Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 951: confluence


A familiar voice came from beside his ears, but Liddhi didn't pay attention to the origin of the voice.

From the moment the battle started, Liddy's spirit has been devoted to this battle that has been repeated in a strange way for the first time in ten years.

And the party he was fighting with turned out to be an enemy crawling back from death.

The fight just now made Liddy realize that the "undead" named Chambro in front of him was no longer the machine he was familiar with.

The body in front of him may have become a weapon specially made by those bugs to target humans.

"Ren, knock down those annoying little things."

In order to successfully drag the weird-looking Chambro into close combat, it is necessary to knock out those "flies" flying around.

"Yes! Captain!"

This task seems a bit overkill for Penelope Gundam.

But it is the most suitable action for the current situation.

Compared with the Banshee who activated the NTD system, Penelope Gundam is likely to be hit by the light beams refracted from the surroundings or even behind by those annoying little things at any time.

The sooner they get rid of those little things, the safer Penelope Gundam will be, and the more chances they will have to assist the Banshee and help Liddy kill the red monster in front of him.

While the figure moved rapidly, Penelope Gundam launched waves of attacks quickly and accurately under the control of Rennes.

Or fire a missile, lock on to a fast-flying target,

Or close the distance, use the Vulcan cannon to blow up the nearest target,

Or raise the beam rifle in your hand and hit the beam refractor closest to Chambrow.



Between the screams of missiles,

In the roar of the Vulcan cannon,

And the afterglow that the beam that illuminated this underground space blasted the last beam refractor.

In less than a few minutes, Ren drove his Penelope Gundam to take advantage of the Banshee's confrontation with Chambro, and abolished one of Chambro's most threatening long-range strike methods. up.

What was left was the large-caliber mega particle cannon of Shambro that Liddhe was most worried about.

The large-caliber MEGA particle cannon hidden in the head.

Back then, Chambro relied on the main cannon hidden in his head to tear through the defense of the Earth Federation Turlington Base in one fell swoop.

Undoubtedly, if Shambro is allowed to use this terrifying large-caliber MEGA particle cannon in this underground space, Liddy and Ren, and even the Earth Federation mobile suit troops fighting in the nearby underground passages, will be killed by this terrifying large-caliber MEGA particle cannon. The geological disaster caused by the launch of the large-caliber MEGA particle cannon was buried alive.

"Captain! Let me come!"

Ren seemed to see Liddy's worry, and wanted to use himself and Penelope Gundam as bait, trying to make Chambro show his flaws.

"No! Let me, let the funeral report come!"

Liddy's gaze moved slightly to the left, looking at the left hand that the Banshee slowly raised.

There, with the activation of the Banshee NTD, the original fist-like shape unfolded into a claw-like armed armor VN.

This is why Liddy dared to drive the Banshee to fight Chambrow at close quarters.

Armed armored VN with high-frequency destructive performance is bound to be able to kill Chambrone's pair of front paws.

When the propulsion engine roared again, the Banshee rushed to Chambro again.

This time, it was like a repeat of the scene not long ago.

Seeing the banshee attack, Chambro once again raised the pair of terrifying front paws.

But in the end, it didn't have the slightest resemblance to what happened before.

Chambro's swung front paws could no longer cause damage to the ground, let alone smash the Banshee into pieces.

I saw that the sharp claws of the Banshee's armor, with a trace of golden light shining through the gaps in the armor, were firmly resisting Chambrow's front paws, and didn't make Chambro swing their front paws at all.


The picture at this moment is extremely visually impactful, and Ren can't help being surprised.

Ren's surprise was far more than that.

The Banshee not only blocked Chambro's front paws, but even had a faint hint of a counterattack, no, she had already started a counterattack.

There was a sound of armor shattering, and Chambró's huge front paw was torn off a large piece by the Banshee.

Lightning and Flint,

Among the sparks flying from the shattered armor, Liddy's eyes were sharp, and his hands and feet moved quickly, driving the Banshee to take the next step. Taking advantage of the destruction of Chambro's front paw, the other party had no chance to react. In one fell swoop, he broke through to the front of Chambro's chest.

this blow...


A terrifying murderous intent shook Liddy's mind.

Under this murderous intent that almost made his whole body tremble, Liddy's survival instinct became the life-saving straw that Liddy could grasp at this moment.

The Banshee retreated again, and swung forward the armored VN that looked like sharp claws.


In an instant, a terrifying crashing noise filled the underground space.

A figure intertwined with black and gold flew out backwards and slammed into the stone wall nearly a hundred meters away.


The sand and dust instantly submerged the figure of the Banshee.

"team leader!"

Everything that happened in front of him was as fast as lightning, leaving almost no time for Ren to react.

Ren, like Liddy, relied entirely on his fighting instincts at this moment, controlling Penelope Gundam to raise the beam rifle in his hand, and firing all the remaining missiles in one go, trying to stop Chambro from chasing the Banshee .

As the light beams flickered, Ren could see clearly the culprit who caused the dominant Banshee to fly backwards and hit the rock wall heavily.



In the flash of the missile explosion, a ram formed by countless twisting muscles was slowly being withdrawn into Chambrow's abdomen.

At this moment, Ren's pupils shook violently.

He couldn't imagine that a machine that was obviously made by humans would contain such a hideous, hideous, ugly and disgusting biological weapon.

The attack is still going on.

Even though Ren was shocked by the terrifying things in front of him, he still remembered to cover the unknown Liddy and the Banshee. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

However, in the face of Penelope Gundam's fierce attack, Nashambro didn't seem to care.


It's not that they don't care.

Ren could clearly see that every beam and every missile fired by Penelope Gundam hit Shambro accurately and caused damage.

But the opponent's actions were not affected at all.

Looking at the armor that was continuously falling after the missile exploded, and the beam penetrated and melted, Ren suddenly had an illusion.

The pieces of armor that were destroyed and peeled off were nothing but the shell of the "undead" in front of them.

A disgusting and horrible creep was waking up from within Chambro.

It's just like

"Ren, be careful!"

As soon as an anxious reminder sounded, two beams of light from nowhere tore Ren's thoughts, passed by Ren's eyes, and pierced through the wriggling that broke through Chambrow's shattered armor.


When the light beam disappeared, Renn had a splitting headache.

That kind of pain is like the pain of something being torn apart.

But this pain came and went quickly.

After the severe pain, Ren felt a sense of relief.

That was not the feeling in Ren's heart, but the feeling from the inside of Nashambro.


Such a feeling of relief is fleeting, and it only exists in Ren's heart for a moment.

Ren didn't think too much about it.

Because, the shadow that appeared in front of him aroused Ren's great vigilance.

"Relax! Ren-Am. We just want to join our allies."

Standing next to Chambron's body that had lost all signs of activity, a voice that was still fresh in Ren's memory came from inside the MS named Cosy Gundam.

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