Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 920: Over Orn Bailey

The sound of the explosion was mixed with the roar of the Zerg monster, constantly impacting the senses of the remaining human soldiers on the first line of defense.

That was not a counterattack from the remaining human soldiers on the first line of defense.

At the very first moment of the battle, the almost boundless Zerg army had already cost humanity most of its heavy weapons.

Even when the first and second lines of defense collapsed, the Orn Bailey headquarters did not send their MS troops to augment their own defense lines.

Therefore, when the remaining soldiers on the defense line heard the huge movement that could not be made by relying on the weapons in their hands, they couldn't help but have a little hope.

"That...that is?"

With the last magazine in his hand, Castle subconsciously looked forward.

A few seconds ago, in front of him was the Zerg monster madly facing the terrifying lethality of the machine gun.

Today, there is only a large pit left, and countless debris scattered around it.


The middle-aged man who had been cooperating with Castle to stop the Zerg monster pursed his lips.

"Is it reinforcements?"

Just when everyone was wondering, a sound that was obviously a mechanical operation came from behind, and not long ago, a shadow shrouded Castle's stronghold.



The huge green mechanical figure blocked the eyes of Castle and the others.


The older middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then he was surprised.

"No! That's not our Aoun Bailey's MS!


Although Aoun Bailey has many means to get a considerable number of MS, but among these MS, it does not appear.

From the time of the One Year War, Zaku II was the main force of the prosperous Zeon Principality at that time!


The young man next to him, who was about the same age as Castle, followed the middle-aged man's prompt and also recognized that the huge mecha that came to support was Zaku!

"Have you caught up?"

On the monitoring screen in front of him were the faces that were stunned by the appearance of Zaku.

Among these faces, is Castle holding a machine gun, looking at Zaku in a trance.

no doubt.

Castle recognized Zaku, and even more so who was driving the Zaku that suddenly appeared.


The man sitting in the cockpit, Castle's father, had no idea of ​​recognizing him.

Under his control, Zaku stretched out his left hand and pointed not far away.

In the stronghold, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned around and ran to another window.

"There's a car over there!


In his sight, a smashed zerg corpse was pressed against a truck.

From the looks of it, this truck should just be crushed by the trunk.

If the rear compartment can be disconnected, the truck should still be able to continue to be used.


The middle-aged man's worry did not happen.

Because the Zaku that suddenly appeared raised the 120mm assault rifle in his hand and swept through the Zerg army that was coming back in front again, then turned around and stretched out his hand to sweep away the Zerg corpse that was pressing on the truck.

"Can do it! Hurry up!

Let's go!


Middle-aged men don't know who is driving the Zaku II, but this Zaku II is helping them.

After saying hello, the last three people in this stronghold picked up the ammunition and firearms that were left in their hands, and rushed out of the stronghold, bent over and lowered their heads, taking advantage of the potholes on the ground and the surrounding corpses. Quickly rushed to the side of the truck.

After a few breaths, the middle-aged man who jumped into the truck for the first time twisted the car key that was still inserted in the keyhole.


There was a tremor and the sound of exhaust gas erupting, and the eyes of the three finally lit up with a ray of longing for survival.

"Hold tight!

I'm going! "

Under the cover of Zaku II, the three people, including Castle, finally got a chance to escape from the first line of defense, which was equivalent to the **** of death.

"Da da da da..."

The 120mm assault rifle kept roaring, as if the anger that had been silent since the one-year war broke out, tearing the enemies in front of him to shreds.

In fact, it is.

Compared to the enemies they faced in the One-Year War, these terrifying and terrifying Zerg monsters of different sizes were like wheat harvested by a harvesting machine when facing the 120mm assault rifle of Zaku II. Fall in pieces.

The scene is extremely exciting.

But the man driving the Zaku II knew that it was only temporary.

The Zaku II I was driving was still able to start after this long period of time. It was not easy to stand up and fight.

Not to mention, it doesn't have much ammo itself.

Before, in order to break through to the first line of defense from the city, two-thirds of the only ammunition had been consumed.

at the moment…

In the dim light of the surveillance screen, he saw the figure of the truck carrying Castle, including Castle, evacuating quickly.

Time to retreat.

The zerg monsters all over the mountains and plains have come up again.

Even Hathaway and others who had just entered the land range from the sea could see it clearly.

"A lot of bugs. Is that BETA?"

Garman, the pilot of Mesa No. 2, laughed a few times.

"How many bugs are there? Thousands? Or tens of thousands?"

Golf's eyelids twitched, the pilot of Mesa No. 4 said in surprise.

Despite the relevant information provided by Remin Kai, they have seen it.

But there is a world of difference between what I saw with my own eyes and what I described in words.

"No. I'm afraid there are 60,000 or more here."

Hathaway in the Mesa command type has already scanned the approximate number with radar.

But, that's just the amount of BETA they're facing in this area.

If you look at all the cities along the coast of the entire Oceania, it is probably a number that makes your scalp numb.

"Mafti. Order!"

Finsa, the pilot of Mesa's plane 3, said in a frivolous voice.

Hathaway nodded slowly, but did not immediately issue an order to strike.

Because, he has seen several signals suddenly appear on the screen in front of him.

"So, is that Zaku II? Great Demon?"

Almost at the same time, whether it was Mesa Commander, Mesa, or even Garcezorn who transported Mesa, several unusual signals were discovered.

"Hey! Not only the bugs BETA, but also the old antiques that should be lying in the museum?"

Garman let out a strange cry in surprise.

"Looks like we underestimated this Ornberry!"

Zaku II, the appearance of the Great Demon is already unimaginable.

Not to mention the short-lived wolf fighting in the one-year war.

"Attention everyone! After landing, immediately support Zaku II, the Great Demon and the Fighting Wolf to help them stabilize the defense line. Garcezorn can support the defense at his discretion if the situation permits. However, if the light-level situation is unknown Under such circumstances, it is strictly forbidden to get too close to the front line.”





As many as 60,000 BETAs are undoubtedly the first vicious battle since Mafti was established.

But Hathaway wasn't too worried.

Because, the biggest worry has already been eliminated after Lei Mingkai voluntarily provided relevant information.

The unknown enemy is the most terrifying.

But after mastering the enemy's weaknesses, it's just a matter of time.

What's more, the most important and most dangerous enemy had already been swept away by Lei Mingkai.

Hathaway took a deep breath, pushed with both hands, and his Mesa Commander took the lead in jumping off the Garcezorn No. 1 aircraft.



The first battle of Mafti's intervention in the defense of Orn Bailey began.

At the same time, Reminkay, who separated from Hathaway and others on the sea ahead of schedule, had already completed a detour by driving Cauchy Gundam, and successfully cut into the rear of the BETA army from the flank of Orn Bailey.

What greeted Cauchy Gundam was a chaotic area mixed with greenery and yellow sand.

"Has the erosion of BETA affected this already?"

Wherever BETA passes, without exception, it will become a lifeless desert.

The area so close to the coastline is already mixed with yellow and green, and the chaotic situation means that the HIVE located in the center of Oceania already has a deadly threat to human beings on earth.

Fortunately, Oceania is a continent surrounded by seas and has no land that is directly connected to other continents.

This is also considered a lucky in misfortune?

"Drip drip..."

While thinking about it, there was a burst of alerts on the radar. UU reading

Lei Mingkai was shocked and already knew the content of the alarm.

The target has appeared!

Cauchy's radar immediately detected the high-energy response in the desert ahead.

It wasn't a high-energy response from the particle beam, but a high-energy response from the firing of an unknown force.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!


Looking up, dozens of firelights appeared above the blue sky.


Lei Mingkai was no stranger to that firelight.

But Mafti's freighter has not been modified with any missiles at all, and it can be used to transport MS, which is the best that those freighters can do.

So, where did these missiles that crossed the sky and landed directly in this area come from?


Reminkay doesn't believe that Ornberry could have so many missiles.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!


The faintly visible laser flickered and exploded the missile that slashed across the sky and fell directly towards this area.

The huge roar was as shocking as the explosion of nine days of thunder.


In the next second,

The sparks and smoke that should have been drifting with the wind became thicker and denser, falling towards this area like a torrential rain.

Not even the high winds could shake the direction of its fall.

"Heavy Metal Cloud?!"

Such a sight and such a method made Lei Mingkai a little surprised.

"It's the Federation? There's a Federation army nearby?!"

Questions arose, but Lei Mingkai did not have any further thoughts.

Right now, the most important thing is to solve the light level that is heading towards Orn Bailey.

This heavy metal cloud created by the missile coming from nowhere is undoubtedly a great opportunity.