scaffolding, the maintenance workers coming and going, and the figure summarizing the spare parts Are you the new partner that Mafty mentioned? "

Just when Lei Mingkai saw Qiqi counting spare parts with Maximilian, a girl's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, Lei Mingkai recognized the owner of the voice.


Standing in front of Lei Mingkai was a brown-skinned girl in a blue oversized overalls.

"you know me?"

The girl was very surprised.

"Well, I heard Mafty mentioned it."

Lei Mingkai knew that he had made a slip of the tongue at the moment, so he quickly slapped a haha ​​and got away with it.

Fortunately, the other party didn't care too much.

"Really? Compared with that, you should pay more attention to the situation of this machine."

At such a young age, Lei Mingkai was amazed by the self-confidence he displayed.

This girl named Julia seems to have professional abilities far beyond the description in the story? !

"How to say?"

Lei Mingkai turned and walked towards the cockpit of Cosy Gundam.

The most intuitive thing about the condition of the body is to start the body program and go through various self-inspection procedures to conduct a comprehensive inspection.

"This airframe should have flown at supersonic speeds, right?"

Julia followed Lei Mingkai's footsteps, and spoke about Lei Mingkai's actions when he was driving the Cosy Gundam.

"Well. Sort of."

Standing in front of the cockpit door, Julia said slowly as she watched Lei Mingkai enter the cockpit of Coxi Gundam with both hands and feet.

"If you rush into the supersonic speed of Mach 2.0, you may suffer uncontrollable effects on your body. Even if you have a special driving suit, you will inevitably be affected. You must know that this is not the universe, it is imprisoned by gravity Sky."

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