Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 921: under mach

In front of him was the wilderness that was flying towards the back of his head.

Lei Mingkai, who was looking at this wasteland, exerted a little force on his hands, and Cauchy Gundam's speed immediately began to increase.

As Lei Mingkai's hand strengthened, the operating power of Cauchy Gundam's Minovsky flight system gradually moved towards the limit.

"Mach 0.5..."

"Mach 0.6..."

"Mach 0.7..."


Lei Mingkai, who was sitting in the cockpit of Cosy Gundam, suddenly felt a tremor.

At that moment, the voice of the world seemed to be left behind, unable to keep up with Lei Mingkai and Kexi Gundam's speed.


With a sonic explosion that resounded through the wilderness, Cauchy Gundam entered supersonic cruise.

"Mach 1.0..."

"Mach 1.1..."

But Lei Mingkai was not satisfied with the speed that Cauchy Gundam had reached at this moment.

under the blue sky,

Under the gradually spreading heavy metal cloud, there is no doubt that the area where the fatally threatening light level is located.

Lei Mingkai can be said to be very familiar with the light-level crusade experience.

But that's on the premise that Lancelot-King's Sword is equipped with Radiant Light Shield and Warp Shield.

Today, the Cauchy Gundam that Lei Mingkai drives does not have a similar defense system.

Apart from the shield in his hand, the defense method that can be used is to rely on the armor of Cauchy Gundam itself to withstand the attack methods from the enemy.

This point undoubtedly limited Lei Mingkai's offensive methods.

However, it is only limited a little bit.

"Altitude 100. Speed, Mach 1.3. Continue!"

The airspace ahead is already covered by heavy metal clouds.

under that,

That's where the light level is.

In a blink of an eye, when Cauchy Gundam leaped over a small hill at a further Mach 1.5, the screen in front of Lei Mingkai was filled with countless red cursors.

The ear-piercing siren launched a violent impact on Lei Mingkai's hearing.


under the hills,

It is the light level of the mountains and plains!

that ugly and pale skin,

Those strange and hideous eyeballs,

And that deformed and scalp-numbing body,

They were all telling Lei Mingkai.


This is the area Lei Mingkai was looking for.

It is the area where Koshi Gundam is about to start killing!

between minutes and seconds,

When Cauchy Gundam rushed out from behind the short hill, the closer light level had already locked onto the position of Cauchy Gundam.


"Mach 1.6..."


The Cauchy Gundam quickly descended to a height that could almost be described as flying close to the ground, and flew past the head of the ray level!

50 meters low!

Cauchy Gundam is like a phantom at this moment, fleeting.

Although light-level laser attacks can be aimed and hit.

But at such a short distance, the huge eyeball of the ray level couldn't keep up with the speed of Cauchy Gundam.

Instead, it was overturned by the impact of the sonic boom caused by Cauchy Gundam flying at supersonic speed.

At the moment when Cauchy Gundam crossed the distance between 1 and 2, and completely entered Mach 2, the larger, more intense, and more terrifying sonic boom that erupted unscrupulously moved towards the Cauchy Gundam centered on Mach 2. The surrounding area launched a fatal impact.



The dust all over the sky accompanied Cauchy Gundam's body, covering the head of light levels.

When these light levels once again emerged from the dust in the sky and saw the light of day again, these light levels directly below the Cauchy Gundam had already been killed by the terrifying sonic boom shock wave attack.

Like a spring of blood gushing out from the pale skin torn by the shock wave, the weak point was even turned into a puddle of rotten flesh by the shock wave. In the blink of an eye, under the area where the light levels gathered, gradually larger puddles formed.

"Mach 2.0!"

Lei Mingkai's whole body was tightly attached to the driver's seat to resist the overload caused by flying at supersonic speed.

Although it is a bit oppressive, it is nothing compared to the horrible overload experienced by Lei Mingkai in the hellish aerial combat that Lei Mingkai experienced when he personally piloted the YF21.


This is just off topic.

at the moment,

The sonic boom shock wave generated by Cauchy Gundam's supersonic flight has become a terrible killer at the ray level below the massacre.

This was not Lei Mingkai's whim.

It came from a certain military secret that Lei Mingkai learned from military magazines when he was young.

In the era when the world was terrified, the Red Empire, one of the two poles, once developed a method that used the shock waves generated by supersonic flight to kill the enemy's vital forces in a large area, without even consuming a single shell or a single bomb. Missiles are a terrible technology that can destroy the enemy's fortifications.

Although in the end, the scientists of the Red Empire were unable to successfully develop this technology due to the limitation of existing technology, it left a deep memory in Lei Mingkai's memory.



Lei Mingkai tried to carry out this attack, or a test, by using the characteristics of Cauchy Gundam.

From the results,

The light-level fragile body, which is the opposite of the horror of the attack method, cannot resist the shock wave generated by Cauchy Gundam when he flies at supersonic speed.


Like a daytime meteor,

After the light level could not touch the back of Cauchy Gundam at all, Cauchy Gundam had already penetrated the area where the light level was located, and disappeared behind another small hill, leaving a straight and bright red trail, splitting the entire light The region where the level is located.

Because of this, the light-levels that were marching towards Onberry stopped and turned to the direction where Cauchy Gundam disappeared.

"Are you hooked?"

under the hills,

After successfully adjusting the flight path of Cauchy Gundam at the cost of a series of maneuvers and a slight loss of speed, Lei Mingkai also sensed a hollow but chilling killing intent.

Obviously, he has been targeted.

For this result, Lei Mingkai was not afraid at all.

Even the more terrifying light-class space battleships were destroyed by Lei Mingkai himself.

It's just that it's just a mere ordinary light level, it's not worth Lei Mingkai's fear at all!

Suddenly, Lei Mingkai's gaze moved up three points involuntarily.

A throbbing came from the heavy metal cloud.

"Missile attack!"

With just a glance, Lei Mingkai has already noticed the ultimate move hidden behind the heavy metal cloud.

When the screaming sound suddenly sounded, the heavy metal cloud was broken open one after another, allowing the missiles that pierced the sky to fall directly into the ray-level cluster.


Thousands of trees of fire and snow exploded.

Accompanied by the flying residual limbs, an incomparably bright **** rain fell under the heavy metal cloud.

As the only spectator and the only human being present, Lei Mingkai couldn't help frowning.

Isn't the timing too coincidental?

Just as Cauchy Gundam flew through the entire ray-level cluster at a supersonic speed of Mach 2, and attracted all ray-level attention to himself, the next moment a missile from nowhere came crashing down under the cover of a heavy metal cloud. Blow up those light classes to pieces.

Suddenly, Lei Mingkai suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

I saw that the heavy metal cloud above Cauchy Gundam's head was slightly shifted under the influence of the strong wind.

From that subtle distance, Lei Mingkai's eyes seemed to penetrate the space, watching something parked in the void.

"The missile is completely hit! Now it is evaluating!"

In a certain sea area to the northeast of Ornberry, the federal space battleship named Ra Cailum was slowly driving along the predetermined combat route.

At the same time, this federal warship that has received the latest combat order has entered a combat state.

Not long ago, the six large multi-purpose missile launchers possessed by Ra Cailum had just completed their third salvo.

"Captain. Judging from the images fed back by the reconnaissance satellite, the first round of strikes should be in line with expectations."

After the first officer glanced at the screen in front of the CIC responsible for monitoring and reconnaissance satellites, he turned his head to look at the top leader of La Cailum, who is also the commander of Lundbell, UU Reading Brad- noah.

"Hmm. Have you found out the origin of the machine that suddenly appeared in the strike range?"

Brad nodded slowly, and turned his attention to the mysterious machine that suddenly appeared before the strike mission.

"No! At present, we have not found similar records in the federal service sequence. But judging from its ability to fly autonomously and possibly enter supersonic flight, it should have appeared near Davao some time ago , the mysterious body that fought against the Davao base."

The first officer shook his head, roughly sorted out the information in his hands, and made a guess.


Brad groaned.

Immediately, nodded.

"Let the bell team attack! But remember, our immediate task is to rescue civilians and assist civilians to evacuate from the battlefield where the Zerg is at war. As for Orn Bailey, even..."

Brad was also aware of the first officer's speculation, and had already guessed about it.

"Even the Mafty organization that may appear in Onberry's place will all adopt a policy of non-interference and no first-hand action."

Brad's order stunned the first officer for a moment.

"Captain, if this is the case, the actions of Team Bell will be limited, right? In any case, most of the people in Orn Bailey are against the Federation."

"No. Even so, our current enemies are those Zergs. Not us humans."

Brad waved his hand and said with a hammer.

"If Mafty is really in Onberry, the enemies of Team Bell will only be those zerg, not Onberry's rebel army."

The first officer opened his mouth, and finally stood at attention and saluted.

"Yes! Captain."

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