Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 957: no life no death

The old man's gaze has been closely chasing the figure of Koshi Gundam.

Even though, the Cauchy Gundam at this moment did not reduce its speed because of the particularity of the underground space, and directly soared to the theoretical maximum speed.

In a certain possibility, even if the old man ignored the Cozy Gundam, the Cozy Gundam would lose control due to the super high speed and hit the rock wall of this underground space, resulting in a fatal crash.


A trace of astonishment flashed in the old man's eyes.

Cauchy Gundam did not run out of control and crashed into the rock wall as imagined, but moved more and more flexibly in this underground space at a speed that almost reached Mach 2.

"How can it be?!"

The old man couldn't understand how Cauchy Gundam could maneuver at a high speed in this underground space at almost Mach 2.

Even, when flying at supersonic speed, the dust caused by layers of sound waves almost formed a sandstorm that covered this underground space.

Along with the decrease in visibility, the old man also lost the possibility of catching Cauchy Gundam with the naked eye.

"Wither trick!"

The old man snorted coldly, and his evaluation of Cosy Gundam couldn't help but rise a level.

Originally, when Lei Mingkai said the name .j, the old man just thought that Lei Mingkai was just a dying person who escaped from the final council.

Unexpectedly, the pity Gundam driven by Lei Mingkai would be so terrifying.

If Type Zero was here at this moment and assisted Lei Mingkai, the old man would have recognized Lei Mingkai, the enemy who had already spread throughout the final council, immediately.

That's right!

Successively, and even.j, among the many members of the Final Council, Lei Mingkai, who was in the forefront of the final seats, returned victoriously and defeated the plans of the three Final Members. All the members of the final assembly were notified with the highest order of the final assembly.

Once Lei Mingkai's existence is discovered, he must be wiped out with the strongest force.

When necessary, through the highest-standard communication method of the Final Council, the nearest final councilors can be summoned to participate in the siege.

This, perhaps, is a kind of luck.

Just because Lei Mingkai wandered into this world alone, the old man did not associate Lei Mingkai with Lei Mingkai who was ordered to be killed immediately by the final council because of Lei Mingkai's performance at the moment.

The old man closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly shadows gushed out from under him, rushing into the sand and dust at an extremely fast speed.

Counting in detail, dozens of shadows rushed out from under the old man's body in just a few breaths, and disappeared into the sand and dust.

And among the dust, besides Cozy Gundam, there are also the Banshee and Purple Mesa hidden by the underground dust that Cozy Gundam raised.

"Muffty. Be careful!"

Liddy knew that this was an opportunity created by Lei Mingkai.

Moreover, from the feeling fed back by the ntd system, Liddy clearly sensed that dozens of new figures had appeared in the dust in front of him.

"Troublesome ability!"

Although Hathaway does not have the help of the ntd system, at this moment the Minovsky particles are spreading so widely that they almost flood the underground space with the sweeping sandstorm. Under the influence of this underground space, he can also feel the newly appeared enemy . ....

"That's the biological clone of the enemy! Ignore them! You guys, just look for opportunities!"

Suddenly, Lei Mingkai's voice sounded in the minds of Liddy and Hathaway at the same time.

"I heard?!"

Liddy was shocked.

This was the first time Liddhe heard someone else's voice directly in his mind after the Laplace Box incident.

Hathaway, on the other hand, looked complicated.

Such a situation,

such a situation,

Plus, the presence Hathaway feels at this moment.

a familiar

The figure was standing quietly beside Hathaway.

She stretched out her left hand, and gently covered Hathaway's right hand holding the joystick, and then raised her right hand, pointing to the depths of the dust.


When the light voice sounded, the emerald green ponytail seemed to float in front of Hathaway's eyes.

Hathaway's breath stopped involuntarily, and then his eyes burst into a strong light.

Then, his hands and feet moved quickly.

"Hey! Wait! It's not time yet!"

Purple Mesa's sudden action startled Liddy, and he hurriedly stopped her.

"No! I feel something!"

Hathaway's voice was very firm, so firm that Liddy subconsciously believed what he said.

"what happened?!"

What Hathaway heard, felt, and saw existed, Liddy couldn't sense it!

Even with the help of the ntd system at this moment, he still can't sense some deliberately hidden existences.

Just like at this moment, Hathaway's actions made Liddy feel puzzled.

Purple Mesa turned and disappeared into the dust, before the Banshee's eyes.

Liddy wanted to keep up, but for some reason there was a voice stopping him.

"who is it?!"

But got no response.

On the other side, those shadows seem to have captured the traces of Cauchy Gundam.

But just as the shadows were trying to suppress the movement space of Cauchy Gundam, missiles that seemed to have eyes flew out of the sandstorm and directly bombarded the shadows.



Among the billowing dust, bursts of explosions exploded one after another, and then they were immediately submerged by the billowing dust.

The flickering brilliance made the old man uncontrollably gloomy.

I saw him raise his finger.


An extremely terrifying energy tore apart the sand and dust sweeping through this underground space in the blink of an eye, blasting a huge bottomless crater on the rock wall.


The old man moved his eyes, as if he could see through the billowing dust.

But only the afterimage of Cauchy Gundam can be captured.


The old man failed to lock the trace of Cauchy Gundam again, but attracted a wave of missile attacks.

Just like before, these missiles seemed to have eyes, so they were not disturbed by the sandstorm. Instead, under the cover of the turbulent sandstorm, they rushed to the old man without being noticed.

Facing the missile attack, the old man's eyes widened suddenly.


An unknown energy burst out suddenly, destroying most of the incoming missiles.

In the flames of the explosion, there were actually two fish that slipped through the net, clinging to the ground, breaking through ten meters in front of the old man in one fell swoop. ....

Then, it exploded!

The violent flames and shock waves dragged the old man into the endless hell, vowing to tear his existence into pieces.

But the old man didn't panic at all, he just raised his left hand and waved, blocking the explosion of the missile.


In the next second, a fiery particle beam pierced the old man's back, piercing through the old man's skinny body that contained terrifying energy.


The particle stream rushes in the old man's body, roaring, frantically destroying everything in the old man's body.


The old man lowered his head and looked at his chest in shock.

Look at the particle beam sword blade that runs through his body.

As an assassin!

Assass as the queen!


To be pierced through the chest by someone from behind!

The other end of the particle beam saber is the purple Mesa who disappeared into the dust.

At this moment, Hathaway, who was firmly in control of Purple Mesa, looked at everything in front of him calmly.

And beside him, a figure is looming.

"Hathaway, enough is enough!"

With a movement of Hathavi's hand, Purple Mesa first loosened it, then slammed the hilt back, and swiped towards the ground with all his strength.


The old man of average size was cut in half by the full-power output particle beam saber.

Immediately afterwards, Hathavi did not miss the pleasure of killing the enemy, let alone let Purple Mesa stay in place to watch the enemy's last second, but decisively controlled Purple Mesa to retreat, and disappeared in the sandstorm in a blink of an eye . UU reading

With the disappearance of Purple Mesa's figure, more than a dozen flames suddenly appeared and fell in the air, submerging the old man's position and the corpse that was cut in half by Purple Mesa.

The other side of the turbulent dust.

Cauchy Gundam, who emptied all missile ammunition including floating missiles, finally slowed down slowly.

However, Lei Mingkai didn't feel like killing an enemy.

In his deep induction, Lei Mingkai didn't think that the old man who called himself .a would be killed so easily.

Suddenly, a flash of light and flint flashed across the room, and Koshi Gundam exerted his strength again, rushing towards the Banshee's place.

In just a few seconds, Cosy Gundam tore through the billowing dust, rushed to the place where the Banshee was, and swung a sword like lightning.


The particle beam sword that was supposed to hit a certain existence suddenly stagnated and was abruptly cut off.

Lei Mingkai, who had the alarm bell ringing in his heart, without hesitation controlled Kexi Gundam to retreat tens of meters.


Just as Cozy Gundam was retreating, the particle beam emitted by the Banshee's armored bs hit the position where Cozy Gundam had just slashed.

While the particles were scattered, a huge silhouette quietly emerged.

Holding a long sword,

skull head,

like a figure of death,

And that hell-calling croon.

"There is no life, no death, everything in the world is finally dead! This is eternity! This is destruction! Shout out my name, assass!

! "


It is the true face of the old man!

Ned Hogg named Lord of Death!

! .

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