Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 942: NTD runaway

Beams from the beam magnum rifle continuously illuminate the Banshee's cockpit.

In the flickering light, Liddy endured a severe headache, trying again and again to regain control of the Banshee.

But, no matter how hard he tried, the Banshee never answered his call.

It seems that the Banshee at this moment has been firmly controlled by the rampage of the NTD system.

"Report the funeral! Why! Why didn't you listen to me? There is no YPE that you can hunt and kill now! Standing here is a human warrior! A warrior who protects the future of mankind!"

The howling from inside still continued, and Liddy's call couldn't play the role he expected at all.


Now, everything that happened is like going back to the moment when he replaced the woman named Maritan as the new pilot of the Banshee nearly ten years ago, when he was blinded by the power of the Banshee and the hatred in his heart .

The only difference is that Liddy Marcenas no longer has hatred in his heart, but he can't control the Banshee.

Let it be controlled by the rampage of the NTD system and attack friendly troops.


The last round of the beam magnum rifle was empty.

Seeing this, Liddy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Since she was only setting off to join the Lakairam, the Banshee did not carry any more equipment from the beginning, but only carried a beam magnum rifle as a defensive weapon, and other weapons were arranged to catch up later. on the transport plane.

This may be the only good news for the current situation!

After losing the powerful beam Magna rifle, no matter how violent the NTD system was, it would be difficult to kill that Mafty's mobile suit in a short time.

"Captain Brad, you should have arranged for people to come over to support you, right? Hold on to that!"

"Huh? Is the ammo empty?"

The movement of the Banshee suddenly putting down the beam magnum rifle in her hand made Lei Mingkai's gaze fixed.

If the only long-range weapon that can threaten Cosy Gundam is lost, then the Thunder Card has nothing to be afraid of.

Besides, if the pursuit continues like this, I'm afraid it will be even further away from the frontline base.

This will not be a good choice.


In an instant, Koshi Gundam, who was being chased by the Banshee, exploded suddenly, broke through the sound barrier, and left the Banshee far away.


Riddhe couldn't imagine that in just a split second, Cosy Gundam, who had been bitten by the Banshee, would disappear before his eyes.

Although he has been away from the battlefield for many years, Liddy's instinct as a pilot still makes him subconsciously search for the traces of Cosy Gundam.


"Not here, either!"

Liddy kept moving his eyes in the cockpit, trying to find the trace of Cosy Gundam on the all-day monitoring screen.

However, it was impossible to find even a trace of Cauchy Gundam from the deserted land and under the fiery sky.

"This is the power of Mafty's MS?!"

If the NTD system hadn't run amok, Liddy might have had a fighting spirit to compete with Mafty's MS, and see what the Mafty, who has been making a fuss about a while ago, is capable of!

But now, just fighting with the NTD system for the control of the Banshee has made Liddy unable to take care of more things.

Suddenly, Liddy felt a shudder in his heart without warning.

That was the moment when he was targeted by the hunter!

"Not good! Behind!"

The Banshee controlled by the NTD system also sensed the killing intent from behind.

However, before the Banshee turned around completely, she was knocked away by a powerful force.

The terrible impact hit Liddy like a huge wave.

Thankfully, although the Banshee was hijacked by the NTD system, the life protection device in the cockpit faithfully carried out its mission.

While the airbag was firmly protecting Liddish, Liddy also saw the figure of Cosy Gundam once again from the flickering monitoring screen.

"Just a flying kick?!"

Koshi Gundam's right leg lowered slowly, it was obvious that he had just completed a violent kick.

It was also because of this blow that the Banshee flew upside down and fell to the ground, and after sliding out tens of meters, fell into a short period of paralysis.

This also gave Liddy the opportunity to try to wrest control from the berserk NTD system.

Unfortunately, the NTD system went berserk beyond Liddy's expectations.

Liddy, who escaped from the restraint of the airbag, had just entered a few commands before being locked again.

The NTD system went berserk again.

Even this time, Liddy completely lost his ability to move, and was tightly restrained in the cockpit.

"Banshee, don't be controlled by the NTD system!"

Liddy was shocked.

After that incident, Liddy, who understood his destiny, chose to cooperate with his father and the Federation to seal the Banshee.

But nearly ten years later, when he met the Banshee again, he realized that the Banshee gave him the feeling that he was no longer as harmonious as at the end of the Laplace Box incident.

It seems that the current Liddy Marcenas is just a humanoid plug-in for activating the NTD system!

"No! This must not be allowed to continue to run wild!"

Riddhe's mind kept sending out warnings.

But what can Lidi, who has completely lost control over the Banshee at this moment, do?

The howling in the ears became more and more shrill, like the roar of a giant slaughtering beast facing an evenly matched opponent.

With a shrill howl, the red light flowing on the Banshee became more and more vivid and dazzling, like a river of blood flowing from the abyss and dripping on the Banshee, endowing the Banshee with a chill. Thorough murderous intent, soul-stirring killing intent.

"Isn't that enough?"

Feeling the killing intent emanating from the Banshee, Lei Mingkai knew that the blow that was enough to paralyze an ordinary mobile suit just now from Cauchy Gundam would have no effect on the Banshee.

"Then, come on!"

With the screeching sound of the Minovsky flight system, Cauchy Gundam soared into the sky again.

The Banshee, who was completely caught in the NTD rampage, really did what Lei Mingkai expected, and burst out the energy of pushing the backpack with all her strength, trying to catch up with the Kosi Gundam who was flying straight into the sky.

"In the end, it's just a puppet controlled by a cold program!"

Lei Mingkai didn't need to turn his head, he already felt the appearance of the Banshee's relentless pursuit.

But even so, so what?

Even if the NTD system is activated, the output of the Banshee will be greatly improved, but facing the Cauchy Gundam, which has the ability to fly autonomously, how many steps can it catch up with?

fifty meters...

100 meters...

150 meters...

three hundred meters...

Every time the height from the ground increases by one gravity of the Banshee will usher in a geometric level of improvement.

At first, the Banshee clung to Cozy Gundam tightly, and even used the Vulcan cannon on its head to try to shoot down Cocy Gundam, but as the height increased, Cocy Gundam's figure was still light and fast.

On the other hand, the Banshee's speed gradually slowed down, and finally reached the point where her successor was powerless.

The flames ejected from the thrusters on its back suddenly flickered a few times, and the figure of the Banshee rushing straight into the sky suddenly paused.

Then, without any accident, it fell from a high altitude towards the ground.

Sitting in the middle of the cockpit, Liddy could only watch the white dot on the screen move towards the sky, leaving a white trail, like a daytime meteor.

As for himself, he was firmly controlled by the NTD system, waiting for the moment when the Banshee fell to the ground.

Suddenly, a feeling that came from nowhere flashed through Liddy's heart.

"Sorry! Maybe this hurts you a little bit!"


Before the violent impact hit, Liddy saw a huge and pure white figure occupying the entire screen in front of him.

Afterwards, NTD's rampage fell into silence because the system crashed under the violent impact, and the same was true for Liddy.

"It's finally quiet."

Koshi Gundam's left hand caught the Banshee's right hand, and his clenched right hand was slowly retracted from the Banshee's cockpit.

Just a second before, with strong mobility, Cauchy Gundam, driven by Lei Mingkai, successfully launched an attack from the blind spot of the Banshee's field of vision, and controlled the Banshee in one fell swoop.

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