Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 919: coming soon

Beneath the scorching sun is a wasteland full of death.

Aun Bailey's first line of defense.

This line of defense, which was originally only to resist the attack of the Earth Federation Army, is now fragmented.

Ridiculously, this line of defense was not broken by the Earth Federation Army, but by the army of monsters from outside the sky.

easily broken.

Even at the moment when the army of those **** zerg monsters appeared, Orn Bailey, who had just breathed out from the pressure brought by Kimberley, almost instinctively took action at the first time.

However, these instinctive actions were so powerless and weak in the face of the zerg monsters, whose forces far exceeded the size of the army sent by Kimberley and countless times larger.

The first line of defense, the moment it came into contact with the Zerg army, was smashed to pieces.




Even the roar of artillery fire,

Connected into one piece, it outlines an extremely tragic battlefield scene.

It’s just that the tragic is only relative to the human side. The huge number of zerg monsters will not pay attention to the casualties of their companions, and even as long as their mobility is not destroyed by human attacks, those zerg monsters with scars all over their bodies are still the same. The human soldiers who would crawl forward, even without hesitation, trampled the zerg that was hit by human artillery fire for a while and couldn't get up in time.

"Tsk! What the **** is crazy about this **** bug?"

"Da da da da..."

Amidst the tearing sound of the machine gun, a sweaty boy with blood-stained sleeves firmly squeezed the trigger.

There are too many zerg monsters rushing up in front of them.

There were so many that he didn't need to aim at all. He only needed to hold the trigger, and he could smash the Zerg monsters that were taller than adults and extremely pale all over into pieces.

The finger holding the trigger was already white, and the barrel of the machine gun became hotter and hotter, and even a faint red light could be seen.

The young man knew that this was a sign that the barrel was about to overheat. If he hadn't taken cooling down immediately, the machine gun in his hand would probably have been scrapped.

However, the current situation did not give the boy any time to cool down the barrel.

The trigger pulled now is just a countdown to the imminent death of the teenager!

Once the barrel of this machine gun is damaged due to overheating, it will be the death of the boy, and even the comrades who are guarding the stronghold with him.

"Castle! Pay attention to the barrel temperature!


Not far away, a strong man who was changing the magazine of his semi-automatic rifle shouted.

"I know! But I don't have time right now!


Castle shouted without looking back.

Now, Castle's eyes are full of blood, and his eyes and even his face have been stained with the blood of the zerg monsters when they were smashed.

"Invincible begins with the sacrifice of ancestors"

"I come!


At this moment, a figure appeared on the right of Castle.

It was a boy with a bucket of cold water.

"Zi La..."

In the blink of an eye, as the cold water scattered, a burst of hot water vapor rose up.

The pungent smell mixed with the hot water mist made Castle frown.

"Change the magazine!


"Tsk! Got it! Hey! Don't be lazy, kid! It's up to us before Castle gets a new magazine."

The middle-aged man scolded in a low voice, then looked at the boy who poured water at the machine gun.

That's a no-brainer way.

Even directly cooling the barrel with cold water will damage the service life of the barrel, but in this situation, I am afraid that the lifespan of these few people is not as long as the lifespan of this machine gun!



Castle moves fast, but his comrades are faster.

Just two semi-automatic rifles are almost equivalent to Castle's machine guns, making it difficult for the Zerg to rush up to take advantage of the gap between the machine guns and the magazines.

"Da da da da da..."

Not long after, the machine gun in Castle's hand roared again, and this stronghold finally persevered in the **** mouth of the Zerg army once again.

However, the ammunition that could be given to Castle and the others was running out.


If reinforcements don't come, this stronghold will be completely destroyed by monsters like other strongholds that have been overrun by monsters.

And the fate of the human beings in it...

Naturally, no elaboration is required.





At the moment when the scream sounded, several bright light **** lit up in the sky.


It's a distress flare!


Now that the first line of defense and the second line of defense have been overwhelmed by the zerg monsters, and the remaining humans can only survive in the stronghold, what role can these distress flares play?

Even the movement caused by the firing of these distress flares attracted the attention of the Zerg monsters who had not noticed these lingering strongholds.

A few minutes later, in the intermittent communication channels, there were bursts of miserable howls and screams of fear.

Let Castle and the others huddle in the stronghold, waiting for the support that does not know when to come, or the dead humans feel a great torment.

In the distance, several electronic eyes captured the strangeness from the horizon.

"Mafti. A distress flare!"

Raymond's voice came from the Garcezon No. 1 unit.

"Oh! Was that Ornberry really attacked?"

When Garman heard it, he immediately became interested.

From the analysis of Hathaway and Lei Mingkai, everyone involved in this reconnaissance mission already knew that they were about to face the Zerg monster from outside.


A zerg monster dubbed "BETA" by Reminkai.

Mafti has no objection to this title.

After all, Lei Mingkai's identity on the bright side is that of the MS pilot who is at the forefront of resisting the invasion of the Zerg monsters.

Therefore, Mafuti, who has been active on Earth and does not have much information about the Zerg monster, naturally accepted the BETA information in the hands of Lei Mingkai.


Hathaway retrieved the information provided by Lei Mingkai, and his eyes gradually became solemn.

Mafti has also detected some of the follow-up information of the first battle in Davao.

In particular, Hathaway has detailed information about the enemies that Penelope faced in the first battle in Davao and the abnormal situations that occurred.

"I'm afraid that after the Battle of Davao, the enemies Penelope faced were those light-levels you mentioned, right? Lei Mingkai."

"Well, it's very likely! Whether it's an Interceptor-level, an Assault-level, or even a larger fortress-level, I'm afraid it won't pose a threat to the guarded Mesa. The one that can pose a threat to MS is the Light-level. , or a more powerful heavy ray level, or even a more terrifying superheavy ray level."

Reminkay responded to Hathaway's question.

The other party's ability to accept the BETA information provided by him indeed saved Lei Mingkai a lot of effort.

"Well, if the intelligence isn't wrong, that's true."

That's not a particle beam made of particles, but a real laser weapon.

The terrifying properties it possesses are hard to guard against.

When facing the monster with only two legs and a disgusting big eyeball, a little carelessness might result in death on the spot.

"Don't worry! Those light levels will be handled by me!"

What Hathaway could not have imagined was that Lei Mingkai actually offered to deal with the possibility, no, the light level that would definitely appear.

"Reminke. Although you have experience in the universe, facing BETA, now you can be in the atmosphere of the earth. Unlike the microgravity of space, the gravity of the earth may become a deadly threat."

After carefully watching the information on the light level, Hathaway also has a bottom line.

At the same time, he also guessed what Lei Mingkai was about to do.

"No. Gravity doesn't bind me."

Lei Mingkai smiled, then let go of the joystick in his right hand and gently patted the driver's seat under him.

"I believe in the power of Cauchy Gundam! Hathaway, how about you?"

Hathaway was taken aback by Lei Mingkai's response, and then nodded slowly.

it is more than words.

"Everyone is ready to fight! According to the division of the battle plan, Kosy Gundam will rush directly to the rear of BETA, look for possible light levels and implement annihilation. The remaining Mesa team will support Ornebe with me. Li. If Aoun Bailey's defense line is still in place, assist the defense, otherwise, we will assist the Aoun Bailey side to evacuate!"


! "

It's just that in the upcoming battle, they don't know how many troops BETA will use for the small anti-Earth Federation city of Orn Bailey.


Ten thousand?

Even tens of thousands? !

"Visually, no less than 3W..."

"It's really a grand battlefield! It's really hard for an old man like me!"

In Orn Bailey, shrouded in blood and war, a light shone in the shadow of the building.

It was an electronic eye that had been extinguished for a long time.

It was an electronic eye that had participated in the largest civil war in human history for decades, and had witnessed countless wars and blood.

This electronic eye, which should have been sleeping in the dust of history, quietly lights up at this moment.

Take this small town under attack by zerg monsters from beyond.

"The output of the reactor is low and can only be maintained at 75% of the normal level?"

In the occasionally flickering cockpit, the haggard-faced middle-aged man looked intently at the screen in front of him.

The long-awaited surveillance screen.

This used to be his life-and-death companion on the battlefield!

It was even more supportive of his partner who escaped from the blood quagmire after witnessing the terrible war that was named Dayi, but in fact it was for his own sake, wantonly killing innocent people.

Now, this should have ushered in a home in silence, but his partner who died in silence was awakened again by him.

"Man! Please."

"I have to go and save Castle! Once again, lend me your strength!"

Putting to the end, Zaku II, which has been silent since the one-year war, finally woke up.

Under the control of a middle-aged man who is living in a daze, but is now sober again in order to save his son, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com towards the battlefield that has been overrun by zerg monsters.



At the moment when the fire of the propulsion engine broke out, the long-silent Zaku II quickly took its first step.




the roar of the engine,

Heavy and fast footsteps,

Will be attracted by the sight of the soldiers retreating towards the Ornberry headquarters along the street,

For a moment, everyone's eyes were dull.

"So, that's Zaku?!


"I, how can we have such an antique here?!"

"what happened?!"

No one knows what exactly happened.

Except for the young man who was just trying to contact the Aoun Bailey headquarters and ask for support.

Moreover, as the Zaku II accelerated and rushed out of the city, the roar of the engine erupted, and the roar of the mechanical operation sounded one after another from all over Orn Bailey.





Everyone couldn't help but look in the direction from which the sound came.

next moment,

They saw it.

More of them are regarded as old antiques.


"Great Demon?"


"That's it, Fighting Wolf?!"


"Why? Why? There are so many antiques hidden in this small town?!



As a new generation of young people who are resisting the tyranny of the Earth Federation, they simply cannot understand or know that those decadent old people who have been indulging in the numbness of alcohol all day are now sitting among those rumbling old antiques, with a fearless expression on their faces. Facing the Zerg army rushed over.