Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 929: mask

When the first ray of morning light scattered on the ground, there was a trace of movement in the ruins of the city.

Under the messy and broken rubble, a pair of pale hands struggled to push aside the messy rubble, trying to escape from under the heavy rubble.

"chug chug"


The owner of this pair of pale hands had just broken through the oppression of layers of rubble, and the moment he stepped on the ground, he was torn apart by a storm of bullets.

Scarlet blood scattered on the ground and quickly sank into the gaps between the rubble. At the same time, the owner of the pair of pale hands was finally illuminated by the light scattered by the morning sun.

It was an ugly and ferocious face!

The ugly face named BETA!

Not far away, a team of human teams who looked vigilantly on guard were carefully searching for the strangeness nearby.

Any abnormality that might appear with those pale hands will be obliterated by this human team, even the human team that is searching around in this dilapidated city!



Suddenly, a flash of light fell from the sky and sank into the wreckage of a building not far away, setting off a deafening explosion.

Before the rumbling sound could be heard, a foul-smelling and disgusting rain of blood poured down, forcing the human team to quickly hide in a broken house not far away to avoid the sudden rain of blood.

Gradually rising into the sky, the sunlight that dissipated the darkness of the night, unexpectedly covered the blood rain with a golden veil at this moment. The scene was really beautiful, but extremely weird.

And on top of this **** rain, Cauchy Gundam was quietly hovering over this dilapidated city, Orn Bailey.

Several hours have passed since the mothership-class BETA raided Ornberry underground.

During these few hours, Cauchy Gundam did not raise the beam rifle in his hand to fire an attack, nor did he activate the missile to launch a bombing towards the BETA below.

The only thing it did was to serve as the radar of the Federation Fleet headed by Rakalam, providing guidance for the attack of the Federation Fleet, and eradicating those BETAs hidden deep underground one by one.

In particular, being able to transport a large number of BETAs to the mothership-class BETAs behind Ornberry in a short period of time is the most important thing.

Therefore, under this tacit understanding, both the Cosy Gundam and the Rakaram used the public channel as a bridge to exchange information constantly, and wiped out the BETA that threatened Ornberry.

Now, a few hours later, even if Brad didn't ask, he already knew that the missile launchers owned by the federation fleet he was leading had entered the limit state. If it continued, he might have to return to the base for a new round. The wheel was overhauled.

"Captain, the intelligence target provided by Mafty has been completely removed! Do you want the fleet to take turns for temporary maintenance?"

After communicating with the CIC who was in charge of monitoring Orn Bailey's situation, the first officer asked Brad softly.

Just as Brad was about to say something, the correspondent at the side suddenly made a gesture to Brad.

Brad saw it, and after a slight change in his complexion, he looked at the first mate.

"You can arrange it yourself! In addition, send an invitation to the white machine. If possible, I hope to meet and talk with the leader of Mafty. Of course, the same is true for Onberry."

"Yes! Captain!"

After letting the first mate arrange follow-up matters, Brad got up and came to the correspondent who was gesturing to him.

The correspondent did not speak, but handed the headset to Brad.

Brad's face darkened.

This is not good news.

There is only one reason for the correspondent in charge of contacting the headquarters to act like this.

Brad took the earphones, exhaled slowly, and put them on.

"I'm Brad Noah, please speak!"

Onberry, nine o'clock in the morning.

The Mesa team led by Hathavi entered the sky above Onberry from the east of Onberry, near the junction of the mountains and the sea, and joined the Cosy Gundam who had been staying in Onberry.

This time, on behalf of Mafty, Hathaway responded to the invitation sent by the captain of the Rakalam, Brad Noah, and came to meet and talk with him.

However, before that, Hathaway had a difficult time.

Made a natural difficulty.

Reminded by Lei Mingkai, Hathaway knew that sooner or later he would have a duel with his father, but he never thought it would happen at this moment.

It happened so quickly before my eyes.

"Need a mask?"

In the communication channel, Lei Mingkai raised his hand and tapped the mask on his face.

Hathaway smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"No. You don't have to."

After Hathaway let out a sound that seemed to be a sigh, he stared at the picture in front of him and looked at Lei Mingkai.

"As suggested before, Lei Mingkai, it's up to you! I'll stand behind the scenes, and that's all."

The communication between Hathaway and Lei Mingkai was made public to the entire Mesa team.

When Hathaway said this sentence, no one else in the Mesa team raised any objections.

Obviously, before Hathaway set off with the Mesa team, an emergency meeting had already been held within Mafty.

For Hathaway, this invitation was caught off guard.

Even more so for Mafty.

What's more, due to technical reasons, it is impossible to contact the federal general standing behind Mafty in time. The current problem can only be decided by Hathaway and his trusted Yin Ram.

"Hathaway. We can't disclose Mafty's true identity yet. At least, not now. Even if it's facing Brad Noah."

As Hathaway's trusted assistant, Yin Ram is well aware of the relationship between Hathaway and Brad.

Know more about Brad's style of life.

From the beginning of the One Year War to the past few decades, among the major events that have endangered the Federation, Brad Noah, who has made countless outstanding military exploits, should have become a general of the Earth Federation long ago. , guarding one side.

However, these things did not happen.

Brad Noah, who has made countless military exploits and suppressed many enemies for the Earth Federation, is still just a colonel.

Although the famous Londe Bell is in the palm of his hand, those who know the inside know that this famous federal fleet, including Brad Noah, is just a brick in the hands of the Earth Federation.

Wherever there is trouble, just move there, there is no need to consider how to reward bricks afterwards.

If such treatment is placed on any Earth Federation officer, I am afraid that they have already turned them back.

But Brad Noah has worked tirelessly for decades to settle all chaos for the Earth Federation.

Such a character is really respectable and terrifying.

As a son of man, Hathaway knew Yin Ram's concerns.

In the end, just like Lei Mingkai's unsolicited proposal that time, Maftina Biyu Ailin's mask was handed over to Lei Mingkai.

When Garsezorn's engine roared across the sky over Ornberry, it also attracted the attention of everyone staying at the port.

"Mafty is here. It's quite loud!"

The three stars who were in charge of providing protection for the talks looked towards the direction where the Mesa team appeared.

Cauchy Gundam, Sanlianxing is not too unfamiliar.

At night, under the guidance of Cosy Gundam, Sanlianxing almost took over all the large-scale BETA crusade missions.

"All staff concentrate!"

The existence of Cauchy Gundam made San Lianxing feel great pressure.


In fact, in addition to the mobile suit troops led by Sanlianxing, the same is true for the federal soldiers who perform security tasks for ground personnel.

In the eyes of these soldiers, Ornberry's side, which has experienced two BETA Zerg invasion battles, has lost the strength to resist the Federation fleet.

The ones that can bring pressure to them are undoubtedly the fully organized Mesa squad and Cosy Gundam.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, when the Mesa team headed by Cosy Gundam approached the port, Hathaway led the Mesa team to the right to break away from the formation, posing a non-hostile gesture.

At the same time, Cauchy Gundam also slowly descended the Gundam and landed in front of the port gate.

This time, it was the first time for the federal army to witness the true face of Cosy Gundam so closely.

From the moment Cozy Gundam landed, standing behind Brad, the federal intelligence agents hidden everywhere took out their shooting equipment and frantically took pictures of Cocy Waiting for Cocy Gundam The moment the cockpit opened, it was even more crazy.

"Let me sit on it?"

In the cockpit of Cosy Gundam, Qiqi pointed to the cockpit of Cosy Gundam suspiciously.

"Well, don't you dare?"

After arranging the pilot uniform and the mask covering his face, Lei Mingkai stood aside with his helmet in his arms and smiled lightly.

"No. It's just, I can't drive this big guy."

It would be a lie to say that I didn't wonder how Kosh Gundam moved.

It's just that Qiqi knows that she has never been in contact with MS.

Not to mention, how to move these tens of tons of big guys.

"No, don't worry. Qiqi, you just need to sit on it."

The smile on Lei Mingkai's face was still clear and gentle, as if telling Qiqi not to worry about any problems.

She just needs to sit on it according to Lei Mingkai's instructions.

Qiqi blinked, and finally obeyed Lei Mingkai's order and sat in the driver's seat of Cosy Gundam.

For some reason, the moment Qiqi sat in the driver's seat, she had a vague feeling of strangeness.

But for a while, she couldn't understand where this strange feeling came from.

On the other hand, Lei Mingkai, who might know all of this, didn't say much, just gestured to Qiqibi to wait for his return, put on his helmet, and left the cockpit of Cosy Gundam.


In the capacity of Maftina Biju Ailin, I will represent Hathaway and all members of Mafty to meet the legendary hero, Brad Noah.


Lei Mingkai would not mind appearing in front of Brad Noah in another capacity.

For example, Char's undead