Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 934: Hidden worm nest

But the moment the battle started, the spy satellites that were first mobilized to the major orbits over Oceania immediately had a clear view of the war situation on the entire battlefield.

Under the monitoring of these satellites, whether it is the coastlines of Oceania, the attacks launched by major cities at the same time, or the response of beta to this are all recorded one by one, and then forwarded to the headquarters of the Earth Federation Forces and the west coast of Oceania. In the front-line command center of the Garuda No. 1 above a certain sea area to the west.

"The front-line intelligence systems have responded and confirmed that the communication is smooth and there is no abnormality!"

"The first, third, and fourth land combat groups have successfully advanced to the predetermined positions, and are entering a state of engagement with several division-scale beta legions!"

"The Rakelam land combat group encounters beta resistance. Surveillance satellite number six detects response to the presence of light-level beta."

"Report! Mafti's Gundam-type MS has entered the beta army alone, and has entered a state of war with the Light-level beta! In addition, the No. 3 spy satellite responsible for tracking the operation of Mafti's Gundam-type MS found the existence of a suspected light-level beta. Emergence of heavy light-level beta."

"Inform all front-line troops that they must be alert to the raid of light-level betas, and the possibility of heavy-beam betas that may follow."

Ronan Mathenas stood calmly in the front-line command and operations center of Garuda No. 1, watching the reports of the surrounding combat commanders on the front-line battle situation and the scheduling of the actions of the front-line units.

"Your Excellency Speaker. According to the current progress, we have completed the first step of the battle plan. The zerg hidden in the depths of Oceania have begun to be mobilized by us."

The Earth Federation Major General, who was the commander-in-chief of the front-line operations, stood beside Ronan and said slowly.

Ronan turned his head, looked at the Earth Federation major general, and pointed to the three-dimensional map on the main screen in front of him.

That's the body contour map of the heavy ray-level beta.

Although rudimentary, it provides essential data for analysis of footage captured by spy satellites.

And this Earth Major General is a staunch Ronan faction.

It is precisely because of this that he will become the front-line commander of this operation.

"This information is said to have come from Mafti?"

"Yes! This is the relevant information sent back from the Rakelam some time ago. Because of this information, our actions will be much smoother than expected."

From the moment the beta invaded, the Earth Federation immediately mobilized most of the troops in the corresponding area to completely destroy it.

Although all continents except Oceania have been spared the pain of beta invasion, it has also caused the Earth Federation to lack a lot of beta intelligence puzzles.

The intelligence information that was suddenly delivered to the door has indeed provided considerable assistance to the operations of the Federal Army.

"The Rakelam?"

Ronan pondered for a moment, but did not speak again.

The Federal Major General next to him stopped talking and stood behind him silently after seeing Ronan looking at the main screen again.

He knew very well that this battle plan was not something he could fully command.

As a member of the Ronan faction, his duty now is to play his role in the battle plan made by the Earth Federation headquarters, and then at the moment of victory, he will successfully receive the reward he deserves.

"Rakelam! That captain should also have a new epaulette!"

Under the sigh of the Earth Federation Major General, the No. 5 and No. 6 spy satellites monitoring the battlefield also transmitted new pictures back to the front-line combat command center of Garuda No. 1.


At the moment when the white meteor flew by, a hill was suddenly melted by the terrifying high temperature, and then in the high-energy reaction suppressed to the extreme, it was blown away to a large area of ​​the hill.

In the dark smoke billowing, countless gravels still left with high temperature fell from the sky and smashed to the ground, smashing the originally barren land with pits and scars.

This is an attack from the heavy beam beta!

Lei Mingkai did not expect that these heavy-beam-level betas would be so face-saving, instead of attacking the spy satellites that were in orbit peeping over the entire battlefield, they were chasing after the Cauchy Gundam that he was driving.

This is really...

"Hey! Bugs, they are bugs after all!"

Lei Mingkai stepped on the pedal alternately with his left and right feet, and after Keshida made a manoeuvre to roll to the right, he quickly flew into the shadow of a small hill next to him.


Several invisible lasers followed, directly burning the small hill red, and then with a roaring explosion, the small hill stepped on the end of the previous hill senior.

It was blasted away by the laser from the heavy beam level and turned into a flat ground with scorching hot magma.

In the tumbling heat wave, Cauchy Gundam was like a white meteor, moving quickly through the scattered gravel, without the slightest delay due to being chased by the heavy light-level beta.

Immediately, several light spots appeared from behind the hill on the other side, rushing towards the heavy-beam-level beta that was staring at Cauchy Gundam and constantly moving its huge and ugly body like lightning.

That's a floating missile!

It turned out that in the second that Cauchy Gundam flew into the shadow of the hill, several floating missiles were launched, and under the spiritual guidance of Lei Mingkai, and under the cover of the hill, he detoured back to the back of the heavy beam-level beta in one fell swoop.

Originally, beta was sensitive to electromagnetic fields.

But at this moment, in front of the heavy-beam-level beta, the electromagnetic field emitted by Cauchy Gundam is undoubtedly as dazzling as the sun.

Such a strong electromagnetic field response was enough to cover up the trace of the tiny floating missile.

As a result, the moment the harsh screeching sound exploded above the head of the heavy-beam-level beta, death has come.




In an instant, half of the heavy-beam-level betas were killed by these small floating missiles.

The flesh that splashed in the explosion,

The fragments that were blown up in the missile explosion tore the outer skin of the surrounding heavy light-level beta, and when the surging blood rain splashed on the sky, the white meteor that created this **** scene with one hand came in an instant, Running from the other direction behind the remnant heavy ray-level beta.


The beam saber burst out with a blazing and deadly brilliance. Driven by Cauchy's lightning-fast maneuvers, it drew arcs symbolizing death in the air and in the wilderness.

Every arc is drawn, and it will be a moment when a heavy light-level beta is cut into several pieces and buried in the boundless darkness.


at this point,

He roared along with Cauchy's actions.

In the low hissing of the Naminovsky flight system, the sound of the wind just resonated with it, creating a savage that walked out of the myth and recklessly harvested the enemy's life, making all mortal creatures fear it and surrender to it. Dragon illusion.

Every time the high-speed moving Cauchy Gundam swings the beam blade in his hand, he can set off a gust of gusty wind.

Until the last heavy-beam-level beta was slashed by Cauchy Gundam, and the wreckage fell into the dazzling blood pool, a dragon whirlwind mixed with sand and blood slowly rose.

However, when it rose to mid-air, it disappeared without a trace under the huge movement from afar.

"Is it Hathaway and the others?"

Lei Mingkai's thoughts were like lightning, and Kosygaard took action again, and flew in the direction of the movement in the low neigh of the Minovsky flight system.

Where did that huge movement come from?

Lei Mingkai had a vague guess in his heart.

"Report! The reactions of the heavy light-level beta have disappeared!

The words of cic, who was in charge of monitoring the No. 6 spy satellite, immediately aroused a burst of calls from the front-line command and operations center.

"It seems that the strength of our new friends, Captain Brad, is very good!"

Ronan leaned back in his chair and smiled softly.

Due to the angle and the distance between the sky and the earth, even if the performance of the spy satellite's camera equipment is against the sky, it is impossible to monitor the whole process of how the Cauchy Gundam sets up and counterattacks against the heavy-beam-level beta.

But even so, it was enough for Ronan to realize how Cauchy Gundam and Lei Mingkai who was driving it were.

"Yes! This Mafti's pilot probably has quite a lot of combat experience with beta. I am afraid that the seemingly simple method just now is the most effective method for light-level beta."

The Earth Federation Major General standing next to him changed his face, and finally gave a pertinent opinion.

"Well. It seems that this Mafti's pilot will be one of the main forces of the overall attack plan."

Ronan nodded, then looked at the row of busy technicians on the left.

The first phase of the battle plan, although it has been completed.

But the key lies in these technicians.

Because the plan at this stage can be described by an ancient Eastern idiom.

That is, lead the snake out of the hole.

For a long time, due to scattered energy and internal reasons, the Federal Army, which could not respond to the beta nest in Oceania in time, also has a plan for the nest that may be hidden under the ocean in Oceania.

The top officials of the Federation, including Ronan, have reason to believe that the worm nest in the depths of Oceania will inevitably expand its power after it has enough space and time to grow.

Even if, from the satellite bird's-eye view, only that huge worm nest exists on the ground of the entire Oceania, the Earth Federation Army will not naively think that there is only one worm nest in Oceania.

Under the huge Oceania, there must be worm nests unknown to human beings.

The attack on the coast around Oceania some time ago is one of the evidences!

"Report! Detected high-energy reactions! According to the analysis of radar and intelligence, as well as the results of cross-comparison, this series of high-energy reactions is exactly what we are looking for!"


The moment Ronan's eyes fell on those technicians, the expected report sounded.

"Reconfirm the location of the target and the target of our combat troops, unfold the prism and enter the energy filling!"

When the information was confirmed again, the Earth Federation Major General, who knew his location at all times, immediately issued a new round of orders.

This must be the final order to wrap up the first phase of the entire operational plan.

At the same time, it is also the clarion call to take Oceania back from those monsters!

"No. 1, No. 2... No. 10 satellites locked the coordinates of the high-energy response, all radars entered the coordinate program, and once again confirmed that the coordinates were correct!"

"Prism expansion progress is 30%...50%...70%..."

"Allies around the pre-strike coordinates begin to evacuate! There are still 90 seconds until the friendly forces completely withdraw from the strike range!"

"The coordinates have been entered, enter the final confirmation procedure!"

"Confirm the coordinates again! The energy is filled by 50%! There are still 50 seconds before the minimum energy value of the shot!"

In the tense and orderly sound of instructions, Ronan couldn't help straightening his waist, his eyes staring at the main screen that originally only had desert.

There is no reason for him.

It is a strange building that seems to be stacked with countless irregular planes, slowly tearing apart the earth, appearing in the picture, and appearing in front of the two sides who are currently at war.

"That...that's hive! Beta's lair hive!

Holding up his shield, he abruptly blocked the attack of a volley-level btea, and raised his muzzle to pierce the ugly body hidden behind the huge pincers. On the surface, a behemoth slowly appeared in front of him.

"Mafti! It seems that the boss of the bug can't help but take action! What should I do?"

Galman drove his beloved Mesa with a blade, stabbed an Assault-level beta that was trying to knock it down, and then stood behind the purple Mesa Commander.

"Back off!"

Hathaway did not hesitate, and immediately gave the order to retreat.

Just before the huge hive appeared, the evacuation order from the Rakelam was issued.

At this moment, the non-Federal troops, including the Mesa Squad, quickly evacuated to the safety zone under the cover of the Federal Army.

Amidst the roaring engine sound, missiles shot up from the rear of the Rakelam. Under Hathaway's gaze, they passed over their heads and stuck behind them, wanting to pursue them. Among the beta army of the Mesa team, there were violent explosions.

"Mafti. Don't miss the big fireworks! Although, it's daytime, but it should be nice."

Just when everyone in the Mesa Squad was a little confused, Lei Mingkai's voice happened to appear in Mafti's dedicated encrypted channel.


Hathaway's face changed.

Obviously, he has already thought of how the fireworks in Lei Mingkai's mouth exist.

"Is the Federation going to use that weapon again?"

"Well, very likely!"

When Kosy Gundam's figure reappeared, Lei Mingkai's avatar also appeared on the screen in front of Hathaway.

"The mission target has appeared in each coordinate! The deviation has been corrected, the shooting axis is within the predetermined value, and the energy filling has reached the minimum shooting value! Please order!"

Above the ocean, the airspace where Garuda No. 1 hovered was filled with a sense of slaughter.

It would be an order to wipe out thousands, no, a hundred thousand, even millions of lives in an instant.

Judging from the satellite bird's-eye view monitoring the entire Oceania, the enemies exposed to the Federal Army have passed the 100,000 mark, not to mention the large and small Zerg betas hidden in the hive.

"General. Let me give the order!"

Ronan stood up and looked at the Earth Federation Major General who was following him.

"Yes. Speaker Ronan! Please!"

The Earth Federation Major General had no objection.

At this second, everyone in the command center turned their attention to Ronan.

This is bound to be an earth-shattering blow!

Because, this blow will be this weapon system, a brand new blow called Gripps 2 Satellite Cannon!

"Prism system, ready! Meet the shooting requirements! All targets are locked!"

When the voice of the technician in charge of controlling the firing authority of Grimps 2 fell, a red button also popped up on the small platform in front of Ronan.

Looking at the red button, Ronan felt a sense of time and space dislocation.

Nearly ten years ago, he also had such an experience.

However, that time, he almost killed his son when he pressed the red button!

If it wasn't for a little joke by fate and the efforts of that boy and those people, I am afraid that today's Ronan Marcenas would have been dyed red by the blood of his beloved son.

"Today is no longer yesterday! Yesterday's mistakes will no longer hinder today!"

Ronan remembered what Brad said when he stood in front of him.

"Now, I should be the father you are proud of? Liddy."

"The future will belong to you young people!"

Ronan's eyes narrowed, and he pressed his hand hard. The moment the red button was pressed, the entire command center moved instantly!

"Firing order confirmed!"

"Prism starts to warm up!"

"The warm-up is complete! Enter the ten-second countdown!






"Gripps 2, launch!

In an instant, UU read www.uukanshu. A terrifying burst of energy erupted from the huge satellite cannon far above its orbit.

The moment this energy bombarded, it did not directly bombard the earth, but slammed into the most massive prism among the many prisms in front.

Then, the prism directly hit by the beam of light from the satellite cannon was not directly destroyed. Instead, the terrifying beam of light from the Gripps 2 satellite cannon was divided into dozens of beams, and then refracted to the smaller ones scattered around it. on the prism.

Suddenly, the attack from the Gripps 2 satellite gun was divided by those large and small prisms, refracted into dozens of smaller beams of light, and finally bombarded towards Oceania under the refraction of the prism.

This is not to destroy a city or a fortress, but a terrible plan to destroy all betas and worm nests locked by satellites, radars, and worms in one fell swoop at the same time!

At that moment, all humans in Oceania will surely see dozens of beams of light breaking through the sky and bombarding the worm nest directly, the amazing sight of the beta army!
