Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 918: bygone era

It's a fine day with clear skies.

But Ornberry, on the coastline of Oceania, is as peaceful and beautiful as the blue sky.


This is a city where a group of guerrillas gathered from all over the earth to fight against the Earth Federation.

This is a city inhabited by desperadoes who have a name for various reasons, but have similar ultimate goals.

Today, these desperadoes came here just because of the slogans chanted by one person, one organization, and the shocking actions they made, trying to become a member of the organization called Mafty, and to send a message to the damned Earth Federation. , fired bullets full of resentment and blood and tears at those federal officials who only know how to be superior and don't know the sufferings of the people.

However, after the earth-shattering beam of light broke through the night sky last night, everything changed.

Whether it was Ornberry's rare tranquility or the **** battlefield, from that moment on, it became Onberry's nightmare.


At the moment when the beam of light that pierced the night sky descended to the horizon, the zerg army lurking in the depths of Oceania violently rioted, and launched an impact towards the coastal line of Oceania.

In addition to the cities guarded by the Earth Federation Army, their targets also include cities occupied by anti-federal organizations like Orn Bailey.

During the day and night, the billowing dust from the depths of Oceania gathered into a terrifying sandstorm and swept across the coastline of Oceania.

It was a scream of terror!

It was a piercing, earth-shattering alarm sound!

Whether it is the Earth Federation Army stationed in the major cities along the coast, or the city where the anti-federal organization is located, it instantly entered a fighting state.

This is no longer an infighting between humans!

It is a fight between alien races from outside the sky and human beings on the earth, a cruel war without words and possibilities.

However, compared to the Earth Federation garrison with the support of the entire Earth's resources, Orn Bailey relies on anti-Federation people and some social organizations hidden in the shadows for funding, and even relies on looting passing merchant ships to obtain activity funds The anti-federal cities in the country are particularly stretched.

Even if, not long ago, Aun Bailey relied on the Gaplan developed and manufactured by the Titans that he never knew where to find, and almost caused a shocking hijacking incident.

Although there was a failure at the end of the incident, it is undeniable that Aoun Bailey, which was gathered by various resistance organizations and even low-level guerrillas, was not as simple as it seemed.

And the sudden Zerg invasion right now is the time to force Ornberry to reveal the trump card hidden in his hand.

In the sandstorm that swept everything, the Zerg monster loomed, leaving Ornberry's people with no way out.

The only thing they can do is to rise up and resist, protect their rare homeland, and send a distress signal to the outside world.

Call for help from the real Mafty, the real Mafty Nabiyu Ayrin.

"Quick! Quick! You, you, and you, pick up your weapons and enter the defense line!"

Among Aoun Bailey, there is no lack of this kind of roar that exhausted all his strength.

It can be said that from the moment the zerg army appeared, these roars had become the main theme.

However, among these voices, among the figures driven by these voices, there is a very discordant figure.

When a face with a tense, calm, or flustered face ran quickly across the street, on the other side of the street, in a corner shrouded in shadows, a man with a haggard, unkempt, and scruffy appearance The middle-aged man stared at the figures with guns on their backs rushing out of the city with their drunken eyes.


Holding the bottle of inferior wine with only a few sips left in his weak right hand, he raised it slightly, and saluted those figures. After a few squeaks in his hoarse throat, the middle-aged man fell into the side effect of alcohol again. In a coma.


When the damp and salty smell rushed towards him, Lei Mingkai's brain, which had not yet fully awakened from deep sleep, could not help but be brought to reality by the icy sea breeze.

"Haven't woken up yet? Lei Mingkai."

Kiki's voice came from the side.

In less than ten minutes, it was time for the action to begin.

With the cooperation of Mafty's many logistics personnel, five mobile suits, including the Cosy Gundam, have been erected from the cargo hold, entering the countdown to the final takeoff.

Not far away, Hathaway is arranging the next tasks for his teammates.

This is a scouting mission.

But it does not rule out the possibility of being involved in the war between Ornberry and the Federation.

"It's so strange!"

At this time, Qiqi suddenly said such a sentence.

"Oh? What's strange?"

Lei Mingkai blinked and looked at Qiqi.

I saw Qiqi turned her head, looked in another direction, and pointed her finger there.

"Isn't that the next mission target over there?"

Lei Mingkai is very sure that Qiqi has never seen the map of the next mission, and is also very sure that Qiqi herself is not very clear about their next actions.

"What do you feel?"

Kiki's intuition is very keen.

And, after contacting Lei Mingkai, this intuition seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

"Well, it seems to be fighting with something, but those enemies don't seem to be human."

Qiqi frowned and said with some hesitation.

"not human?"

According to intelligence, in Oceania, besides human beings, there is only the beta HIVE, the only base of extraterrestrial monsters that has not been cleared by the Federation and still exists in the Earth's atmosphere.

At this moment, Yilam ran over from the cabin in a hurry.

He saw Lei Mingkai and Qiqi standing not far from Kexi Gundam at first glance.

But he only had time to nod his head towards Lei Mingkai and Qiqi, and then quickly ran towards Hathaway and others in front of Mesa's commanding form.

"Things have changed."

Qiqi blinked and looked at Lei Mingkai, as if she was a little girl who wanted to be praised.

"Well, Qiqi, your intuition has always been very accurate."

Lei Mingkai smiled slightly.

Immediately, he saw Hathaway who looked astonished under Ilam's narration.

Presumably, it is a message for help!

However, the content of the help message may have changed.

"Kiki. Next, you stay on board."

After Lei Mingkai and Hathaway looked at each other from a distance, they were about to turn around and board the Cosy Gundam.


Qiqi suddenly stopped Lei Mingkai.

When Lei Mingkai looked back, he found that there was an extra mask in Qiqi's hand.

There's nothing wrong with the mask itself.

But its style is a bit intriguing.

Silver mask.

I can find a similar mask from my memory, probably the one used by Fur Frontal, also known as the "false duck".

But upon closer inspection, there are more differences.

Several dark red lines extending from the corners of the eyes towards the back.

There is also the mechanism that can freely switch between silver anti-glare eye protection and red glasses.

They were all telling Lei Mingkai the difference between this mask and the two silver masks in his memory.

Lei Mingkai took the mask, before Qiqi said anything, she said to herself.

"Yesterday, I suddenly felt that you should need such a mask, Lei Mingkai. So, I asked Maximilia to take the time to make it."


Lei Mingkai weighed the silver mask in his hand and smiled.

"It seems that I have spent a lot of thought! However, it is indeed helpful! Qiqi, thank you! In addition, please help me to say thank you to Maximilia."


After being praised by Lei Mingkai, Qiqi showed a happy smile.

So, under Qiqi's gaze, Lei Mingkai boarded the cockpit of Cosy Gundam.

hatch closed,

When the screen turned on, Lei Mingkai discovered that Hathaway had been waiting for him on the communication channel.

"Muffty. There's something going on, right?"


Hathaway nodded.

"It's those bugs. Ornberry is currently being attacked by those bugs. Moreover, according to the feedback from our intelligence channel, the major cities along the coastal lines of Oceania were attacked by those Zerg monsters almost at the same time. "

"Are you scared?"

"No. This is what was expected. That night, when the Federation used satellite laser guns to wipe out the zerg army near Davao, we expected it."

Hathaway paused, and there seemed to be a sigh.

"It's just that we didn't expect the zerg army hidden in the depths of Oceania to be so terrifying. It has the force to attack all major cities along the coast of Oceania at the same time."

What a terrible force that is!

What a terrifying military force that is!

Whenever seeing the terrifying army attacking the coastal line from the depths of Oceania, there is no human being who will not be afraid of it.

That is an army of monsters that can scare ordinary people instantly!


A reminder to accept the message popped up on the screen in front of Hathaway.

"This is?"

"This is the information I have collected and gathered based on my personal understanding and experience. Maybe, we can use it next."

That's information about BETA.

After waking up in this world, Lei Mingkai paid attention to the BETA of this world.

It's a pity that although this world fought back and forth with BETA, it strangely didn't gather the information about BETA into a detailed information.

For this reason, Lei Mingkai took this appropriate opportunity to compile the information about BETA in his memory into a document, and handed it to Hathaway.

"BETA? Is this Lei Mingkai what you call those Zerg monsters?"

"That's right."

"I see."

With the end of the countdown to the attack and the moment all the maintenance personnel evacuated to a safe area, Lei Mingkai's Cauchy Gundam was the first to take off from the deck.

In an instant, the sea area where the Bravery was located was filled with the sound of the MS propulsion engines being fully activated.



The roar of the explosion swept across Ornberry.

It was the sound of war, and it was also the urging talisman of death wielding a sickle to harvest life.


The shock wave brought by the violent explosion knocked down the debris on the street.

The debris entrained by the strong airflow rolled around, some rolled towards the end of the street, and some were drawn into the corner of the street by the turbulent flow.


The broken trash can slammed into that remote corner in the strong turbulence.

The ear-piercing impact not only awakened the middle-aged man who had fallen into a coma under the influence of alcohol, but also made him notice the noise on the street.

"Quick! Go ask for help! Now, Castle and the others are trapped in the first line of defense, besieged by those **** bugs!!"

After the shock wave of the explosion passed, the figure reappearing on the street turned out to be a wounded man with a flustered face and large and small wounds on his body.

Most of the people looked terrified and instinctively moved towards the depths of the street, the deepest part of the city.

It looked like he was running away from some terrible existence.

But among these people, there were still a few who looked nervous, and anxiously turned to the people around them, and even asked for help from the leader of the armed forces occupying the city with the crude communication equipment.

However, no matter how much they asked for help, they could not get any response.

Because, not only they are asking for help in this city, but the entire defense line is asking for help.

"Hey!! Hey! Is anyone there? Hey..."

Pushed to the edge by the crowd, the young man kept calling for non-existent support with the communicator in his hand.

Even so, he was still calling hard.

first line of defense.

second line of defense.

Even the last line of defense has been smashed to pieces by Zerg monsters.

Even if there are still humans who persist in resisting on these lines of defense, they can't hold on for too long.

The city…

I'm afraid it's over!

When the powerless reality was bloodied in front of the young man's eyes, he realized that he could do nothing at all.

"Where is Castle...?"

At this moment, a heavy hand patted the young man's shoulder.

Startled, the young man subconsciously looked back.

It turned out that the person who patted her on the shoulder was the man who was disliked or even hated by young people like them in the past.

"Casle, Castle is trapped in the first line of defense, there is no way to retreat! Now! No one can support them now."

Disgusting, disgusting.

But the other party is still Castle's father, as a good friend of Castle's, even at a critical juncture, he still does not give up, and keeps looking for a good friend for Castle's life. The young man still told Castle's current situation .

"First line of defense? Is that so? I see."

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, then stopped talking to the young man, and staggered back to that dark corner step by step.

"Hey! Where are you going? Now the first line of defense and the second line of defense have been breached. You should withdraw to the headquarters with me now. Castle is now..."

As soon as he mentioned his close friend who was currently trapped in the first line of defense, the young man gritted his teeth with a look of unbearable expression, then raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man.

"At least, at least you have to withdraw with me! Castle's father!"

The middle-aged man didn't hear the young man's cry at all.

His footsteps were still swaying, which was the aftereffect of indulging in the anesthesia of alcohol day and night, but for some reason, as he stepped forward, and as his figure was shrouded in the darkness of the corner of the street, the middle-aged man's ears slowly swayed. There was a burst of shouting.

It was not a cry of terror under the sound of guns,

Not to mention the final roar in the face of the enemy's slaughter,

It was decades ago, when I was still young, I was standing among the passionate crowd, holding my girlfriend's little hand, waving my right hand vigorously, following the people around me, shouting frantically towards the figure on the screen.





Amidst the shouts, his girlfriend always looked at him tenderly.

Gradually, the girlfriend's clothes turned into a wedding dress, and a ring was put on her ring finger.

On a sunny day, he and his girlfriend who became his wife, brought their newborn son and landed on the earth together with the army.

Those were not warm days, but terrible days accompanied by **** killings and fierce battles.

In those days, he chose to take his wife and son and escaped from the battlefield, hiding in an unknown island.

In a blink of an eye, his wife finally died of illness in the dark escape life.

The middle-aged man who lost his beloved wife took his son who had just grown up, and after burying his beloved wife, he finally fell into anesthesia of alcohol and didn't care about worldly affairs.

until this moment,

Until his son, because of what happened to his parents, and even more because of his father's neglect of him, Castle, who hated the Federation, joined Ornberry, and now he is surrounded by Zerg,

Only the middle-aged man woke up from the anesthesia of Bah! "

walking in the dark,

The wine bottle in the middle-aged man's hand was slammed to the ground by him.

The shattered glass mixed with the wine was scattered all over the floor, and the moment the strong smell of alcohol permeated the surroundings, the middle-aged man's body couldn't help shaking a little, and he almost couldn't stand still.

But after groping around for a while, the middle-aged man finally grabbed a cold handle.


The middle-aged man couldn't help breathing hard, and his alcohol-torn body was constantly squeezing the last bit of potential.


The harder he breathed, the more the middle-aged man wanted to laugh.

run away!

run away!

Fleeing from the One Year War to the present,

Fleeing from that frenzied age to the present,

From those screams of blood, to the current powerless body,

In the end, the middle-aged man returned here.

Back to the… MS that should belong to him.



"Finally, finally, give me some more strength!"


The middle-aged man clenched the handle with all his strength and pushed it upwards.


Power on!

Under the bright white light, the scarred MS was standing there quietly, as if he was in that cruel battlefield decades ago, waiting for the arrival of its pilot.


"Long time no see!"

"Sorry! Finally, give me a little more strength and go save Castle!"

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