Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 940: Allies and Accidents

When the federal troops headed by the Rakelam first attacked to a hundred kilometers away from the sixth-level hive, the beta that was raging around finally stopped.

The beta army that disappeared from the battlefields all over Oceania overnight could no longer stop the footsteps of the Earth Federation army.

Over time, more and more federal troops appeared around the federal forces headed by the Rakelam.

A giant net that encircles the Beta's only base on Earth with the sixth-level hive finally began to close.

every second,

every point,

every moment,

Federal troops from all over came to join the Rakelam.

Looking at the friendly army that looked in a hurry and covered in sand and sand, the Earth Federation soldiers who first arrived here did not feel any tiredness, but their morale was even higher.

Under the operation of engineering troops, front-line bases have sprung up in this desert.

With the hard cooperation of the artillery units, the artillery pieces were lifted from the trenches, and the dark muzzles were aimed at the sixth-level hive shrouded in deathly silence.

One after another stepped off the carrier vehicle, from which the artillery was deliberately dismantled and temporarily converted into a pallet-level heavy land artillery battleship. According to the instructions of the front line command, it entered the divided position and waited for the attack. That moment comes.

no doubt.

As long as they are in this giant net, every Earth Federation soldier feels not the terror of facing the Zerg, but the fiery and high fighting will.

From the moment the crusade plan was launched,

Starting from stepping on the land of Oceania, which belongs to human beings,

From the moment the battle with beta started,

From the moment Gripps 2 was launched far above space,

The victory of this battle will surely belong to mankind!

Hathaway stood beside the porthole of the Garsezon No. 1, watching the high-spirited Earth Federation walking on and off the ground, and he couldn't help being a little dazed.

"Mafti. What are you thinking?"

When the sound of footsteps came, Lei Mingkai's voice also sounded in Hathaway's ears, pulling Hathaway's mind back.

"Huh? Kai, is the meeting over?"

Hathaway raised his hand and patted his face, making himself a little more awake.

The previous recognition with Brad did not change Hathaway's idea of ​​concealing his identity at the moment.

What's more, continuing to conceal his identity is the best choice for Hathaway and Brad.

Everything can only be decided after the battle between humans and beta is over!

"Hmm! It's over."

Lei Mingkai nodded, then leaned back and sat on the folding seat below the left side of the porthole, telling what he had seen and heard at the meeting.

There is no trace of beta infestation in most parts of Oceania now.

According to the information obtained now and the conclusion drawn by the Earth Federation's General Staff Headquarters, I am afraid that beta is preparing to concentrate all its forces on the Earth Federation for a decisive battle.

The front-line commanders headed by Brad were not only surprised by this, but they also felt it was reasonable.

It's just that they didn't know that the betas weren't much tactical from the start.

In the world that Lei Mingkai was familiar with, most of the time betas relied on absolute superior numbers to destroy human armies and fortifications, thereby capturing human positions and cities.

Therefore, Brad and others did not find Lei Mingkai's stunned face hidden under the mask.

"You seem surprised? The fact that those bugs use tactics will surprise you, Kai?"

Hathaway was keenly aware of Lei Mingkai's solemnity.

"Hmm! Indeed it is."

Lei Mingkai nodded, not knowing where to start.

The only explanation that can be drawn is that there are some secrets that Lei Mingkai does not know behind the beta army, or even in the depths of the sixth-level hive.

For example, a pair of black hands that Lei Mingkai can't see!

But these cannot be confessed to Hathaway.

As a result, in the end, only you know these troubles.

Lei Mingkai smiled helplessly, but did not give Hathaway a time to react.

"Hathaway. A troop will arrive in the afternoon. According to Captain Bride, I'm afraid it was temporarily assigned to the Rakelam's order of operations."


Hathaway raised his eyebrows.

"Is it our old friend?"

Lei Mingkai immediately gave a thumbs up.

"The answer is correct! As expected of Mafuti!"

Above the sea of ​​clouds, Garuda No. 1 was still cruising in the original airspace.

Around it, many troops from all over have appeared one after another.

Among them, some were temporarily recruited and directly assigned to the **** unit for Garuda No. 1, while others were assigned to the many front-line units in Oceania.

Ronan stood by the porthole, silently watching the troops who were riding the flight pedals, shuttled above the clouds, and rushed towards various battlefields.

At dawn, he made a decision.

put an army,

Divided the troops of his son Liddy Mathenas into the order of operations attached to the Rakelam.

one more time,

Just like in the past, he sent his son as a pilot to Brad Noah's command.


Now, it's different from then.

The woman who caused Liddy to change back then is no longer in this world.

Along with the boy who was valued by Liddy, he disappeared during the colonial satellite defense battle that broke out against the beta invasion.

Like the Banshee, the pure white with mysterious power is the same.

Otherwise, Ronan still can't make up his mind to activate the sealed banshee again, and let Liddy become its pilot again.

Even though, many top officials of the Earth Federation have already died in the hands of Mafuti and Beta.

"The light of the heart?"

Recalling the past of the Laplace's Box incident, Ronan finally couldn't help but recall the more distant war.

A miracle that happened when Axis fell at the end of the Second Neo Zeon War.

The Earth Federation was crazy and generally wiped that miracle from history, but at that time, as the top of the Earth Federation, Ronan knew all about it.

"If the light of human heart really exists, is it possible for Lidi?"

Ronan's deep eyes cast towards the clouds, towards the land behind the clouds, as if wishing for something.

But on that barren land, an accident happened to a troop that had just joined the Rakelam.

A strong mental tingle swept through Liddy's mind without warning.

At the moment when the pain broke out, Liddy already knew the root cause.

"Why? A funeral! There is no enemy here!

Why? "

The sweat on his forehead kept gushing out, slipping down, and wetting the entire inside of the helmet, but Liddy didn't have the strength to lift his hand to remove the helmet.

Because, his hands, feet, and even his entire spirit were contending with the impulse that erupted from the inside of the mourning banshee, even from the depths of his heart!

Liddy is very familiar with this impulse!

Nearly a decade ago, he had been lost under this urge for a while, and made many mistakes, mistakes that could not be repaired.

"Mourning! Don't get caught up in this urge! There is no enemy here! Your enemy... over there!



Even the madness that is about to erupt is like a monstrous wave.

"Captain Liddy! Captain Lidi! Please reply!

You are now off your landing track! Please correct the landing track immediately! Please correct the landing track immediately!

Calls from the Rakelam kept ringing, but Liddy couldn't respond at all.

A screeching howl suddenly sounded in Liddy's ear.

In an instant, sweating profusely, Lidi, who was about to lose control of the banshee, exclaimed uncontrollably.

"This, this feeling is... ype!

! how is this possible? ! "

"who is it!

who is where!

"give obituary notice!

Calm me down!

However, no matter how hard Liddy tried to regain control of the Banshee, the Banshee never responded to Liddy.

At the moment when the red light streamed from under the armor of the Banshee, the Banshee was still on the verge of losing control.