Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 960: G bomb of destruction

The earth is shaking and disintegrating.

The blue light that broke through the earth became more and more intense, from the transparent light that tore the earth at the beginning to the terrifying beam of light that shot straight into the sky, it only took less than a minute.

Moreover, what frightened Brad even more was the information fed back from the Rakalam's shipboard radar.

"Unknown high-energy reaction detected! The central part of the target area ten kilometers ahead erupted a high-energy reaction that couldn't match any energy reaction recorded by this ship!"

"Notify the entire fleet to retreat! Withdraw all mobile suits! Also, analyze this unknown high-energy reaction as soon as possible!"

The first officer standing beside Brad gave a new order decisively.

But even without analysis, just observing with the naked eye is enough to know how terrifying this unknown high-energy reaction is.

In less than a minute, a vast land with a diameter of about ten kilometers was torn apart and shattered.

With such a terrifying power, even the federal fleet is currently unable to use the highest-level strategic weapon, the Grips 2 satellite cannon, in such a short period of time.

"Report! The troops sent back urgent reports! There are now varying numbers of casualties among the troops, most of which come from the shock wave erupted by this unknown high-energy reaction."

Another report about the casualties of frontline troops made them feel a sense of urgency.

"Order! All battleships, all teams retreat immediately! Ignore those bugs! Get out of this area as quickly as possible!"

Brad stared intently at the home screen.

There, there happened to be signal feedback information about Hathaway, Liddy, Lei Mingkai and others.

In the blue light, a life-and-death struggle is continuing.

An old figure held a short sword, easily blocking the joint attack from three mobile suits.

While parrying the opponent's attack, he even seized the opportunity to split the Banshee's armored BS with a single sword.

"Tsk! This is the real body of that guy, right? The difference in strength is too great!"

The power is so strong that it completely overturned the previous impression of Nigelhold and even the Lord of Death.

In front of him, this figure similar to the image of the aging old man not long ago was simply too strong.

Just relying on the dagger in his hand, he was able to resist the attack of the three elite pilots of the Earth Federation.

"Yes. I'm afraid this is the real MR.A."

Cauchy Gundam was using the limited space to circle around, trying to find the figure's flaws.

But compared to the fact that that figure is the real body of MR.A, Lei Mingkai's attention is more on the bottom.

The blue light erupted there, tearing apart the horror of the sixth-level HIVE.

"G bomb?! No!"

In just a split second, Lei Mingkai had already guessed the real body of that blue light.

A terrifying bomb made of massive G elements!

In Lei Mingkai's memory, in a certain timeline of the MUV world, a certain country did use the G element obtained from HIVE to create an ultimate weapon that was more terrifying and terrifying than nuclear bombs.

Just one G bomb sank most of the Eurasian continent and evaporated most of the Pacific Ocean.

In an instant, earth-shaking and extremely fatal changes took place in the ecological environment of the earth.

And right now, the place below where the blue light erupts, the G element it possesses will definitely not be lower than the amount obtained by a certain country in the timeline of the MUV world, and it is even countless times greater.

You know, this six-level HIVE has never been disturbed by humans.

The ultimate bomb made with the G element possessed by a level 6 HIVE...

Just thinking about it, Lei Mingkai was in a cold sweat.

Not to mention, the vision at this moment means that this terrifying ultimate bomb has been activated.

If it continues, not to mention Oceania, even the whole planet will suffer.

"Oh? Did you notice it?"

That figure was the MR.A who had revealed his real body. A was keenly aware of the change of Cosy Gundam.

As MR.A who has created the same situation countless times, this scene is no stranger to him.

Even, it was a similar scene that happened when the world was destroyed hundreds or thousands of times.

"But, so what if you find out? Death will come eventually!"

The old man transformed into MR.A slowly raised the dagger in his hand.

"In the face of death, you are just struggling in vain."

"Don't think about it!"

After hearing Lei Mingkai's brief analysis, Liddy finally understood and launched an attack again.

However, before the banshee could make a move, the old man transformed by MR.A disappeared in front of her eyes.

"Captain Liddy! Behind!"

Hathaway stared, and quickly issued a loud reminder.

"Before worrying about others, worry about yourself first!"

The black shadow rushed, enveloping the purple Mesa.

Hathaway's eyes went dark, and the phantom beside him pressed his right hand, covering Hathaway's right hand, causing Hathaway to respond instinctively.

At the critical moment, Purple Mesa popped out the hilt of the beam sword and blocked it in front of him.


The beam saber hilt exploded, and a powerful shock wave erupted, separating the black shadow and the purple Mesa.

After reacting, Hathaway's eyes narrowed, not only saw clearly the figure involved in the self-explosion of the beam saber hilt, but also saw the Banshee who was also attacked by MR.A.

Compared to the purple mesa, the banshee suffers from a more severe and deadly attack.

Liddy couldn't imagine that just a dagger that looked ordinary could leave scars on the armor of the Banshee, and even if she was not careful, the dagger would slash fiercely on the armor of the Banshee. on the outer armor of the Banshee's cockpit.

If it wasn't for the alarm from the NTD system and Liddy's timely response, Liddy might be exposed to the enemy right now.

After easily blocking the Banshee's counterattack, MR.A turned around and raised his left arm to block the two beam cannons fired by Cozy Gundam.

Under the bursts of twilight that erupted from his arms, MR.A laughed, and his figure disappeared before the eyes of the three of them again.

When it reappeared, MR.A had already stopped at the key position leading to the depths of Blu-ray.

Obviously, the other party didn't intend to go all out with Lei Mingkai and the others.

The so-called life-and-death struggle was only limited to Lei Mingkai and the others.


At this time, the burst of blue light is brighter, and the surrounding high-energy reactions are more intense.

Especially the impact of the high-energy reaction on MS, when the blue light erupted, Lei Mingkai and his MS had already sounded the high-energy alarm.

After continuing to fight until now, their mobile suits have been damaged to varying degrees.

Even if it was not attacked by MR.A, all kinds of precision instruments and parts in the MS body reported errors or even failed in this increasingly terrifying high-energy reaction.

For this reason, to avoid being affected by these alarms, the three of Lei Mingkai turned off the alarms at the same time.

However, even so, there is a limit.

Hathaway pressed a button and couldn't help showing a hint of unwillingness.

The phantom standing beside him stretched out his hands and gently wrapped his arms around Hathaway's neck.

The feeling from the spirit made Hathaway highly concentrated.

"There's still something I can accomplish, Kuisi."

Purple Mesa's propulsion engine exploded with full force.

Just like Hathaway's determination at the moment.

It is necessary to let the teammates rush down to prevent the next burst of blue light in the shortest possible time.

Even though Hathaway is not aware of the changes in the outside world at the moment, but from the feelings conveyed by Kuisi standing beside him, Hathaway already knows that the situation is not optimistic.

Suddenly, the purple lightning suddenly bloomed, bringing another radiant brilliance.


The galloping particles echoed Hathaway's determination, condensing out the strongest sword that Purple Mesa has been able to swing so far.

At this moment, the confrontation between the beam sword blade and the dagger became a certain key.

"Quick! Leave this to me! You guys go!"

"Don't think about it!"

Facing the strongest strike that Hathaway and Purple Mesa have made so far, MR.A smiled coldly, swung the dagger violently, and forced Purple Mesa back.

"Good determination! But, with that unreliable mechanical body, what can you do?!"

MR.A's vision is very vicious.

When he triggered the detonation procedure of this super G bomb, he knew that ordinary mobile suits couldn't survive the sharp fluctuations of the G element.

Being able to persist to this level is probably the limit of Purple Mesa.

Therefore, what MR.A needs to pay attention to is nothing more than the Banshee and Cocy Gundam.


I'm afraid Koshi Gundam just persisted for a while longer than Purple Mesa!

The light beam sword blade in Purple Mesa's hand suddenly flickered, falling into an extremely unstable state of output.

In the end, under Hathaway's gaze, Purple Mesa finally reached the point where he could no longer continue fighting.


Hathaway gripped the joystick with both hands.

Hathaway was already familiar with this sense of powerlessness, but he was unwilling to accept it.

"Leave it here!"

In a flash, MR.A appeared above Purple Mesa's head.

MR.A finally seized the opportunity of Purple Mesa's low output, and prepared to give Purple Mesa and even Hathaway the final blow.

The extremely sharp dagger was enough to pierce Purple Mesa's head, heading straight for the cockpit where Hathaway was.

With this blow, Hathaway will undoubtedly die!

With death approaching, Kuisi's phantom leaped into the air, holding Hathaway in her arms.


The blade of the dagger seemed to appear in front of Hathaway's eyes, sharp enough to cut his eyes.

However, the blade did not penetrate Purple Mesa's head and Hathaway's body as imagined.


The muffled sound of Particle Roar awakened Hathaway from his vision of death.

It's Cozy Gundam!

Cosy Gundam stood in front of Purple Mesa, and swung the beam sword in his hand to block MR.A's dagger.


When Lei Mingkai shouted loudly, the two MEGA particle cannons of Cauchy Gundam aimed directly at MR.A at a very close distance, and it was a burst of bombardment.

In the brilliance of the particle explosion, MR.A was forced back again and again.

Before MR.A could adjust, a stream of black gold appeared behind him.

"Finally caught you!"

Amidst Liddy's roar, the Banshee swung her claws like an angry lion and slapped the enemy.

The terror of power pierces through MR.A's body the moment it touches it.

In the splash of flesh and blood, the black sharp claws with golden radiance gave MR.A a chill.

But Liddy didn't feel the joy of killing a strong enemy.

After a moment of astonishment, he controlled the Banshee to quickly move away from MR.A.


In the blink of an eye, a long sword appeared from the void and slashed at the Banshee.

If Liddy hadn't sensed it beforehand and controlled the Banshee to leave, I'm afraid it would have stumbled.

"Is it unkillable?"

Seeing that Purple Mesa had lost most of his strength, the rare opportunity to kill the enemy once again failed in the face of the opponent's unreasonable super resilience.

Liddy immediately gritted his teeth with hatred!

"Death has come! All you have to do is wait for eternity to come!"

At the moment when the hole in the chest made by the Banshee was completely healed, MR.A firmly controlled the way to the depths of the blue light.


Liddy seemed to sense something, and the Banshee attacked again.

This time, the spiritual skeleton on the Banshee burst out with a brighter radiance than before.

With the appearance of this brilliance, MR.A suddenly became nervous.

This is the brilliance that all members of the Last Council remember deeply.

"The glory of the pioneer!"

The long and short swords in MR.A's hands trembled, and he went up to meet them.

In any case, MR.A must destroy the Banshee here.


The sword light fell and collided with the sharp claws of the Banshee.

The moment the forces of the two sides collided, sparks flew everywhere.

But this time, the banshee's armor seemed unable to stop the dagger in MR.A's hand.

Seeing that the sharp dagger gradually broke through the Banshee's outer armor, and was about to touch the spiritual skeleton hidden deep under the outer equipment, MR.A's movements suddenly stopped.

A bolt of lightning flew past behind MR.A.

It's Cozy Gundam!

It turned out that when the Banshee attacked MR.A, Cauchy Gundam once again attacked at the depth of the blue light at his own maximum speed.

In order for Cozy Gundam to complete this step smoothly, Liddy did not hesitate to highly integrate his spirit with the NTD system, and the result naturally attracted MR.A's attention.


MR.A naturally will not let Cauchy Gundam rush to the depths of Blu-ray.

However, the Banshee never gave MR.A this chance.

In the blink of an eye, both sides fought for several rounds in order to catch up with Koshi Gundam.

The long and short sword in MR.A's hand finally broke through the armored defense of the Banshee, and cut off the Banshee's left hand in one fell swoop.

The sharp claws that had lost their energy supply and returned to their original shape fell downward along with the broken left hand.

"A lion without its claws is just a cat to be played with!"

In one fell swoop, MR.A took advantage of the victory and pursued, swung the long and short sword in his hand, and slashed at the chest of the banshee.

This blow was what MR.A wanted to do and what he wanted to do.

For the enemy, one blow must be fatal!


MR.A's blade was blocked again.

This time, it was the right hand of the Banshee.

Oddly enough, the Banshee's right hand is nowhere near as strong as her previous left.

In just a few seconds, it was chopped off by MR.A's long and short swords.

Now, the door to the Banshee is wide open!

The life of Liddy Marcenas was already in the hands of MR.A.

MR.A swung his sword and stabbed straight at the Banshee's cockpit.

Now, the chance to kill Liddy and destroy the Banshee is close at hand.

MR.A finally gave up the idea of ​​chasing Koshi Gundam, and only wanted to kill Liddy and destroy the Banshee.

The blade pierced through the air, and the sharp light of the sword made Liddy feel a sting.

Now, is it the end of him, Liddy Marcenas?


A series of flames rushed, hitting MR.A's long and short swords with sparks.

Immediately afterwards, the purple lightning followed closely and slammed into MR.A's body.


According to MR.A's strength, he would not be injured by such a collision.

And Hathaway, who launched this attack, never thought of using it to injure MR.A.

His purpose is nothing more than one, and that is to take care of Liddy.

When the purple Mesa hit MR.A, the Banshee's cockpit had already opened, and Liddy also got out of the cockpit, and quickly rushed out of the cabin.

In the back of Liddy leaving quickly, the NTD system of the Banshee was quietly shut down, until Liddy jumped off the Banshee, and with Hathaway's support, after entering the cockpit of Purple Mesa, the Banshee lost even more All reactions to the outside world were completely lost, and it fell into a closed state, falling downward like a meteor.

It's pretty much what happened in the blink of an eye.

When MR.A recovered from the impact of Purple Mesa had already flown hundreds of meters away, and below it, the Banshee who lost all reactions was even more Only a shadow remained.

MR.A felt a little puzzled, but was quickly attracted by the Kohy Gundam who was close to the core of Blu-ray.

But no matter what the humans in this world do, there is only one minute left before death and destruction.

A minute is just a moment of effort.

But for Lei Mingkai, who is in the core area of ​​Blu-ray, it seems like a century.

Under the supersonic flight of Cauchy Gundam, Lei Mingkai quickly saw the true face of the blue light core.

Although it looked strange, Lei Mingkai's intuition told him that this was the G bomb that Lei Mingkai guessed, a super G bomb made by Mr.

"We have to find a way to dismantle it!"

When the blue light is close to the position of the G bullet, it shows a slight fluctuation, as if there is a visual phenomenon of something there.

I'm afraid, this is a protective force field.

Lei Mingkai controlled Koshi Gundam and carefully tested it with the Vulcan cannon on his head.

As a result, it did.


Suddenly, a more violent high-energy fluctuation erupted.

Lei Mingkai felt that the scene in front of him began to turn upside down, and there was an urgent warning sound in his ear.

Terrible force, like a tsunami, directly rolled down towards Lei Mingkai.

He lost control of Koshi Gundam.

No matter how much Lei Mingkai tried to get rid of this almost earth-shaking upside-down, it was powerless.

During this upheaval, there was only one thought left in Lei Mingkai's mind.

G-bomb exploded! !

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