Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 935: "Brad Noah"

The moment when the huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, it was the earth torn by the terrifying beam of light that fell from the sky, and the beta army that turned to ashes in the blink of an eye under the beam of light.

Also, it just rose from the ground, trying to release more beta armies and block the many hives that the human fleet attacked.

At first glance, these hives are almost 100 meters high, but under the beam of light falling from the sky, such a huge building is like a fragile piece of paper, and it will be broken as soon as it is poked.

It refracted the sunlight, and the appearance made of an unknown metal material melted rapidly under the irradiation of the terrifying beam of light, turning into a stream of flowing heat, dripping on the lifeless land of the desert.


The beam of light ripped apart the sky, and the roar that ripped apart the atmosphere became the protagonist at the moment.

In the roaring loud noise, the hives that were hidden under the desert land and tried to give a fatal blow to the human fleet were punched out of a huge hole in an instant.

Until the energy of the beam of light was exhausted and the terrifying momentum of tearing the sky could no longer continue, the terrifying energy accumulated in the depths of hive finally ushered in the moment of liberation.



Although the beam of light disappeared, a more terrifying explosion erupted from the depths of the hive, its most vulnerable interior.

A cloud of mushrooms rose from the ground.

Even though Lei Mingkai was far away in the sky, Hathaway and the others could still see the huge mushroom cloud rising from the horizon in the distance.

Even the towering mountains can't hide the power of Mushroom Guyun rising into the sky at the moment, wanton stretching in the atmosphere.

"The shooting is complete! The target hit rate remains at 98%. All the suspected beta nest targets were hit, and only a small amount of light-level beta narrowly avoided the Gripps 2's shooting due to atmospheric refraction."

When the energy stored by Gripps 2 was exhausted, Garuda 1, far above the ocean, also received relevant reports.

As soon as this conclusion came out, the atmosphere of the entire operation center suddenly became warm.

This is also inevitable.

If there is no such terrifying strategic-level killer as Gripps 2, even if the Earth Federation mobilizes the Federation fleet on the earth, it is impossible to hide these hidden underground in such a short period of time. The hive is destroyed synchronously, so that the strongest troops assembled by human beings can face the main nest of beta.

The one hidden deep in Oceania, for various reasons, fortunately avoided the many blows of the Earth Federation. It has developed so far. It is time for the worm nest occupied by this Oceania to be liquidated by human beings.

"How long until the next shot?"

Ronan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the Earth Federation Major General standing beside him.

"Yes! Because of the shooting just now, all prisms have been damaged and need to be replaced. It will take at least 48 hours to complete all prism replacements. In addition, Gripps 2 needs to be inspected for 24 hours, and charged can."

"Really? 48 hours? Keep going as planned!"

This is the expected answer.

After all, Gripps 2 is nothing new.

It has been at least a few decades since it was created. During this period of time, which is equivalent to the growth of human beings from childhood to middle-aged and elderly people, what happened to Gripps 2 is enough to make most things in the world be affected by time. , consumed by the ubiquitous radiation that exists in the universe.

What's more, in order to solve the zerg crisis in Oceania, such an outdated Gripps 2 was transformed by one of the factions within the Earth Federation led by Ronan to have the earth-shaking means of attack today.

After a while, the order from Garuda No. 1 was passed to all the federal troops in Oceania almost at the same time.

"it's time!"

On the bridge of the Rakelam, Brad glanced at the order handed over from the first mate.

"Captain, did the hive send people to search and clear it?"

the chief mate asked.

"Well. Let the manpower from Orn Bailey, and the troops that arrived later, take over the search of the hive, and clear the mission! In addition, the person in charge of the search and clearing tasks, you must pass the next level. I I don't want any bad rumours and incidents against Aun Bailey."

Brad nodded and gave a special warning.

Although the Orn Bailey side performed well in the battle, since the MS they used was an ancient body left over from the One-Year War, Brad would not put them in the next hard battle. .

The orbital bombardment of Gripps 2 easily destroyed the Hive's first line of defense.

Then, next, if the large army assembled by human beings wants to break through to the zerg lair, I am afraid they will experience an extremely tragic battle.

"Yes! Captain. I'll make arrangements now. Also, Mafti's side..."

"Let them keep up! After all, on Orn Bailey's side, I even think the battle shown by Mafti's side is no less than that of some elite troops in the Federation."

Brad smiled and said casually.

But the first officer knew that this was Brad's recognition of Mafti's strength.

Whether it's the Keshi Gundam that can fly alone and rush to kill alone in the beta army, or the one under the leadership of the purple ms, let the beta army attack, they are still as firm and unswerving as a rock in the torrent. Squads are enough to influence the direction of a local war.

Thinking of this, the first mate saluted Brad, then turned to leave and executed the next order.


He didn't see the strangeness in Brad's eyes.


really familiar.

"Purple ms."

Brad's fingers slowly tapped the handle, but he couldn't help thinking of the battle process of the Mesa team led by the purple ms named Mesa in the previous battle.

Under Brad's thinking, the details are captured by Brad from his memory, just like a movie that can be viewed by humans and kept rewinding. action.

"No, this should be a breakthrough approach."

"No, no."

In the eyes of others, Brad, from the outside, looks calm and sits there with calm eyes.

In fact, in Brad's mind at the moment, he was engaged in a tactical confrontation with a certain existence.


An unknown opponent who was constantly recalled by Brad in details from Mafti's actions, and gradually took shape in Brad's simulated confrontation.

I don't know how long it has passed. During this battle, Brad was able to recall the moment when the last detail about the battle details of the Mesa team led by Purple Mesa became the last puzzle piece of the simulated tactical confrontation. Laide was surprised to find the person standing opposite him.

It turned out to be…

he himself!

"No, how is that possible?!

Brad's eyes were shocked, and he woke up from his thoughts.

At this moment, Brad realized that he was still on the bridge of the Rakelam.

"Captain. The call from Mafti is about the next move."

The first mate, who gave the order, saw Brad wake up from his contemplation, and asked softly.


The first mate didn't know how huge waves his inquiry had once again set off in Brad's heart.

The simulated tactical confrontation just now in contemplation has given Brad the illusion of confronting himself face-to-face.

Even after waking up at this moment, the unusual familiarity is still very clear.

Brad knows how influential his experience is among the middle and lower ranks of the Earth Federation Army, and even many recruits, including military academies, are studying their combat experience in many important past wars.

But no matter how much they study, Brad-Noah is still Brad-Noah, and the Earth Federation Army has always only had one Brad-Noah.


In front of Brad Noah, another Brad Noah appeared.

"how can that be?!"

Brad ignored the chief mate's inquiry and was still in a state of deep thought.

Seeing this, the first mate couldn't continue to ask questions. He was about to give up, and was going to let cic, who was in charge of liaising with Mafti, reply with a wait message, but he was unexpectedly stopped by Brad raising his hand.

"Send the next action plan to Mafti."

"Yes, Captain."

After the first mate responded subconsciously, he immediately responded.

"Captain! Excuse me, is that part of the battle plan?"

As for the strength of Orn Bailey, Mafti and other aspects, the federal fleet leading this large-scale operation will not reveal the full battle plan, but will release the corresponding battle plan under the premise of ensuring that they can maximize their combat power. battle plan.

"Well, all!"

Brad nodded and answered decisively.

So, the battle plan for this Oceania raid was sent to Mafti.

After unraveling the whole picture of the entire battle plan according to the key sent by the Rakiram, Hathaway's face changed.

In front of Hathaway's eyes, the Earth Federation's overall plan for how to attack Oceania is unfolding one by one.

From Davao to the South Pacific, UU reading www.uukanshu. com

from space to land,

Even official events with huge influence in the geosphere, including the Adelaide Conference, are included in this plan.

When Hathaway saw the full picture of the implementation of this super plan in order to unfold, he did not have a trace of excitement in his heart.

Some, there is a trace of fear, a trace of overwhelm, a trace of awe, and admiration.

After Hathaway's expression changed a few times, he finally closed his eyes and let out a slow breath.

He opened his eyes, looked at Lei Mingkai, who was sitting opposite, and smiled bitterly.

"Kay, it seems that my father is already doubting Mafti's true identity."

Before Lei Mingkai could speak, Hathaway shook his head and pointed to himself.

"No, it should be said that it is possible to see through Mafti."